Top of the big era

Chapter 1669 Friends

On the third day after returning to China, Zhou Buqi made an appointment with Fu Sheng. The location was chosen at a late-night cafe behind Ziweixing. There were almost no people there in the morning.

They are all smart people. Fu Sheng is aware of the current situation and more or less understands the style of some big bosses.

At that time, the chief financial officer of Ziweixing was Wang Haoyang, who was also one of the entrepreneurial veterans. Later, he was dismissed due to lack of ability. But this was not a dismissal, but Boss Zhou found him a new job, as the chief financial officer of Yuanwei Group.

There was also Cheng Binghao, the chief technology officer at the time, who was also an entrepreneurial veteran. He also lost his position due to lack of ability. Boss Zhou specially set up a Ziweixing Engineering Academy and asked him to be the dean. He was raised with a high salary.

A more typical example is Tang Binchen.

This is the most dangerous.

At that time, Friends Network was the core and most important business of Ziweixing, but Tang Binchen was ostracized by everyone within the Friends Network, which caused quite a bit of controversy.

Even if Zhou Buqi is the big boss, he can't protect Tang Binchen.

Later, the big boss still didn't give up on him and took a huge risk by sending him overseas to explore the Japanese market.

Because of such fine traditions and early preparations, Fu Sheng is very calm now. Even though he clearly knows that he has lost his job at Ziweixing, he is not too restless.

In the past three days, he reorganized his development ideas based on mobile Internet and communicated with Boss Zhou.

When they met, Zhou Buqi saw that he looked good, shook hands first, and joked: "How do you feel after being fired from the company?"

Fu Sheng shook his head and laughed, "I was not fired. I submitted my resignation report on my own initiative. According to organizational procedures, I resigned."

"No complaints?"

"No, I think this is a fair result."


Zhou Buqi seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

He has investigated clearly and found that there are indeed unfair factors here.

Why does Fu Sheng want to lead the software business group to develop new development concepts?

Because he can no longer see the future of the software business group.

Security products such as Weidian Antivirus and Weidian Security Guard have been vigorously suppressed by many companies such as Baidu and Penguin. Their methods are more evil than the others, but the headquarters does not allow them to follow suit.

The remaining products such as WeiDian Notes, WeiDian Music, WeiDian Player, WeiDian Input Method, WeiDian Calendar, and WeiDian Weather have limited earning power and development potential.

This little business cannot satisfy his ambition.

In fact, there is a more important point, and that is Weishu. This product was developed by Fu Sheng's team, which was the main reason why he was promoted to president of the software business group.

However, the company was reorganized a few months ago. This is not an internal suggestion, but a suggestion from Kurian of the United States. He said that "Weishu" is a B-end product with great development potential and an important part of the cloud computing industry.

The software business group mainly produces C-end products. It should try to avoid using the thinking of C-end products for B-end products and integrate the businesses of Weishu and Ziweiyun as soon as possible.

After discussion, Ziweixing made business adjustments and transferred Fu Sheng's son "Weishu" to the cloud computing business group and handed it over to Zhou Feng to manage.

This almost cut off Fu Sheng's future!

Even Weishu is gone. Given the current situation of the software business group, it is equivalent to losing its future development potential. Unless the business philosophy is fundamentally changed!

This time he didn't back down because there was no way he could retreat.

The result of the head-to-head confrontation was that he was surrounded and suppressed, and almost unanimously voted to expel him.

However, Fu Sheng has no regrets at all.

Rather than becoming a zombie and sitting idle in that position, it is better to choose to leave. Life only lasts for a few decades. If you don't cherish it and realize greater self-worth, what's the point of just spending it in such a muddle?

Fu Sheng looked very unconcerned, "Just leave as long as you don't deprive me of my stocks."

Zhou Buqi laughed, "How many shares do you have?"

"A total of 400,000 shares have been exercised, and 200,000 shares have been awarded, for a total of 600,000 shares."

"It's okay, enough."

"Well, as long as Ziweixing is successfully listed, these stocks will be enough for me and my family to live a stable life. Now I just want to do something according to my own ideas to prove that I am right."

"Right?" Zhou Buqi glanced at him, "I heard that you are going to use some of the methods of 3721 and 360 back then. Do you think this is right?"

Fu Sheng said calmly: "It is very unethical to use morality to require business operations. The closer the business is to the edge of the law, the more profitable it is. As long as it does not exceed the line, it is the best business."

Zhou Buqi frowned slightly, feeling that this guy was a bit extreme.

Fu Sheng said: "The shopping mall is like a battlefield. The winner is a prince and the loser is a bandit. A murderer with a long history of evil, as long as he wins the war, he is a hero representing justice. Even Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were very disgraceful at the beginning. . But this does not prevent them from becoming world-class entrepreneurs, with reputation and influence no worse than you."

