Top of the big era

Chapter 188: A Generation of Empresses

It was also the first time for Zhou Buqi to see Yang Xiaoyao, with big eyes, pointed chin, fair face, high nose, willow-leaf eyebrows, proud career line and a small waist that is full of grip...

There are also wine-red hair roots, bright red lips, blue silk scarves, beige windbreaker, and white boots, which made him feel like a world apart, as if he saw a person who often went to Sanlitun to check in in later generations. internet celebrity.

In terms of temperament, it is inferior to Wen Zhixia's intellectuality, but in terms of perception, it is really comfortable.

Dad is usually very inconspicuous, but in front of his daughter-in-law, he is still serious, saying hello to each of them with a pleasant face, only the unconcealable joy and comfort of the old man can be seen between his brows.

He patted his son on the shoulder and said earnestly, "Well, not bad! My son has grown up!"

All three of them were baffled.

Zhou Buqi was driving, his father was sitting in the passenger seat, two daughters-in-law... ahem, a daughter-in-law and a daughter-in-law's best friend were sitting in the rear driver's seat.

Dad raised his dignity: "Where are you going now?"

Zhou Buqi said, "Go to Beiyou."

"Okay, I've already seen the milk tea shop, it's enough to know that it's a chain, go to Guomao first." Dad made a request to his son.

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Didn't you go to the milk tea shop, isn't it spring recruiting now? Ziweixing Technology is holding school recruiting over there. I heard that the scene is quite big. It compares with Datang and UF in the same period."

"School recruitment..."

Zhou Jianjun was quite shocked.

Non-first-tier companies are not eligible to recruit from 985-level key universities. The Zhou family's Wanchao Group has not held school recruitment for so many years.

"Hey, let's go to Guomao first, don't rush for a while."

"Oh, all right."

Zhou Buqi didn't know what his father was going to do again, so he diverted to Guomao.

After getting off the car, Zhou Jianjun took the lead and led the three young people to the gold jewelry booth.

Bright and golden jewelry can blind people's eyes.

"Xiao Wen, Xiao Yang, when we met for the first time, my uncle didn't bring any greetings, so you can choose what you like."


Wen Zhixia blushed and looked at Zhou Buqi.

How can a father-in-law bring his daughter-in-law to buy jewelry? Your dad seems unreliable!

Startled, Yang Xiaoyao looked at Zhou Buqi.

Is it such a good salary for your family? I haven't joined the job yet, so there are gold jewelry to choose from? Your family style is so good!

Zhou Buqi was extremely embarrassed.

I know that Dad Bear is messed up again.

But what can I do?

In front of outsiders, as a son, he didn't have much to say, so he could only accept it bravely, praying that he could finish shopping quickly and leave as soon as possible.

How embarrassing!

"Buy, buy, buy! Hurry up and pick! Beiyou is still waiting, don't delay." Zhou Buqi had no choice but to persuade the two to speed up.

Wen Zhixia bit her lips lightly, then lightly agreed, and walked over to gently hold his arm.

Yang Xiaoyao was a little at a loss.

I haven't made any contribution to the company myself. If I am not suitable for this industry, wouldn't it be in my hands? You don't get paid for nothing.

Zhou Jianjun only thought she was shy, and said with a smile: "Xiao Yang, be generous, it's okay. It's a new era, isn't it all like this? Don't care about other people's eyes, just live your own life. You are all the same, let's go , pick with Xiaowen."

Yang Xiaoyao was beating drums in his heart, doubting himself: In the new era, is it popular that the boss and his father give jewelry to the employees? Is it because my level of life in the past was too low and I didn't understand this new change? Be yourself... well, that's right.

"Then...then...Mr. Zhou, I'll just go there?" Yang Xiaoyao's expression was a bit reluctant.

Zhou Jianjun's face was serious, "Why are you called Mr. Zhou? You are all people who don't care about you, just like Xiao Wen, just call me uncle."

Yang Xiaoyao smiled coquettishly: "That's fine, uncle, then I won't be polite, I'll go and see if there is any bracelet I like."

In my heart, I am full of hope for the future.

It's true, this week's company's welfare attitude is really great. It treats employees like relatives, regardless of you and me. Oh, it's so happy.

Being a father is so good, it is estimated that being a son is not much worse!

Good company!

With this in mind, Yang Xiaoyao is full of confidence in his future career development in Shengshi Bicycle, feeling that the sun all over the world is shining on him.

Wen Zhixia picked out a pair of earrings, and Yang Xiaoyao picked out a bracelet, and the total cost was just over 10,000 yuan.

Back to the car, rushed to Beiyou.

Dad began to teach again: "If you want to live in harmony, one is fair and the other is equality. This is very important. Of course, some bumps and small frictions will inevitably occur in life. But you must understand that life is only once, get together It’s not easy being together, so we might as well take a step back, maybe the sea and the sky will be brighter.”

Zhou Buqi was dizzy.

What happened to dad today? Nagging? It's not that you are asked to speak on stage, who do you want to poison to death with this kind of poisonous chicken soup? Fair and equal, don't these two mean the same thing?

Wen Zhixia didn't dare to treat it in silence, and agreed with a smile: "Yes, it makes sense to take a step back."

Yang Xiaoyao rolled her hair, pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Fairness, justice, humility, patience, these are very good corporate values, Uncle Zhou, we have learned all your teachings."

