Top of the big era

Chapter 1899 Patent Market Operation

"Have your own authorization?" Zhou Buqi asked, "How do you say that?"

"It's a patent company's operating model."

Then, Zhou Shaoning gave a brief explanation of the patent operation model in the United States.

There are mainly two types.

One is the self-authorization model.

This company is represented by RPX. This company purchased a large number of patents from outside but did not authorize them. Anyone who wants to use their patents needs to apply to become a member of RPX Corporation.

In fact, it is a membership system.

After paying to become a member of RPX, you can use all the patents of RPX. Their patents are only licensed to their members, and non-member users cannot do so even if they pay money.

The most powerful department of this company is the legal team, which is looking for trouble all over the world and constantly launching lawsuits every day.

The other is the full authorization mode.

Companies like InterDigital, for example, continue to purchase various patents at high prices in the market. After purchasing the patent, we began to sell it externally.

All patents are clearly priced.

In fact, it is a subscription system.

There are no membership restrictions, as long as you pay money and subscribe, all merchants can use it.

Likewise, a super-powerful legal department is required. Once you find out that someone has secretly used your own patent without subscribing, then wait for a lawsuit!

With the rapid development of the domestic technology industry in recent years, there have been more and more patent lawsuits of this type. These companies are not like Microsoft, Apple, or Google.

If you infringe on Microsoft's patents, the super giant will often turn a blind eye.

If there was time to litigate, the money would have been earned long ago.

Even if you win the lawsuit, the patent fees may not be able to cover the attorney fees.

Moreover, in order to develop the domestic market, these foreign companies have to form good relationships and do not dare to be too serious about patents and copyrights. They adopt an attitude of compromise.

However, these patent companies are different.

The main business of this kind of company is patent business!

They do not engage in research and development, but buy many patents from the market, and then start selling them externally. For such companies, intellectual property is their most important core asset.

When it comes to patent infringement, it is impossible to give in. We have to pursue and nag them all the way, even to the WTO. If one manufacturer succeeds in infringing, subsequent manufacturers will follow with a series of infringements, and they must be killed to serve as a warning to others.

This type of company has a general term in China - patent troll.

Zhou Buqi said half-jokingly: "The business market in the United States is really developed, and even patents can create so many models. Acquire patents, and then sell them externally, membership and subscription systems... I think we can create an online business A patented website, just like Netflix, operating a patented streaming media platform! You can buy memberships, individual subscriptions, online payments, and a to-B business on the Internet."

Zhou Shaoning took it seriously and was shocked, "The B-side business can't handle streaming media, right?"

"Just saying that casually." Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "The market environment in Europe and the United States is really the best breeding ground for this kind of patent troll."

Zhou Shaoning said: "Calling them patent trolls is actually a bit irresponsible. The existence of these patent companies will allow the technology industry to develop faster."


"Yes, many companies have developed some patents but refuse to license them to external parties. Once this is a patent that cannot be avoided by a certain industry, it may cause the technological development of this industry to stagnate. These patent companies have a strong network of relationships , we can negotiate with some departments, and the government and businessmen can work together to put pressure on patent holders, buy the patents at a high price, and then license them widely. The price may be a little higher, but at least there is supply."

Zhou Buqi said: "If it is operated by a professional company, the efficiency will be higher."

"Yes." Zhou Shaoning nodded, "Unifying patent operations will also have greater channel advantages. The risk of technology research and development is too great. Many small companies have worked hard to develop a patent and want to license it to someone Manufacturers who need it, but lack industry channels, can only rot in their hands. At this time, this kind of patent operating company can come forward. "

After what he said, Zhou Buqi felt that he had some new understanding of this industry.

That's really what happened.

There is an insurmountable threshold between technology and market.

The traditional idea is for enterprises to coordinate at home, comprehensively evaluate the technology on the left and the market on the right, so as to transform technological achievements into commodities in the market.

The most typical one is the iPhone.

When the first-generation iPhone was unveiled, it blinded the whole world. It was like a technological explosion. It was so shocking. In fact, this phone has no technological innovation at all, it is all old technology.

It's just that without Steve Jobs before, no matter how good the technology was, it would be left to gather dust in the research institute.

However, there are not many people in this category.

As long as he appears, there is a high probability that he will be a famous figure in the world.

More often than not, it is the wishful thinking of scientists. University professors, researchers, or entrepreneurs from small companies have worked hard to come up with a good set of technologies, but they have no use at all.

The research and development is successful, how to promote the technology?

At this time, the role of patent companies comes into play.

For example, the membership-based RPX company has dozens of members around the world, including HTC, Samsung, Sony, ZTE, Huawei, Asda, Microsoft, and Google.

Suppose there is a small company that develops a new audio-visual patent based on mobile phones. However, this small company lacks channels in the market and holds the treasure in its arms, but cannot realize it.

