Top of the big era

Chapter 1625 Promotion

That night, Zhou Buqi stayed up late to watch football at home. In the second leg of the Champions League semi-finals, Manchester United defeated Lyon 3-0 at home. In addition to the 2:0 score in the first round, they easily entered the finals with a total score of 5:0.

At the same time, the semifinals on the other side also ended. Although Professor Bu gave an actor-level performance, he could not prevent Barcelona from being eliminated by Inter Milan with a total score of 2:3 in two rounds.

This year's Champions League final will be Manchester United VS Inter Milan.

On the day of the spring outing, Zhou Buqi invited everyone to watch the Champions League final. Unfortunately, no one responded, but they were very interested in the barbecue he arranged personally and had a great time.

I also went to the reservoir to catch a fish and asked the chef to clean it up and grill the fish outdoors.

Unfortunately the weather is still a bit cold.

It got a little cold in the evening, so everyone returned to the venue one after another.

The beginning of May is a holiday, so we can take a break, so the Entrepreneur Club organized an event. Zhou Buqi has not participated in many issues, so he should respond to the call when he has time.

With the development of the Entrepreneur Club, the Taishan Club in the past no longer had a commercial nature, and commercial activities were generally undertaken by the Entrepreneur Club.

Although Zhou Buqi is young and has no job, he is a star among entrepreneurs. He has been invited many times by Mr. Liu, so he had to go on stage to speak and say a few words to more than 120 domestic entrepreneurs from all over the world.

This was a temporary arrangement, and he was not prepared at all. He could only talk about his experience in doing business - integrity.

Especially many people are thinking about going public in the United States, which is even more important.

A major event that shocked China and the world recently occurred. An unknown American investigation company called Muddy Waters shorted a famous domestic paper company, Oriental Paper.

Muddy Waters is actually a short-selling fund.

Their purpose is to make money by shorting stocks.

But which stock to short?

How can we ensure that we will make money after short selling?

Then, Muddy Waters found another way and came up with an idea, which was to conduct an undercover investigation and write a detailed investigation report. By first shorting the stock in the market, and then publishing an investigation report with detailed evidence, you can make the stock price plummet and make huge profits from the capital market.

Oriental Paper was their first business.

It is said that those foreigners from Muddy Waters were looking for connections in China, posing as partners and visited the site in person. They found that the factory of Oriental Paper was simply dirty and messy, just like it was in the 1970s and 1980s. They publicly promoted it There is a huge gap in modern equipment. Moreover, during their one-day stay, the logistics vehicle only made two or three trips, which was far from the sales data they claimed.

Then Muddy Waters took action, believing that Oriental Paper's 2008 revenue was nearly 27 times, and also said that $30 million of their funds had been misappropriated in the past year...

Muddy Waters had a great victory in the first battle, earning at least 12 million US dollars, and their research expenses were less than 1 million US dollars. This business was really a bargain.

In the auditorium of the Capital Hotel, Zhou Buqi looked at the crowded domestic colleagues with a microphone and said in a serious tone: "I am very young, I am a junior, and there are some things I should not say. However, honest advice may be offensive, but I am willing to do so." A reminder to friends here. I don’t know anyone from Muddy Waters, but I have inquired with people from Sequoia. The essence of Muddy Waters is a short-selling fund. They just want to find worms in the market, and then take advantage of the opportunity to short-sell and publish Research reports to make profits. This is their business model. This means that Oriental Paper is just the beginning, and more and more companies will be targeted by them in the future. I hope that all my colleagues here can learn from it. . Oriental Paper has a strong foundation and may be able to withstand it. If another company encounters this situation, it may be forced to delist."

Muddy Waters is mainly engaged in the business of Chinese concept stocks. It has released research reports on more than ten Chinese-funded companies. Only New Oriental, TAL and Anta have been able to withstand the situation. The other companies are basically in ruins, ranging from delisting to bankruptcy.

When Zhou Buqi started telling the story of Muddy Waters, laughter could be heard from time to time in the auditorium.

But as I talked about it, many people stopped laughing.

Data falsification is a common phenomenon. Companies that can be listed in the United States are the best domestic companies. Even such companies have suffered serious fraud, not to mention those companies that cannot go abroad and can only be listed on large A-shares.

Between the gatherings, Zhou Buqi also has a very important task, which is to promote the application of Weishu in China and call on everyone to follow the times and work digitally.

As a result, a very absurd scene appeared. Many people did not understand, what is digital office?

Zhou Buqi's heart felt cold.

In comparison, the gathering at Son's house was very relaxed.

On May 7, Zhou Buqi returned to San Francisco to attend a party organized by Masayoshi Son. It is said that he also invited more than 100 entrepreneurs, all of whom are SoftBank investment projects in the United States.

