Top of the big era

Chapter 1831 Don’t worry

It's very difficult to defeat Google.

However, there is no chance.

With the launch of the second issue of "Instructions", Google is obviously anxious. Google is an Internet giant with so many complex businesses that even Google itself may not even know about them. There are hundreds of businesses at least.

However, search is the soul and foundation of Google!

In order to ensure Google's absolute market position in the search field, Google later even had to give Apple and Samsung tens of billions of dollars every year, just so that they could default to Google as their search engine and prevent other search engines from passing through Apple and Samsung phones. Use channel advantages to promote strongly.

But things are different now. In the second issue of the "Instructions", the recommendation for Google was canceled and replaced with Bing search, which was launched by Microsoft!

Now, taking advantage of the offline channel advantage of "Instructions", Bing directly enjoys the opportunity to have first-hand contact with smartphone users.

Then, Google couldn’t sit still and began to contact Ziweixing.

But the contact was useless.

Even left to dry!

Prior to this, Ziweixing and Asda had already communicated with Google and explained to them the significance of the "Manual" project. As long as they are willing to pay advertising fees, they can continue to cooperate.

Unexpectedly, Google was not willing at all.

Mainly because in the past few months, Ziweixing and Asda have become too close to Apple, and they have been tit-for-tat with Google everywhere, which makes them very dissatisfied.

Don't rush, take your time!

Next, let’s take a look at the influence of the “manual manual” project in the smartphone market.

The peak sales seasons for smartphones are January, February, May, July, August and October. This second issue of "instructions" extends from December this year to March next year, covering two months. peak season.

As long as everything goes well, the second phase of the "Instructions" will reveal the power of the market and greatly increase the pressure on Google.

Check it out!

Zhou Buqi is very self-aware. With the strength of Ziweixing International, it may not be realistic to challenge Google alone. He doesn't even dare to do search business in overseas markets. This is a business that is destined to lose money.

But it doesn't matter, you can kill someone with a borrowed knife!

Microsoft is ambitious and has been eyeing the search market for the past few years. Ziweixing can use its own resources to help Microsoft develop its search business and drive away the wolf!

Look what Google does!

There is no rush now. Zhou Buqi returned to the capital. Then he gathered together with Mr. Liu, Liu Qing, Lei Jun, Shi Yuzhu, Zhou Shaoning, Yan Guangming and other core executives of ASDA to talk about building a domestic The idea of ​​a complete smartphone supply chain system.

Don’t think about things that are too high-end. You can’t cater to social trends and aim high.

Many laymen in society do not understand the iterations of technological development and are easily fooled. There are still many scientists immersed in ivory towers who lack a clear understanding of the laws of the market. They advocate high-end technology every day and want to surpass the United Kingdom and catch up with the United States.

Stay calm when making decisions.

High-end technology can also be done. At this stage, it must be an IT giant like MSI, Baidu, Alibaba, Penguin, ZTE, Lenovo, and Huawei.

Just like Ziweixing's current AI chip design, artificial intelligence and cloud computing, they are all world-class high-end technologies.

As for those supply chain manufacturers, they are small in scale, weak in strength, have few talents, and have a weak foundation. They cannot even think about high-end technology. Anyone who dares to shout slogans is 100% a liar who defrauds the country of money.

If we can promote the mobile phone industry chain to complete the transformation from low-end to mid-range within 3-5 years, it will be a great victory. After the mid-range industrial structure is achieved, we will then look for some relatively weak high-end hills to focus on.

At the specific implementation level, Zhou Buqi has no way to participate at all.

He was already an expert in the Internet field, but he really didn't know anything about the hardware manufacturing field. He could only carry out the arrangements, strengthen his confidence, determine the goals, and then leave it to others to do it.

Liu Qinglai leads this temporary coordinating committee.

After settling the matter, Zhou Buqi got on the plane and flew directly to Germany.

This business trip is estimated to last only 3-5 days. He is accompanied by two secretaries, Ning Yaxian and Sun Wanran. Ning Lu has already asked for leave to return to her hometown and wants to pick up her cousin.

"Do you want to attend the year-end summary meeting?"


Zhou Buqi was a little absent-minded.

Ning Yaxian said softly: "Everything, including Netflix, Ziweixing Digital Media, Universal Pictures, Spotify, Twitter, etc., it's the end of the year, so we have to sum up!"

"How can I have time?" Zhou Buqi felt helpless, "Let senior sister and sister Bao go. I still have to keep an eye on my old father-in-law. Don't cause any big trouble for me. In fact, it's okay not to participate. Wait until January next year. , it’s February, just go directly to the board of directors and get a general understanding of the situation. I know Netflix, it’s not a big problem, Twitter… forget it.”

Ning Yaxian asked: "What happened to Twitter?"