She thought Uncle Zhou was teaching them how to run a business.

After all, the boss's success in starting a business at a young age must have come from the precepts and deeds of his parents. Uncle Zhou must be very experienced in business operations and management.

Although the words sounded weird, she extracted the essence of them very well, and summed up the eight-character motto of "fairness", "justice", "humility" and "patience".

Zhou Jianjun's face collapsed and he almost went crazy.

What happened to Xiao Yang?


Did I say business?


Soon, he reacted.

That's right, Xiao Yang and Xiao Wen are both young girls, and they must be embarrassed and embarrassed to follow their son together.

Tsk tsk, this girl has such a small face.

After figuring this out, Zhou Jianjun felt much more at ease, and said with satisfaction: "Well, starting a business is the same, and starting a family is the same! Don't care about the secular perspective, the times have changed, and you can't use the old perspective to demand Today's young people. We must have the courage to break through and move forward boldly. It doesn't matter if there are more people. As long as we persevere, we can reap a stable and beautiful life."

Wen Zhixia didn't quite understand what he was talking about, felt embarrassed, forced a smile and said, "That's right, Uncle said it really well."

However, Yang Xiaoyao felt that he had comprehended the important instructions of his predecessors, and said with deep conviction: "Uncle Zhou, you are so right, new era, new development, and new opportunities. In the 21st century, we must be brave to open up, step out of the A path no one else dares to take!"

Zhou Jianjun felt very relieved, and exclaimed: "That's right, that's what it means! Xiao Yang, it's good that you can understand, it's good, it's good!"

Yang Xiaoyao said sweetly: "Uncle, your teaching can be summed up in ten words, fairness, justice, humility, patience, and innovation. These are the essential elements for the success and stability of an enterprise."

Zhou Jianjun rolled his eyes.

Almost kicked my legs.

How did it get involved in the business again?

This little Yang is too thin-skinned. Look at Xiao Wen, although he is also embarrassed, but he admits it openly, how good is that? This Xiao Yang, it's no wonder that his son is a little cold towards her, and he loves Xiao Wen more, that's just one word - hypocritical!

It seems that I need to teach a few more words, the most beautiful girl, this is not enough.

When I went to Beiyou, there was an introduction from the school, and I entered the teaching building smoothly.

This is a large lecture hall.

There was a huge poster at the door: "School Neiwang School Recruitment, are you coming or not?" "

This is a bit of false advertising.

The main body of this recruitment is Ziweixing Technology. After the recruitment is successful, it may be distributed to its Xiaonei network, it may be, or it may be the newly established food delivery website

I sneaked to the corner of the first row and sat down, intending to observe with peace of mind.

Zhou Jianjun's heart was still full of passion.

This is my son's business.

It has become so big, and school recruitment is so booming.


As a father, he felt a strong sense of pride in his heart.

It's a pity that he can't help much in his career, so let's rely on his own experience to help his son solve some life problems.

While Zhou Buqi was talking to Zhang Yiming, the person in charge of school recruitment, Zhou Jianjun said quietly to Yang Xiaoyao: "Xiao Yang, you are no worse than Xiao Wen. Sometimes, take the initiative and fight for what should be fought for. My son I know, he... he is soft-hearted."

Yang Xiaoyao was shocked!

What does this mean?

Wen Zhixia is the general manager of Shengshi Technology. After I join the job... I should be the deputy general manager. Uncle Zhou asked me to compete with her, should I also become the general manager?

"Isn't this a mess? There must be a positive pair, right?" Yang Xiaoyao was uncertain, and said slowly.

Zhou Jianjun said with satisfaction: "You can have this awareness, which shows that you are still smart. However, sometimes there is no need to be too tolerant. You need to be equal. It doesn't matter that that brat is busy with his career every day, maybe he will take care of you." If you don't come to your side, you two have to assign your respective roles, such as one master inside and one master outside, isn't that good?"


Yang Xiaoyao felt flattered, and deeply felt Uncle Zhou's controlling power like a big devil.


Zhou Buqi has too many careers, so he may not have the energy to focus on Shengshi Bicycle. If Wen Zhixia is allowed to take over all the power, something may happen.

Uncle Zhou's coup this time is to allow himself to decentralize power and strike a balance.

No wonder he spoke so cryptically and in a strange tone.

This kind of thing is really not easy to explain.

Yang Xiaoyao sort of "understood" Uncle Zhou's good intentions, and was very embarrassed: "Uncle Zhou, Wen Zhixia and I are college classmates, we have always been best friends, let me argue with her... I will do this kind of thing not come out."

Zhou Jianjun was shocked.

I didn't expect this girl to understand righteousness so well, and she would not fight or grab. In ancient times, at least she could be a noble concubine!

good good good good!

Yang Xiaoyao felt ashamed of Uncle Zhou's careful teaching, so he lowered his voice and said, "Uncle, you... If you don't feel at ease, you can ask someone else to come over. Anyway, it's just me and Wen Zhixia now, and I'm afraid I'm not satisfied. Not at his request."

Zhou Jianjun was too shocked to speak!


Want to take the initiative to invite other girls to join you?

Impressive! Amazing!

If this was placed in ancient times, it would be the potential of a queen, and a generation of virtuous queens!

This brat is lucky!

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