Top of the big era

Chapter 1842 How to compete

After some analysis, the current situation is indeed very favorable to Ziweixing. Judging from the basic conditions, WeChat has too many advantages compared to QChat.

The most core point is the different positioning of products.

WeChat is the core and most important product of Ziweixing. Guo Pengfei directly serves as the product manager, and Zhang Yiming coordinates and cooperates. This product must be developed at all costs.

The Q letter is no longer good. Now it is just a marginal product within Penguin. It cannot even pass the QQ level of the headquarters.

In fact, this is normal.

Penguin's net profit last year was about 10 billion, of which mobile QQ contributed about 2 billion. This money was all divided from mobile companies.

For this listed company, it relies heavily on cooperation with mobile companies.

Whether it is WeChat, QChat, or MiLiao, these products actually replace the operator's MMS and SMS services, and will have a fatal impact on Fetion Mobile.

Ziweixing doesn't care, since it can't make much money from mobile anyway. In the past year, it only received a total of 830 million yuan, half of which came from mobile reading business.

Moreover, Ziweixing is not a listed company.

The same cannot be said for Penguin. In order to stabilize the stock price, we must be cautious.

The internal pressure on Qxin comes not only from the QQ team, but also from other conservative, cautious, mature and prudent executives, who are very worried that Qxin’s business will lead to a breakup with China Mobile.

Another point is spending money.

It’s only the beginning of 2011, and the domestic O2O industry is no more popular than it was five or six years ago. Especially on the industrial side, people have to keep burning money and throwing money crazily. From Meituan, Are You Hungry, to Didi, Xiaohuanche, and China Mobile? Payment, live broadcast, streaming media... are all crazy money-burning, and billions or tens of billions can be thrown into it casually.

Internet companies are still relatively poor right now.

Penguin's net profit is only 10 billion yuan, Baidu's is about 6 billion yuan, and Alibaba's is about 5 billion yuan... Moreover, the current domestic Internet "worshiping foreign" trend is still quite serious.

It’s just that the Internet people in China are all bent at the waist and feel that they need to learn from Silicon Valley. If they don’t manage or understand, they will copy it first. What Silicon Valley is most opposed to is the local promotion strategy of burning money to subsidize. Therefore, the domestic Internet industry is also in this trend now. We must oppose brainless money burning and play asset-light.

It will be different in a few years.

A new generation of entrepreneurs born in the 1980s and 1990s have emerged one after another. These people are confident, strong, and enterprising enough. They don’t care much about the strategies of Silicon Valley giants and do not pursue them blindly.

That is to say, starting from the mobile Internet, domestic Internet companies began to diverge from Silicon Valley giants in terms of business innovation, and began to have more self-business innovation.

Even later, it was no longer China that was learning from Silicon Valley, but Silicon Valley that was learning from domestic giants.

The core team under Zhou Buqi are all born in the 1980s!

Under the leadership of their big boss, they are confident and well-informed, and are pursuing a development path that belongs to Ziweixing, rather than following the growth history of Silicon Valley giants.

Is it not popular in Silicon Valley to burn money to subsidize? It doesn't matter, Ziweixing does its own thing and doesn't care about them.

Money-burning subsidies are a good way to promote products, you can do it!

Using the school beauties selection section of to send mobile phones to school beauties is actually a subsidy model. This time the pre-installation plan is actually a huge expense.

The pre-installed price of each machine is 8-10 yuan. It is expected to sell 50 million-60 million smartphones this year, plus tablet computers... After calculation, this business alone may cost 5- 600 million!

A few years from now, this will be nothing.

From the current perspective, this is definitely a huge sum of money, and Penguin will definitely not spend such a large amount of money to promote WeChat. When Penguin launched WeChat in its previous life, it never spent any money on external resources. Instead, it used free in-house resources for promotion.

Being willing to spend money is the biggest advantage of Ziweixing!

In this regard, Zhou Buqi said eloquently: "We are determined to win the WeChat product, so don't worry about spending money. Just invest when you need to. Don't be afraid of investing too much, just afraid that the product will not be successful. Even if you spend a lot of money, We must also make products!”

Zhang Yiming said: "This year's smartphone sales are estimated to be around 55 million units. If we reach cooperation with the four major manufacturers of the 'China Cool Alliance', plus Asda... it is expected that we can deploy 30 million new sales units." smart phone."

Zhou Buqi said: "Do you have any plans for the domestic version of the 'Instructions'?"

"Domestic version..." Zhang Yiming shook his head, a little embarrassed, "The biggest trouble now is that the domestic mobile Internet has just started, and there are too few apps. Moreover, users mostly download apps through computers and install them on their phones."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "We must use all available resources to build WeChat! If 55 million smartphones can be sold this year, then the stock in the market can reach 100 million. Such a large scale can completely affect the development of WeChat." The life and death of a new product. Winner takes all, must win.”

