Top of the big era

Chapter 1781 Maturity Model

He Yang said: "Domestic companies generally rely on nepotism, which is normal. There are very few people in the world who can only appoint people on their merits. The rapid rise of the Internet industry is largely due to sufficient tolerance and thirst for talents. But Suning is different, nepotism is too serious."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "It is too difficult to change the concept."

He Yang said helplessly: "Yes, for example, the current CTO of is only 30 years old this year. This is nothing, it is normal for Internet companies. However, this young CTO is actually a member of the Zhang family Relatives are related households."


Zhou Buqi was speechless.

He Yang said: "We don't know much about their internal affairs. It was Lao Cheng who found someone and met one of their technical directors. According to that person, their R\u0026D management maturity is the level 1 stage of CMM. It can’t reach level 2 at all.”

"That's not true, is it?"

Zhou Buqi was somewhat surprised.

CMM is an assessment model about maturity, which is mainly divided into 5 levels.

CMM1, the initial level, refers to unpredictability and lack of control;

CMM2 is a repeatable level that can repeat previous main experiences;

CMM3, level defined, processes are described and well understood;

CMM4, managed level, the process is measured and controlled;

CMM5, optimization level, focuses on process improvement.

In addition to evaluating systems and software, this model can often be used to evaluate a person's thinking structure to determine whether he can be promoted or even become a senior executive.

For example, there was a big dispute recently on the campus network, which led to the resignation of five people and the expulsion of three people. It was very controversial.

The cause of the incident was that after Zhang Xuhao became the actual controller of the school network, he wanted to promote a deputy director of group buying on the school. The candidates were Chen Chang and Liu Yudong.

Both of them have excellent operational success stories. One is responsible for cosmetics and the other is responsible for electronic products. Both of them have produced very beautiful report cards.

However, the two have different CMM levels.

The operational materials given by Chen Chang and the explanations given in the promotion defense are too loose. They are just descriptions of past cases. The documents lack depth and thinking, and lack summary and definitional descriptions. This is between CMM1-CMM2. time, there is almost no repeatability.

Liu Yudong is different. Every group buying operation he participates in will provide detailed process documents, not only summarizing experience, but also summarizing the rules. When running the next group buying event, I relied on all the rules summarized in the previous document and found that they all came true!

This means that the operations of similar projects are summarized into formula-like principles.

The next time you do this type of project, even if Liu Yudong does not participate, others can achieve similar performance results to him just based on the documents, processes, summaries, and formulas he wrote!

This is no longer just CMM2, it has reached the level of CMM4.

Not to mention being promoted to deputy director of school group buying, he could even be promoted to vice president of school network.

There are many types of abilities. One is the ability to do things yourself, the other is the ability to lead others to do things together, and the other is the ability to guide others to do things... Obviously, the more advanced the ability, the more suitable it is for management and promotion. The more space there is.

Liu Yudong's group buying operation performance may not be as good as Chen Chang's, but this is a different business determined by different product attributes.

But one thing can be seen, Chen Chang's ability points are added to fighting alone, while Liu Yudong has stronger field control ability.

When making a choice at this time, there was no choice but to promote Liu Yudong.

There is a problem.

Especially from the perspective of some lower-level employees, it is difficult for them to understand, and they will think that there are some unfair situations in the workplace.

Why is it that Chen Chang's performance is better and Liu Yudong is promoted in the end?


Then, someone discovered that Liu Yudong graduated from Fudan University, and both Zhang Xuhao and Zhang Xuhao, who was new to the school network, belonged to the "Modu Gang".

Then something happened. Chen Chang was very unhappy and submitted a resignation report. Some of her close subordinates chose to resign, and some spread rumors in the company.

Zhang Xuhao was also very ruthless. He directly killed the chickens to scare the monkeys and fired several people.

The incident has calmed down.

Even so, when Zhou Buqi returned to Beijing this time, he severely criticized Zhang Xuhao, saying that his ability to unite his colleagues was too poor and his handling methods were too simple and crude, resulting in the loss of outstanding employees.

Fortunately, he is not a top talent who is too outstanding.

Just this once, never happen again!

We also invited Professors He Yang and Han Lexui to make this relatively failed promotion case into a template, summarize the experience and lessons learned, and share it with more managers in the Ziwei Lecture Hall, so that everyone can encourage each other.

However, Zhou Buqi was surprised when He Yang said that the entire management system within was only at the CMM1 level.

How bad is this?

He Yang said: "We don't know the specific situation, and it's hard to draw conclusions casually. However, Lao Cheng and I have the same analysis. IBM may be at work here."


Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows.

