Top of the big era

Chapter 1696 Creating a hit

This is about the choice of the positioning concept of the school network. Zhou Buqi agrees with Zhang Xuhao's idea.

That's how business is done a lot of the time.

If it is big, it is not strong, it makes a lot of money, but its vitality is short; if it is strong, it is not big, its vitality is very strong, but its ability to make money is weak.

The larger the business, the more difficult it is to manage and the more likely it is to create chaos.

There are many well-established companies in Germany, all with a history of hundreds of years. If you make luggage, you will keep making luggage for a hundred or two hundred years; if you make knives, you will keep making knives for a hundred or two hundred years.

If you are small in scale and dedicated enough, you will be strong and you can survive through the times.

However, after a certain area of ​​business has improved, many companies have begun to diversify and develop. From strong to big, it basically means the beginning of decline.

Looking around the world, companies with a life span of one or two hundred years are generally small and medium-sized enterprises, with very few large companies.

In the early years, Zhou Buqi was still relatively vague about the future trend of the campus network. Recently, it has become clearer and clearer. The threshold of the campus network must be determined and it is only for college students.

In order to make money, we cannot lower the entry threshold of the school network to allow outside users to pour in, causing blurred user positioning and management confusion on the school network.

The Xiaonei Network is only open to college students, which allows this product to have a stable user group and facilitates the management, operation and targeted services of the Xiaonei Network team.

Openness has the benefits of being open, and being closed has the advantages of being closed.

The campus network must adhere to the closed campus market.

The school network built by Zhou Buqi is not at the same level as the "xiaonei network" in the previous life.

In the previous life, was basically a copycat version of Facebook. The product lacked strategic design and was just for making money. In order to make money, it is not enough to rely only on college students. It must be open to all groups in society. This opening means losing the threshold and loyalty of college students, and it will soon die out.

The school network built by Zhou Buqi has a higher strategic significance. Ziweixing has a huge product ecosystem and extremely strong profitability. It does not need to rely on the school network to make money.

The school network only needs to bear its due strategic significance.

Just like a microdot map.

This product may never be profitable.

However, Ziweixing must have such a product. This is a way to establish trust and life circle between Ziweixing and users.

Usually only giant companies can have such strategic considerations.

Qin He also firmly believes that the campus network should remain closed and become a carnival area for the niche market of college students. Because of the "test field" nature of the niche market, it has further implications for her custom clothing business.

Qin He is not a group executive, so she did not participate in a discussion on "strong" and "big" selection concepts in corporate decision-making held by Zhou Buqi a few days ago. However, she was Liang Rubo's personal favorite. When he heard that she was going to meet with Boss Zhou today, Liang Rubo urgently sorted out the meeting contents and forwarded them to her.

So that she can answer questions fluently when facing the big boss and leave a good impression.

It really came in handy.

Qin He said: "I have summarized that there are five major difficulties in the clothing customization business, namely supply chain management, style design, long delivery period, credit system, and consumer patience. Looking at the world, there is no e-commerce platform Only the campus network can solve these five major problems at the same time!"

Zhou Buqi smiled, "So confident?"

Qin He said: "It's really like this. The foreign e-commerce market... is probably the most mature one. Japan is also very good. South Korea is also very good, and developed countries in Europe and the United States have no problem. There are no problems in the four difficulties of style, delivery, credit, and patience." are constrained. However, they do not have a strong supply chain system, which can only be found in the south of our country. Although the country has a complete service trade supply chain that has been developed for decades, it lacks Internet-based transaction awareness, delivery, credit, None of the three major problems of consumer patience can be solved.”

After such an analysis, Zhou Buqi felt quite proud, "Well, only the school network and on-campus group buying can start this business in the niche market of university campuses."

Throughout the world, Xiaonei Network is unique!

Qin He said: "The school network is a typical strong business, and we should continue to strengthen it. We cannot blindly expand the user group and lower the entry threshold in order to expand the sales scale."

Zhou Buqi supported her idea, "This is right."

Qin He smiled and said: "Small and refined, so it is strong, but it does not necessarily mean that it is worse than a big but not strong in making money!"


Zhou Buqi was very interested because he couldn't think of an answer.

Qin He said: "This has something to do with Taobao and Paipai. Well... my old employer was too weak, mainly Taobao. Taobao's current clothing business has a new popular strategy called 'creating hot items'."

Zhou Buqi has never paid much attention to Taobao in this life, but he knows a lot about Taobao and knows similar methods, "Well, it's the best-selling style."

Zhang Xuhao didn't quite understand, "What do you mean?"

Qin He explained: "In the past, clothing stores on Taobao were very traditional, which was equivalent to bringing the offline model to the Internet. They just found models to take photos, and then hung the photos in the store. Once users liked it, they placed an order. , and then the store will ship the goods.”

Zhang Xuhao was surprised, "Isn't it right? Is this normal logic?"

