Top of the big era

Chapter 1680 The methods of big entrepreneurs

The matter of the patent lawsuit is very complicated, and Zhou Buqi and Zhou Shaoning really can't explain it clearly in a few simple words.

I still have to find a chance to go to the United States.

Google can't afford to offend, so it has to rely on other people's Android systems to survive. Apple cannot afford to offend. Once the patent stick comes down, it may be seriously injured.

Domestic companies lack experience in handling this type of matter.

As for American technology companies, every one of them must have encountered a patent crisis. There are usually two types of solutions. One is to spend money to eliminate disasters, just give money.

In the past few years, Apple has suffered a lot in this regard. It has always been sued, always lost and always paid out. The most ruthless one here is of course Qualcomm.

Jobs was forced to have no choice but to do his own research to circumvent the other party's patents. This is the second way - independent research and development.

Fortunately, the core patent sticks that Apple now possesses mainly revolve around the touch screen interactive interface and gesture operation methods.

These are relatively low-end design patents.

It’s incomparable to hard-core technology like Qualcomm.

This leaves a lot of room for maneuver.

In Zhou Buqi's view, spending a sum of money to settle with Apple is the best solution. A problem that can be solved with money is not a problem. If you encounter a geopolitical problem that you can't even spend money to solve, then that's a real problem.

Smartphones are only in their early days, and the patents owned by Apple are actually early patents.

Asda spent a sum of money to eliminate the current risk.

In the future, there will be a way to control the apple.

Zhou Buqi has used smartphones for so many years and knows more ways to operate smartphones, such as sliding up to unlock, fingerprint unlocking, face unlocking and other solutions.

As long as Asda applies for a patent on the relevant design plan, it will have a way to take advantage of Apple.

Apple actually has nothing to worry about.

The trouble is Google.

You have to have a good relationship with Google. With Google's support and the adaptation of the Android system, you can realize many design ideas in smartphones.

Google now has great ambitions and wants to attract more mobile phone manufacturers to join the Android camp. If you want to promote this matter, you must first draw a clear path for Android manufacturers to let them know what they can and cannot do, so as not to be suppressed by the big stick of patents.

But which things will be suppressed?

have no idea!

It is not enough to analyze this thing, nor is it enough to find experts to evaluate it. It must be tried in court, where all parties will cross-examine and argue, and the sphere of influence will be demarcated by law.

From now on, Android phones will only operate in Google's patent camp. Try not to invade Apple's territory, so as to avoid the big stick of patents.

This requires thugs to come on stage.

Who will represent Android phones in a lawsuit against Apple phones? Of course, Google chose Asda, the mainstay of the Android camp, and Samsung also volunteered to rush forward.

In other words, Asda's lawsuit against Apple does not represent itself, but the entire Android mobile phone alliance. Regardless of whether you win or lose, the court will eventually make a ruling, make the results public, and notify you of which designs are not infringing and which designs are infringing.

In this way, future Android phones will have to find ways to avoid those infringing patents, or just spend money to buy them. And there is no need to waste more money on purchasing patents that do not infringe.

The advantage of litigating is that the boundaries are clear, and money that should not be spent does not need to be spent; the disadvantage is that it is uncontrollable, and if something goes wrong, it will be sanctioned and banned.

The advantage of not filing a lawsuit is that you can avoid the risk of a sales ban; the disadvantage is that you may be cheated and spend a lot of unjust money.

This is a big matter that cannot be solved overnight.

Let’s first look at the reactions of other mobile phone manufacturers.

When I got home in the evening, I found that Wu Yu was there too. He had just taken a bath and looked exhausted and tired.

She is very busy recently.

She is responsible for the operation of the blind box business.

The new season of European football is about to start soon, and the first batch of blind boxes for the new season must be produced domestically and then shipped to Europe. In the past month or so, Wu Yu didn't go anywhere, just staring at this stall in the magic city.

"Husband, I'm liberated!"

