Top of the big era

Chapter 1918: Keep more money in your account

This year is a special year for the technology industry.

Affected by the subprime mortgage crisis in the past few years, the financial market was not active enough, causing many large companies to suspend relatively large-scale financial activities.

The technology industry has recovered quickly, and various major actions have sprung up this year.

The most talked-about case this year is of course a large case with a total amount of 39 billion US dollars, in which AT\u0026T will spend 3 billion.

However, the case is still under review.

The feedback from various news is not optimistic.

The scale of this case is too great. Once the transaction is completed, the monopoly nature will be too serious. Although the boards of directors of both parties have approved the transaction, the Bureau of Justice may not agree, and may refuse to approve it on antitrust grounds.

Next, HP acquired Autonomy for US$12 billion, Microsoft acquired Skype for US$8.5 billion, eBay acquired GSICommerce for US$2.4 billion, and EA acquired Friends Studio for US$1.9 billion...

This is not the end.

Microsoft has big plans yet!

After months of hard planning, the anti-Google alliance composed of seven major technology giants including Microsoft, Apple, BlackBerry, Sony, and Asda made an unprecedented offer to buy Nortel for US$4.5 billion. 6,000 patent portfolios in the hands of technology.

Google loses!

Good thing!

Next, Zhou Buqi has the majestic spirit of using Silicon Valley as a chessboard and letting his own layout move vertically and horizontally!

This feeling is quite enjoyable.

Silicon Valley giant, nothing more!

Unknowingly, Zhou Buqi has become a focal figure in the Silicon Valley technology industry, and is the target of all forces vying to win over and please.

Facebook has not participated in the battle between Google and the anti-Google alliance. Facebook is still immersed in the huge dividends brought by social networking, open platforms and social games.

They don't even pay much attention to the mobile Internet. In terms of wireless terminal layout, they prefer H5, which is almost the same as Baidu in China.

The difference is that when both parties discover strategic mistakes and make up for them, the effect of making up for them is different.

To make up for strategic mistakes, the simplest and most effective way is to quickly initiate mergers and acquisitions, and strive to trade space for time through continuous large-scale mergers and acquisitions.

Facebook launched a series of mergers and acquisitions and succeeded, so the transformation was successful; Baidu also launched a series of mergers and acquisitions, buying a lot of bad companies, none of which could beat them, and the transformation failed.

On this day, Zhou Buqi was invited to attend Facebook’s board of directors.

There's something big to announce.

Because Google has made great efforts in the social field and launched "Google+". As soon as this product was unveiled, it attracted praise from the entire Silicon Valley, believing that this product has many innovations and is very playable.

Coupled with Google's desperate efforts to use all resources to promote this product, Facebook finally felt a sense of crisis.

Therefore, Facebook is going to take action.

They are going public!

There is now a basic conclusion in the financial market that there may be a structural bull market in the next year, and technology stocks will explode under the stimulation of fiscal policy.

Taking advantage of this stage, Facebook is about to go public, so hurry up and get a lot of money from the market. If you can't get 20 billion US dollars, you have to get 10 billion US dollars.

After getting the money, go shopping with Google!

Let’s see who is the “first brother” in the social field!

It won’t work if it doesn’t go public.

Google is a listed company and has too many ways to raise funds and make money from the capital market. If Facebook does not go public, it will be very passive and lack financial resources.

In short, as Google enters the social field and Facebook launches its IPO plan, a bloody storm surrounding the social field will be staged in Silicon Valley.

It's just embarrassing.

Because Ziweixing International is also a company that focuses on social networking, its two core C-end products, Helo and Ucgram, are both considered to be social products that can lead the next era.

Money, money!

The soldiers and horses have not moved, but the food and grass go first.

Ziweixing International has no plans to go public yet. Boss Zhou has a very heavy task and has to find ways to hoard more cash in the company's accounts.

The more the merrier!

Fortunately, Google and Facebook cannot develop their talents in the social field without him.

Currently, Ziweixing International still holds approximately 148.84 million shares of Facebook, with a shareholding ratio of 7.8%. It is the third largest shareholder after Zuckerberg and the Acceleration Partnership Fund.

If Facebook wants to go public, it cannot avoid Ziweixing.

In the past, it was easy to say that the competitive relationship between Facebook and Ziweixing was not that strong, and the shareholding was just a shareholding, and the impact was not big. Things are different now. Facebook is a giant, and MSI is also a giant. If the two parties have such a deep equity relationship, they will be very jealous.

Therefore, during this IPO process, Facebook intends to significantly reduce Ziweixing’s shareholding ratio.

At this time, it doesn't mean that Ziweixing doesn't need to cut it if it doesn't agree.

Listing is a big party and must be in the interests of every shareholder.