Zhou Buqi sighed and said helplessly: "Twitter is being cynical. It is not in the territory of Ziwei Galaxy at all. Damn it, if it doesn't work, just sell the shares of Twitter and be done with it!"

Ning Yaxian nodded lightly, "I think it's okay. I might as well sell it. Where's Wanwan?"

"Ah?" Sun Wanran was a little embarrassed. This matter was a bit big, "I won't express my opinion, right?"

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Let's talk about it, what are you afraid of? I won't talk about it privately. Yu Gong, you are my assistant. You don't even have the right to speak?"

Sun Wanran rolled her eyes at him, and then said with beautiful eyes, "I'm an assistant now? Not a secretary?"

Zhou Buqi said: "You are so good, you are originally an assistant. I won't tell you, you can go find your own secretary."

Sun Wanran pursed her lips and smiled, then thought for a moment, "Well, I think we should sell it too!"

"What's the reason?"

"Three o'clock."

"so much?"

Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows. Unexpectedly, this girl had a lot of ideas. It seemed that she usually hid her ambitions and ambitions.

Sun Wanran said: "First, we have YikYak, which is a competitor."

"Yeah." Zhou Buqi nodded. This is not surprising. This is the most mainstream idea within Ziweixing International. "What else?"

Sun Wanran continued: "Ziweixing International's listing plan is in 2012, but now there are too many businesses that require money, such as Helo, Ucgram, Ziwei Cloud, and now we have to spend a lot of money to acquire Lufthansa's IT infrastructure department. , after the acquisition is completed, we may have to invest some money in the fiber optic business. There are so many places to spend money, and the risk is too great. If we sell the shares of Twitter to get the money back, the pressure will be much reduced."

"Haha!" Zhou Buqi was very happy, with a look of admiration on his face. He patted his thigh and asked her to come over and sit down, "Wanwan is great!"

However, he does not agree with this second point of view.

Ziweixing International is under great financial pressure and has to rely on issuing corporate bonds to survive. If it doesn't work, you can start another round of financing before the IPO. In short, it won't be a big problem.

It would be a waste to sell Twitter for money.

This is the main reason why many people within Ziweixing suggested selling Twitter, but Zhou Buqi has not yet agreed.

Twitter’s current market valuation is too low!

Twitter just completed its Series E financing, raising US$200 million and diluting 5% of its shares. In other words, Twitter’s valuation in this round is US$4 billion.

From a market perspective, that's a lot.

But Zhou Buqi was not satisfied.

After multiple rounds of dilution, Ziweixing's shareholding in Twitter has only 32% left. If it is sold at the E-round price, it will recover more than 1 billion US dollars.

Far less than expected!

In Zhou Buqi's plan, not only US$10 billion should be recovered from this share, but at least US$5 billion should be recovered.

It's still early.

In fact, you don’t have to wait long, the current Internet bubble trend has already begun. By this time next year, we will basically be able to meet the target.

Sun Wanran stood up, walked around the table and sat on his lap face to face, her arms gently hooking his neck. The flight was very long, so she put on a thin red nightgown as soon as she got on the plane. Her soft body was very comfortable in her arms.

Zhou Buqi kissed her and asked with a smile: "What about the third one?"



"Don't you want to solve Google's troubles now? It just so happens that Google has always wanted to lay out its social business. In the past few years, Google has launched more than a dozen social products and acquired several social websites, but they have not developed. Google has been I wanted to acquire Twitter, but I had no chance to enter the market, and even the opportunity to invest was rejected.”

Sun Wanran's words really gave Zhou Buqi a wake-up call.


Google has been coveting Twitter, but Twitter’s founder Ivan Williams has a grudge against Google. At that time, Ivan founded a blog website Blogger and sold it to Google. Then he joined Google and was in charge of the Blogger project, but he was not reused and was squeezed out.

With no choice, he left Google to start a new business and founded Odeo.

Twitter is a project of Odeo.

Because of such old grievances, Google has been unable to get its hands into Twitter, and it has not even been able to get investment opportunities. If Ziweixing sells its shares in Twitter to Google, then Google will become Twitter’s largest shareholder.

Moreover, the founder of Twitter does not have super voting rights. By then, Google will have the opportunity to win over other investors and completely win Twitter.

In other words, Twitter may become the most important bargaining chip in negotiations between Ziweixing and Google!

This is indeed a very careful and exquisite idea.

Seeing that he was silent, Sun Wanran blinked and asked carefully: "How is it? Am I right?"

Zhou Buqi laughed loudly, "Yes! That's very right! Just do as you say!"

Sun Wanran said happily: "Then I inform Lu Qi and ask him to prepare materials for Twitter?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Don't worry, the current Internet industry is changing too fast. In the next one or two years, the PC Internet will reach its peak, and Twitter's valuation will also rise. Wait and see, time is on our side. This way."

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