Top of the big era

Chapter 1777 Using IBM as a backdrop

"What's wrong?"

Zhou Buqi is still paying close attention to 12306. A website with this level of traffic will definitely not be able to rely on the official level. Even if it has a great reputation and has invited a bunch of academicians and professors as consultants, it is all nonsense. If you want to have fun and understand traffic, you still have to go to a major Internet company. In the previous life, Alibaba Cloud helped to do it. In this life, Zi Weiyun must take on this task.

Cheng Binghao was a little embarrassed to speak.

He Yang said strangely: "Isn't 12306 just the first edition? You can only check tickets but not buy them. According to what you said, you can only read but not write. I read the official statement and it said that it will be officially available starting next year. Buy tickets online at local trials.”

Cheng Binghao said: "This is just the C-side you are talking about."


He Yang didn't quite understand.

Cheng Binghao said: "This website has been around for more than ten years, but it is an internal system of the railway. When you go to the train station to buy tickets, you used to handwrite the tickets at first, but later it became a computer to issue the tickets. This online system is 12306. This year we have made this system open to the public, and the public can also rely on this system to check train tickets online."

In fact, it happened a few years ago.

For example, railway network, train ticket network, train network, etc. can check train tickets online and even book tickets. However, these are not official websites, but are run by agents at ticket purchase points, such as travel agencies, hotels, and ticket centers.

This is a third-party platform. You need to apply with the official. After approval, you can connect to the internal 12306, and you can check the train ticket status through the Internet.

The campus network serves college students and has launched a train ticket inquiry service.

Every winter and summer vacation, college students need to buy tickets when they go home, and many of them will use the "train ticket inquiry" service on the school network to check the status of train tickets.

This means that traffic will explode intensively.

For the campus network, this amount of traffic from college students is nothing. But the school network is just a transfer platform, connected to 12306 through the interface, and the pressure there is great. In order to ensure the stability of the system, the interface of the school network will be temporarily closed.

Now, 12306 is open to the whole society.

There is no need to close the school network interface.

Previously, even college students could not withstand this traffic explosion. You can imagine how many failures there will be in the ticket inquiry needs of the whole society.

In order to solve this problem, the 12306 system is shut down for 6-8 hours every night to perform system maintenance and cache cleaning. This only treats the symptoms, not the root cause, and cannot solve the fundamental problem.

Zhou Buqi was very concerned about this matter. He was surprised when Lao Cheng said this, "It can't be a system, right? Isn't it separated?"

Cheng Binghao said: "The specific situation is not clear, and we have not seen insiders. However, the data such as train time inquiries, fares, and remaining tickets must be unified, and the backend must be consistent. Reading and writing are not separated, which means front-end traffic It will affect the calculations in the background. I have been bidding recently and want to solve a difficult problem."

Zhou Buqi asked: "What is it?"

Cheng Binghao said: "The conductor at the train station would encounter system lags and various malfunctions when issuing tickets. Sometimes a ticket could not be issued for 20 minutes, which made the news. Later, I found someone to find out the reason, and it was a netizen. We used 12306 too many times in a short period of time, which took up too much computing power. The 'reading' end took up too many resources, causing the 'writing' end to have insufficient computing power and got stuck. "

"I go!"

Zhou Buqi was dizzy.

The e-commerce company and Suning are really like a pair of sleeping dragons and phoenix chicks.

Cheng Binghao said: "This problem is very simple to solve. The simplest and crudest way is to add more servers. It is not difficult. Anyone can solve it by inviting bids. However, this is just an indicator. If there is no improvement in the overall architecture design, After all the upgrades and breakthroughs, when 12306 opens the online ticket purchase business next year, the 'write' function on the Internet will really be needed. The combination of internal and external will be the real big trouble."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and said, "There will definitely be trouble. The traffic during the Spring Festival travel period must be half of the traffic during the on-campus group purchase, right? They will definitely not be able to support such a high traffic. Let's ignore this matter for now, don't be too hot-tempered. When they have suffered all the setbacks and have no choice but to be scolded by the people across the country, they will take the initiative to ask us for help. Unless they suffer some setbacks, they will not know how strong Ziweixing's technical strength is. We will wait and see what happens in advance, but Suning You can be more proactive here.”

Cheng Binghao was helpless and embarrassed, "The contract has been signed, and IBM's WCS architecture has been fully used in"

Zhou Buqi said: "What's the use of signing it? Didn't you tell me that the structure was from more than ten years ago and is completely unusable!"

Cheng Binghao shook his head, "The people in Suning don't understand."

Zhou Buqi said: "Explain it to them!"

