Top of the big era

Chapter 1826 No chance

I'm afraid the old father-in-law's matter won't be handled well in a short period of time. Zhou Buqi plans to stay in the magic city first and stop running around.

For Boss Zhou, being based in the Magic City has more advantages than being based in the capital.

First of all, Ziweixing’s international department is located in Shanghai, with a large number of foreigners and a large number of domestic and foreign business transfers. It will be more convenient to command the overall situation here and remotely control domestic and foreign Internet services.

In addition, Magic City is an international city with a better geographical location than the capital.

Real estate business, blind box business, including Jieyu Media’s film and television business, are now basically centered around the Magic City. Another very important point is the football business.

Zhou Buqi wants to engage in football in China, and his target has been chosen, which is to acquire the East Asia Football Club in Shanghai. This season is basically over. The East Asian team failed to reach the Super League, and there are big problems at the economic level.

If a big boss can take over the club at this time, it will be a sigh of relief for the club, Xu Genbao Xu's guidance, and the local government.

But there was a bit of a negotiation disagreement.

It’s the youth training business.

East Asia Football Club only has four age groups and only players, not youth training assets. Chongming Island’s football youth training base is not included.

If there is no youth training base, it means that after Zhou Buqi took over the club, the team had no longer-term plan. Of course, most domestic Chinese Super League teams do not have youth training bases, and echelon players basically rely on recruitment rather than training. On the one hand, they do not want to spend money on youth training, and on the other hand, it is also related to the general environment.

For example, Zhu Jun's Shenhua team once wanted to completely close the youth training echelon.

It's not that he has a dark heart, on the contrary, he is full of love for football and doesn't care about spending money on football. But because the youth training echelon is full of children, and the parents of the children hope that their children will succeed, the coaches can rely solely on their subjective will when selecting talents. There is room for rent-seeking of power here. Many parents have to endure the humiliation and bear the heavy burden so that their children can play football.

In the final analysis, it is still related to the competition mechanism of the market.

Just like Manchester United.

If Manchester United's youth training echelon also engages in this practice and treats the parents of young players at the expense of their appearance, even if they don't sue or cause trouble, they will just take their children to other youth training bases.

There are football clubs all over the UK, so many that in recent years due to the declining fertility rate, there are not enough children. A lot of football youth training resources are wasted, and they are beginning to be tilted towards girls. It is conceivable that in the next few years, the British women's football team will attract world attention.

If British children want to receive football training, they can go directly to the youth training base to sign up. Not only are they free of charge, but they can also make money. The youth training base must provide nutritious meals, wearable equipment and training equipment, and even provide certain subsidies to the children.

This is not possible in China.

There are only a few slightly well-known clubs in a dominant monopoly position. As far as the club is concerned, the young players will come or not if they like it, or they will pull it down if they don’t! One more for you is not too much, one for you is not too much!

So much so that you have to spend money to find connections in order to play football.

Not to mention those messy clubs outside, even the Chongming Island Football Base coached by Xu requires children to pay 600 yuan in tuition every month. This is Manchester United's youth training base, and Manchester United gives children a monthly living allowance of 600 pounds.

Zhu Jun, who has been helping him deal with East Asian clubs, explained: "It's not surprising, it's the same in all walks of life, football is just a microcosm."

"Ah?" Zhou Buqi was a little funny, "What are you feeling about?"

Zhu Jun said: "It's not a sigh of relief, it's the basic reality of a society and the difference in initiative."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Yes, initiative."

Zhu Jun said: "If you don't talk about anything else, let's talk about my company. If any employee in the company is disobedient, I can fire him with just one sentence. The initiative is completely in my hands. I also acquired companies in South Korea. I want to It’s not that easy to fire people. This is still the dismissal stage, even more so in the recruitment stage.”

Zhou Buqi felt deeply, "Yes, when recruiting people in China, you can be picky and selective, and the recruiter firmly holds the initiative. If the job seeker has something bad, he can easily deny it, no matter what he has done. How much effort it takes. Abroad...Silicon Valley is actually not bad. It’s almost the same as at home. The competition is fierce, supply exceeds demand, and recruitment is also very demanding. Recruiting in places like the UK, Germany, South Korea and Japan would be a big problem!"

When demand exceeds supply, the supply side takes the initiative.

When supply exceeds demand, job seekers take the initiative.

The Internet environment in Silicon Valley is similar to that in China. There are too many people, not enough positions, and the competitive pressure is very high. There are many thresholds that can be set when recruiting people.

It's different in places like Europe, South Korea and Japan. Not to mention that supply exceeds demand... at least according to Ziweixing's employment standards, there are obviously not enough relevant local talents.

In order to meet the job search goals, you can only lower your standards and tolerate many minor problems as long as you can. In order to get them to work, even if they don't like to work overtime or work hard, they can only accept it.

Because if you don’t use them, there will be no one available.

