Top of the big era

Chapter 1898 Anti-Google Alliance

As an emerging mobile phone manufacturer, it is not easy for Asda to gain a foothold in the world-class field. The best way is to survive in the cracks.

Look for opportunities to break through among the conflicts between several giants.

In fact, not only Asda, but also many established technology giants, weak businesses are looking for opportunities in the cracks. There are no absolute mortal enemies, only absolute cooperation. All companies have a competitive relationship.

For example, in the browser field. This is the world dominated by Microsoft IE, which occupies 90% of the market share. In order to compete with Microsoft, Apple and Google must cooperate and compete with Microsoft.

For example, in the field of search, Google is the industry leader. At this time, Microsoft and Apple will cooperate to fight against Google.

The most typical one is the field of smartphones.

At the beginning, Microsoft was in the lead, and Apple and Google began to cooperate. Later, when Apple launched the iPhone and became the leader in the smartphone industry, Microsoft and Google began to cooperate.

Now, Google's Android system has shown its dominance in the world, and Microsoft and Apple have turned their hostility into friendship. From a competitive relationship to a cooperative relationship, they must fight against Android together!

This is the "Anti-Google Alliance."

Zhou Shaoning said: "These patents from Nortel mainly focus on professional fields such as wireless, wireless 4G, data networks, optics, voice, Internet, service equipment and semiconductors, and are closely related to the mobile Internet. Google was the first to take action. It is said that one Everything was negotiated in the beginning, and the deal was to be completed at a price of US$900 million. But Android was developing too fast, and the industry was afraid of it, and the anti-Google alliance emerged."

Zhou Buqi was very disapproving, "Apple is too petty. What happened to Steve Jobs? He is actually afraid of Google?"

Zhou Shaoning said: "Apple is the core of the anti-Google alliance, but it is not the only core. This was initiated by Microsoft and Apple together and was initiated by Ballmer."

Zhou Buqi is quite accustomed to the left-right and left-right and repeated leaps and bounds in the European and American business competition system. This is really different from that in China.

Domestic business competition often stems from human factors.

For the sake of face, many big bosses would rather not make money than cooperate. For the so-called "ambition", they simply put their personal face above the interests of small shareholders.

Just like the relationship between BAT, if Baidu wants to compete with Alibaba in e-commerce, all Baidu's businesses will be cut off from Alibaba; if Penguin wants to compete with Baidu in search, both parties will give up all business cooperation.

Either black or white.

The whole society is filled with simple and vulgar diode thinking from top to bottom, and everything is done in a one-size-fits-all manner.

Only Zhou Buqi, led by Ziweixing, has been advocating the concept of "competition and cooperation". While competing with Baidu, Penguin, Alibaba, Sohu, Shanda, NetEase and other companies in a certain business, they can also cooperate in other businesses. .

Overseas business competition is more of a gray area between black and white.

In fact, Asda is also adopting this strategy. Among giants such as Apple, Google, Microsoft, Sony, Hyundai, Nokia, etc., there is competition and cooperation. There are no mortal enemies who never interact with each other, and there is no limit to cooperation. friend.

Zhou Buqi now understood better. Microsoft CEO Ballmer is a "tough guy" with a more aggressive style. It is not surprising that he would organize and plan this anti-Google alliance. "Apple and Microsoft have joined forces?"

Zhou Shaoning said: "Not only Apple and Microsoft, Sony, BlackBerry, and Ericsson have also joined."


"Yes, Sony."

"It seems that Microsoft has made up its mind."

Zhou Buqi now understood why Google could not win Nortel and had no choice but to acquire Motorola.

Microsoft is determined to win!

Microsoft and Sony are sworn enemies. They have been fighting each other for more than ten years, and patent lawsuits are going on almost every day. Fighting to the death was fought in many areas.

For example, Microsoft recently announced the abandonment of a digital disk project.

Traditional DVDs only have a resolution of 720P. If you want to have a higher resolution, you need to upgrade your technology. At that time, Microsoft launched the high-definition standard of HD-DVD, and Sony launched the Blu-ray high-definition format.

This battle has been going on for four or five years. Blu-ray has dominated the market. Microsoft has completely failed and announced its withdrawal.

Then there is the home game console industry.

There are basically two giants competing in the world, Sony and Microsoft. In recent years, Microsoft has been developing rapidly and has taken away a lot of territory from Sony.

The relationship between the two sides is on fire and water.

But in order to "anti-Google", Ballmer actually gave up his prejudices and attracted Sony to join forces to fight against Google. It can be seen that Microsoft has made a lot of determination and is bound to win this round!

With so many giants joining forces, it’s no surprise that Google ultimately failed in its bid.

However, one thing aroused Zhou Buqi's concern, "Aisda uses the Android system and wants to join the anti-Google alliance... Is this feasible?"

Zhou Shaoning said with a smile: "There is nothing impossible. Sony is also a member of the Android camp, hasn't it joined in? The key is to get Microsoft's consent."

"How to fight for it?"

Zhou Buqi thought about it in his mind and felt that he didn't have many bargaining chips to negotiate with Microsoft.

Zhou Shaoning smiled and said: "Microsoft's mobile phone system!"


Zhou Buqi was stunned.

Zhou Shaoning said: "Microsoft wants to target Google. Ultimately, it still wants to promote its own mobile operating system to check and balance Android. There are too few manufacturers in the Microsoft camp. The reason why Sony joined in is because Sony promised to launch several models equipped with Microsoft operations." system for smartphones.”

Zhou Buqi frowned slightly, "Aisda wants to follow up?"

Zhou Shaoning said: "The brand of Aster has been decided. It is not suitable to make too many changes to this high-end Android phone. But Motorola can do it. You can make mid- to low-end phones casually, and you can carry out mobile phone tactics more indulgently. As long as We can continue to maintain a good cooperative relationship with Google, acquire Motorola's mobile business together, Asda gets the mobile phone business, and then launch several Motorola-branded smartphones equipped with Microsoft systems."

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "You are so confident!"

Zhou Shaoning said: "My greatest confidence actually comes from you. I believe you can consolidate the cooperative relationship with Google. Even if Asda joins the anti-Google alliance, I hope that you can mediate and maintain the relationship between Asda and Google." cooperation momentum.”

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Okay, I will follow your command."

In his opinion, this matter is not too difficult.

Google's first strategy now is to develop social business, which is the highest priority within Google. Twitter, including his nearly 8% stake in Facebook, is his trump card.

Zhou Shaoning was very happy, and then said in a serious tone: "Seriously, Esda must join this anti-Google alliance this time, otherwise it will definitely fall into the trouble of constant patent lawsuits in the future. Once it loses the lawsuit, the US market will Obstructed. Microsoft is very ruthless this time. They will only carry out self-licensing. If this opportunity is missed, Asda will be in great trouble in its future global development!"

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