Top of the big era

Chapter 1572 Deal

The next day, the group went to Tel Aviv and found PrimeSense.

This is just a small company.

Founded in 2005, its profit last year was only US$530,000. But the technical level is very high, because there have been relatively few application scenarios for 3D technology in the past few years, and the main industry is 3D games, so PrimeSense mainly provides services for 3D games.

Microsoft's home game console Xbox has many 3D games, so it organized a team to study related motion control and 3D capture systems. After more than a year of work, the final choice was to still cooperate with PrimeSense.

This shows its power in this field.

Zhou Buqi doesn't understand technology anymore, but he can vaguely understand it. The reason why PrimeSense is great is that their system targets standard off-the-shelf CMOS image sensors.

In other words, the compatibility is very strong.

The more standardized the product, the lower the cost. Because the compatibility of Microsoft's self-developed system is not good enough, a set of hardware must be customized for its own system to run perfectly. This greatly increases the cost and reduces market competitiveness.

Why can Microsoft's Xbox catch up and surpass Sony's PS3?

A big reason is the low price.

The compatibility of Sony products is really poor. Even if Sony is currently pursuing a product strategy of "system + platform + hardware + software" similar to Apple's, Sony's system is not universal and the hardware adaptability is too poor, so it will be difficult to succeed.

Unlike Apple products, almost all components are purchased from all over the world, and the system has good compatibility with hardware. Then, Apple can maintain its independence and closedness by making special features in certain key components.

Hardware products in the Internet era are no longer the same as they were ten or twenty years ago.

The core of the products back then was hardware.

Whoever has good hardware quality will be great.

Everyone's software level is about the same, so there is no way to differentiate between them.

It's different now, software is the mainstay and hardware is the supplement. All the hottest products in the world do not rely on the advantages of hardware to attract users, but the friendliness at the software level, system level, and product integration level.

Many popular products do not have any hard-core technology in the hardware field. They are made from materials purchased from all over the world and then assembled. The reason why it has become a hot product is that the product integration is well done, the system compatibility is well done, it can stimulate the strongest performance of all hardware products, and it can make every component exert its maximum value.

Some companies' products have poor system performance, resulting in many components in the product not being able to perform even 50% of their performance. What should I do?

The saying in the industry is that the technology is not enough, so we have to pile up materials to make up for it.

Poor system results in components that can only perform 50% of their performance, causing them to be crushed by competing products from the same industry. This is easy to handle, just double the configuration of components.

Others use 2g Hz processing, but mine uses 4g Hz processing. After the 50% discount, it happens to be 2g, which is almost the same!

Then, when promoting, we can fool a wave of users by saying how conscientious our own products are. Our peers all use low-quality ingredients to harvest leeks. Only our products use the most ingredients and are the most sincere.

The speckle structured light technology used by PrimeSense uses a standard off-the-shelf CMOS image sensor and uses various algorithms to read encoded light spots from the scene to triangulate and extract 3D data. The system then performs three-dimensional analysis of the scene, allowing the device to interact with the user.

In this process, the hardware materials are universal, but the system is exclusive.

For future face recognition applications on Aster mobile phones, other mobile phone manufacturers can buy exactly the same structured light components, but they just can't produce similar effects.

PrimeSense has been in the business since 2005. At that time, the concept of 3D technology was still in its infancy, and they were already brave enough to enter the market. With so many years of technology accumulation and experience in serving 3D games, even Microsoft cannot surpass it in a short time.

During the negotiation process with PrimeSense, Zhou Buqi was very active and put forward three main points.

First, the market for 3D games is too small. Except for the level of competition between Microsoft and Sony, most 3D games do not require too sophisticated technology. Not many game manufacturers are willing to pay high prices for PrimeSense’s technical services.

Second, "Avatar" became popular all over the world, and the film industry ushered in the 3D era. Only Hollywood giants can afford to invest more than 100 million US dollars or 200 million US dollars in 3D commercial blockbusters. The competition here is at the level of Microsoft and Sony. The binocular 3D technology used in "Avatar" is very good, but if Hollywood blockbusters want to stand out, there must be many projects willing to look for better and higher-end 3D technology.

Third, the 3D craze has arrived. It is conceivable that in the next few years, many technology companies engaged in related industries will emerge. PrimeSense is now the leader in the industry, but after all, it is just an Israeli company. If you don't make progress and are stuck in one place, you will inevitably be surpassed by your competitors.

Selling the company to Ziweixing Global can solve all these problems.

Shen Xiangyang is coordinating the technology development of all companies in "Ziwei Galaxy" and has huge scientific research resources at his disposal. He can help PrimeSense establish PrimeSense offices in the United Kingdom, the United States, China, Japan and South Korea, and maintain its own technical advantages and Market Competitiveness.

What really impressed them was Universal Pictures' plans for a sequel to "Jurassic Park."

Compared with drawing a pie, this is the real excitement!

The stunning effects of "Avatar" have made the whole world crazy. The people at PrimeSense are not convinced because they have better 3D rendering technology.

Now, the chance to express your ambition and prove yourself is finally here!

This is Jurassic Park!

This is much more meaningful than providing technical services for those shoddy games. With the global influence of "Jurassic Park", it will surely cause a sensation all over the world!

