Top of the big era

Chapter 1589 Brand Gain Effect

Large cities in the United States will have many medium-sized cities under their jurisdiction, and medium-sized cities will have many small cities under their jurisdiction. So even in the super big cities here in the Bay Area, there will be many places that look like small towns, with commercial centers, hotels, restaurants, laundries, grocery stores, and spas all lined up, including massage parlors owned by Chinese.

Occasionally there are a few regular massages.

Most are irregular.

The law enforcement here in the United States is very rigid. As long as a man and a woman refuse to admit that there is a transaction and just say that they fell in love at first sight and fell in love with each other, no one can do anything about them.

So this kind of business is very safe.

Legally speaking, it's prohibited here in California.

But the reality is that massage parlors that publicly post large-scale photos of women, are lit with red lights, and have a row of girls standing in front of the door can be operated openly.

Basically it’s all done by the Chinese.

In the early years, I was in Chinatown, but later I moved out. Wherever there were Chinese people, there were massage parlors.

Many girls came to the United States with a tourist visa. After the visa expired, they went into hiding and stayed in the United States as illegal immigrants. It was difficult to find regular jobs, so they could only engage in this type of business.

Zhou Buqi has no prejudice against this. He just thinks that Qu Hanhan always goes to massage parlors, which has a bad influence. "When you are tired from work, you would massage your feet or squeeze your shoulders. This is normal, but you should try your best to... It will have an impact. Even if you go to a massage parlor, keep a low profile and be sneaky. If the foreigners in the company see it, they don’t know what to think."

"Okay, okay, I understand."

Qu Hanhan looked embarrassed and embarrassed.

He didn't plan to stay in the United States for a long time, but he was good at English. He was seconded to promote the domestic personalized recommendation business, take the lead, and then returned to China.

Because we were abroad and no one was in charge, we acted unscrupulously.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Do you have a girlfriend?"


"Why don't you find one? I see that on Netflix, there are many blond white girls, all of whom are young and beautiful."


Qu Hanhan scratched his head and suddenly became shy.

Zhou Buqi understood it immediately and said kindly: "Be bold and go for the pretty one. If it works, go to the next one. If it doesn't work, go to the next one. It's simple and direct. Love here in the United States is different from that in China. In fact, it's simpler. It’s very generous, just go on a date. After a few dates, suggest going to a hotel. If you don’t agree, give up decisively and look for the next target.”

"Is this okay?" Qu Hanhan opened his eyes wide.

Zhou Buqi said in a low voice: "What's wrong? You're not waiting in the United States for a long time, and you're not looking for a wife. Thank you for not sleeping with two foreign girls when you go abroad?"

"Ha ha!"

Qu Hanhan's tense nerves immediately relaxed.

Zhou Buqi said: "In China, the relationship is confirmed first, and then the apartment is opened. The United States is more open, especially in big cities like San Francisco. They open the apartment first, experience it first, and then confirm the relationship when they are satisfied. ."

Qu Hanhan nodded, "Well, I've also heard people say that people here in the Bay Area are very... very utilitarian. They have to inspect the goods first, and they have to inspect them several times. Once both parties are satisfied, Only then will the relationship be officially confirmed.”

Zhou Buqi patted him on the shoulder and said, "Yes, be brave and attack boldly. It costs money to go to a massage parlor, but what a great date. It's free! The essence of the Internet is that it's free!"

Qu Hanhan took a deep breath, "Then... let me try."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "That's right. I think the receptionist at Netflix is ​​quite good. You should invite her on a date now... Well, just tonight!"

Qu Hanhan suddenly became embarrassed again, "Now?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, right now, go right away. This is the mission."

Watching Qu Hanhan walk away in a hurry, Zhou Buqi secretly sighed and felt helpless.

There is really no way to control things like corporate culture.

Domestic technology companies often have the characteristics of high wages, many male employees, high work pressure, few opportunities to vent, and no time to find a girlfriend, so this type of thing has become a common phenomenon in the industry.

Many employees have to travel frequently to other places for business. Basically, they get wherever they go, and they even travel in groups. Many companies offer very good benefits, and you can also travel overseas, including Japan, Thailand, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

This kind of thing is relatively common, but some things go too far.

Because technology companies have a strong tendency to work overtime, they often work overtime until late at night. By late night, there were very few people in the company, and the office area was basically empty. Sometimes there are only male and female employees left, just fighting in the company. Then everyone goes back to their respective homes without disturbing each other.

This needs to be strictly controlled.

There is no control from the outside, but similar scandals must not occur within the company.

Zhou Buqi paid attention to the staff and then returned to the discussion between Reed Hagentins and Jason Kilar. Under Boss Zhou’s planning, Netflix’s business strategy and development philosophy are definitely No. 1 in the world. Only in this way can Netflix be promoted as the leader in the streaming media industry!

