Top of the big era

Chapter 1776 Separation of reading and writing

To Ziweixing, was just an inconspicuous small website. If Zhou Buqi stood up and said a word, the other party would not even have room to refute.

There is no way, this is the strength of the giants and the cruelty of business.

Even Silicon Valley is the same.

For example, in the previous life, Facebook spent US$1 billion to acquire Intasgram. The business case behind this transaction is actually very simple.

Zuckerberg asked his team to develop an almost identical product based on Intasgram.

Then, he took the product and went to Intasgram's entrepreneurial team with a smile to show it to them. No need to say anything more, let them make their own choice.

pick one of two.

Or, sell Intasgram to Facebook and let everyone join forces to do business together.

Alternatively, Facebook can launch its own products online, fully develop its efforts in the field of picture social networking, and spend money and resources to fight with Intasgram.

Then, Intasgram's team got cold feet and sold the company to Facebook.

Douban, owned by Ziweixing, has launched an online ticket purchase business.

If doesn't sell and angers Boss Zhou, then Ziweixing will spend money and resources to develop Douban's ticketing system, and will undoubtedly die.

There is an opportunity to merge, which is of course the best option.

For Zhou Buqi, this is just a small thing.

In comparison, it is not as important as Tang Yixin moving into his apartment. I wanted to meet her and chat with her about the planned three-year cooperation, but suddenly I received a call from the company. Cheng Binghao said that he had something important to discuss with him.

It was already past 4 o'clock in the afternoon, so Zhou Buqi didn't waste any time and hurried back to the company.

After passing by, I found that He Yang was also there, discussing something with Cheng Binghao.

Zhou Buqi pushed the door open and said with a casual smile: "What are you talking about?"

"Oh, here we come." He Yang stood up and greeted him, "As for Gome, the current CIO of Gome is my old subordinate at Lenovo. He led the team to build the internal digital system of Gome."

Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows, "Gome is also an e-commerce company?"

He Yang said: "No, but he has this intention. It's a pity that Mr. Huang was arrested. Gome must focus on stability now. The transformation from offline to online is not easy."

Zhou Buqi sat down carelessly, glanced at Cheng Binghao's secretary, a mediocre-looking eldest sister in her 40s who was standing at the door, and said with a smile: "Here's a bottle of iced Coke!"

That eldest sister is a little funny.

I feel that this big boss is like his own son. He is indeed a young man.

After sitting down, Zhou Buqi said casually: "Sooner or later, Gome will transform into e-commerce. This is inevitable. Lao Huang was caught, and Gome is falling behind now!"

Cheng Binghao said: "Yes, so Suning's offline competition pressure has become smaller and it is more confident. This is also related to the layout of the past few years."


"Five years ago, Gome took the lead, claiming to invest 2.6 billion to change the rules of the home appliance market. It poached Lao Yu, the vice president in charge of information technology from Lenovo...the subordinate that Boss He just mentioned...started internal informatization. reform. Gome took the self-research route. Suning was the complete opposite. The investment in self-research was too high and the results were slow. Suning took a shortcut and chose to reach a five-year strategic cooperation with IBM and SAP , the total investment is only 300 million.”

"5 years……"

Zhou Buqi speculated on this number.

Not good!

Five years ago, Suning reached a cooperation with IBM, and the cooperation period was five years. It expires this year! Suning has two choices, either renew the contract or not.

It's already October, and it is estimated that both parties have completed the contract renewal.

Cheng Binghao continued: "In the past five years of cooperation, IBM has helped Suning transform enterprise management, process change, IT management and other solutions that can help Suning improve its enterprise management application level. What SAP provides is information-based logistics. System solutions.”

Zhou Buqi understood as soon as he heard it, "This is a B-side business. IBM and SAP are world-class giants. It is right to ask them for help. The cost is indeed less than self-research, and the effect is more significant."

In the field of B-side business, the country is lagging too far behind. In other words, giants such as IBM, Oracle, and SAP are too strong. The Fortune 500 are all their customers.

IBM helps Suning transform its internal management system, and SAP helps transform its external logistics system, which can indeed produce very good results. However, this is all B-side business.

For example, the logistics system developed by SAP is from manufacturers to suppliers, and suppliers to offline stores. This is B2B logistics. From offline stores to consumers.

This is completely different from C-side business.

For example, JD Logistics delivers goods directly to consumers, is for individuals, and is B2C. This will be more complicated in terms of computing power, complexity, and process details, and traditional IT solutions will not work.

Zhou Buqi understands because he is an Internet expert.

I'm afraid those people at Suning don't understand!

