Top of the big era

Chapter 182 April 15

At night, Zhou Buqi was taking a bath.

Wen Zhixia came quietly, handed over the phone, and then undressed herself and lay down in the bathtub, feeling that something was missing, took a handful of bubble bath salts and threw it in.

Soon, white bubbles overflowed the bathtub, overflowing everywhere.

Zhou Buqi doesn't like bubble baths, the main reason is that the thick layer of bubbles really blocks the line of sight, making him unable to see anything. But there is no way, Mr. Wen likes it.

On the phone, Guo Pengfei talked about the matter in Shanghai, and he and Zhang Xuhao made an agreement, and the other party agreed to go offline as the salesman of Xiaonei, and take charge of the business in Shanghai.

The total sales commission is 1.8%.

Much lower than Zhou Buqi estimated.

It seems that the other party is not the kind of money-seeking, almost greedy temperament.

What happened next, Zhou Buqi was a little surprised.

Senior Sister Zhen Yu is actually going to the Ninth City.

She went to Shanda because she had contacted on the Internet earlier, and the other party expressed her intention to advertise on the school's Internet. This past time, it was mainly a series of consultations on prices.

Ninetowns is different.

Before that, there was no contact at all.

If you come to the door recklessly like this, let alone the main person in charge of the marketing department, I'm afraid you won't even be able to pass the security guard and the front desk.

"Boss Zhou, do you know World of Warcraft?"


"I think what Sister Zhen said is quite reasonable. The share price of Ninetowns has risen by more than 30% this month. It is because of the internal testing of the national server of "World of Warcraft". It is said that the public testing will start at the end of this month and it will be officially commercialized in June. It works."

Lying in the bathtub, Zhou Buqi was blocked by more and more bubbles, so he glared at Wen Zhixia beside him angrily, and said, "Well, I know, the current stock price of Ninetowns is due to the "World of Warcraft" is supporting, and the capital is very optimistic about this game."

Guo Pengfei said: "It's true. There is a kid in my dorm who participated in the closed beta. He is like crazy. Every day 'for the tribe', he is almost turning into a beastman. Ninetowns also have high hopes for this game. , using all resources to promote it.”

This is true.

In January, The Ninth City reached an in-depth strategic cooperation with Coca-Cola, spending more than 100 million yuan.

So much so that the current Coca-Cola bottles are printed with "World of Warcraft" advertisements.

Not only that.

The mainstream media couldn't advertise the game, so Ninetowns occupied all the beachheads of the Internet. Portal websites such as Netease and Sohu all had huge advertisements for "World of Warcraft".

It was almost desperate.

I have to say that Senior Sister Zhenyu has a sharp eye. At this time, she took the initiative to come to the door and took out the advertisement space on Xiaonei website to invite her sincerely... Maybe it will work!

The key is, how to get past the security guard and the front desk, you have to be able to see the person in charge.

"Senior Sister Zhen is here to show you the world, follow her and study hard." Zhou Buqi sighed, this Zhen Yu is really high-spirited.

Guo Pengfei hesitated for a moment, and said, "Shanda's advertisement is for chess and card games. Let's talk about "World of Warcraft" this time... Will there be so many game advertisements, will the effect be bad?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "What are you afraid of in regular advertisements? You haven't seen the advertisements on They sell health care products for men. I can't bear to look directly at them. Don't worry, it's okay."

Ended the call.

Wen Zhixia came over, snuggled into his arms, and said softly, "Several fields have been cleared at the Agricultural University, and the awnings have been built. Tomorrow, the relevant leaders will come over, and they seem to take it seriously."

"In the eyes of the leaders, the bike-sharing project is an image project, which can improve the appearance of the school and boost morale. If you go there tomorrow, you should choose a nice way to say that there will probably be reporters taking pictures, and you should dress more formally."

"Aren't you going?"

Wen Zhixia blinked her beautiful eyes, full of anticipation.

Let her go, she's a little nervous...

"I have to keep a low profile, and I can't just show up in front of the media." Zhou Buqi shook his head, then smiled, "This is the first time you, the queen of sharing, made your debut. I went, not to steal your limelight?"

"Are you really not going?"

"I trust you!"

Zhou Buqi looked very determined.

If it was half an hour ago, he might have accompanied her to cheer her up.

But what Zhen Yu did in Shanghai changed his mind.

Since you have been entrusted with a heavy responsibility, you must trust it unconditionally.

Don't let it out, and pull it with a rope every day, who knows how much energy she can explode?

Zhen Yu can, but Wen Zhixia has no reason not to.


April 15.

On this day, seven or eight newspapers including "Education News", "Yanjing Daily", "Yanjing Evening News", and the Education News website all published Wen Zhixia's photos.

She doesn't have heavy makeup, but her face is like a lotus and a willow is like an eyebrow.

The refreshing, stable, and generous image appeared in the media's field of vision for the first time.

The Yanjing Evening News even boldly published the headline: "Female University Teacher Resigns, Inspirational to Become the Queen of the Sharing Era!" "


April 15.

