Top of the big era

Chapter 1626 Think about it!

The joint rescue plan of the European Union and the International Monetary Fund has really been launched, and a total of 110 billion euros in loans will be provided to help Greece get out of trouble.

The conditions for the loan are very harsh. Government budgets must be strictly controlled, public sector salaries must be cut, welfare expenditures must be reduced, taxes must be increased, pension payments frozen, and early retirement prohibited.

The past Greek government was really stupid and its enforcement was too weak, which led to tax evasion and tax evasion everywhere. For example, Greek law stipulates that houses with swimming pools are subject to super real estate tax. However, whenever tax officials come to inspect, they just find a piece of tent cloth and cover the swimming pool to get away with it. As a result, every tax inspection comes. In this season, tent fabrics are always sold out. This kind of thing will be impossible in the future.

However, this is only a superficial request, a rhetoric that can maintain the dignity of the Greek government.

There is something more harsh behind the scenes.

For example, some pillar industries such as Greece's power system, railway system, mining system, lottery system, etc. are all in the hands of the state and are all state-owned enterprises. The EU requires them to sell them to private individuals quickly and use the money to pay off their debts!

Even the country is about to go bankrupt, and we still need shitty state-owned assets. Sell them quickly!

So who will buy it?

In addition to the country's private enterprises, of course, these countries have spent 110 billion euros to help Greece out of trouble, including Germany, France, Finland, Denmark in the Eurozone, as well as the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, South Korea, and the International Monetary Fund. Japan and other countries.

In short, as long as it accepts this loan contract that is humiliating and humiliating the country, Greece will almost lose its financial sovereignty within five years of the terms of the contract.

In 2012, the price of Greek bonds plummeted again, causing losses to international capital. What should we do? The answer lies with Greece.

The EU requires Greece to maintain the stability of bond market prices and requires Greece to repurchase bonds from the market on a large scale at a price of 35 euro cents to 1 euro.

This act directly increased the price of Greek government bonds by more than seven times, making international capital a lot of money, but it caused misery for the country's banks and financial institutions.

When Greece issued national bonds, domestic financial companies were mainly the ones who took over the bonds. They bought the bonds in full at a price of 1 euro for 1 euro as a long-term investment.

This was great, as I was forced to buy it back at a price of 35 euro cents to 1 euro.

International hot money is different. They all buy it at a low point. The buying price may be only 8 euro cents or 15 euro cents. If Greece launches a buyback plan, it can directly earn several times.

It is simply a gluttonous feast for world capital to carve up the wealth of Greece.

Finally, in 2015, the five-year contract expired. The Greek people couldn't bear it anymore, so they ousted the heads of government and replaced them with a radical nationalist president who refused to renew the contract with the EU!

We have been screwed so badly in the past few years, I don’t want to play anymore!

What a bullshit national debt! I won’t pay it back!

The Greek president at the time did not dare to make a rash decision, so he held a national referendum to let the whole people decide. The Greeks have been screwed so badly in the past five years, so of course they are opposed to renewing the contract.

Then, for the first time in history, a developed country defaulted on its debt, and the first liquidated damages reached US$1.6 billion.

The outcome can be imagined.

Greeks can't even eat, they can't even refuel, and the country's most important shipping industry can't run anymore.

After persisting for less than a month, Greece knelt down in front of the EU and said it was willing to renew the contract. The German Iron Lady also disagrees. If you say you don’t want to renew the contract, you won’t renew it, but if you say you want to renew it, you will renew it? How can such a good thing happen? Then more stringent terms were offered. If you want to get the loan again, you have to sign a more stringent contract.

Greece has no choice but to vomit blood and accept it.

That’s how people across the country tightened their belts and finally paid off their loans in 2018. In 2019, Greece issued a new round of 30-year government bonds, which finally became 1 euro for 1 euro, and the Greek bond market finally came back to life.

The whole process of the Greek crisis is very dangerous.

Once the Greeks are stubborn and refuse to accept the terms of the EU, the country of Greece will certainly be doomed. It will transform from a mainstream country to a peripheral country, and the same international capital will also suffer losses.

The most critical core is Greece's attitude.

Greece surrendered and endured the pain for a few years. It survived and is still one of the most developed countries in the world, and international capital can also make huge profits. Once Greece gets tough and is desperate, it will break up.

Zhou Buqi also made some misjudgments in this matter.

He once thought that the EU and Greece were on the same side.

Then I realized something didn't seem right.

In this overall situation related to global economic stability, the EU and the United States are on the same side.

Because in the following days, the EU held a new round of finance ministers' meeting and announced the establishment of a rescue mechanism totaling 750 billion euros to help euro zone member states that may be in debt crisis to prevent the spread of the Greek debt crisis and ensure The euro is stable.

This 750 billion euros is mainly used in three directions.