Zhang Yiming hesitated for a moment and looked at Guo Pengfei.

Guo Pengfei didn't care about that and said nonchalantly: "It's okay. Ignore him. He doesn't understand operations. Just go all out to promote WeChat. You don't have to listen to him on how to implement it."

Zhou Buqi was angry and funny, but it was hard to refute.

Indeed, different mobile phone sales markets and industry conditions at home and abroad make it too difficult to implement the "Instructions Manual" project in China.

At most, they have to cooperate with large e-commerce platforms such as Taobao,, Dangdang, and, and it is difficult to integrate offline retail channels.

Fu Hongliang said with a smile: "As long as we can implement these four positive strategies, WeChat can easily defeat all competitors. From products to operations, from user resources to market resources, we even have terminal channels." Yes, as long as you are willing to spend money, you can do pre-installation. We have everything, how can Qxin compare with us?"

Zhou Buqi said very cautiously: "Don't be careless. Many large companies have various advantages when making products. In the end, they will be defeated by start-up companies without resources, talents, funds, and technology. "

Meng Houkun said calmly: "That's the wrong way to compete."


Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows, already vaguely guessing that this kid wouldn't let out any good farts. This Meng Houkun, I don't know if it is because of his family background, but he often brings the wolf philosophy to full play.

Children from ordinary families receive a lot of self-discipline education at home, school and society since childhood. They are taught to be upright, loyal, filial, kind, civilized and polite, and a bunch of self-disciplined moral bindings.

It is equivalent to tying yourself up. When the sheep grow up and the wolves come to hunt, you can save time and effort to eat meat and drink blood.

Many people have been struggling in society for decades and then suddenly wake up. Many people can't even understand it for the rest of their lives. They still think that those who wake up are bad elements who break the rules and then curse them.

Although Zhou Buqi is the second generation of rich people, he has learned some wolf survival skills and ways of thinking due to his family background, so he became enlightened earlier and could start a business earlier. But when it comes to this ability, he is really not as good as the serious snow wolf Meng Houkun.

Sure enough, Meng Houkun curled his lips and said: "If the products of large companies cannot compete with small companies, then the idea of ​​​​competition is wrong. When you encounter a problem, there is no need to solve the problem. You only need to solve the person who raised the problem. Solve the person. , the problem disappears.”

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "Stop talking nonsense!"

"Who is talking nonsense to you?" Meng Houkun was unconvinced and snorted, "I don't believe you haven't thought about it. This '4+3' you are talking about, whether it is 4 or 3, is all nonsense . If you ask me, just cut the firepower. Wasn’t Q letter developed by Penguin’s Yangcheng team? That’s simple. Instead of attacking the product, it’s better to attack the team. If the product team is gone, how can there be any products? "

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "After winning this team, we can send another team to continue doing this."

Meng Houkun laughed and said: "Boss Zhou, can you please stop fooling yourself? I don't believe you can't even think of such a simple thing. The team that won the Q letter, even if Penguin will organize a new team to do this project... But they wasted time. Now is the time to compete for the track, and time is more precious than gold! There are two modes of competition, one is that I am strong and you are weak, and the other is that I live and you die. There is no need for WeChat to be more powerful than QChat To be excellent, all you need is WeChat to be alive and Qxin to be dead.”

This method is too wolfish.

Of course Zhou Buqi knows, but under normal circumstances he will use it with caution. There are too many young people from ordinary people in Ziweixing. They are all sheep.

If Ziweixing succeeds by relying on wolf methods, even if it succeeds, these sheep will feel that it is not in line with their own values ​​​​and will feel confused and confused in their hearts. They may even doubt that their career ideals are pinned on Ziweixing. If it's a good fit, I might just switch jobs to a big company abroad.

Sure enough, He Yang didn't like the approach that was too jungle-like. "Ziweixing is different from other companies. We have our own brand and idealism. When recruiting, Ziweixing is often the first choice for college students." , the better the school and the more outstanding students, the more they favor Ziweixing. Ziweixing carries the ideals and pursuits of many young college students, and these new generations of young people are the future of Ziweixing. We should not pass the sudden The way to destroy their dreams should let them feel the growth of themselves."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and said helplessly: "We have done this a few years ago. We wanted to recruit the QQ mailbox team, but they were unwilling."

Meng Houkun said: "If you can't poach people, you can also create difficulties for them, constantly poaching people, frequently contacting headhunters, and creating an atmosphere of panic within their teams. If people's hearts are not stable, how can they make good products?" "

Zhou Buqi remained silent.

Oh shit!

This guy is so right!

Guo Pengfei took a deep breath and said calmly: "Let me explain, our competitors are already doing this."

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