Top of the big era

Chapter 1670 Demonic Kung Fu

Stephen Covey said: Thoughts determine actions, actions form habits, habits become character, and character determines destiny. And fate is often the key factor in success or failure.

Zhou Buqi will definitely send Fu Sheng to overseas markets.

Moreover, instead of placing him in the business territory of "Ziwei Galaxy", let him open another stall.

The companies in "Ziwei Galaxy" are all from well-known and decent families. What Fu Sheng wants to establish is a demonic sect, which uses evil tricks and must draw a clear line at the initial stage.

Whether Fu Sheng can succeed must first change his ideological level.

Be humble and self-aware.

Don’t be so arrogant that you think you can compete with super giants such as Microsoft, Google, and Amazon. Even market behavior is force majeure.

Zhou Buqi gave two more examples of this.

What should you do if you encounter a gangster who robs you with a knife on the road?

Treat him like an old friend.

Zhou Buqi said: "There are very few murderous desperadoes. Most robberies are for money. Many robberies result in homicides, not because the gangsters have murderous motives, but because the victims resist too much." It is intense and arouses the gangster's ferocity. The best way to deal with it is to care for the gangster like a friend, give him all your belongings, greet him, and try to help him if you can, and tell him where he is. There are cameras, so the safest way to escape is. The more you consider his interests, the safer you will be and that will be in your own interests."

Fu Sheng nodded, "Unless I am a special soldier, unless I am absolutely confident that I can seize the knife with bare hands... But after seizing the knife, the opponent may still have a gun."

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, don't overestimate your capabilities. There are now many women's self-defense training courses in society, which are really harmful to people. In rape/murder cases, the vast majority of female victims have strong personalities or Kochi women, the more threatening they are, the more likely they are to be killed.”

Fu Sheng said with a smile: "Yes, I was watching the news a few days ago. Some girls were very smart. They took the initiative to find a corner to cooperate and persuaded the gangster to wear a condom. After the incident, the police were called immediately. Within an hour, the criminal He was caught.”

Zhou Buqi said: "The same goes for doing business. When facing a giant competitor, you must be cautious. When Ziweixing wanted to search, do you know what the first thing I did was?"

"Go to Baidu."

"Well, because I got to know Li Yanhong, I joked with him that I wanted to acquire Sogou. He agreed. Maybe in his opinion, Sogou was more threatening in the hands of Sohu than in the hands of Ziweixing."

Fu Sheng sighed, secretly admiring him, "I know that you are all friends in the Internet industry. Alibaba and are fiercely competitive, but they are both your friends; Baidu and Penguin are very competitive, but you have a good relationship with both parties. ."

Zhou Buqi said: "You said that shopping malls are like battlefields, but I disagree. On the battlefield, it is really life and death. The business field is different and can be mutually beneficial and win-win. Even in some areas of zero-sum game, it is just a competition for wealth. I just want to seize your property, not you as a person."

"Well, it's not about the person."

"So there is room for maneuver. People's hearts are full of flesh, especially between friends. If you can't fight, there is no need to fight to the death. Just sit down and talk together. Surrender is not the biggest loser, death is. "

Fu Sheng said with emotion: "Before thinking about victory, think about defeat first."

Zhou Buqi said: "When I was doing on-campus group buying, I contacted Alibaba. I just thought that if the pressure on on-campus group buying was too great and I couldn't do it, I would just package it and sell it to them. The same goes for Weidian Search. I have always had a good relationship with Li Yanhong. If the search business really fails, then I will definitely find Lao Li in a lowly manner and sell him the search business at a price."

"That's it..."

Fu Sheng looked suspicious.

Zhou Buqi said: "What is the sign of successful entrepreneurship? The best thing is of course IPO listing, which is equivalent to establishing a whole country. However, listing is not the only criterion for successful entrepreneurship. Once the company reaches a certain scale, being acquired is also a good choice. Just like the elevator advertising market in recent years, dozens of start-up companies have emerged. The only purpose of their business is to one day be noticed by Focus and be acquired. This foundation is to establish a relatively good competitive relationship in the past, and It’s not a matter of life and death.”

Fu Sheng was very smart. He knew that Boss Zhou would not talk about this topic casually, so he was shocked and shuddered, "Boss, what do you mean? You want me to start a business abroad and then do it Will you sell it after reaching a certain scale?"

All startup companies are their own sons. If they develop well, who is willing to sell them?

But the problem came again.

Only when the development is best can the highest price be sold. If you wait until the development momentum declines, or even when the business declines, then sell it, the price will shrink significantly.

Mobike was sold at the best time, made a huge profit of 2.7 billion US dollars, and left the market; the team of Xiaohuangche was different. They were unwilling to sell to giants and firmly believed that they could achieve scale. However, the end was miserable, let alone It would be nice to make money and not go to jail.

