Top of the big era

Chapter 1733 After-sales Standards

Astermini is indeed subsidizing, and the intensity is not small.

However, it is far less than advertised.

If the cost of an Astermini really reaches 2,500 yuan, and it is sold for 1,999 yuan, Astar and Xiaonei will subsidize 500 yuan for each mobile phone. For 1 million mobile phones, that is a subsidy of 500 million yuan!

Who can afford this?

This is not a strategic project of the group.

Asda is currently selling well around the world, but its expansion scale is also large. It is actively expanding channels, markets and scientific research bases in Europe and the United States, and is still at a stage where expenditures exceed revenue.

Next, a new round of financing must be launched.

The situation on Xiaonei Network is much better, and it became profitable many years ago. However, in recent years, Ziweixing's policies have changed. does not aim to make money. Ziweixing has passed the stage of harvesting wool from college students. has launched many policies to provide feedback to college students.

For example, online sign-in draws, making money by answering questions, illegal review subsidies, campus project incubation, etc., many offline campus activities are also organized, as well as a scholarship plan covering all 211 universities with an annual expenditure of 30 million yuan.

As a result, the profits of Xiaonei Network have shrunk significantly.

Net profit in the first half of the year was approximately 22 million yuan.

If really subsidizes 200 yuan for each mobile phone and then sells 1 million mobile phones, it will invest 200 million yuan, which is really unbearable.

There is a more important point, 1 million units is only the first phase.

Next, Asterini will continue to cooperate with and continue to launch Astermini for college students.

It’s really hard to make up for it.

The real situation now is that the school network only subsidizes some logistics fees for mobile phones, which is relatively easy. As for Aisida, it is easier, and the subsidy points are also deserved!

In the past few years, Asda has been focusing on overseas markets and is not very well-known domestically.

This year we started to focus on the domestic market, which inevitably meant spending money on advertising.

How much advertising money will be spent?



If you adopt traditional advertising and marketing thinking, this amount of money is really not enough. Moreover, the effect may not be very good. The overwhelming advertisements cover all TV stations and media pages, and viewers watch them every day, which will only arouse disgust.

Be sure to adopt new thinking and low-cost marketing methods.

Xiaomi’s hunger marketing is very good.

But Zhou Buqi had a better plan.

Promote the cooperation between Asda and to care for the next generation together, encourage universities to embrace the new era, and enable them to use affordable smartphones. This is definitely good news for the current group of college students.

Nowadays, the price of smartphones on the market is more than 4,000 yuan. Aisda and have cooperated to launch a 1,999 yuan customized version specifically for college students. This is a real event marketing!

It turns out that the effect is very good!

Media across the country are rushing to report on it, and the free publicity has brought strong market appeal and brand image to Asda.

The money subsidized by Asda is regarded as advertising fees.

However, there is still a thorny issue that needs to be solved - after-sales service.

Smartphones are different from feature phones. Smartphones are more complex, have more spare parts, and have a higher failure rate. After-sales service in the era of feature phones was easy, but in the era of smartphones, we must pay attention to it.

Zhang Xuhao was also worried about this and said: "Amazon has released a reader called Kindle. I don't know if you have noticed it. At present, this product has not officially entered the domestic market, but many domestic users have bought it through many channels. This product. There is a very popular post on Weibo.”

Zhou Buqi basically guessed, "Is it a loophole in the after-sales service?"

Zhang Xuhao said: "The main reason is that the domestic people are too eager to take advantage of the loopholes. In the summer, an international student returned to China for the summer vacation and brought back a Kindle. When he found a fault during use, he contacted Amazon customer service. But the Kindle did not work. After opening a business in China, the customer service asked her to send the product back to the United States, and they would resend a new one. She said that she was in China, and the shipping fee was too expensive and inconvenient. Amazon customer service told her that she didn’t need to send it, and that the product belonged to her. , and they would give a full refund. She was very happy and posted on Weibo, saying that Amazon’s customer service was very considerate. This was a sincere compliment, but a clever netizen discovered the loophole in the process. In the past, this Within three or four months, a large number of damaged Kindles appeared in China, and Amazon customers were asked to refund."

Coincidentally, Zhang Yiming also has a Kindle to facilitate his reading of foreign books and periodicals that have not yet been published in China. He added: "The policy has changed, and Amazon's customer service no longer responds to refund requests from mainland China."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "After-sales service is indeed very important. How is Asda's global after-sales service?"

Yan Guangming said: "It's similar to those technology giants, they all replace and repair. And... alas, the political correctness in Europe and the United States has become obsessed with it, and they can no longer distinguish between right and wrong."

Then, he briefly talked about a common phenomenon.

