Top of the big era

Chapter 1715 Content E-commerce

Zhou Buqi discussed e-commerce with Chen Dong. He was not just talking nonsense, but he really had some ideas, "Tang Binchen, Niconico is doing quite well, do you know?"

"It seems pretty good."

Chen Dong didn't know much about the specific situation.

Zhou Buqi was dissatisfied, "Niconico targets two-dimensional people, otakus and star-chasing fans. This highly overlaps with the user groups of Jingtao. You have to use this resource efficiently."

Chen Dongdao: "That's a video website. Jingtao is engaged in e-commerce. If we want to attract traffic..."

"It's not about diverting traffic!" Zhou Buqi interrupted him, "Your thinking is still a bit old-fashioned. Just do as the Romans do. Don't be assimilated by the local e-commerce forces. Although e-commerce is also retail, it is the Internet after all. To Have innovative thinking!”

Chen Dongdao: "There is some cooperation between Niconico and Jingtao."

"not enough!"

"not enough?"

"I've paid attention, but there is still a little less content related to Jingtao on Niconico."

"I follow instructions."

Chen Dong gave up and didn't understand what Boss Zhou had in mind.

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "At the last meeting in Shanghai, I told you that in the new era, we need to develop the Internet celebrity economy, but you haven't considered it? Do you think I'm just talking about football, movies, mobile phones and wireless devices?" Man-machine?”

Chen Dong was very embarrassed, "I've thought about it, but I just don't understand it deeply."

Zhou Buqi didn't get too competitive with him and said: "Internet celebrity economy is a major trend in the future. Isn't the iPhone also an Internet celebrity product? Have you seen the iPhone advertised on TV?"


"The current model of Jingtao is shelf-style e-commerce, including Taobao,, Amazon, and Rakuten Market. In fact, they are all the same, they are all shelf-style e-commerce. These companies have been working in the field of shelf e-commerce for more than ten years. After so many years, its foundation is much stronger than that of Jingtao. It’s not surprising that Jingtao cannot compete with Rakuten and Amazon in Japan.”

"Yes, shelves." Chen Dong agreed with this description. "It's just like the shelves in a store. Users come here to choose products."

Zhou Buqi said: "However, users often only go to the store to shop when they have a need. Very few people go to the store when they are bored. This is a low-frequency behavior and is destined to have low traffic."

Chen Dongdao: "So we need to find ways to divert traffic and attract customers from outside."

Zhou Buqi said: "The idea of ​​diversion is correct, but it is still too traditional. The logic of diversion is that we find ways, such as store promotions, store decoration, and new and more interesting products. We find ways to create a Attraction is to attract users to come over. A more advanced idea is to let users come over on their own initiative.”


"This is what I call the internet celebrity economy. We should focus on finding opportunities at the content level. For ordinary people, going to stores to shop is a low-frequency behavior, while the behavior of obtaining content is high-frequency. Few people go to stores to shop when they are idle and bored. , most people are hiding at home watching TV.”

Chen Dong understood what he meant and took a deep breath, "Make Internet content! Content around Jingtao's products!"

Zhou Buqi said: "Jingtao's promotions can indeed attract some consumers, but consumers are passive behaviors. They have no subjective shopping needs and just buy whatever is cheap. The same goes for physical department stores. Promotions have an effect, but the result of price reduction will inevitably be a decrease in profit margins. Content is different. Content is recommendation. Consumers have received certain recommendations from other channels to generate their own shopping needs, and then actively come to Jingtao to shop. Content E-commerce is not only more frequent, but shelf-oriented e-commerce is also a dimensionality-reducing blow.”

"Content e-commerce..."

Chen Dong was in a daze. He felt that this wave of information flow was so intense that his brain was short-circuited.

Zhou Buqi said: "The best consumption is not to consume for the sake of goods. How much is the value of a product itself? The more derived value is the content. A T-shirt, the same style as Marilyn Monroe, You can have more sales and higher prices; the Three Kingdoms blind box sells so well in Japan, consumers are not buying the toy itself, but actually paying for the content. The lottery method of the blind box, the cultural characteristics of the Three Kingdoms, and the development of Niconico Box reviews and the influence of the "Red Cliff" movie, these are all content. Only content packaged beyond the product can better stimulate consumption."

Hitoshi Yoshino also said when he was present just now that the economic crisis has had a great impact on Japan, and the market's consumer enthusiasm has dropped sharply.

In 2007, Japan’s mobile phone sales exceeded 50 million units. When the financial crisis broke out in 2008, sales plummeted to 36 million units, and then fell to 34 million units in 2009.

Many times I don’t spend money, not because I don’t have money.

But the impulse to consume has been lost.

Excellent "content" is an excellent way to stimulate consumption.