Zhou Buqi was helpless.

For these young scientists, Hollywood is really full of beautiful visions. The way these people look at George Lucas and Gal Gadot is obviously more cordial and fanatical.

But after thinking about it carefully, Zhou Buqi can also understand this feeling.

Wasn't he like this back then?

I feel that the female stars in Hollywood are really good at blowing things off, and they are so greedy that they can drool. If there is a chance... not to mention having sex seven times a night, at least I will enjoy it for three days and three nights.

When his status improved little by little, and he even became a Hollywood giant, and he experienced it personally after handling several Hollywood female stars, this feeling became dull and just like that.

The group stayed in Israel for three days.

The offer to acquire PrimeSense came easily.

The two sides are not at the same level at all, and they barely have the confidence to resist. However, they also know that the 3D era is coming, and with PrimeSense’s technical strength, it is likely to shine in the next few years.

If you sell the company now, you will suffer a huge loss.

After some haggling, they expressed their willingness to sell 80% of the shares for US$60 million. Keep 20% of the share, and when the company's value rises in the future, they will sell it to Ziweixing Global at a high price.

Zhou Buqi approved the plan.

Next up, there’s Lucasfilm.

On the plane back, there was no Gal Gadot, so Zhou Buqi invited George Lucas on his plane, planning to stay there for more than ten hours to try to get this matter done!

If Lucasfilm wants to play a more important role in promoting film technology, the best way is to merge with Ziweixing Global and develop in-depth strategic business relationships with PrimeSense, a subsidiary of Ziweixing Global.

Industrial Light \u0026 Magic's binocular technology is simple to implement and cheaper, and can be applied to general 3D lens shooting in Hollywood blockbusters. If it is some particularly important scenes or props, such as the dinosaurs in "Jurassic Park" or the lions in "The Lion King", better technology can be used to present more stunning visual effects.

Of course George Lucas knew that what he said was right, but he refused to express his opinion.

Zhou Buqi said calmly: "George, I have not checked Lucasfilm's accounts. I don't think there is a need to check too clearly. When we came to Israel this time, we both have a certain understanding. Companies are just like people. I believe Lucasfilm is totally worth $3.2 billion."


George Lucas was hesitant and seemed dissatisfied with the offer.

Zhou Buqi sighed, "George, you can see the current global technology trend. All powerful technology companies need global layout. Industrial Light and Magic leads the world in the fields of sound effects and visual effects, which we all Understand. However, the labor cost in the United States is too high, and not all films require sophisticated special effects technology. Just as I told the people at PrimeSense, Industrial Light \u0026 Magic must also go out and embrace the world. Tech talent, especially in Asia.”

George Lucas said: "Lucasfilm is already preparing a branch in Singapore."

"Singapore?" Zhou Buqi shook his head, "It's okay to do some business in Singapore, but what kind of technology research and development can be done there? The top priority is that Industrial Light and Magic should enter the Korean, Japanese, Hong Kong and Taiwan markets. Outsource some low-end special effects production there. , only high-precision special effects shots are produced locally.”

Lucasfilm is only an independent film company. It is difficult to open branches in Singapore, let alone branches in South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

If you want to accomplish this, you really have to rely on the power of Ziweixing.

With the development of the times, the threshold for the special effects industry is getting lower and lower. Unlike back then, Hollywood blockbusters had to go to Industrial Light and Magic for slightly more complex lenses.

Nowadays, the special effects industries in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and New Zealand are booming and have taken away a large number of markets. In "Raiders of the Lost Ark" released by Lucasfilm in 2008, many of the special effects were done by British special effects companies.

Even Lucasfilm can no longer afford to use its own Industrial Light and Magic special effects team. Some less complex special effects shots have to be produced by second- and third-tier studios to save costs.

This is indeed a very severe development dilemma that Industrial Light and Magic is currently facing.

The cost of special effects in Asia is lower than that in Europe. If Industrial Light and Magic can start this industry in Asia, it will indeed cause fatal damage to the second- and third-tier special effects companies in Europe.

And all of this requires Ziweixing's help.

Seeing that he was touched, Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "George, Lucasfilm is your child, and I can understand your feelings. But now this child has grown up and no longer listens to you. It’s time for you to let him go and find his own life. Aren’t you very interested in He Fengshan’s story? In the future, you can cooperate more with Universal Pictures and produce some movies you like. In addition to Star Wars stories, You always have many other interesting science fiction ideas, right? If we work together, maybe we can create a new science fiction world for the whole world."

George Lucas took a deep breath and said, "$3.2 billion is not enough!"

"How much do you want?"

"$3.5 billion."


"I insist."

George Lucas has no choice. Although Boss Zhou is young, his status is too high, so it is difficult for him to say any harsh words or behave rudely.

With Zhou Buqi's current achievements and prestige, his face is enough to help him make a lot of money. Except for some very special occasions, most of the time he doesn't even need negotiation skills. It's enough to show up in person and give him enough face.

Sure enough, George Lucas was not willing to give up, but he agreed.

Zhou Buqi looked at the other party deeply and smiled slightly, "That's it, 3.5 billion US dollars, deal done!"

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