For entrepreneurs, it’s a matter of a moment’s notice, and character determines destiny.

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and said with a smile: "Okay, let's talk about your business plan next."

Fu Sheng was very confident and did not think that his entrepreneurial project would eventually end up as "selling out", so he handed over a thick plan.

Zhou Buqi didn't even look at it, "Just say it briefly."

Fu Sheng knows the ability of the big boss. He can often form a strategic thinking through just a few words when it comes to understanding a product. He was very humble and said softly: "I want to make a product similar to the Micro Dot Security Guard, but the functions are not required." It’s so complicated, just break through at a fixed point. I plan to start with the Cleaning Master first.”

"Cleaning Master..." Zhou Buqi nodded, "It's a good starting point. The operating system of smartphones is not very perfect now, and the configuration of the phone is also very low. If too many junk files are stored or too many programs are run, Programs that consume memory may cause lags."

Fu Sheng admired him very much, "Yes, that's the idea."

Zhou Buqi said: "Mobile phone management applications are an urgent need in this market."

"Yes, it's just a necessity."

“But tool products are easy to copy, have low stickiness and are highly substitutable.”

"Yes, so I follow your product concept, which is... what you call dimensionality reduction and combat thinking. I don't compete with products, but compete with ecology and products. I will be a cleaning master first. This is all Entrance. Then become a memory master, battery doctor, anti-virus tools, traffic control tools, etc. to form a complete product matrix."

Fu Sheng is indeed a direct descendant, and he has learned the product thinking of Boss Zhou very well.

More importantly, this guy practices demonic kung fu.

Cleaner Master, Memory Master, Battery Doctor, Antivirus software...

As long as the user installs any one of them, he will then take advantage of the imperfections and connivance of the current mobile phone operating system to make background technical adjustments and secretly download and install several other applications on the phone.

By then, even if a "Cleaning King" emerges to compete with the "Cleaning Master", it will not only face the "Cleaning Master" product, but the entire ecosystem behind it.

This is almost invincible.

Zhou Buqi shook his head, not thinking so, but did not interrupt him, "You continue."

Fu Shengdao: "Taking Cleaning Master as the entry point to enter the overseas market has three core advantages."

"Tell me."

"I have communicated with Tang Binchen that the most difficult thing about doing overseas markets is operations. Different regions have different cultural backgrounds. Each country needs a dedicated operations team. But tool products are different. Smartphones and operations around the world The systems are the same and the demand for tools is the same. When promoting, there are no cultural barriers. The same product does not require any regional product fine-tuning. It only needs to change the language and can be released to the world. This There are no regional barriers to a category of products.”

"That's right."

Zhou Buqi smiled slightly and confirmed his statement. This is why UC Beauty was able to quickly occupy the Japanese market, and subsequently Ucgram was able to be quickly promoted in the European and American markets. Behind this is actually the attribute of a photo editing tool.

Fu Sheng continued: "Second, development is easier. Ziweixing has a middle platform system with very complete and similar functional modules. I just find a few people to assemble these modules, change the skin, and it will be a series of new products. .Lower development costs.”

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "I can't give this to you for free."

"I know! I'll pay for it!" Fu Sheng laughed, "But you have to get me money first."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "I will definitely support you, don't worry about that. Tell me about the third point, what is it?"

"This is the core point, the most critical and important, related to the strategic success or failure of my business idea."


"This kind of security and management product can give you the highest authority on your mobile phone!"

Fu Sheng's expression became a little more ferocious.

Zhou Buqi didn't like this very much.

However, this is also where the magic kung fu is most powerful.

Fu Shengdao: "Management tools such as Security Master, Cleanup Master, and Memory Master are equivalent to assistants for the mobile phone operating system. They can help the system better manage the phone. They can not only obtain the highest authority of the system, but also gain access to users." Trust. With such highest authority, you can perform some user-level actions in the background of the mobile phone."

Zhou Buqi raised his hand and said, "Explain the user-level behavior."

Fu Sheng said with a smile: "My App can do some things that users can do. For example, users can download the App, uninstall the App, open a certain App, or close a certain App. They can even delete the photos in the photo library. Photos, implanting Trojan viruses, stealing passwords, and credit card transfers. Of course, I am doing a legitimate business, walking on the edge of the law but not beyond the border. I just perform some simple back-end operations."

This magic kung fu is so dangerous!

From this point of view, mobile apps cannot be downloaded casually. You must choose companies with credibility.

Zhou Buqi made a decision. He was going to return to using a feature phone. He would wait a few years to get through the chaotic and rough period of the early development of the mobile Internet. There was too much chaos now.

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