Top of the big era

Chapter 1697 How fast is a small person?

"Higher social significance?"

"Yes, there has been an obvious overcapacity in clothing production in recent years. There are too many unsaleable clothing stored in warehouses, resulting in a huge waste of social resources."

"Well, 4 trillion is a big deal."

Zhou Buqi has heard from many colleagues in the industry that in fact, it is not just the clothing industry. In the past few years, in order to save the economic crisis, most industries have overcapacity.

What should we do if we can’t absorb the excess production capacity?

It can only open up new sales channels.

If developed countries do not accept inferior products, they will sell these excess production capacities to some third world countries such as the Middle East and Africa.

But what should we do if these countries can’t afford it? Then lend it to them and let them go back and buy domestic goods. After a few years when the debts were no longer repaid, they would be forgiven with a wave of the hand, showing the heavenly court's friendliness towards foreigners.

If you want to solve the problem at its root, you still need to find ways to reduce waste.

Qin He said with a smile: "The cause of waste is mainly caused by mass production. Most manufacturing factories that collapse are due to inventory. If you want to avoid large-scale inventory accumulation, the best way is to use small For large-scale production, test the water first with samples.”

"Testing the water?" Zhou Buqi shook his head, "This is not easy. Just like the hot-selling clothes on Taobao, once the traffic increases, you can easily hit 100,000 or 200,000 orders. It's a temporary rush. It’s too late to make it, so it must be prepared on a large scale in advance.”

Qin He said: "So Taobao's popular sales model is flawed. What on-campus group buying needs to do can be summed up in one word that I summed up - 'Small is so fast'."

"How fast is the little one?"

"Small means small batches; individual means personalization; large means multiple batches; fast means fast production and fast delivery, using the Internet to shorten the supply chain cycle." Qin He paused and continued, "Now it has It is different from ten years ago. We have entered the fast era, and the same is true for clothing trends. The cycle is getting shorter and shorter, and the trend has become a gust of wind. To cope with the changes in this new era, the traditional supply chain cycle is no longer suitable. The consumer market has put forward new demands on the manufacturing side, and traditional industries cannot cope with them. Only the Internet can."

Zhou Buqi said: "Well, I have talked with Mr. Chen from Fanke, and the process concepts are similar. However, Fanke's model is too full, so it is not as good as the clothing group purchase you are doing."

Fanke designs and produces by itself, and participates in all channels.

How many styles can Vanke produce in a year with its own strength alone?

In comparison, Qin He's on-campus group buying was much more advanced.

Relying on the many clothing workshops in the south, it is possible to buy almost all the new trendy clothing styles in the world.

After receiving praise from the big boss, Qin He was very happy and said with a smile: "Fanke's model is not very good. Even the best designers and analysts have difficulty in accurately grasping the public's preferences. Only the public can Only then can we understand the public best.”

"School network..."

At this moment, Zhou Buqi finally understood her intention.

How awesome!

The school network is originally a testing ground!

College students are volunteers for testing new drugs!

Qin He said: "Clothing group buying is done every half month. The school network first conducts a preliminary screening and selects thousands of new styles to hang on the network, so that the 25 million college students can further vote with their banknotes. If certain clothing styles are affected by It has been unanimously sought after by college students and the orders are outstanding, which is enough to prove that this style is most in line with the current aesthetic trend and is a real hit. "

Zhang Xuhao finally understood and was very excited, "Yes, this idea is very good! It is too difficult to select products. No one can accurately judge the public's taste by relying on imagination and prediction. The only criterion can only be Money from the public. The clothing group purchase on appears to be a clothing customization service for college students, but it is actually a large-scale 'hot-selling' clothing selection site!"

Qin He smiled and said: "Yes, the product selection scene."

Zhang Xuhao said: "In the era of the Internet, the most important asset is data assets. Through college students' clothing group purchases, we can clearly grasp the current public aesthetics and accurately judge the current hot styles. This is extremely valuable Derived data must be kept highly confidential and cannot be leaked.”

Qin He said: "Well, I have already done web design. If the number of orders is less than 300, the number of orders will be displayed to encourage college students to continue placing orders. Because if the number of orders is less than 300, the customization of this category will be cancelled, and group purchases will not be initiated. If it exceeds 300 When ordering, only the words 'Initiate group purchase' will be displayed, and the specific order volume will not be displayed. The order data in the background can only be seen by management above M4."

This kind of mass clothing business is not as profitable as luxury goods. If you want to make a lot of money, you must go big.

If you want to gain volume, you need to create a hit product.

Clothing group buying on is a test of the market, selecting the most popular styles from tens of thousands of styles.