The purpose is to hope that these companies that SoftBank has invested in can help each other and use each other's products when conditions permit.

This was Zhou Buqi's idea for him.

The purpose is to promote Weishu.

Domestic Weishu is still a free version, but foreign Weishu is different. Kurian led the team to complete the revision of this product, pursuing personalized product design for large companies, insisting on word-of-mouth marketing, and rejecting "growth hackers".

The product Weishu was designed by a domestic team, and many details of the design may not meet the needs of foreign companies. Kurian outsourced the product interface design to Metalab and asked a public relations company to do the marketing.

At the party, more than 62 entrepreneurs expressed their willingness to accept WeChat and cooperate with Ziweixing. There is a relationship with SoftBank, and more importantly, Ziweixing International’s increasingly prominent reputation.

There are more than 4,100 employees in 62 companies.

The basic version of Weishu is US$5.99 per month, and the annual subscription is US$59.99. In other words, at this gathering alone, Zhou Buqi secured an order for Weishu with an annual revenue of US$500,000.

The amount is not that much, but the key is that there are many well-known companies among them, and this is the most important thing. When promoting Weishu in the future, sales can say, "So-and-so company and so-and-so company also use our products," and then a chain reaction can occur, raising the growth curve step by step.

The next day, Zhou Buqi met Yuan Zheng. He had completed the procedures for resigning from Cisco.

Next, let’s watch the negotiations of Ziweixing International.

If the terms are good, he will join.

If the negotiation didn't go well, he would start his own business.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Actually, you can choose both conditions at the same time."

Yuan Zheng immediately understood what he meant, "Both join and start a business? Intrapreneurship?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, Ziweixing International will invest resources, funds and technical teams. You will be responsible for this project and get 10% of the shares."

If it is a general startup, it is most appropriate for the founders to hold about 40% of the shares, and the probability of success is the highest. If the individual shareholding is too high, the team will lack entrepreneurial spirit and become wage earners, which will dampen enthusiasm; if it is too low, the founders will lack the right to make decisions, which will affect the choice of startup companies.

But intrapreneurship is different. The logic of intrapreneurship is that one or several entrepreneurs lead a group of workers to do something. The entrepreneurial spirit is stronger than that of large companies, but weaker than that of truly independent startups.

Many times, large companies spend 10 billion to build a project with the most powerful technical team and the best management team, but it may not succeed; a startup company with only 1 million in funds and a relatively mediocre team can beat the giants and win success.

What is missing here is the spirit of entrepreneurship.

Large companies have funds, technology, and the best teams, but they lack entrepreneurial passion; startups have passion, but lack many hardware conditions.

Intrapreneurship is a better compromise option. It is the most popular among Japanese companies. Many consortiums continue to start up their own businesses internally, and then they become large holding companies in charge of several industries. Baidu launched iQiyi and Penguin launched China Literature, both of which are considered internal entrepreneurship.

Yuan Zheng asked: "Where is the decision-making power?"

"Here you go." Zhou Buqi paused and added, "You are directly connected to me and don't need to be responsible to anyone. If I want to be listed separately in the future, I will use AB shares and I will get you A shares." ."

Yuan Zheng quite agrees with this model. Not only does he have decision-making power as a boss, he can also use Ziweixing International's team, technology and funds, which greatly reduces the risk of starting a business.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "The product you want to make is cloud video conferencing, right?"

"Yes, it is a cloud-based product."

"Weishu actually also has the function of cloud video, but the functionality is not that strong. At least it can give you a guarantee. You can just improve and upgrade on this basis. The speed is also faster."

Zhou Buqi has heard that Facebook has developed a cloud video product, but this is currently their internal product for internal use.

When the internal use is almost complete and the product matures, they will definitely release it to the market. Including Google, Microsoft, and Oracle are also eyeing this track.

Of course, the sooner Yuan Zheng’s entrepreneurial project can be launched, the better.

In his previous life, he left Cisco to start a business. He worked hard to build a team, find funds, do technology development and product design. He worked quietly for more than two years before finally launching the product.

In this life, relying on the powerful resources of Ziweixing International, we can greatly improve efficiency.

Yuan Zheng said with a smile: "I think we can build two R\u0026D centers, one in Silicon Valley and one in China."

"Okay," this was a piece of cake for Zhou Buqi, "You prepare it yourself in Silicon Valley, and I'll contact you in China. This is easy to do. If the technology is not too high-end, the cost of doing research and development in China will be higher. Low."

"Where's the name?"

"What did Kurian say?"

"He said it would be best to brand it 'Ever'."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Well, this is the unified brand of Ziweiyun's series of cloud SaaS products, and it will also help you open up the market."

Yuan Zheng nodded, "Then let's go to Everzoom."

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