Top of the big era

Chapter 1665 Send Away

This organizational structure adjustment eliminated the former Xiaonei Network Business Department and merged it into the New Media Business Group, with Liang Rubo taking unified responsibility.

In addition, the Government and Enterprise Services Division was restructured into a cloud computing business group, with Zhou Feng as president, responsible for cloud service products such as Ziwei Cloud, Weishu, public intranets, and enterprise security protection. At the same time, Zhou Feng's level also changed from M7.

Because Ji Zian had the best interpersonal relationships and reputation internally, he had a new job adjustment and formed a new business group - the enterprise development business group, which is in charge of five major business divisions.

1. Ziweixing’s large market public relations and government relations division, whose president is Guo Dan;

Second, the Ziweixing International Department, centered in Shanghai, is used to interact and connect with overseas business. The president of the business unit is Liu Qing;

Third, the emerging business division centered on Pengcheng is used to expand business in emerging fields, such as products such as Meitu Xiuxiu, 91 Mobile Assistant, Youdao Dictionary, Youdao Translation and other products. The president of the division is Pei Yao. ;

Fourth, the UC business unit centered in Yangcheng mainly develops UC brand products. The president of the business unit is Yu Yongfu;

Fifth, the Central Taiwan Business Department can provide basic support for other business groups such as technology, operations, and marketing. The president of the business unit is Jiang Zhiyong.

At this point, the new organizational structure of Ziweixing has been adjusted and become more streamlined. In the past,, Zhongtai, and UC were all separate business groups. After this round of adjustments, they were all canceled and merged into other business groups.

In total, a new pattern of five major business groups has been formed: Weidian Business Group, WeChat Business Group, New Media Business Group, Cloud Computing Business Group and Enterprise Development Business Group.

The presidents of the five major business groups are Wang Xiaochuan, Guo Pengfei, Liang Rubo, Zhou Feng and Ji Zian, all of whom are senior vice presidents of M7.

There are still a few familiar faces, and the most eye-catching one is Zhou Feng.

He was poached from NetEase by Zhou Buqi.

When he was at NetEase, Zhou Feng was engaged in search, games, mailbox and other businesses, and launched the well-known "Youdao" brand. After joining Ziweixing, he benefited from the group's emphasis on the cloud computing industry, and started a journey of promotion. .

After Fu Sheng left, he became another potential business executive that Ziweixing focused on cultivating.

As for Fu Sheng...

After the meeting, Zhou Buqi invited Zhang Yiming and He Yang to his office, as well as Meng Houkun who joined in the fun, to discuss the matter.

Even if he advocated firing Fu Sheng, this was still a conceptual difference. Zhang Yiming never doubted his ability and said: "You are right, you can't send Fu Sheng to a competitor, and you can't let him stand on the opposite side of Ziweixing." , we don’t need enemies.”

In fact, when it comes to enemies, it's not that exaggerated.

At Zhou Buqi's level, there are no enemies around him. Even if there is, it must not be from a commercial level, but may be coveted and targeted by interested people. This hidden danger has been solved by him long ago.

On a business level, everyone is friends.

The lower the people are, the more "hostile" they are, and the more they are like water and fire. The higher the people are, the more they value moderation. Even though Ziweixing is now competing fiercely and in conflict with BAT, this is limited to business competition. The bosses of several companies can sit down and have tea and chat from time to time, and they are all friends.

However, Fu Sheng cannot be allowed to leave his own system.

He Yang said in a deep voice: "Fu Sheng's level is not low. In the past six months, he has even joined the decision-making committee. He has too many business secrets within Ziweixing, as well as important strategic tendencies. If he leaves, no matter whether it is himself Whether we start a business or go to BAT will have a huge impact on our future market development."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "That's right!"

Generally speaking, when executives of this level leave, they either take a back seat to eat, drink and have fun, engage in the investment industry, or take charge of the R\u0026D industry. In short, they can no longer engage in core market business.

This will pose a huge threat to the old club.

However, many people cannot handle this kind of thing well.

For example, Sohu's Lao Zhang, three consecutive second-in-commands around him have resigned in the past few years.

The result was disastrous. Sohu was the first company in China to strategically enter the video industry. Lao Zhang also used his connections in the entertainment industry to produce and sell many homemade entertainment programs. Take care of both work and life without any delay.

However, after these three lieutenants resigned, each had a brighter career than the other and founded Youku, Kuliu and iQiyi respectively.

These three major video platforms have given Sohu Video a hard time.

It can be said that the main reason why Sohu Video has not developed is that it was suppressed by these three major platforms.

The same applies abroad.

For example, Cisco's conference video product WebEx is headed by Yuan Zheng. However, his job at Cisco was not satisfactory, and his rights and responsibilities were severely suppressed.

Then, he left his job.

Cisco didn't take any effective measures to stop it.

The next step is simple. WebEx was developed by Yuan Zheng, and he has been responsible for its management and operation for so many years. No one in the world understands the advantages and disadvantages of WebEx better than him.

This is easy to target!

Avoid its sharp edges and attack its weak points!

Then, Yuan Zheng developed a video conferencing tool called Zoom. In just a few years, he defeated WebEx and quickly became the leader in the industry.

Zhou Buqi will definitely not allow something similar to happen to Fu Sheng. "A knife is a tool for evil in the hands of bad people, but it is a necessary tool for life in the hands of good people. There is no obvious right or wrong in ideas." , the key is how to use it.”

Zhang Yiming heard it and asked in surprise: "Will you reuse him?"

Zhou Buqi said helplessly: "It's not that I want to reuse him, it's that he is full of energy and in his prime, and he still wants to do something great. If he didn't have such a sense of professionalism and mission, his ability No matter how high you are, you can’t climb to such a high position.”

Zhang Yiming frowned, "And let him work in this big industry of 'Ziwei Galaxy'?"

Before Boss Zhou could speak, He Yang refused, "No! We can't let Fu Sheng get involved with the 'Ziweixing' brand. This guy is too evil and likes to do things in crooked ways. He may be able to achieve world-renowned business achievements." , but it is impossible for him to get positive reviews. Rogue software was criticized by everyone a few years ago, and this trend will definitely become more and more popular in the future.”

Zhang Yiming added: "There was a lot of chaos in the early days. In the early years when the PC Internet developed, the Internet was also full of chaos. Even the three major portals were full of pornographic pictures and links to illegal websites. Now is the early stage of the mobile Internet. Even without Fu If Fu Sheng wins, there will definitely be chaos. However, even if there is chaos and rogue software, it is impossible for others to match Fu Sheng."

Meng Houkun snorted: "If you ask me, send him away directly! Don't keep him and harm others!"

"What do you want to do?" Zhou Buqi was startled and said angrily, "Businessmen just do business honestly. I think you are the crooked way!"

Meng Houkun was stunned for a moment, then said angrily: "Where do you want to go?! I mean send him abroad! Let him harm foreigners, don't harm the Chinese at home!"

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