Top of the big era

Chapter 1615 Promotional Video

Senior Sister Zhen Yu left during the half-time break. Playing European debt is not easy, so you have to go back and prepare quickly. Zhou Buqi didn't care at all and told her clearly that 600 million US dollars is tuition. Regardless of success or failure, it is worth spending. It's okay!

The second half of the game was a bit interesting.

It's not that the game is interesting, but the content in the game is interesting. After Zhou Buqi watched it, he felt very accomplished. In the first half, I was watching the game while chatting with Senior Sister Zhen Yu about European debt, but I didn’t pay much attention to it.

As soon as the second half began, Zhou Buqi noticed it keenly.

LED billboards next to the stadium!

I go!

Isn't that "Iron Man 2"?

Zhou Buqi was surprised and happy, "Is this an advertisement? A promotional video?"

David Gill had a proud sense of achievement, "Yes, it is a commercial. This is the first time in the Premier League, even in European football and world football."

"Okay! Okay!"

Zhou Buqi repeatedly praised that LED billboards are actually display screens that can play both text and video content.

He noticed that almost every few minutes, a movie promotion would appear on the stadium billboard. It was a cool dynamic picture of "Iron Man" Robert Downey Jr. wearing an iron suit. The special effects were average and the science fiction effect was sufficient. .

David Gill said: "Manchester United vs. Chelsea is the focus of the Premier League. Compared with some local commercial brands, I think this kind of Hollywood blockbuster can play its greatest role in this type of game that attracts global attention. Advertising effect."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "That's right!"

The current technology is not enough and there is no virtual advertising. In other words, whatever is displayed on the LED advertisements in Old Trafford Stadium will be what fans around the world will see.

This means that the effectiveness of many local advertisements will be greatly reduced. For example, Heineken beer, which is well-known in Europe, will be more effective for audiences in the United Kingdom, Spain, and France, but will be basically useless for audiences in South Korea, Japan, and the United States. Effect, advertising resources are wasted.

In comparison, "Iron Man 2" is much better.

This is a Hollywood blockbuster!

It will be released in almost all countries and regions around the world, which means that "Iron Man 2" will not cause any waste of resources by advertising in the Old Trafford Stadium.

The combination of Hollywood blockbusters and football is definitely a strong alliance. The reason why they failed to cooperate in the past was mainly because of the backwardness of the football industry model.

In football, the sales of advertising space on stadium billboards are often based on seasons. Usually a contract is signed for 3-5 seasons.

This might be a good thing for weaker teams, which can have stable sponsors.

But for a giant like Manchester United, that's too far behind. Manchester United is a world-class brand, and the billboards in Old Trafford are a scarce resource.

In order to obtain maximum benefits in a market where supply exceeds demand, the supply side must follow a market economy, wait for price, refine sectors, and bid to rank!

This is Internet thinking. Looking across Europe, only Manchester United under the leadership of Zhou Buqi has tried to take the first step in business model innovation.

The effect is also very good!

David Gill said: "Manchester United has signed a sponsorship contract with the film distributor for four home games. The promotional time for each home court is 20 minutes, and the advertising fee per minute is US$50,000."

"Four games, $4 million in sponsorship?"

Zhou Buqi is quite satisfied with such data.

David Gill said with a smile: "Ziweixing Digital Media is the intermediary. After deducting the 15% commission, we can get approximately US$3.4 million."

He was actually very distressed.

The 15% agency fee is really expensive. With Manchester United's world-class brand, just sign a sponsorship contract directly with the merchant. Why do you need an intermediary to take the lead?

However, there is nothing that can be done about it, what he said does not count.

This time the promotion of "Iron Man 2" entered the Premier League, and it all came from one person, and that was Boss Zhou.

The one who paid was Ziweixing Global, which is his industry; the one who took the lead was Ziweixing Digital Media, which was his product; the one who provided the advertising resources was Manchester United, and it was his product!

This is not surprising either.

The combination of "Hollywood blockbusters + European football" is an unprecedented commercial innovation, which creates relatively large resistance for all parties.

Because the boss behind it is the same person, we can carry it out firmly.

Zhou Buqi said firmly: "We must go on this road! We must learn from the sports business in the United States. The advertising assets in football are far from being developed. Look at the Super Bowl in the United States. This year, one of the Super Bowl A 30-second advertisement reached an astonishing US$3 million! Football is the sports pillar of the United States, and football is the sports pillar of European football! Football can do it, why not football? A total of 80 minutes of advertising promotion in 4 games was signed. A $4 million order, compared to the Super Bowl, this report card is failing."

David Gill twitched his lips, "A game is 90 minutes. To be precise, the total advertising time of these 80 minutes is actually less than one game. In the past single billboard model, 19 games in a season were counted. On, that is about 1 million pounds.”