The most typical representative is the live streaming e-commerce industry that later emerged in China. Once it appeared, it became a big hit and had a huge impact on the traditional e-commerce model.

However, there are also high and low levels of live broadcast e-commerce. The low-end live broadcast e-commerce merchants are like low-end street vendors who keep shouting and talking as fast as a machine gun; It's like performing arts, where they call on the audience to place orders through performing arts; there are also some more low-end ones, which use quarrels and fights to attract popularity.

High-end live streaming e-commerce is like a NASA scientist who taught an astronomy class, and the children bought astronomical telescopes with a longing for the universe; or a lecturer from "Hundred Schools Forum" who taught a glorious and magnificent history , the audience will be curious and respectful, and buy related books for further reading.

But whether it's acting, busking, quarreling, or giving a prestigious lecture, it's actually content, and it's the active consumption behind the content.

If it is entertainment content with a wide audience, it will drive greater consumption power.

The most typical example is Hollywood commercial blockbusters.

"Iron Man 2" was released by Marvel Studios in May. Zhou Buqi has seen relevant data. In the past four months, the derivatives market alone has brought US$170 million in revenue to Ziweixing Global.

The theory of content e-commerce is very cutting-edge.

Not to mention that it is only 2010, even in 2020, it is the most cutting-edge e-commerce theory in the world. Except for the Chinese Internet people who have the ultimate imagination and creativity in the Internet business model, no one in the world can play with it.

It’s not that foreigners don’t accept this, it’s that some giants including Amazon and Facebook lack similar creativity and execution capabilities. After TikTok launched live streaming e-commerce overseas, it also fascinated foreigners.

The idea of ​​​​content e-commerce is very advanced.

At this stage, it is not suitable in China, nor in Europe or the United States.

Only Japan can.

Here is the most mature fertile ground for e-commerce in the world. As early as 20 or 30 years ago, when there was no Internet, Japan's "trading industry" was very developed, that is, "correspondence selling", which relied on telephones, newspapers, television, magazines, radio and other media to sell goods.

The “content e-commerce” model has actually appeared in Japan for a long time.

At that time, some merchants advertised in magazines to sell goods. Interested consumers called the phone number left in the magazine to place an order, left the delivery address, then wired the money to the designated bank card, and then waited for the harvest.

Later, someone discovered that this kind of hard advertising was not effective, and the storytelling model seemed to sell better. For example, when writing an article in a magazine, the important prop in the article is the product you want to sell. After readers read the story, they will have a strong desire to buy, and they will actively call to place an order.

This model can definitely be moved to the Internet.

It has been several years since Zhou Buqi sent Tang Binchen and Chen Dong to Japan to expand the market. Many times, the more he learned about them, the more he felt that the local people's business thinking was too outdated and too conservative.

If there was such a good business environment and social atmosphere in China, businesses would have had their fun long ago. It’s not like we have to wait until short videos explode ten years later before we have the opportunity to start a similar business.

This is of course a good thing for Zhou Buqi. The local e-commerce industry lacks a deep understanding of the Internet. This is exactly the opportunity for Jingtao to gain more market share after stabilizing its foothold!

Zhou Buqi talked to Chen Dong about content e-commerce.

He did not prepare in advance, nor did he ask Professor Han for help in formulating a closed-loop theory. But it doesn't matter, Chen Dong is one of his own, just make the general meaning clear. A small flaw in the details is not important.

To explain the theory clearly and how to do it specifically, Chen Dong has to think slowly and do it after understanding it.

Zhou Buqi said: "Content does not necessarily have to be video content. This is a general concept. However, this is a cutting-edge e-commerce theory. You cannot eat a fat man in one bite. Take your time."

Chen Dong thought slowly and said slowly: "Well, let's deepen our cooperation with Niconico and cooperate with some high-quality video producers."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Yes, just like the unboxing video of the blind box, you can make more similar videos. The content cannot be too direct, too direct, the suspicion of hard advertising is too heavy, and users will feel repelled, so it must be Integrate it with video content. For example... let me give you an example. Didn't I say that the school group purchase should be a clothing group purchase? "


"You can find some popular broadcasters, let them wear some two-dimensional clothes, comics or game styles, and shoot a short video to hang on Niconico. This is in line with the website's positioning and will also help win fans' favor for them. , and also attract people to buy the same style of clothes.”

Chen Dongdao: "I know, but I'm afraid that the actual effect will not be very good, and the content traffic will still be traffic. Niconico's traffic scale is far inferior to YouTube."

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, let's explore the model first and figure out the entire process and operation model. There is such a market in Japan, let's start experiments. In the future, maybe Tang Binchen will create a model with more traffic than YouTube For higher quality products, Jingtao can respond quickly.”

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