"Patent trolls" like RPX can come down to earth like angels to save them. I bought the patent from a small company at a high price, and then contacted its members to tell them that they had recently collected a new audio-visual patent, and those who needed it could try it.

With so many mobile phone manufacturers, there will always be a few who will try out new technologies, and they will even become the main new technologies and functions of new models, and the market will open up.

All parties benefit.

Technological developments in the industry have also progressed.

The United States can lead the world in scientific and technological innovation, largely due to the market promotion of such "patent trolls".

Big companies like Microsoft and Apple have their own core businesses and don't pay much attention to patent licensing. If they have any technological innovations, they won't promote them to the world. If the technology industry were to do this, new technologies would not be able to spread quickly and widely, and technology would not develop so fast.

Technology research and development is a narrow escape, and the next step of technology promotion is another narrow escape. Whoever controls the market can control thunder and lightning in the technology industry.

Zhou Buqi said thoughtfully: "There is no similar institution in China, right?"

"No." Zhou Shaoning came from a technical background, and he knew it all too well. "The core of patent operations lies in litigation. There have been several so-called patent operation companies in China, and they are all a bit... how should I put it, suspected of extortion. These foreign ones Patent operating companies are called patent trolls in our industry, and the development of the technology market is far from reaching that stage. There is no officially supported agency in China that can stand up and use litigation to operate patents."

Zhou Buqi had a headache and was helpless, "The technology industry is a system. Listen to what you said, there are no basic rules and regulations for the technology system in China. If you sue someone for infringement, will they be countersued for blackmail? This is simply wrong. A fatal blow to the confidence and motivation of scientific and technological R\u0026D workers.”

Zhou Shaoning said: "Yes, I once talked with seemed to be someone from telecommunications. The patent operation industry has not developed at all in China, and it is useless to call for it. Many patents are in universities, research institutes, and state-owned enterprises. and public institutions. Buying patents from them and then operating them in a market-oriented manner, the obstacles here are too great."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Yes, these patents are state-owned assets, and market operation is very troublesome."

As economic growth slows down, the protection of state-owned assets becomes increasingly strict.

In recent years, due to the impact of the subprime mortgage crisis and the recent fierce European debt crisis, companies that have experienced management buyouts such as Lenovo, Haier, and TCL have become the focus of public opinion again.

Changhong Group, a dying old state-owned enterprise, has always wanted to transform itself into a private enterprise through management buyouts and comprehensively promote market-oriented reforms, but it has been blocked many times.

It's no different now than it was back then, no one dares to approve it.

Many people in office would rather not do it than do it wrong.

To operate patents, you need to buy the patents from research institutes, state-owned enterprises, public institutions, and universities, and then operate them in a market-oriented manner to make money through large-scale licensing.

This is very sensitive.

At what price should state-owned assets be sold to private enterprises?

If the price is too high, private enterprises will think it is not cost-effective and will not buy it; if the price is too low, private enterprises will be jealous when they make a lot of money, and they will be suspected of losing state-owned assets.

In order to avoid disputes, simply not trade.

I would rather keep it in my hands and let it grow moldy to avoid the loss of assets, than let it go to the private sector to make money through market-oriented operations.

In fact, Ziweixing and Aisda are not deeply impressed in this regard. The one who has the deepest impression is Bajixing, which is engaged in the drone business... It was really difficult in the initial stage. Ma Pingshan studied it bit by bit from scratch.

In fact, relevant aerospace research institutes have already concluded this drone technology. It is like a formula. If it is open to the public, it can be used.

Because there was no such relationship, Ma Pingshan later found several universities on Hong Kong Island and merged with the previous DJI drone team. We also cooperated with the University of Tokyo and obtained many technology licenses from Japan.

Fortunately, Bajixing’s drone business has already developed.

"Forget it, it's not our turn to worry about it, and there's no point in worrying about it." Zhou Buqi waved his hand and returned to the topic, "So, Aisda is going to join this anti-Google alliance?"

Zhou Shaoning said: "Yes, we will spend a sum of money to form a patent operating company with Apple, Microsoft, Sony, BlackBerry and other companies to buy the 6,000 patent portfolios held by Nortel. This is a self-authorized license. At least in the short term, Asda has taken the lead in deploying the next generation of 4G mobile phones."

"Work with the Anti-Google Alliance to defeat Google and take over Nortel's patents. Then force Google to acquire Motorola. When the time comes, Asda will work with Google to divide Motorola's assets."

When Zhou Buqi said these words, he also felt a little ashamed.

It’s so evil!

This shameless thing is really in line with his boss Zhou's style.

Zhou Shaoning was full of confidence in him and said with a smile: "Yes! I think Larry Page is like a fanboy in front of you, you can handle him!"

Zhou Buqi looked calm and said, "Okay, I'll handle it."

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