He Yang said: "In the past five years, the cooperation orders between Suning and IBM have only been 200 million yuan, and the cooperation has been very pleasant. If this cooperation is fully realized, the total value may reach several billion yuan. In addition to Suning's e-commerce sales system, In addition to selling bundled products such as software and hardware, they also want to sell people and continue to sell people.”

"Well, it's very possible!"

Zhou Buqi felt that this speculation was very possible. IBM's C-side IT products had long been outdated and had been eliminated by the whole world. The entire department was about to be laid off.

Now that I have finally found a super big customer, I certainly can’t let him go.

If you can make more money, make more money!

From the perspective of the CMM model, it is to find ways to reduce's CMM level, thereby reducing their own hematopoietic ability.

Why did choose Liu Yudong instead of Chen Chang?

Because Liu Yudong's CMM level is higher, he is not fighting alone, he can train a group of people. Liu Yudong is "teaching people how to fish", and Chen Chang is "teaching people how to fish".

The higher the CMM, the more talents can be cultivated.

IBM is probably deliberately lowering's CMM level, which means restricting's own talent training.

They have no more talents, but their e-commerce business needs to develop. What should they do?

Spend a lot of money to outsource from IBM and ask IBM to send people to help.

In this way, IBM will have a steady stream of profits.

He Yang nodded and said: "Well, this is Lao Cheng's analysis. He said that the reason why cannot enter CMM2 is that most projects and releases are completed in a special management form, rather than something repeatable. process. So much so that these projects have to be taken over by IBM's outsourcing team, and's internal employees have no chance to learn or participate. The outsourcing personnel sent by IBM are paid three times as much as Suning's own employees."

"You've been taken advantage of!"

Zhou Buqi was very helpless.

He Yang sighed: "The main reason is that the phenomenon of nepotism is too serious. No one within them can clearly understand IBM's technical foundation. They really think that a world-class IT giant has a world-class level. Just like... It’s a bit like Shanda back then.”


Zhou Buqi knew about this.

Shanda's decline is mainly due to the decline of its products and the lack of subsequent excellent products. This has something to do with the employment of big boss Chen Tianqiao. His younger brother has little academic qualifications and is not very good, but he was promoted to Shanda's vice president of R\u0026D, in charge of R\u0026D and products. If the product fails, users will be lost, and the company will decline.

He Yang continued: "'s organizational structure is too traditional and nepotistic. This has resulted in the centralization of the entire system. Important decisions such as product functions, demand analysis, design architecture, release time, etc. must go through the headquarters. Only the vice-presidents Huang, Ji, Ren, Zhuang and others will make the final decision."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "Anyway, this road of technical explanation won't work?"

"It won't work. There's no way to explain it." He Yang gave a firm answer, "It's better that you come forward and talk to them directly, Mr. Zhang."

Zhou Buqi also felt dizzy, "I heard you say something so evil. This must be a positive effect. It would be very embarrassing if I go there. It's like playing the harp to a cow."

He Yang suggested: "There is some Internet summit going on in Jinling, why don't you go there? Suning started to develop online business last year, and launched this year. Jinling is their home stadium. Boss Zhang has a high probability Will participate."

"Summit?" Zhou Buqi was not interested at all, "I won't go! I will not participate in any public events in the future!"

He Yang said with a smile: "Isn't that true?"

Zhou Buqi said: "It's better to be low-key."

"Then what will happen this time?"

"It's okay. I'll ask someone to bring you a message and explore the situation first."

Zhou Buqi made up his mind to help Suning.

This is an attitude shown to peers.

Domestic entrepreneurs must understand that although Boss Zhou’s business is spread all over the world, he has always been concerned about his domestic counterparts.

Precisely because his business has gone abroad, he has a better understanding of some of the tricks and tricks of large foreign companies and can provide certain suggestions and help.

If Suning can be rescued from IBM's clutches this time, it will be enough to open the eyes of fellow domestic entrepreneurs. At the same time, it also established Ziweixing’s transcendent status in the country and Boss Zhou’s credibility among the entrepreneurial community.

However, before that, we need to communicate with Liu Qiangdong.

In any case, and are direct competitors. Suning even transformed into an Internet e-commerce company, and its slogan was to overthrow

From's perspective, IBM is actually doing a big favor by scheming against Suning. This allows to eliminate a competitor without any effort.

If Ziweixing helps Suning get out of trouble, it will undoubtedly increase the competitive pressure on

However, Zhou Buqi and Liu Qiangdong are very confident.

The exchanges were all very grand.

Competition in the e-commerce market depends on the entire e-commerce ecosystem. With’s overly traditional thinking and philosophy, it would be useless to give them the best resources.

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