Top of the big era

Chapter 1843 Insidious move

Meng Houkun slapped his thigh and snorted coldly, "I knew it! In the competition, whoever has no lower limit will win! A good reputation means that after success, history will be like a sword, the winner and the loser!"

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "Don't give me any more instructions."

Meng Houkun stared, "You dare to say it's not true?"

Zhou Buqi was very calm, "I don't believe this little trick of the Qxin team will really threaten the WeChat team."

Guo Pengfei smiled and said, "That's right. We are all laughing at their jokes internally and think they are really whimsical."

Zhou Buqi said: "In Silicon Valley, the most competitive technology company is Google. Basically, as long as Google sends out an offer, other companies cannot compete. There is only one exception, and that is NASA. NASA gives very little money. We don’t have stocks yet, and the work is very hard. We often need to work overtime, stay up late, and often travel to difficult places. Even so, Google cannot compete with NASA, and the top talents all go to NASA.”

He Yang deeply agreed and nodded, "The most stable military morale and the strongest persistence are not based on winning or defeating the enemy, but on common beliefs and an idealistic pursuit. I still say the same thing, don't Easily destroy young people’s dreams of Ziweixing.”

Meng Houkun said angrily: "Sooner or later, dreams will shatter. In such a big dye vat-like Internet market, Ziweixing cannot be alone. Sooner or later, they will understand."

He Yang said calmly: "So I said, we should pay attention to young people. When they are over thirty and have been struggling in society for a long time, they start to buy a house, get married and have children, and feel the huge pressure in life. It’s basically the age to retire. Ziweixing just needs to continue to pay attention to young people.”

Meng Houkun was stunned for a moment, "You are still ruthless!"

He Yang shook his head and said calmly, "This is a fact."

"Where are you?" Meng Houkun's eyes were a bit provocative, "How old are you?"

Zhou Buqi was so angry that he scolded him, "Shut up!"

Meng Houkun hugged his shoulders and leaned back on the sofa angrily, and as expected he stopped talking.

He Yang smiled self-deprecatingly and stated: "If it is beneficial to the company for me to retire and there are better young people who can do a better job in Ziweixing's administration and general affairs management, I will retire."

Zhang Yiming quickly said: "No, you are indispensable in the company!"

Zhou Buqi also smiled and said: "Don't listen to the nonsense of this bastard Meng Houkun. He knows nothing. Front-office work and technological development require strong belief support and the spirit and vitality of young people. Logistics and administration have nothing to do with this. It doesn’t matter much, we need experienced experts like you to check it.”

It is normal for disagreements and quarrels to arise in such small gatherings.

It wasn't a big deal originally.

Guo Pengfei said with a smile: "Let's get back to the point. Qxin's team tried to use headhunting and indiscriminate poaching to stir up our military morale. This plan failed. The WeChat team's belief will not waver, and everyone is still working hard to change the attitude of the Chinese people." Lifestyle, we are working hard to help people across the country by bypassing expensive operator services. However, I think we can fight back appropriately. These are the three reverse strategies in the '4+3'."

Zhou Buqi understood it as soon as he heard it, and asked funnyly: "Three dirty tricks?"

Guo Pengfei said: "Whether it is a positive move or a hidden move, the fundamental purpose is to develop WeChat. Once something unexpected happens, the first four positive moves will be ineffective, and WeChat has never beaten Q in fair market competition. If you don’t believe me, then you can only resort to underhanded tactics.”

Zhou Buqi agreed very much and said in a deep voice: "No matter what, we must develop WeChat! If something unexpected happens and those advantages in the sun are no longer effective, then we can only do some harm. "

At this moment, Meng Houkun, who had been ill for a long time, felt resurrected and waved his fist, "Yes, that's what we should do! Business competition is just like war, there is no such thing as gentleness, courtesy and thrift!"

Zhang Yiming said with a smile: "It's better not to be too hasty. If positive tactics work well, it's best not to use negative tactics. Boss He is right. Ziweixing must have a belief in values ​​and let employees know that Ziweixing is a fair and just company. A good company that sets a positive example, rather than a despicable bad company that does everything possible.”

This matter is really important, Zhou Buqi deeply agrees, "This is right."

In the past life, Baidu was once the best Internet company in China. When graduates from top universities chose Baidu as their first choice, they chose Baidu. Baidu doesn’t like it, so it’s Alibaba, Penguin, Youku, and’s turn to pick people.

But then something happened to Baidu.

Calculating the timeline, it should only be one or two years ago. I am on the wrong team. There is a lot of content that seriously violates the red line on the search platform. Then Baidu suffered a thunderous blow, negative news was flying everywhere, and the value backbone of the entire enterprise was completely broken.

How could a truly capable young man with ideals and pursuits work in a notorious company?