Jason Kilar was already convinced.

However, he still has doubts about the concept of self-produced dramas.

Hargentins gave an example, "Have you seen Breaking Bad?"

Jason Kilar nodded, "Well, it's the most popular TV series broadcast on AMC."

"Popular?" Hagentins shook his head. "At the beginning, this was just a niche, fringe TV series with less than 200,000 viewers."

AMC Television is a pay cable television station.

Since it is a paid station, it means that there are not enough users.

The most well-known TV series in the United States are either those broadcast by free TV stations such as CBS and NBC, such as "Friends" and "The Big Bang Theory", or they are high-cost high-quality dramas launched by ace pay TV stations such as HBO.

A few years ago, AMC was still far behind.

The number of AMC subscribers has increased dramatically in recent years. Why?

The big reason is that "Breaking Bad" is so good.

How did "Breaking Bad" become so popular?

Because AMC TV station is too niche, "Breaking Bad" has poor ratings and has become a fringe TV series. In order to pursue profits, Sony Pictures, the production company of "Breaking Bad", had no choice but to license the copyright of "Breaking Bad" to Netflix, and the extra profit was worth it.

Hollywood is unwilling to license copyrights to streaming media. Even if it is licensed, it is often low-end bad movies.

However, this "bad movie" "Breaking Bad" became popular thanks to Netflix!

As of now, the number of paid viewers of "Breaking Bad" on AMC TV has reached 12.5 million, and Netflix is ​​an important reason for the popularity of this American drama.

The industry calls this phenomenon the "Netflix effect."

Hargentins said: "Just like our personalized recommendation concept, Netflix can push some bad movies and TV series to users. "Breaking Bad" was originally a marginalized bad TV series, very niche. . But driven by Netflix, it has become a ratings giant. But when we did market research, we found that when asked about "Breaking Bad", everyone said it was an AMC drama. , no one will mention Netflix."

Jason Kilar understood immediately, "'Breaking Bad' reminds viewers of AMC TV, not Netflix. So in order to watch the show, viewers tend to subscribe to AMC instead of subscribing to Netflix." , this is the brand additional effect surrounding film and television content!”

Hargentings said: "Yes, Netflix has launched "Breaking Bad". But the brand of "Breaking Bad" is linked to AMC, and we have promoted AMC in vain. Even the audience I don’t even know that this show is actually produced by Sony Pictures. I only know that it was first broadcast on AMC. AMC became popular with "Breaking Bad", but Netflix did not reap the benefits of brand gain. Therefore, Netflix must If you want to make a self-produced drama, you have to spend money to make your own content, and you can no longer make wedding dresses for others."

Zhou Buqi suddenly asked: "Can you buy out the streaming rights?"

Hagentins was stunned for a moment, "Huh?"

Zhou Buqi said: "This drama was well shot and has a bright future. Today's Hollywood is undergoing technological reforms. Traditional Hollywood screenwriters with rich stories will be unemployed on a large scale and can only switch from movies to TV series. Come in. I can guarantee that in the next few years, American TV series will be as popular all over the world as Hollywood movies. "Breaking Bad" is universal and has a wider market."

"Do you really want to buy it?" Hagentins was embarrassed. "Even if they are willing to sell it, the price will be high!"

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter. It's not convenient for Netflix to sell it, so MSI Global will buy it. Other copyrights don't matter, only the streaming rights. For such a large-scale drama, ordinary TV stations can't buy it." If it can’t be broadcast, streaming media is the best platform.”

With the rise of the streaming media industry, more and more traditional TV stations have also transformed into streaming media.

Ten years later, HBO launched its own streaming media platform, and Warner withdrew "Friends" from Netflix and put it on its own platform; AMC later launched its own streaming media platform almost at the same time, and then removed "Friends" from Netflix. "Breaking Bad" was removed from Netflix and put on its own platform.

The so-called rights and interests, in the final analysis, come first with "rights" and then with "benefits".

If streaming media wants to be stable, the most important thing is to hold the copyright of high-quality content in hand.

Ziweixing Global still has about US$5 billion in cash flow on its books.

Very rich!

Moreover, relying on Universal Pictures, it also has a very strong copyright operation team, channels and industry resources.

In the past few years, Jieyu Media has also worked very hard to collect content copyrights, but most of them are collected domestically, and it is very difficult to operate in overseas markets.

But Universal Pictures is different. This is a golden brand with world-class influence.

Zhou Buqi believes that the next step is to hold a strategic high-level meeting within Ziweixing Global to start laying out the copyright industry for streaming media!

In the name of Ziweixing Global, we must buy content and copyrights from all over the world, buy, buy, buy all the way!

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