Top of the big era

Chapter 1616 The Club’s Ecosystem

The tie remained until the end, and Zhou Buqi continued his honeymoon trip and flew directly to Germany. Honeymoon and work at the same time.

Kurian is accelerating the planning of the cloud computing industry and plans to formally establish an in-depth strategic partnership with the German software giant SAP Group.

In fact, Zhoubuqi has already been in operation and has reached a verbal agreement with Mr. Dietmar Hopp, the founder of SAP.

With the stable operation and market expansion of Ziweiyun, Kurian felt that it was time to lay out software services. That is, when users use Ziwei Cloud, they can directly use cloud office software through the cloud operating system.

In fact, it is a virtual machine logic.

Users turn on their own computers, whether it is an Apple system, a Microsoft system, or a Linux system, and directly enter the "virtual machine" of Ziweiyun's cloud operating system platform from the local system.

All the work of the staff is completed on this cloud operating system platform.

This means that the cloud operating system must provide enough services. For example, many users like to use Microsoft Office. It would be convenient if the cloud operating system also has office services. Users can use them directly on the cloud operating system, instead of switching to the Windows system to use office and then jumping to the cloud operating system to complete content docking.

However, Ballmer is now in charge of Microsoft. This person has a strong monopoly mentality and is unwilling to cooperate with competitors. When he steps down and the Indians come to power, Microsoft will become more open and encourage cooperation while competing, and it will be possible to cooperate with Microsoft.

In addition to Microsoft, there are several other major software giants among them.

SAP is the most critical point.

Zhou Buqi has already communicated with SAP, and the cooperation between the two parties can be regarded as a strong alliance to fight against the Silicon Valley giants. In the past ten years, SAP has been almost the only technology company in the world that can compete with Silicon Valley giants without falling behind. It is the pride of Germany and even Europe.

Cloud computing companies are more of a platform attribute, and users can purchase services on the platform. SAP's software is a tool and what it sells is a product. In other words, after users purchase SAP’s software on Ziweiyun’s platform, the platform can take a commission and make money.

Unless there are new changes in the cloud computing industry, it is impossible for SAP to "capitalize its enemies" and it would be more appropriate to cooperate with Ziwei Cloud.

In this business, Zhou Buqi just showed up, and then left with Mr. Hope to meet his team, Bundesliga Hoffenheim.

Hoffenheim is a "village" team, a very small, very small club. Every time they play a home game, the whole village must be mobilized to fill up the small home court.

But it is such a small team that has come up from the amateur group in the past few years, and then step by step has been promoted to the Bundesliga 2 and Bundesliga, and has become a strong team.

Behind this is Hope's financial support, and more importantly, the team has a godfather-level head coach-Ralph Rangnick.

Zhou Buqi has taken a liking to Rangnick.

The purpose is not to find a successor for Ferguson, but to create a football ecosystem.

There is nothing we can do about it.

He has made a promise that within two years he will have a top club in the country and contribute to the development of Chinese football.

Normally, this would be a trivial matter.

Although playing football costs money, the small amount of money is nothing to Boss Zhou. He can casually respond to the leader's call and use the market to promote the development of the national football team.

But Zhou Buqi has a clear background, so this approach simply won't work.

Even if they spent huge sums of money to buy many world-class stars like many Chinese Super League teams did later, and even won the AFC Champions League, it seemed that the building had been built, but in fact it collapsed.

Once it collapses, these bosses who have spent billions or tens of billions on Chinese football will be sprayed with blood, as if they are the culprits in destroying Chinese football.

Zhou Buqi doesn't want to be one of them.

Another more important point is that he now has a high status, has world-class prestige and reputation, and has some principled pride.

Let him enter the field like other businessmen to engage in gold and dollar football... This is really a shame.

He wants to be a leader, not a follower!

Just like Ziweixing Global's ambition is to promote a new pattern in Hollywood, Ziweixing Digital Media and Manchester United should work together to promote progress in the European football operating model.

Changing the world every step of the way is what a world-class entrepreneur should look like.

Either he doesn't participate in the domestic football industry. Since he is involved, Boss Zhou's feathers are so precious, so he has to come up with something different to impress the Chinese people, so that he can be worthy of his status.

Pursuit: Really contribute to the development of Chinese football and promote the healthy development of national football.

If this can really be achieved, it will really be satisfying both at the personal level and at the national level, which is the most anticipated result.

However, Zhou Buqi understood in his heart that with his meager strength, it was almost impossible to do it. The crux of football was not in the football industry at all. How could he cure the disease if he couldn't prescribe the right medicine?

So you need to find a way out in advance.

We have to find a way that even if it fails one day in the future, from the leaders of the Football Association to the football professionals to the largest fan group, nothing can be said.