There are too many capital forces behind Facebook. Everyone is working hard to promote the listing of this company, and everyone is going to share this capital feast together.

Anyone who blocks it is our common enemy.

In the process of listing and financing, a large number of stocks must be put into the secondary market for trading.

So the question is, where do these stocks invested in the secondary market come from?

There are usually two types.

One is to issue more new shares and put them into the market, and the money raised belongs to the company.

Another option is for the major shareholders to pay out of their own pockets.

For example, during the IPO process, the company planned to issue 200 million shares, but in fact the company only issued 100 million additional shares, and the remaining 100 million shares had to be "scrounged" from major shareholders.

The funds raised from the newly issued 100 million shares belong to the company;

For the 100 million shares that the major shareholders paid out of their own pockets, the funds raised will of course go into the pockets of the major shareholders.

When a general company goes public, the founders will personally participate with part of their stocks, and then keep the money for themselves. After all, the founder's stock lock-up period is too long. If you don't rely on the IPO operation to sell more stocks, it will not be easy to sell stocks in the future.

Sometimes it's active, sometimes it's passive.

It can be said that active means that the major shareholders want to cash out and take advantage of the IPO opportunity to make large-scale shipments and make a large sum of money; passive means that the long-term interests of the company are considered.

Take Facebook's IPO this time for example.

This is an excellent and good company. As far as the market is concerned, there is almost no possibility of failure to go public. As long as this company is listed, everyone will rush to buy the stock.

For this company, there is no concept of issuing too many shares and harvesting too much money from the capital market. There is only the possibility that too few shares are issued, and everyone may not be able to grab the shares despite a rush.

In other words, if Facebook wants to issue shares, the more the better!

It’s not enough if it’s less!

At this time, the board of directors can take action. The company does not want to issue so many shares, and the market has a lot of stock expectations. At this time, it is up to the major shareholders to take responsibility.

Zuckerberg personally contributes some and sells some stocks to improve his life; the second shareholder Acceleration Partnership Fund sells some and can recover all the principal invested in the early stage;

The three shareholders, Ziweixing, will also receive quotas and will also issue part of their shares during the IPO process.

This is a suggestion, but it cannot be rejected.

For Facebook, it can be regarded as solving certain hidden dangers. It needs to reduce Ziweixing’s shareholding ratio in Facebook to less than 5%, thus depriving Ziweixing of the rights of many major shareholders, thus reducing Ziweixing’s possible influence on Facebook in the future. risks posed by the management structure.

This is not a harsh requirement and everyone can understand it.

There are even more harsh ones.

Such as Jingtao.

Jingtao, which is preparing to be listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, will launch a wave of buybacks before the listing and buy back some shares from its two major shareholders, Alibaba and

When a company has developed to this level, the entrepreneurs are strong and the capital is a weak group, so it can only accept some harsh plans. When domestic companies such as Alibaba,, and Meituan went public, there were similar cases of entrepreneurial teams “squeezing” capital. Want to go public? Investors must bleed first and spit out what they have eaten and drank from me over the years!

Facebook is actually okay. At least there is no forced repurchase of shares, and it will create profits for shareholders at a relatively fair price based on the issue price at the time of the IPO.

Zhou Buqi accepted this plan.

Ziweixing holds too many shares in Facebook. If the competitive relationship between the two parties is weak, it will be easier to handle. But now the competition between the two parties is too strong. Holding so many stocks is a bit too much, and it is necessary to withdraw.

However, there is no need to quit all of them.

If it drops below 100 million shares, it will no longer pose a threat to the existing board of directors and management, and that's basically it.

It was also a good thing for Zhou Buqi. Before Ziweixing International went public, he found another channel for the company to generate large amounts of cash flow.

This is not enough!

After Facebook solved the problem, Zhou Buqi took the initiative and went to find Larry Page. Next, the most critical moment is coming.

Nortel's patent dispute is over.

Google failed.

Next, is Google going to officially launch its acquisition of Motorola Mobility?

Facebook is about to go public and compete head-on with "Google+".

As a rising star, will Google+ be a rival to Facebook?

If that doesn’t work, let’s merge and reorganize!

Google+ may not be able to handle Facebook, and Twitter is no match for Facebook. In this case, why not buy Twitter, and then integrate the resources of Twitter and Google+ to create a super social sector, maybe it can compete with Facebook!

bring it on!

bring it on!

It's time to act!

Facing Larry Page, Zhou Buqi had a psychological advantage, "Facebook is preparing to go public, and the meaning of targeting is obvious. If Google wants to explore more in the social field, it should still find a way to follow it." Facebook’s different development paths. Google+ and Facebook are too similar. There is no need for two Facebooks in this world, it makes no sense.”

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