Then, Baidu encountered a large-scale loss of personnel, and then a phenomenon in the domestic Internet industry emerged - Baidu Huangpu Military Academy.

The entire domestic Internet industry technology circle is almost supported by people from Baidu. Baidu's technical faction can be found in major technology companies across the country.

Especially emerging Internet giants such as Byte, Meituan, and Didi, because they have insufficient foundation and need strong technical support, they have all targeted Baidu.

The method of poaching people is simple and crude, and there is no need to be picky. As long as they are Baidu engineers, they will directly offer the highest salary in the industry at the same level, and then recruit them in the entire system.

Among them, Byte was the most ruthless, almost hollowing out Baidu, and both parties were fighting to the death.

Why is Baidu lagging behind in the mobile Internet industry?

There are many reasons.

But even if Baidu reacts slowly and enters the mobile Internet late, with Baidu's strong strength, it can catch up preemptively.

The most fundamental reason is the lack of talent.

The loss of talent will inevitably lead to the decline of the company. If talent continues to flow in, even if the company is in big trouble now, it will have great hope in the future.

Google's image is better than Microsoft's, and Google is more attractive to talents. NASA's brand is better than Google's, so NASA will have a greater advantage when selecting talents.

The more outstanding talents are, the more they will strive for ideals, pursuits, and career achievements, rather than just making a lot of money. In this regard, Ziweixing must establish the highest corporate image in the country. This is the real long-term solution.

Of course, the flaws do not hide the virtues.

In the WeChat project, if something happens, Ziweixing will have to take some unconventional measures to ensure that this product wins. Even if there are some "flaws", don't hesitate. WeChat is a product worth doing!

Meng Houkun was a little impatient, "Tell me quickly, which three?"

Guo Pengfei took his time and said, "Number 1 is what you just said. If you can't solve the problem, solve the person who raised the problem. They want to cause trouble within our team. This is impossible. We are monolithic. Everyone in the team Everyone knows how much the group attaches importance to WeChat, which is the core product among the core products. But the Q-letter team is different. This is just a team developed by people drawn from the marginal team of QQ mailbox. It’s a marginal product. Just go to them to do things internally, go to Ctrip or Zhaopin to buy their resume materials, and then you can continue to poach them through various methods.”

"Yes, disturbing the morale of the army." Meng Houkun was very satisfied. "I think this matter does not have to wait. It can be done now. We will do whatever they do, and no one can say anything."

Zhou Buqi immediately approved, "Well, based on the principle of reciprocity, it can be done!"

Guo Pengfei said: "Item 2... Well, this was what Fu Sheng taught me when I was communicating with him."

"Fu Sheng..."

Zhou Buqi twitched the corner of his mouth.

Needless to say, this must be a very underhanded move.

Meng Houkun also likes to play dirty tricks, but he is more theoretical. After all, he is not an Internet professional. Fu Sheng is different. Professional people know professional things best.

Guo Pengfei said: "Products such as WeChat, QChat and MiLiao all use mobile phone numbers to register. We have WeChat, Helo, Friends Network and Xiaonei Network, and our data contains too much user information, including mobile phone numbers. We just need to take these mobile phone numbers and register Q letters for users first."

"Ah? Register for Q letter?"

"Yes, in this way, the number of registered users of WeChat will increase rapidly. But this is meaningless. Too many zombie users will only be counterproductive. Only active users have value."

"Tell me more specifically!"

Guo Pengfei said: "The market is still relatively chaotic at this stage. Even if users have registered and installed WeChat, they will be curious and want to try QChat. But after installing QChat, they will find that their mobile phone number is actually It has already been registered, so he can no longer register. In fact, this problem can be solved very well. Just ask customer service to modify the cancellation and re-register. However, Penguin’s customer service... this road is difficult to follow. Moreover, the current market The competition is so fierce, there will be more and more homogeneous products, and most people are not driven enough to trust using Q. Therefore, when it comes to registration, usually if the registration cannot be done or the information is occupied, they will curse a few words. Then give up.”

Meng Houkun laughed loudly, "Wonderful! Wonderful! You are a Guo Pengfei. If you want to say damage, it still depends on you professionals. This trick is so easy! When users are scolding, they will only scold Qxin for brushing data. If you abuse user information, you will completely lose your favorability of the Qxin product, and you will switch to our side. As everyone knows, we are the ones behind this! Haha! Interesting! "

Guo Pengfei said calmly: "This is actually an implicit moat. There are so many mobile chat apps, and there are already 17 of them now. In half a year, I estimate that there will be at least 50 in the market. By then, even Q Xin’s team has discovered something, but has no way of investigating it, and can’t explain who did it, so they can only downplay the big issue and trivialize it.”

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