Top of the big era

Chapter 1666 Chollima

At that time, Tang Binchen also had a similar situation. He suffered some internal rejection, and the friend network he managed was indeed unable to improve its performance, so there was a possibility of leaving the company.

Zhou Buqi didn't want to miss this thousand-mile horse, so he sent him abroad, away from this land of right and wrong, and asked him to go alone to develop the Japanese market.

The subsequent result is that Ziweixing has really taken the Japanese market as its foundation and conquered overseas markets in a down-to-earth manner!

Such successful cases can be copied to Fu Sheng.

Or maybe it is said that Meng Houkun is a direct descendant. This idea coincides with Zhou Buqi, who also wanted to send Fu Sheng abroad. His evil play style, similar to 3721 and 360, is suitable for the early layout of the mobile Internet.

But judging from the domestic market situation, it will take at least 2-3 years before smartphones can gradually become mainstream.

Today’s smartphones are too expensive, generally costing around $500. Such a price is nothing to consumers in developed countries. It means just going to work at McDonald's for a week. But it is not very friendly to the country, the price is too high, and some people even have to sell their kidneys in order to buy an iPhone for 5,000 yuan.

Judging from the early days of mobile Internet, overseas regions still have more markets. From the perspective of economic benefits, you can earn more by working overseas!

Of course, it is impossible for him to carry the "Ziweixing" sign.

After internal discussions, the matter has been settled. Next, Boss Zhou should come forward and talk to Fu Sheng in person.

The relationship between them is that of Bole and Chollima. They respect each other and no one wants to break up unless absolutely necessary.

We made an appointment to meet at the late-night cafe behind the Ziweixing headquarters at 9 a.m. tomorrow.

That afternoon, Zhou Buqi went to Jieyu Media to participate in a more important signing ceremony - the acquisition of Happy Mahua.

The transaction value was approximately 45 million yuan.

Among them, 5 million yuan is cash, which is used to improve the lives of several shareholders. One person sold his house and invested in it. Now his wife and children are crowded into a rented house of less than 50 square meters, and his life is very shabby.

The larger expense is the replacement of stocks. Jieyu Media offers appropriate discounts and the stock price is HK$40, for a total of 1 million shares. In addition, an additional 200,000 original shares will be provided, also subscribed at a price of HK$40, for all staff and contracted actors of Happy Twist.

Such conditions make everyone at Happy Mahua very excited.

Because when "Happy Mahua" transferred its shares last year, its valuation was only 10 million yuan. Now, not only has the valuation quadrupled, but we also have the opportunity to take advantage of the listing of Jieyu Media to share and participate in this grand capital feast.

You might earn more!

However, the subscription quota of 200,000 shares also made the staff and actors of the "Happy Twist" team feel depressed. 200,000 shares, HK$40 per share, the total price is HK$8 million!

How can they have so much money?

The average salary of staff is only 6,000 yuan.

The core actors can afford a little more, which is about 30,000 per month, which is enough to maintain a decent life in the capital. Where can they get so much money to subscribe for original shares?

Mr. Xu from Jieyu Media is so generous and is willing to transfer 200,000 original shares at a low price of HK$40. How sincere is this! People have good intentions and want to bring everyone together to make a fortune, but they can't come up with so much money to subscribe.

This is so shabby!

It’s really disappointing that even if there is a quota, it can’t be used up.

Looking at others, the brand-new Jieyu Media Building located at the headquarters of Ziweixing has bright windows, clean windows, and a spacious atmosphere. This can be called the style of a large company.

Happy Mahua here is like a grass-roots team from the countryside.

Jieyu Media did not show any disdain. Boss Zhou showed up when the contract was signed, as well as several contracted artists, including Xu Zheng, Huang Bo, Wang Baoqiang, Yang Mi, Gao Yuanyuan and others.

After signing the contract, all 46 employees of Happy Mahua went to the large conference room for a meeting. First, Mr. Xu spoke, and then Boss Zhou spoke. He spoke heartily about Happy Mahua’s future development philosophy and encouraged everyone.

The main thing is to create stars through reality TV shows and increase the popularity of Happy Twist actors; then, combine stage plays with movies, finely refine the comedy framework through stage plays, and constantly refine and revise it until it becomes a mature work. Made into a comedy movie and pushed to the big screen.

Long before the merger, many core members had heard of this grand strategy customized by Jieyu Media.

Now that the contract has been signed, Boss Zhou and Mr. Xu once again reiterated this concept, making everyone at Happy Twist excited.

Especially the actors in Happy Twist!

As an actor, if you can act in movies, who would want to act in TV series? If you can act in a TV series, who would want to act in a reality show? Who would want to do a stage play if they could do a reality show?

The reason why they joined Happy Twist after graduating from majors is because the competition in this industry is too fierce. In other directions, they can't get any performance opportunities. In order to continue performing, they can only work hard to perform in stage plays.