This is the power of data.

If you choose a hot product, are you still worried about not making money?

You can find regular merchants to cooperate with and sell similar popular clothing designs. Or simply go to Taobao and open a "school network preferred" clothing store, specializing in selling your own popular styles, which is enough to kill all clothing stores on Taobao.

Speaking of this, Qin He shook his head slightly and said that he did not have enough authority and needed to rely on higher-level leaders of the business group to make decisions. How about you, Boss Zhou, give me an idea?

Zhou Buqi didn't give any random instructions, he just said you should do it first. If this model is really implemented, you will further discuss the possibility of further realization internally.

On-campus group buying is strong, but not huge.

This is a closed market with limited user scale.

However, if you can select all the popular clothing, and then cooperate with Vanke, or directly open a store on Taobao...this will have a greater opportunity to make money.

The clothing group buying business of is not only strong, but also big!

Zhang Xuhao paid attention to the field of digitalization, "In terms of supply chain management, for efficiency and collaboration, it is best to use digital management."

"It's difficult." Qin He sighed, "On-campus group buying adopts the 'small, fast' model, which is not attractive to medium and large clothing factories. Our partners are mainly family clothing workshops. Family workshops often This means that their academic qualifications are not very high, and many young people have not finished junior high school and have gone home to work as apprentices.”

Zhou Buqi nodded and said: "Well, this is a major difficulty in the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises. Not to mention these family workshops, even the government's digital transformation has to face a lot of resistance. Don't the leaders still carry paper documents every day? Marking? How many people can use computers?"

Zhang Xuhao said: "You can select the best and select 500-1,000 high-quality clothing workshops with a certain level of education and cooperate with them for a long time. Rely on Weishu to build a simple supply chain management system and record the order volume in real time through the Internet. Allocating models and models... Well, it would be best to add the supply chain of raw materials and display the price data of raw materials, so that the profit they can make from each business can be shown to family workshops in real time. You will be more motivated.”

This is a very good idea.

However, Qin He does not have enough authority.

Such a big thing cannot be accomplished by just her being the vice president of Xiaonei Network. This is all related to the cloud computing industry and is a cross-department collaboration.

The clothing customization business must have improved, and then she reported it to Liang Rubo, the president of the new media business group, and then Liang Rubo reported it to Zhang Yiming. If Zhang Yiming thinks it's okay, he will communicate with Zhou Feng, the president of the cloud computing business group. Then, bridges of cooperation across business groups can be built.

Zhou Buqi can actually make a temporary decision, but this is not an urgent matter. As Qin He said, with this business model, only on-campus group buying can be implemented in the world. There are no competitors at all. What's the hurry? Just follow the organizational procedures honestly.

However, Zhou Buqi agreed with Zhang Xuhao's suggestion, "There should be a digital system to coordinate the hundreds or thousands of clothing workshops under you. The first thing is that the customization of samples must be well planned and distributed. , don’t repeat it. It’s best to have an artificial intelligence design system.”


Qin He was stunned.


Boss Zhou, what are you talking about?

Are you thinking about using artificial intelligence to design clothes? This is a bit whimsical.

Zhou Buqi explained: "You still have to consider the external image of Ziweixing. Even if it is imitation, don't copy 100% the designs of foreign big brands. It is better to make some slight modifications. Then, allocate orders based on artificial intelligence …For example, if you send only orders for red clothes to a clothing workshop, they can only purchase red fabrics, which not only facilitates management, but also improves clothing production efficiency.”


Qin He was confused and felt that he would have to report to his leader later. She is an expert in the field of clothing supply chain. She does not have a deep understanding of software, artificial intelligence, and digital management, and she specializes in technical fields.

Zhang Xuhao obviously has a better understanding of digitalization, "Yes, it is impossible to let those clothing workshops do the design. It can only be plagiarism. But you can't plagiarize too much, which will affect the brand of and even Ziweixing." . You can try it in the early stage. In the long run, we should still have our own design tools, which don’t need to be too complicated. We only need to get foreign clothing styles, and be able to simply make local adjustments and eliminate and replace trademarks. ."

"Trademark?" Zhou Buqi was a little amused, "And you want to set up your own clothing brand?"

"Why not?" Zhang Xuhao is very optimistic about this model. "Like many copycat mobile phones, mobile phone manufacturers take foreign brand mobile phones and slightly modify their appearance, then coordinate the supply chain and find OEMs to produce them. These are all. A family workshop is actually a foundry.”

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "Take your time, don't be anxious. Try a few clothing group purchases first, and improve the industrial model bit by bit. If this model really takes off, maybe it can really make a difference." "

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