A person buys a new mobile phone. If the mobile phone itself is faulty, he will inevitably need to replace it with a new one. However, if the consumer accidentally breaks it and then returns it, can it be replaced?

The answer is yes.

This is actually a trick of "quality discrimination", targeting high-quality consumers.

The warranty requirements are stated, and any damage caused by man-made damage will not be replaced.

Therefore, if most people break their mobile phones, they will abide by the agreement and not replace it. Their high quality has become the main source of profits for businesses.

However, there are always some low-quality people.

I damaged my phone, and then demanded a replacement with all my might. European and American technology giants would basically replace it. It’s better to do less than to do more.

This stuff doesn't make sense.

It's a scholar meeting a soldier.

An especially important point is that most of these low-quality people are dark-skinned, either African or Mexican, and cannot afford to offend.

Not to mention that this group of people want to return or replace a broken mobile phone that is still under warranty. Even if the warranty period has expired and they want to replace it, the after-sales service cannot be too insistent. It must be replaced.

Even if they come in and want to buy a mobile phone for free, the after-sales service must not stop them, and they must give it what is due.

Later, it became more and more intense, and it became "zero-yuan shopping".

This can also be regarded as a social consensus of disguised welfare for the people at the bottom.

Yan Guangming complained for a while, then laughed, "Actually, the electronic product industry is not bad, there is not much need to replace these things. The clothing industry is miserable, there are many big bosses... ahem, there are a small number of low-income groups, When you go to the mall to buy clothes, you usually have 30 days to return or exchange them without any reason. If you buy a set of clothes and wear them for ten and a half days and they get dirty, you just take them back and change them into a new one. Why don’t you change them after you wash them clean? Okay! I've seen it twice with my own eyes. A big fat black woman went to change her clothes. There was still oil on it. She didn't know if it was a pizza or a burger. The waiter had to change her clothes with a smile. Her attitude was a bit bad. , it’s racial discrimination.”

"As for Astermini's overseas after-sales policy, just follow Apple's lead." Zhou Buqi knew that this kind of thing could not be avoided, "Just treat it as a fixed after-sales expense every year. However, we should treat Astermini with caution. "

Yan Guangming deeply agreed, "Yes, the policy of replacing repairs with replacement is not easy to promote in China..."

"Don't, don't play with double standards. We are in the Internet age, and the information gap is getting smaller and smaller. If Aisda treats its after-sales policies differently at home and abroad, the brand image will be ruined." Zhou Buqi is more experienced in this, There is a learning object, "The after-sales policy at home and abroad can be the same. However, there are no politically correct imposed requirements in China, and the warranty policy can be strictly implemented. When returning the machine, it must be strictly inspected to prevent man-made damage, or taking Huaqiangbei's imitation products. Get a new one.”

In fact, every technology giant treats the after-sales policy of electronic products differently. It is not a "double standard" but a "multiple standard". Different countries have different standards.

However, the implementation will be appropriately adjusted according to national conditions.

For example, in Korea, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan, regardless of any product of any merchant, they have the best service system in the world, far surpassing Europe and the United States.

Just like food additives, each country has its own set of standards. Domestic standards are similar to those in Europe and the United States, but are slightly worse than those in South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

However, "multiple standards" are too complicated for the public. Let alone "multiple standards", the public cannot even tolerate "double standards".

Therefore, when it comes to Asda's mobile phone business, the specific implementation is another matter. At the marketing and marketing level, we must establish a set of global unified standards that can convince the public.

People all over the world are the same. They cannot accept things that are too complicated. There must be a common set of standards to express ASDA's fairness and justice.

But Astermini is different.

This is quite special. This is a mobile phone specially designed for college students.

The average quality of college students is much higher than the social average, and the after-sales cost of serving college students is far lower than that of serving social groups.

But now the problem is coming, scalpers have appeared!

The first batch of 1 million units of Astermini was quickly sold out after the on-campus group purchase went online.

Then, many stores appeared on Taobao selling unopened Asterminis, with the words "on-campus rush purchase, new product transfer" blatantly marked.

Some are priced as high as 2,999 yuan.

You can make 1,000 yuan by changing hands!

This is not possible!

On the Astermini mobile phone, Astar and Xiaonei serve college students, which is a benefit for college students. It has flowed into the society and allowed the public to enjoy the benefits provided by the campus network to college students. At best, it is harming the interests of the campus network. At worst, it is harming the interests of all college students.

Because no longer aims at pursuing high profits, and when it makes money, it will feed it back to college students in various ways. Being taken advantage of by society, the benefits of college students become less.

Moreover, this will also cause confusion in Asda's after-sales system.

We have to find a way to solve it!

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