"How to explain?" Cheng Binghao looked innocent, with a complicated expression, "Will they believe it? They have strategically cooperated with IBM for five years, and the cooperation has been so pleasant. Who do you think they will believe? I have checked it, and how many people in the country do you think they will believe? Among thousands of Internet companies, only Suning has purchased and used IBM's WCS framework system. I also checked the relevant news, and guess what? Their statement was very proud, saying that is the only company in China that has deployed What kind of e-commerce platform is IBM’s large-scale framework system, and you still think it’s showing off!”

Zhou Buqi said: "No matter what, we should talk to the people at Suning, tell them the truth, and explain clearly how backward IBM's solution is and how advanced Ziweixing's solution is. During the 91 Shopping Festival last month, the traffic on the school network How many?"

He Yang said: "At its peak, there were 16 million people online at the same time."

Such a data is actually not worth mentioning at all.

There are at least 15-20 domestic Internet companies that can withstand this.

Cheng Binghao waved his hand, "Don't compare Suning with us. There is no comparability. A load of 16 million is nothing to us. Helo and are all measured in hundreds of millions. Suning is far behind."

Zhou Buqi asked: "How much can they bear? How much can Suning bear?"

Cheng Binghao thought for a moment and curled his lips, "It doesn't take much. As long as 500,000 people are online at the same time, it is enough to cause their system to crash and the server to go down."

“Wouldn’t that be worse than’s current structure?”

"Not even close!"

"I go!"

Zhou Buqi simply didn't know what to say.

Suning wants to transform into online business because its offline business has already beaten Gome, so it wants to develop online business and further occupy the market.

In the online market, 3C home appliances are’s main sales products. It is so strong in this area that its main competitor Yi Xun can only work hard in the field of 3C small home appliances.

Of course Suning is not satisfied. Suning has the largest, most complete and most mature 3C home appliance supply chain system in the country, and they can get the lowest supply price in the country.

So it was very aggressive when it first started, directly spending hundreds of millions of dollars on IBM's one-stop bundled sales model of architecture systems, software, hardware, etc. If you want to make a fortune, it seems that you can defeat with one move.

However, the platform architecture that wants to give up is stronger than the architecture that Suning has spent tens of millions of dollars to buy.

This is a complete joke.

"However, this is a good thing for Ziweixing."

He Yang, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke and understood why Boss Zhou was so concerned about this case.


Cheng Binghao raised his eyebrows.

He Yang squinted his eyes and said: "In the field of outsourcing IT technology projects, where does Ziweixing Engineering Institute rank in the country?"

Cheng Binghao shook his head, "The gap with the top three is too big. IBM, SAP, Oracle, and even Microsoft can't compare. Just think about it, even in-depth partners like have been using Microsoft services in the past few years. We If they don’t come forward this time, they will find Oracle to cooperate.”

"Is there a big technical gap?"

"What they are strong in is B-end products, such as business management, financial software, ERP and the like. What the Engineering Academy is doing is C-end business. It extracts these business frameworks and middle-end systems under Ziweixing and makes some modifications and adjustments. , package it and sell it. What we do is an Internet product that is directly oriented to users. In this aspect, of course we are stronger."

He Yang nodded and said slowly: "But in fact, domestic peers trust Silicon Valley giants such as IBM and Oracle more."

Cheng Binghao sighed, "Yes, you worship foreigners and favor foreigners!"

"What do you mean by advocating for foreigners?" Zhou Buqi was a little amused. "That's because too many people don't know much about this industry. They don't have an exact concept, and they can't tell the difference between IBM, Oracle, Microsoft, and SAP. Technology giants are powerful, but the high-end customization technology of Ziweixing Engineering Institute is better. Because I can’t tell the difference, I can only follow the inherent thinking and go to foreign companies to buy services. This is an insurance choice.”

Cheng Binghao said: "Well, almost. As long as Ziweiyun develops and establishes a firm foothold overseas, peers will recognize Ziwei's strong strength in the technical field, and they will look at the engineering institute that provides outsourcing services in a different light."

"Cloud computing is the future, and this matter is too long." He Yang shook his head, "If the Academy of Engineering's business is to be launched quickly, it needs an immediate booster."

"Oh?" Cheng Binghao's eyes lit up, knowing that Boss He would not say such things casually, he quickly reacted, "Is it related to the cooperation between Suning and IBM?"

He Yang said sternly: "IBM is a foreign company, so there is no need to be too polite. You might as well use IBM as the backdrop!"

This idea is completely consistent with Zhou Buqi!

He is such a big boss and busy with affairs. Under normal circumstances, he would not pay special attention to an outsourcing project of the Engineering Academy. Unless the project is of strategic significance.

Zhou Buqi said calmly: "Comparison can often better demonstrate strength. is a big stage for technical performances. Create an environment so that domestic peers can open their eyes and take a look. Is IBM stronger or Ziweixing?" Strong! This time, we will step on IBM's shoulders to dominate the world!"

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