First, stabilize the entity and provide loans to operating companies;

Second, to stabilize finance, the European Central Bank will purchase government bonds from euro area member states on a large scale from the secondary market to stabilize the bond market;

Third, cooperate with the Federal Reserve to conduct euro-dollar swaps.

This third item is especially important.

The swap between the euro and the U.S. dollar means that the United States has to help the EU bear part of the euro risks. Why does the United States do this? The EU must have promised huge benefits to the United States.

The market reacted cheerfully that day, and global financial markets soared. Even the Greek stock index rose by 10%. This is even more true in the bond market.

Senior Sister Zhen Yu was stunned. When she called Zhou Buqi, her tone was weak and she said, "Boss Zhou, I want to admit my mistake to you."

Zhou Buqi was currently attending the launch ceremony of a local cloud data center in Toronto, Canada. It was nominally for work, but in fact he had never been to Toronto. He went there with sisters Ning Yaxian, Ning Yameng, and their children. travel.

The Ning sisters are reasonable, each is gentler than the other, and they always give people the greatest satisfaction.

Especially the son and daughter he gave birth to are the eldest babies of the Zhou family.

After receiving a call from Senior Sister Zhen Yu, Zhou Buqi didn't care and said with a smile: "Lossed again? It's just a loss. I told you a long time ago that the 600 million US dollars is to pay your tuition."

" loss, I made money."

"Make a profit? Yes, yes, the financial market is booming recently."

Zhen Yu said sadly: "Boss Zhou, I should reflect on this. I should trust you more. I should have 10,000% trust in you."

It was daytime here in Toronto. Zhou Buqi was holding his son in his arms. He was visiting the zoo with Yaxian, Yameng, and the security team to see the gorillas captured from Africa. When he heard this, he understood what Senior Sister Zhen Yu was saying. He meant, smiled and said: "Buy less?"

Zhen Yu said softly: "Well, it's less. I only bought 400 million U.S. dollars in total. Originally...I thought I would wait and see, maybe it would fall. Unexpectedly, after the meeting, the price soared. It’s too late to buy it.”

"How much has it increased?"

"The price of Greek government bonds due in 2017 rose to 22.19% of face value, and the price of government bonds due in 2023 rose to 20.19% of face value."

"The price has increased to more than 20 euro cents? How many times that is?"

"Well, my average buying price is 7.8 euro cents, which is an increase of nearly 3 times. The buying price is US$400 million, and now it is worth US$1.2 billion."

Senior Sister Zhen Yu's tone was weak, somewhat regretful.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Making money is not the purpose, learning is. Senior sister, the most important thing is that you can participate and experience the feeling of rolling in the waves in this thrilling wave of international finance."

Zhen Yu said softly: "Yes, I'm really tumbling. I haven't had much rest in the past half month. I'm so worried."

"You can't rest well? How can this be done? There is a lack of men around you, so empty?"

"screw you!"

"I'm sorry. I'll go find you in a few days. Then we can have a good time."


Zhen Yu is a little shy about such harsh words. She is with Boss Zhou and doesn't have many requests for sexual intercourse. She is relatively cold in this regard.

After ending the phone call, Zhou Buqi hugged his son and continued to walk in the park. This boy had a tiger-like head, his little eyes were rolling around, and he was full of curiosity about the world. My daughter seemed uninterested in these strange animals and had fallen asleep in the stroller.

Ning Yameng was beside her, gently holding his arm, and asked with a smile: "Brother-in-law, have you made money again?"

"Well, hundreds of millions of dollars."

"so much?"

"Not much. The hundreds of billions of euros in national debt are just like water splashes."

Having said that, Zhou Buqi doesn't know how to spend the money he has earned. If he wants to eat and look good, it is best to spend the money in the European Union and do some public welfare undertakings.

Well, football doesn’t make money, so this thing can be considered a charity, right?

Ning Yaxian was pushing a stroller aside, "By the way, I've seen the girl recommended by Chen Yan."

"Oh, Mr. Chen's relatives, how are you doing?"



Zhou Buqi nodded.

Ning Yaxian said softly: "But there is a little problem, it's weird."

"What's wrong?"

"She is the daughter of a cousin from Chen Yan's third uncle's family."

Zhou Buqi was very surprised and turned to look at her, "Is there a problem?"

Ning Yaxian rolled her eyes at him, "Think carefully!"


Zhou Buqi didn't think much about it, he just thought that Teacher Chen Yan wanted to follow the model of Yaxian and Yameng and reenact the legendary story of Ehuang Nvying.

But the female secretary recommended by Teacher Chen is the daughter of her third uncle’s cousin, so she’s not a sister at all! No wonder Teacher Han had a joking expression when he first mentioned this matter.

Depend on!

This teacher Chen Yan is really good at playing, right?

So courageous?

Zhou Buqi noticed that the eyes of Yaxian and Yameng were a little strange, so he quickly said seriously: "This can't work, I think Teacher Chen is crazy. Yaxian, please arrange it, pick a better job, don't Arrange it next to me."

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