On this day, after computers, launched the second physical group buying activity - electric fans.

The price is extremely low!

Especially the ordinary small fan, the current price is 14.9 yuan, but it is marked on the back, you can bargain!

If the total order exceeds 100,000 pieces, the lowest price will be 5 yuan!

There are nearly 20 million college students in the country, and it is definitely not a problem to cut 100,000.

Where can I find such a good thing to buy a fan with the money of buying a pack of cigarettes?

If this was placed ten years ago, electric fans would still be considered household appliances!

The group buying page was launched within 1 hour, and the number of orders exceeded 5,000.


April 15.

On this day, Thousand Oaks Interactive is holding a board meeting.

A decision was made to determine the company's next development direction - campus social interaction.

Chairman Chen Yizhou created Chinaren, the largest alumni recording website in the country five years ago, which was acquired by Sohu for US$30 million.

The total number of users at that time was only about 3 million.

Far inferior to today's Xiaonei.

After several twists and turns, Chen Yizhou started his own business again and established Thousand Oaks Interactive. Seeing the second wave of the Internet coming, the social fertile soil in his heart seemed to be developed again.

The proposal to acquire a 51% stake in for US$15 million was rejected by

Now, has launched the second wave of physical group buying activities, and the possibility of selling has been greatly reduced.

There is no other way, Chen Yizhou can only make a final decision: "Then buy! After the acquisition is successful, change the name to 5Q Campus Network!" is also a team of college students, but without the leadership of Zhou Buqi, there have been many decision-making mistakes. There are tens of millions of users, but no profit model has been found.

I started blogging first, then e-commerce, and failed one after another. The only advertising revenue from selling health products was also used.

It will not work if it is not sold.

The price won't be too high, three to five million would be nice.


April 15.

On this day, Zhenyu signed a cooperation agreement on behalf of Jieyu Media, Guo Pengfei on behalf of Ziweixing Technology, and Chu Chaoyang on behalf of Ninth City.

Xiaonei, a subsidiary of Ziweixing Technology, will provide advertising and promotion services for the online game "World of Warcraft" in Ninth City.

The billing method is determined by the number of clicks on relevant advertisements including but not limited to the main page and sub-pages of the Xiaonei website.

For each click, the advertising fee is 0.4 yuan.

As a third party, Jieyu Media has the responsibility to cooperate with Ninth City to do a good job in the design, promotion, coordination, statistics and review of related advertisements. Xiaonei and Ninth City should each pay 5% of the total advertising revenue, as Jieyu Media's service fee.

That is to say, Jieyu Media, as the intermediary party, has to take a commission from both parties, 5% for each, and 10% in total.

Under Zhen Yu's leadership, Jie Yu Media's Internet advertising business has really made substantial progress.

In the past, she used the name of Xiaonei to advertise for Xiaonei.

Now, with the two successful projects of Shanda and Ninetowns, it will be much easier to operate related businesses in the future.

After all, both Shanda and Ninetowns are currently the hottest Internet companies in China, and they are both listed on NASDAQ. Xiaonei also became famous, and its reputation gradually grew.

Starting from this, Jieyu Media's media business has found a breakthrough.

Next time, it may not be helping Xiaonei to promote advertisements, maybe helping Ninth City and Dangdang to take the lead...


April 15.

On this day, Wang Xing reluctantly shut down the website of his start-up company Youzitu.

This is the second website he has closed since he dropped out of school in the United States last year and returned to China to start a business.

The previous one was Duoduoyou.

Both websites have accumulated some users, but he has been unable to find the correct profit model, and he has no capital favor, no financing, and can only close down.

The current Wang Xing is not the Wang Xing who later led Meituan to sweep the gods in the "Thousand Regiments War", dominate the world, and become an Internet giant.

Although immature, but strong perseverance, it is impossible to give up.

Youzitu is closed, he can start another website!

Now, the direction is all set.

Or, in-depth study of group buying activities on the school intranet, regularize this irregular activity, and operate it in the form of an independent website.

Yes, it's group buying!

In addition, Wang Xing came back from the United States. He has been paying attention to the wind direction in Silicon Valley. Recently, a website in the United States has just become popular, called Facebook, which is mainly based on campus social networking.

What to do next?

Wang Xing and his five brothers had a secret conversation.

Finally settled down, socializing!

Group buying is very popular, but this thing is too new, and the mode of operation is still uncertain. Moreover, the competition in the e-commerce market is too fierce, and their small team may not be able to withstand it.

Social is different.

The "Duoduoyou" and "Youzitu" they launched before are essentially social networking sites. The former is oriented domestically, while the latter is oriented overseas.

Their team has extensive experience in social networking sites.

In the field of campus social networking, and are relatively popular across the country, and they have been established for a short time. If you do it well, maybe you can come from behind!

I have all the names in mind.

There is a confidant in the sea, and the end of the world is like a neighbor.

It is called "Hai Nei Net".

Your name is, and I am called, so let’s compare!

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