Zhou Buqi said: "So we must cooperate with the concept of Ziweixing Digital Media and bid for ranking. There are many factors that determine product prices, including supply and demand, and time. For example, in March and April, Hollywood Blockbuster advertisements have begun to be promoted on a global scale to warm up the summer season. At this stage, the price of advertising space with world-class resources will definitely rise."

David Gill sighed secretly and said sincerely: "This is such a big business that only a business leader like you can promote it. I don't even dare to think about it."

Zhou Buqi asked: "Approximately how much sponsorship revenue can be generated from stadium advertising this season?"

"Because of the updated stadium equipment, it has almost doubled compared to last season, and the fixed income has reached 40 million pounds. If more Hollywood blockbusters bid for the stadium in the future, it may reach 50 million pounds or 60 million pounds. "

David Gill is full of expectations.

It's only the beginning of April, and the summer season can last until August. Manchester United still has four home games in the Premier League this season. As long as the advertising effect of "Iron Man 2" is released, I believe more Hollywood giants will follow suit quickly.

As Boss Zhou said, the billboards at Old Trafford Stadium are very precious advertising resources! It is a world-class advertising resource!

The Super Bowl is very powerful, but Super Bowl advertising is only regional and only for North America. Regardless of whether it is rugby or the TV station that broadcasts it, localization is very strong and cannot break the geographical restrictions.

But football is different. It is a truly global sport.

Advertising on billboards inside Old Trafford Stadium can reach the whole world, which saves a lot of money!

In the past, Hollywood advertising models were all regional. British ads were run in the UK, Korean ads were run in South Korea, and German ads were run in Germany... The advertising slogans and poster designs were different in each country.

How much will this cost?

It's different when combined with football.

A set of advertising designs that can be used all over the world!

In theory, this can save Hollywood companies promotional funds and has great market development prospects.

Zhou Buqi said calmly: "Every innovation and change requires a leader. I bought a basketball team in the United States called the Golden State Warriors. This has nothing to do with making money. I want to change the past when basketball was focused on defense. concept, the goal of the Warriors is to drive the trend of offensive basketball and completely change the way basketball is played. The same is true for football. However, the football industry is too backward and needs to change too much. Stadium billboards are only the first step."

David Gill was shocked, "You want to change basketball from a technical and tactical level?"


Zhou Buqi's face was not red, his heart was not beating, and he was a little ashamed of his talk.

He is a senior football fan and has a deep understanding of football. But not basketball. The most I can do is watch the fun. But it doesn’t matter. The advantage of foresight is that you can blow away the bullshit first!

The Golden State Warriors, led by Lacob from Silicon Valley, took advantage of Silicon Valley's technological advantages to complete a great change in basketball tactics.

Such a halo of honor is justifiable if placed on one's own head.

After all, he is also the owner of the Warriors.

David Gill is very worried. In the past few years, he and Ferguson have had a happy partnership and achieved great success. The important reason is that each performs his own duties. Technical and tactical matters are all managed by Ferguson, and no one can interfere!

What does Big Boss mean?

Not only have you interfered in the team's business operations and player transfers, but you also want to intervene at the technical and tactical level?

This is not possible!

David Gill was worried about gains and losses, and said worriedly: "Zhou, football is different from basketball. Football has 11 players, it is more tactical and the changes are more complex."

Zhou Buqi was stunned for a moment and said with a smile: "Whether it's business, culture or sports, the most important thing is to follow the general trend. Whether it's basketball or football, the general trend is the same."

"what is it then?"

"We need to find ways to attract more fans from all over the world."


David Gill nodded.

At this time, changes occurred in the stadium. Manchester United made a substitution. The young 20-year-old No. 20 player Gareth Bale came on as a substitute amid the standing applause of the fans!

The audience applauded warmly, which was in recognition of his amazing performance in the away game against Bayern in midweek.

Bell is a real big-scene player. The bigger the scene, the more world-class performance he can perform. In this focus battle, he really lived up to expectations.

He came on as a substitute in the 68th minute. In the 76th minute, he immediately started from the wing, got rid of the defensive player, and passed directly with his left foot!

Berbatov in the small penalty area jumped up high and shook his head to attack the goal!

The ball went in!


Manchester United indeed equalized the score!

The whole audience cheered and applauded thunderously. The big screen at the scene also accurately found Zhou Buqi, and the camera zoomed in to give a close-up. Zhou Buqi smiled and waved, calmly and calmly.


The score remains until the end, and this season's league championship will belong to Manchester United.

Note: When the author conceived the business model of football stadium billboards, he made it up randomly based on the thinking habits formed over the years of working on the Internet, at least not yet when he opened the book. I just checked online when I was writing this, and it seems that this model is becoming a reality. There are many games in Europe, and the content of "confession" and "proposal" appears on the stadium billboards, as well as those wishing friends a happy birthday. These are all temporary advertisements. Maybe in a few years, Hollywood blockbusters will actually advertise in football stadiums.

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