Even if it fails, everyone must miss and be grateful to Boss Zhou for his exploration in the field of Chinese football.

Such a big goal is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Zhou Buqi has a candidate, the current Hoffenheim head coach Rangnick.

This is a football man with real ambitions.

"Ralph? No, this won't work." Mr. Hope rejected the suggestion of poaching without thinking. "He is the head coach of the team and still has a contract. He can't go anywhere."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "I saw on the news that he had a conflict with you?"


Hope sighed, feeling helpless.

"Let it go when it's time to let it go."

Zhou Buqi gave his own advice. Sitting in Lao Huo's Mercedes-Benz, he was really frightened. Wasn't the car going too fast?

Not to mention working to two hundred, that's still one hundred and eighty.

How scary.

In the evening, Shi Jinglin also arranged a program for the groom, the kind of program that would make people's hormones burst out at a very fast speed. Unexpectedly, he was not idle in broad daylight, as if he was racing.

Hope was used to the ultra-high speed and said helplessly: "In the past, in the low-level league, it was actually okay. After all, the level was low and the attention was not that high. It was enough to buy players with money. But when I came to the Bundesliga, it was very difficult." It’s difficult. Rangnick wants to invest more and buy more competitive players. This makes it difficult for me.”

Zhou Buqi said: "50+1 policy?"

"Yes." Hope nodded with a complicated expression, "In fact, Hoffenheim's expenses this season have exceeded the standard and are not in line with Bundesliga practice."

In order to protect the healthy development of the country's football industry, Germany's professional clubs have a "50+1" policy, which means that even if a big boss owns 100% of the team, it is useless. He must add 50% to the vote of 1 share. The right is left to professional football people and fans. In fact, it is to prevent the team from becoming a toy in the hands of the super rich.

This results in big bosses not being able to invest even if they have money.

If you invest, it is the intervention of non-football funds in the football market and undermines the policy. Of course the fans of this club like it, but the boss is under too much pressure.

Hope is the richest man in Germany and is not short of money at all, but it is useless if he has money because there are policies blocking him. Hoffenheim has broken the rules in the Bundesliga in the past two seasons, and there has been a crusade against him in the industry.

What to do next?

Hope put down his dignity as the richest man and asked Bayern's football bosses for help to settle the matter. The price was to sell Hofheim's main midfielder Luis Gustavo to Bayern at a low price during the winter break of the 2010-2011 season.

The football business is all done behind closed doors and plays on the sophistication of the world.

Hope settled things, but he pissed off Rangnick. Because Rangnick doesn't want to sell the team's main players, let alone sell the team's core to a major competitor. Hope pushed for the deal, bypassing Rangnick. Rangnick became angry and resigned immediately.

In other words, even if Rangnick does not leave Hoffenheim now, if he waits half a year, the conflict between him and Mr. Hope will break out and he will leave Hoffenheim on his own initiative.

Zhou Buqi glanced at him and said meaningfully: "The 50+1 policy has many advantages. But one disadvantage is that it will intensify the Matthew effect of the strong being always strong. If you can't avoid this If we don’t solve the investment funding constraints, we may never be able to win the Bundesliga championship.”

"Huh?" Hope immediately heard that there was something in his words, "Do you have any idea?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Yes."

"Tell me!"

Hope knew that this young man was a genius and had created a series of amazing business achievements. Especially in the past two days, Manchester United's stadium advertising model had spread throughout European football, which was shocking and admirable.

If anyone can overcome the "50+1" policy limit, it must be the resourceful boss Xiao Zhou.

Hope also said sincerely: "I have retired, and my life in my later years is as dull as water. The only thing that excites me is my team. I don't care about money, what I want is the championship."

Zhou Buqi said: "Give Rangnick to me."


Old Hope's face changed and he looked weird, feeling like he was being tricked.

Zhou Buqi said quickly: "It's true, I have a huge plan for the football industry. If Hoffenheim joins, it can greatly enhance its own strength. In the words of our Internet, the power of a single product Rapid development is inseparable from a huge ecosystem behind it. Use the resources of the ecosystem to promote the market competitiveness of individual products, and you can stand out!"

"What? Ecosystem?"


Zhou Buqi was stunned and speechless.

Depend on!

This old man is also the founder of the technology giant SAP. He doesn’t even know about such a trendy concept? The Germans have very little understanding of the concept of speculation and strategy, so they just work hard.

Zhou Buqi said: "The combination of multiple products, cross-subsidization and mutual support, each taking what it needs and each having its own benefits, is an ecosystem. For example, the cooperation between Ziweiyun and SAP is a powerful alliance."

"A variety of products..." Although Mr. Hope is too old to keep up with the trend, he is still smart. He immediately reacted and said in surprise: "One Manchester United is not enough, you want to buy a new team?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, I want to create an ecology for a football club!"

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