Top of the big era

Chapter 183 Wangsu

There is a big difference between selling electric fans and selling computers.

Computers are very expensive, and it is already shocking to sell more than 10,000.

The electric fan is different, the price is low, just like picking up for nothing.

Moreover, the behavior of online shopping is still very trendy at the moment, and most people, including college students, have never even heard of it. I heard that there is a chance to pick up a bargain, who wouldn't want to give it a try?

Then, the Xiaonei forum exploded!

Many users reported that the response of the group buying page was too slow, and some users even said that the group buying page could not be opened!

Guo Pengfei went to Shanghai, so Zhou Buqi could only come forward in person.

It's a technical reason.

When users access the school intranet, they actually want to access the data stored in the server of Beike.

The college students in the capital said that the server is in the capital, and the signal transmission is very convenient.

It's hard to get outside.

There are no geographical restrictions on group buying electric fans. College students from all over the country are frequently refreshing the page of group buying activities and sending out request signals from other provinces.

It's the same as the highway.

Too many vehicles passing by will cause congestion.

The broadband line of the campus network is congested, and the capital and surrounding areas are better. Users from other places either take too long to respond to the page, or cannot open it at all.

There is also such a popular science post on the forum: "Teaching you how to participate in group buying activities on Xiaonei".

"...If you want to open the page, you have to avoid the peak hours at noon and evening, as well as rest days. Avoid other people's online time, and the page can be opened. If conditions permit, it is best to log in in the early morning. I am in The rechargeable fan I photographed in the early morning has now been reduced to 28 yuan. I saw a similar fan in the school supermarket, priced at 65 yuan, which scared me to death..."

Zhou Buqi didn't know much about technology, so he immediately called Liu Qiangdong to explain the matter.

After a while, Liu Qiangdong replied: "I have to quickly find a CDN service provider to cooperate with."

"CDN? What is it?"

Zhou Buqi said that he had never heard of it.

"It's the content distribution network, it's..."

Liu Qiangdong is technically savvy. He taught himself programming in college and compiled a hotel management system software, which sold for hundreds of thousands. He knew that if he spoke deeply, he would not understand, so he reorganized the language in a simple and easy-to-understand manner.

"The network is congested because the servers of the Xiaonei network are located in Beike. Users across the country need to send signal requests to apply for access to Beike's data. To solve this problem, the data must be distributed. Edge networks are established across the country. The server stores the data in it. Then, users from other places no longer need to visit Beike’s server, but can visit the local server nearby.”

Zhou Buqi understood, "Is it to store the content data of the Xiaonei network in servers in various places, and then distribute it to local users?"

Liu Qiangdong smiled and said, "Yes, that's what it means!"

"Is there such a company?"

"Quite a few. Big websites like Ali and Huicong all need this kind of service."

Zhou Buqi frowned and said, "Doesn't that mean that others can get the data of our Xiaonei network?"

"Ah?" Liu Qiangdong was a little unresponsive.

"The data is safe, will it be stolen?" Zhou Buqi seemed to understand.

Liu Qiangdong collapsed a bit.

Your kid's brain circuit is too clear, right?

What can be stolen from that broken data?

It is only 2005, Internet companies all over the world are focusing on development, and no one cares about data security.

"The data can be encapsulated. Even if it is stored on other servers, you still need your administrator's account password to access it. Besides, there are contracts here. As long as it is a regular company, it will be fine."

"All right."

Zhou Buqi disagrees.

As an experienced person, he deeply understands the significance of data.

In the short term, the strength of the Xiaonei network does not allow the establishment of servers across the country, and it needs to cooperate with CDN service providers.

But in the long run, you still have to build your own network infrastructure.

Liu Qiangdong breathed a sigh of relief, fearing that this kid would do something wrong again, he suggested: "Jingdong is not enough traffic now, there is no CDN service provider, and there are no contacts in this area. However, the specific market is still known, you can go to Look for Wangsu Technology, which is currently the largest CDN service provider in China, and big companies such as Ali, Baidu, and NetEase are their partners."

"Oh, where can I find it?"

"Magic City."



Guo Pengfei is still stranded and the devil hasn't come back yet, let him go find it.

It was really worth it to send him out this trip.


The fee charged by Wangsu Technology is very low. Based on the current size of Xiaonei, the annual service fee is between 100,000 and 150,000.

Cooperation reached.

Wangsu Science and Technology immediately dispatched the backbone team of the capital branch, together with the Xiaonei team, to work overtime without even going to sleep, as if they were going to battle.

Finally within 36 hours, the task was completed!

Even college students in the eastern province of Guangdong no longer get stuck when they visit the group buying activity page of the school net, and can respond immediately.

This really surprised Zhou Buqi at the technical strength of Wangsu Technology.

Don't underestimate it!