Zhou Buqi couldn't laugh or cry, "Stop flattering me, how can I compare with them?"

Fu Sheng was stunned for a moment, very strange, "Why can't we compare?"

Zhou Buqi said helplessly: "You are similar to me when I first started my business. You have a sense of energy. This is actually a good thing and is the source of entrepreneurs, but my suggestion is to hide it modestly. "

"is it necessary?"

"It depends on what kind of person you want to be."

Fu Sheng said seriously: "I'm definitely not as good as you, but I hope it's not too far away."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Is this how you become humble?"

"No," Fu Sheng shook his head, "This is the truth."

Zhou Buqi said: "It's always cold at high places. The higher you go, the more you have to huddle together for warmth. It depends on what kind of person you want to be and what level you want to reach. You should also know the development history of Ziweixing very well. Well, when I first started my business, there were many competitors whether it was the school network or the friend network.”

Fu Sheng said: "Well, I know that back then, the group buying and selling of mobile phones in the school made enemies everywhere and was surrounded by dangers. It was because you made a lot of connections, from the Ministry of Education, to the city, and to the Taishan Association. It was not easy to save it."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "That's what the internal promotional materials said. It's not that serious in fact, but the pressure is indeed great. I receive warnings from industry associations almost every day, as well as investigations from the industrial and commercial departments and taxation departments. Fortunately, The school gave a lot of support at that time. But this is not the point. What I want to tell you is that in China, there are many connections to solve the dilemma. What if it is an overseas market? Going to the Japanese market alone like Tang Binchen When he is working hard and encounters pressure, who can he turn to for help? Can’t he just rely on himself?”

Fu Sheng nodded repeatedly, "Yes, there is a very impetuous voice in China now, saying that large companies should follow the example of companies such as MSI, Huawei, Lenovo, Baidu, ZTE, and Gree, and go into overseas markets. We cannot just let Foreign companies come to China to make money, but domestic companies cannot go to foreign countries to make money. But they simply don’t understand the difficulty of entering overseas markets. Every country has local vested interest groups, how can it be so easy to break through?”


"However, I am eyeing a blank market and there are no vested interest groups, so it is easier. It is similar to what Tang Binchen did in Japan."

"Huh?" Zhou Buqi's eyes lit up and he was a little surprised, "Do you know my plan?"

Fu Sheng smiled, "You will not allow me to make a product similar to Weidian Security Guard in China and use rogue methods to compete with Weidian. You support me so much. You must be following Tang Binchen's model and let me develop in overseas markets. ."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "You see clearly!"

Fu Sheng said frankly: "There are traces to follow."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "We'll talk about the product project later. First, let's make it clear that the concept of a high place is too cold. In the early days of Ziweixing, we had many enemies and had many fierce frictions. But that one To be able to exist at the bottom. The higher you go, the more friends you have and the fewer enemies you have. Now, I am surrounded by friends, and everyone is a friend."

Fu Sheng looked confused.

Zhou Buqi further explained, "Many people will complain, saying that they always encounter a lot of negative energy people, encounter a lot of troubles, encounter a lot of villains, and encounter a lot of bad guys. This is a matter of philosophy. You need to escape It’s not the enemies, but the you who can keep encountering enemies.”

Fu Sheng's eyes suddenly changed, "You said I was fired because of problems with my interpersonal management?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Isn't it? Even if there are serious ideological differences, the first thing everyone has to do is to persuade you to adjust your mentality. Everyone knows your abilities and will definitely spend a long time convincing you and retaining you. But The result? They quickly met and voted to fire you."

Fu Sheng took a deep breath and said, "I will reflect on it."

Zhou Buqi said: "Actually, it's very simple. You just need to revise one concept. This is also my understanding. In the early days, you will encounter a lot of bad guys and a lot of troubles. When your position is high, of course these bad guys also exist, but you The perspective of looking at the problem has changed. They are no longer bad guys, but friends. Just like Goldman Sachs, it caused the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States and tricked our state-owned enterprises over and over again. It caused the European debt crisis in Europe. It can be called the worst institution in the world. However, this does not prevent you from making friends with Goldman Sachs, even if Goldman Sachs is secretly trying to trick you."

Fu Sheng was silent for a moment and nodded, "Well, I understand. This is a repositioning of interpersonal management and business relationships. Li Chaoren's son was kidnapped, and he can still communicate with the kidnappers as friends, giving him He gained the kidnappers' utmost respect. The ransom was lowered, his son was unharmed, and he also made the kidnappers promise never to target the Li family again. This is smarter business, doing business with friends."

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, when dealing with anything, even if there is a person who wants to kill me or a competitor who wants to push me into a desperate situation, I will treat him as a friend. There are no good people, no bad people, only Friends. Never force an opposite."

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