Seeing Zhou Buqi, Wu Yu smiled like a flower and walked over with open arms.

"nailed it?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and held her in his arms.

Wu Yu said happily: "Well, it's done. The first batch has been shipped, a total of 2 million blind boxes. It is expected that on the 15th of this month, it will be opened simultaneously in major cities such as London, Manchester, Madrid, Milan and Munich. Sold. There was a carton supplier who heard that we were in an urgent need and they wanted to increase the price on the spur of the moment, but I killed them."

"How was it destroyed?"

"Look for connections!"

"what relationship?"

"It's related to the Shi family," Wu Yu said confidently. "We had already agreed, but we still wanted to take advantage of the situation. How can anyone do this kind of business? So we asked the industrial and commercial, taxation, firefighting, and market supervision departments to close down their factory. Let’s get to the bottom of it. In less than an hour, their boss gave in.”

Zhou Buqi was stunned, "Is this how you do business?"

Wu Yu blinked, "Yes! Well... this was not my idea. Don't criticize me. It was arranged by Shi Jingmei. It was the relationship she found, her uncle Guan."

Zhou Buqi was also helpless.

It doesn’t matter if you can’t do business in this traditional industry.

"Why did you raise the price temporarily? Didn't you sign a contract?"

"I signed it, but they said the supply was tight and out of stock. If you want the goods, you have to pay more. It turns out that they are shady businessmen. After this period of relief, I promise to clean them up and find another supplier! Hmph!"

Wu Yu was furious and pinched his waist.

Zhou Buqi took off his coat. On such a hot day, he went home to swim first and then do anything else.

Wu Yu had just washed her body with fragrant shower gel so that she would not swim in the water. She was sitting by the pool, talking very trivially about her glorious resume as a strong woman who managed suppliers while talking and laughing.

"You can't do this."

After Zhou Buqi swam around, half of his body was submerged in the water, lying on the edge of the swimming pool and giving her instructions.

Wu Yu asked: "What's wrong?"

Zhou Buqi said: "You can't handle supplier relationships this way. You can't use morality to restrain others, you have to use systems. Incompetent talents are morally kidnapped. A good system can make suppliers who have no bottom line and no ethics become better. If the system is poor, good suppliers will also try their best to make illegal money."

"So what is a good system?"

At this time, the nanny brought a plate of fruit, and Wu Yu sat cross-legged by the pool, picked up a cherry and put it into Zhou Buqi's mouth.

Zhou Buqi pondered for a moment, "There are three toy production lines in domestic factories, right?"

Wu Yu nodded lightly, "Yeah."

Zhou Buqi said: "That's easy, you go find two carton suppliers. One of them supplies to two production lines, and the other supplies to one production line. If you arrange it like this, what do you think will happen?"

After some experience, Wu Yu was no longer stupid, and replied: "The more supplies, the higher the profits. For these two suppliers, they both hope to supply to two production lines and will compete."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Yes, competition is the most advanced productivity. We must avoid monopoly in the institutional system. Let these two suppliers compete. Do a random inspection and evaluation every month. The one with better random inspection indicators That supplier can supply two production lines next month. In this way, in order to make more money, suppliers must strictly control their own quality, because there is competition, and they dare not easily It’s up to Party A.”

Wu Yu's beautiful eyes were shining, "Husband, you are so smart!"

"Just so-so, not as smart as you."

"No way, you are so smart. Well, Bao Shan said that you are a management master, you are so awesome."

Wu Yu admired him sincerely.

She just casually complained about some minor problems she encountered at work. Unexpectedly, her husband just listened to a few words and gave the best solution.

Isn't this much better than asking someone to entrust a relationship or asking some firefighting, industrial and commercial, taxation, security inspection and other agencies to come and investigate? These are the low-minded practices of the second generation.

Look at Boss Zhou, starting directly from the institutional level. This is the method of big entrepreneurs!

Understatement, to the point!

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