Sure enough, the next thing I heard was very bad news from Cheng Binghao, "In the past five years, Suning has had a pleasant cooperation with IBM and SAP. With their help, Suning has far surpassed its main competitor Gome. Get rid of it. Therefore, Suning can leave more energy to do other things, and compete with, Amazon, and Yixunlai in the online 3C home appliance market. In February this year, was officially launched."

Zhou Buqi felt sad, "Suning has signed a contract with them?"

Cheng Binghao sighed and said: "Yes, signed. They use IBM's WCS framework solution. The logistics system still cooperates with SAP."

Zhou Buqi actually has no business dealings with Suning.

I only met Mr. Zhang from Suning once, and we simply said hello without even shaking hands.

But even so, Zhou Buqi was very sad.


My boss is late!

It is such a pity to see domestic companies being cheated by foreign giants but not being able to stop them in time. If it's a state-owned enterprise, that's fine. It's happened several times. He couldn't stop it even if he wanted to. There's no way. But Suning is a private enterprise. If he intervenes early, he can still help Suning bail out from potential crises.

He Yang asked: "How about this WCS framework you mentioned?"


Cheng Binghao's expression was more complicated.

"What's wrong?"

He Yang didn't quite understand that his usual work was more about business management, process solution, human relations, organizational structure adjustment, etc., and had nothing to do with technology. In terms of understanding of IT technology, he may not be as good as Zhou Buqi. After all, he is older, not as young as Zhou Buqi, and he learns things quickly.

Cheng Binghao said: "WCS technology is very backward. The architecture was formed in 1998. More than ten years have passed and there has been no upgrade in the architecture."

He Yang was stunned, "A technical solution from more than ten years ago? Isn't that true? No one at Suning understands technology? Is this a state-owned enterprise?"

There is no way, no one would believe this kind of thing.

But reality is so magical.

It's so easy for insiders to bully outsiders.

"It's much more serious than state-owned enterprises. 12306 has so many problems and has been complained about so seriously, but 12306 is not as exaggerated as Suning." Cheng Binghao then gave a more professional analysis, "WCS architecture is based on traditional EJB and strict coupling. WebSpere application server. Simply put, as long as you use the WCS framework, it means that you are tied to IBM. This is a combination of software and hardware. You must purchase all IMB software and hardware products to match it, such as web front-end database, MQ, JDK, Unix etc."

He Yang asked: "How does it compare with our on-campus group buying?"

"Ah?" Cheng Binghao was amused. "That's not a product of one era at all. It spans at least three eras. It's just like F14 and F22. How can it be compared? To give a random example, the most popular big data now The processing solution is distributed. In this regard, Ziweixing has the world's most advanced technology. However, there was no distributed solution more than ten years ago. The WCS architecture still used early EJB and MQ technologies, which would lead to a large number of problems. The extra overhead wastes a lot of computing power and storage space. In fact, the WCS architecture does not even separate reading and writing. Well... this is very similar to 12306, which are the lowest-end technologies that have been eliminated."

Zhou Buqi was curious about the technical field and asked: "What is the logic of separation of reading and writing?"

Cheng Binghao said: "For example, when you buy an Aster mobile phone on and open the web page to browse, it is reading. Placing an order to purchase is writing, and the required data is written into the background database. When reading, if something goes wrong, it will go wrong. At most, it is The web page cannot be opened. If an error occurs during the writing process, it will affect the background data. Now needs to make structural adjustments, part of the reason is that it cannot separate reading and writing."

Zhou Buqi said: "Writing requires more computing power and higher accuracy."

"Yes," Cheng Binghao gave a simple description, "For example, the computing power of a system is 100. If it is a combination of reading and writing, and 90 people are browsing the web, the system's computing power will be exhausted and it will be very stuck. It is very difficult to place an order to purchase. Reading and writing are separated. Reading is a system and writing is a system. Each has 100 computing power. 90 people browse the web, which takes up reading resources. Some people want to download For single purchases, if you use the written system, you will not be disturbed by high traffic, and you can easily complete the precise process of placing orders and transactions.”

Zhou Buqi understood it immediately and said decisively: "All online trading platforms must separate reading and writing. Including writable social networking sites such as Friends and Weibo, they must also be designed to separate reading and writing." That’s all.”

"Yes, this is a big trend, but the technical difficulty is very high." Cheng Binghao shook his head and felt helpless, "Let alone other types of websites, even online trading platforms are only available in China, such as Taobao, Paipai, and Baidu. , on-campus group buying, Amazon, eBay and other giants have used related technologies such as read-write separation, sub-tables, and database clustering."

"Where's 12306?"


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