Can only compromise.

But even if the supply side compromises like this, the job seekers are still dissatisfied and will continue to protest, go on strike, and organize labor unions to demand better treatment.

Employers are definitely not satisfied with being exploited by employees, which has resulted in industrial relocation under the globalized economy. Especially in some low-end industries, profits are already low, and the employers are still squeezed by employees. Stop making money as soon as possible and quickly move the industry to low-human rights places where capital has greater power.

Zhu Jun said: "In the final analysis, it depends on who has the initiative. The power is in the hands of capital, and employees must be squeezed by capital; the power is in the hands of employees, and capital can only kneel and lick employees."

Zhou Buqi was riding in the same car with him and was going to Chongming Island. When he heard this, he turned to look at him and couldn't help but said with a smile: "Have you been reading too many sociology books recently?"

Zhu Jun sighed, "No, just some feelings about football. If you want to start domestic football, there is an impossible threshold to cross. In a word, there is no chance!"

"No." Zhou Buqi waved his hand, not interested in discussing some too profound topics, and then said jokingly, "If we don't discuss anything else, if we only look at the market effect, it is still determined by the relationship between supply and demand. It is caused by the shortage of the supply side. Power rent-seeking has crushed the football dreams of too many job seekers. With 1.4 billion people, you can’t pick out 11 people who can play football. If there are 14 million people, maybe you can really pick them out and make it to the World Cup.”

Zhu Jun laughed loudly, "Amazing logic!"

Zhou Buqi said seriously: "Really, playing football depends on people. If there are too many people, people will no longer be human."

Zhu Jun couldn't help but rolled his eyes and changed the topic, "To be honest, if there is no youth training base, there will be nothing. The Chongming Island Football Base is Xu Genbao's property, and he cannot transfer it."

Zhou Buqi asked: "No chance?"

Zhu Jun said: "No chance. If nothing else, do you know how much that 100 acres of land is worth now? At least 200 million! When he bought it 10 years ago, he only spent 8 million. This time he bought the shares of the East Asia Club. Sell ​​it, pay off the loan, and this football base will become a cornucopia, and he won't sell it."

"How many loans are there?"

"Maybe 30 million. Back then, he spent all 8 million out of his own pocket to buy this piece of land. Then he took out a loan of 23 million based on this piece of land. After so many years, he couldn't make any money at all, and the loan limit was increased."

"I bought the land for 8 million and got a loan of 23 million..."

"Yes, it is a specially approved land. The local government attaches great importance to it. This is a key project."

At this point, Zhu Jun hesitated and swallowed the second half of the sentence.

Zhou Buqi turned to look at him and said amusedly: "What's wrong? Tell me!"

Zhu Jun said: "We also need to understand the local government and Director Xu's mentality. The local government wants to build Chongming Island into a larger football base, and Director Xu also wants to continue to make more contributions in the field of football. If you Who dares to believe you when you buy the football base on Chongming Island? What if you start building buildings and selling houses with the ultra-low-price land specially approved by the local government? This is not like many big football bosses who use football as a pawn. Is it a cover to make dirty money?"

Zhou Buqi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "What about me? How much money do I still have to pay?"

Zhu Jun said: "Who can say for sure about the future? I believe you, can they believe you too? Domestic football has been professionalized for almost 20 years. There are too many similar histories of blood and tears, and there are lessons to be learned."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "So, the youth training base is out of business?"

Zhu Jun said: "No chance, but the club and the base belong to the same family after all, and we can establish a strategic cooperative relationship. In the future, if the base cultivates excellent echelon talents, the club can have priority."

"Let's see."

Zhou Buqi has basically figured it out. It seems that it is impossible to buy the Chongming Island Football Base together with the East Asia club this time.

There are basically only three teams in the club.

Now in the adult team, reserve team and youth team of China League One. There is no follow-up youth training echelon at all. If you want to develop further in the future, you can only continue to buy people from outside.

I can only sigh bitterly in my heart.

The domestic football industry is really difficult to manage. It’s hard work, no money, no thanks, and it’s hard to gain trust and support.

My heart went cold.

I feel that with my level, no matter how fancy the football business is abroad, it will be difficult to achieve any substantial results at home.

However, superficial results can still come out.

For example, they bought several top foreign players and led the club to win the Chinese Super League and compete for the AFC Champions League. Relying on some beautiful club results to fool the leaders and coax the public.

After going to Chongming Island and communicating with local leaders and Xu Genbao again, Zhou Buqi accepted the final plan.

Spend 50 million to buy the Shanghai East Asia Club.

The acquirer is PPT Group, which is the Paopao Taochao Football Group. After the end of this season, all transfer procedures will be completed and the team will be renamed.

The new team name will be provided by the chief sponsor, Modu Taizun Real Estate Team.

Go and advertise for my old father-in-law's Taizun Real Estate Company.

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