In the past, he only knew about Internet companies such as Ali, Tencent, NetEase, and Shanda. He never expected that there would be such an Internet company based on infrastructure services.

Especially the scale of servers all over the country, with a total bandwidth of 1.5T!

You know, the dedicated line bandwidth of the school intranet is only 150M after several expansions.

1024M is equal to 1G, and 1024G is equal to 1T.

Zhou Buqi expressed his shock, and immediately contacted Ding Meng, the boss of Wangsu Capital Branch.

"How does Wangsu Technology operate with such a large server scale?"



Mr. Ding shook his head and said: "Wangsu has only been established for a few years. In order to compete for market share, the fees are also very low. You can also see this cooperation. Our fees, not to mention the lowest in the industry, are almost the same. When the company was founded, The positioning is very clear, renting instead of buying, quickly occupying market share, giving up short-term profits, doing a good job in service, paying close attention to technology, and looking to the future.”

Zhou Buqi thought he had been trained in a party school.

However, it also made him understand.

Just like the domestic imax theaters, the land, rent, and decoration costs are so high, how can there be money to buy expensive imax screens and imax projectors?

So the mode adopted is to rent.

The theater pays part of the rent and a certain share of the box office to imax every year to reach a cooperation.

Wangsu Technology probably follows this model. It cannot afford a large number of servers, so it cooperates with server manufacturers such as Hewlett-Packard and Dell in the form of rent and commission.

As for the astonishing bandwidth, it is estimated that it is also cooperating with the three major operators in this mode.

Zhou Buqi hesitated for a moment, then asked: "May I ask, the cooperation with Xiaonei... How much profit can be attributed to Wangsu?"

Mr. Ding glanced at him and remained silent.

After a while, I stretched out 4 fingers, "Less than 40%."

Most of them are divided by server manufacturers and operators.

Zhou Buqi said: "I think Wangsu's technical team is quite strong, and it solved the problem of the Xiaonei network in such a short period of time."

Mr. Ding smiled proudly: "That's natural. Speaking of it, you are also lucky. In February this year, we just developed a new generation of CDN technology with independent intellectual property rights. Otherwise, the troubles of the school intranet will have to be solved again. Delay for three to five days."

Zhou Buqi smiled, "Mr. Ding, do you cooperate with Education Network?"

In China, in addition to the three major network operators of China Telecom, China Netcom, and Railcom, there are also two major proprietary networks, the Educational Research Computer Network and the Science and Technology Network, the Education System Network.

The campus networks of major universities are all proprietary education networks. The download speed of the internal system is extremely fast, and the login speed of education websites is also faster than that of the three major operators.

However, visiting some off-campus websites, or playing online games, the speed is not so fast.

Primarily serving the education system.

Like and, which focus on campuses, most of the users come from proprietary networks.

"Yes, it has been rolled out since last year." Boss Ding's eyebrows flickered.

Zhou Buqi said: "That's right. The Xiaonei network will launch a peer-to-peer torrent download service in the near future. In the early stage, the requirements for servers and broadband are relatively high. I'm afraid the Xiaonei network's own server and broadband may not be able to support it..."

Ding is always in the industry, and he understood it as soon as he heard it. He immediately smiled and said: "It's easy to handle, it is an important business of our Wangsu. You know the game "Fantasy Westward Journey", right? Every patch upgrade, download speed So fast is the technical support provided by our Wangsu.”

Zhou Buqi slapped his hands, "Okay! That's it! Once you're born and you're familiar with it, Xiaonei needs a partner like Wangsu. Uh... Mr. Ding, Wangsu is now pursuing a low-price strategy, and the bulk of its income has been taken over by Wangsu. The division is gone, and technology research and development must be promoted, so it should be very tight on the books, right?"

"Mr. Zhou, what do you mean..."

"Please help to report to the above, I am willing to give Wangsu a sum of money. Since it is a cooperation, we must cooperate deeply. If Wangsu develops well, Xiaonei will also benefit, right?"

Seeing Zhou Buqi's understatement, Mr. Ding was dumbfounded.

I go!

What's the situation?

This college student has two dollars, so there's no limit to being coquettish, right?

You don't even know about Mao's situation, so you want to raise money for Wangsu Technology? Do you know what the current market valuation of Wangsu is?

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "If Wangsu needs it, just tell me, my side...the funds are relatively abundant. Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't need it, and it won't delay our cooperation."

"Of course! Of course!"

Boss Ding smiled and nodded quickly, a bit puzzled by him.

Zhou Buqi said with emotion: "Mr. Ding, you can see that we are all a team of college students, and we lack experience and technology. You are studying."

Boss Ding waved his hands, and said proudly: "That's not easy? Just go to me! When do you think you have time? Weekends and summer vacations, it's fine. The internship salary is not too much, and 300 yuan is always available."

There is no reason not to meet this small request from a big customer.

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