No matter what, I can earn tens of thousands of dollars every month and be able to support myself. It’s impossible not to envy those former classmates who were given the opportunity to star in movies and TV series.

Now, the opportunity has come!

Jieyu Media has drawn up a beautiful, great and exciting blueprint!

Many people were in tears.

This is not over yet, this time it is just an internal contract, in a legal sense. Next, there will be a performance signing ceremony for the public and media, which will be held at the Diaoyutai Hotel.

At that time, dozens of media will be invited to the scene, and it will be officially announced that "Happy Twist" has been merged into the big family of Jieyu Media.

My sister Zhou Nan participated in the coordination of this event.

Time is tight and the task is heavy.

Xu Baihui handed over the matter to Vice President Liu Juanli to lead the team, and gave Zhou Nan'er important instructions. Zhou Buqi also followed him, fearing that his sister would be disobedient and talk back to others.

Unexpectedly, there were quite a lot of interns, 6 girls in total, all of them beautiful.

After thinking about it, Zhou Buqi understood Xu Baihui's arrangement.

This is right.

Now, few people in the company know about Zhou Nan's relationship with Boss Zhou, so they will not give her any special preferential treatment so that she can grow up in a more normal environment.

If you know that she is a rich young lady and take special care of her in everything, she will become a flower in the greenhouse. No matter how beautiful it blooms, it is still an illusion.

In order to prevent Zhou Nan from attracting special attention, Xu Baihui recruited a group of interns and asked them to participate in the internship together. If there was only one intern, Zhou Nan, it would be too conspicuous.

That's all. Zhou Buqi saw a familiar person among the six interns, but he wasn't sure. After Xu Baihui had assigned the task and they all left, Zhou Buqi asked what the name was of the girl wearing a hip-hugging skirt with long, slightly permed hair.

Xu Baihui didn't know either, so she asked Liu Juanli.

"It seems that her name is Jiang Shuying, who came back from studying in the UK."

"International student?"

Zhou Buqi was already convinced, it was indeed her, she was right, she was really temperamental.

Liu Juanli said with a smile: "Yes, I am studying for a master's degree in media economics in the UK. I will graduate next year. After one and a half months of internship, I will go back to the UK to study in September. I made an agreement with her that if she returns to China after graduation, let her Jieyu Media is the first choice.”

"Media economics?" Zhou Buqi looked solemn, "This is a very hot field. The future is the era of new media. If we correctly evaluate the relationship between new media and financial power, it may affect the performance of Jieyu Media after its listing. share price."

Liu Juanli hesitated for a moment and reminded: "Mr. Zhou, this girl... she used to study acting in China. She graduated from theater and studied in the UK mainly for gold plating."

The meaning is very simple. Media economics is indeed a good research direction. If used properly, it can boost the stock price of Jieyu Media... but that requires a high academic level.

This intern is just a parallel importer. Don’t believe in academic qualifications!

Not even international students!

Xu Baihui had seen through everything a long time ago and thought to herself that this Liu Juanli is really upright. Is Boss Zhou not as good as you? When Boss Zhou led us to establish the Ten School Entrepreneurship Alliance a few years ago, he called for long live the sixty percentile. He didn’t even care about being expelled, so why would he care about academic qualifications?

My boss Zhou has other plans!


Xu Baihui said seriously: "Sister Liu, we can't deny a person's talent easily. Let's go and call this Jiang Shuying over and I'll have a chat with her."

Liu Juanli went out to call for help.

After she left, Xu Baihui glared at Boss Zhou fiercely.

Zhou Buqi was very surprised, "Why are you staring at me?"

Xu Baihui said contemptuously: "Are you feeling itchy?"

Zhou Buqi looked confused, "I don't know what you are talking about."

After a while, Jiang Shuying came over.

The overall sense of volume in her facial features is relatively small, and she looks a bit dull. But once you use heavy makeup to enlarge the proportions of your facial features, you look very aura. The mouth is full, the lip beads are obvious, and the flaming red lips are particularly stunning.

Maybe he felt that Mr. Xu was approachable and not nervous at all. As soon as he opened the door, he greeted him cheerfully, "Mr. Xu, did you call me?"

Unexpectedly, Mr. Xu was sitting on the sofa, and there was a more important person next to him.

Jiang Shuying became embarrassed, hesitated, came over and bowed to Zhou Buqi, "Hello, Mr. Zhou."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Don't be nervous. Your name is Jiang Shuying?"


Jiang Shuying was a little uneasy and looked at Xu Baihui carefully.

Xu Baihui smiled and said: "Don't worry, Mr. Zhou wants to ask you a few words. He is Bole, and what he is best at is discovering thousand-mile horses. I heard that you are a top student studying in the UK, and I want to meet you. Maybe there is another horse. The thousand-mile horse can gallop again."

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