Qin He smiled and said: "It's normal logic, but there are new ways to play. There are too many clothing products on Taobao, there may be hundreds of thousands of them. Even if Taobao is large, it can store enough pictures. However, Taobao Users don’t have that much time to browse one by one, and at most they can only browse the first few pages. This means that the vast majority of clothing styles have a very small audience. A small audience means that the store’s profit is too little.”

It was also the first time Zhou Buqi heard someone talk about some of the inside stories here, and he suddenly realized, "That's it!"

Zhang Xuhao nodded repeatedly, "For some small businesses, it doesn't matter even if the audience is small, as long as they can make money. But for some ambitious Taobao stores, they will not be satisfied with the niche market."

Qin He said: "Yes, Taobao has been reformed at the business level. In the past, Taobao was split into two companies. One is Taobao, which is a collection of goods stalls, mainly for small stall owners. The other is Taobao Mall, which is a bit like a department store, mainly It is aimed at some large stores. These large stores can get better recommendation resources, but also have to pay more management fees and service fees. They must find ways to increase sales."

"So it's a hit strategy."

"Yes, a hit."

“How to create a hit?”

“The core is product selection.”

Qin He laughed, somewhat mockingly.

After fussing over and over again, I fell back on the product selection.

This is the hardest level!

It’s okay if you make the right choice, but if you make the wrong choice, you’ll lose everything and expect huge losses!

China has the largest and most complete clothing trade and supply system in the world. There are nearly 10,000 new styles of clothing every day, and there are 20,000 to 300,000 styles a month.

From here, who can pick out the hottest items?

It's like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Qin He said: "The trend of creating hot-selling items on Taobao seems to me too extensive, just like a big gamble. Shop owners go to the wholesale market of services trade, choose among millions of clothing categories, and then choose one of them like a bet. There were three or five styles of clothes, betting that these clothes would be unanimously recognized by the public. After getting them on Taobao, they began to spend money like crazy to buy traffic and ads, and push these clothes to a more prominent position to attract users. Trying to trigger a hit effect. Of course it’s good if it succeeds. You can make a lot of money. I heard that some merchants made more than 30 million in the first half of the year. If you fail to select the product and make the wrong bet, you may have to sell hundreds of thousands of dollars in inventory. If you don’t go out, you’ll lose everything.”

Zhou Buqi sighed: "Yes, in the final analysis, it comes down to product selection. No one can grasp the public preference in the market without fail. In 1993, my dad also started a clothing business, but he also made the wrong product selection. I couldn’t sell it, so I lost more than 200,000 yuan.”

In the final analysis, this is the polarity of aesthetics: popular aesthetics and artistic aesthetics.

Popular aesthetics is public aesthetics. Whatever the public likes is beautiful.

Artistic aesthetics refers to what a group of elites with the right to speak in a small circle think is beautiful.

The former represents bigness and the latter represents strength.

Such as Hollywood commercial blockbusters and French art films.

Such as Happy Twist and Renyi.

Another example is ZARA and Hermès.

Hermès launches new clothing, only a dozen of them a year. Some of the clothes were designed to look like sacks, which attracted ridicule from the public, who thought it was ridiculous. However, the market reacted completely differently, with panic buying taking place as demand exceeded supply.

Because Hermès consumers are not the general class, but belong to the upper class of society, these people all have a kind of self-vanity like the "Emperor's New Clothes".

can't read?

Don’t understand what’s beautiful?

It doesn't matter, the best designers think this is beautiful, that is beautiful. It is enough to show your high taste without being kitsch through a more advanced aesthetic.

ZARA is different. This is a fast-moving consumer product sold to ordinary people. Only if the people think it looks good will they buy it. Therefore, ZARA can only use massive tactics and launch nearly 20,000 new clothing styles every year. There are always a few that can hit the aesthetic preferences of users. You can achieve the largest sales volume and scale in the world.

Therefore, from a market perspective, it is still more difficult for the public to appreciate.

There is a relatively stable consensus that artistic aesthetics is a small-circle game. Just like painting, no matter how ugly Van Gogh or Picasso's paintings are, it doesn't matter, they are artistic treasures; just like poetry creation, no matter how difficult the content is to be understood by the public, as long as it is recognized by the industry, it is an excellent work, shit. It can also be a metaphor for new heights.

In business, it is easier. Hermès only needs to recruit the best designers who can gain consensus in the industry to ensure long-term prosperity.

It is difficult to judge for a mass circle like ZARA. Public aesthetics are easily affected by factors such as policies, public opinion, culture, quality of life, and economic conditions in different periods, making it difficult to accurately judge.

Clothes sold on Taobao or in department stores are usually products with a public aesthetic, so it is very difficult to choose.

Choosing the wrong one can be fatal.

Qin He seemed to want to solve this problem, and said with a smile: "Our college students have not yet entered the society, and they are more interested in public aesthetics. On-campus group buying can solve the problem of selecting products for public aesthetics in the clothing category! This is a better way for us to do clothing customization business. High social significance!”

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