Top of the big era

Chapter 1571 A greater man than Schindler

This flight was really long.

There are only three bedrooms on the plane.

There are still outsiders.

There was nothing I could do about it. Zhou Buqi had to pay attention to his personal image, so he slept hard on the recliner outside like the other men and gave up the bedroom to the ladies.

As for having some intimate behavior on the plane, don't even think about it.

PrimeSense is headquartered in Tel Aviv, but this time it went to Israel and landed in Jerusalem first. When you go to Israel, the Holy City is a place that cannot be ignored.

After the group got off the plane, they found that local officials from Jerusalem had come to the airport, and there were even guards with live ammunition, red carpets and flowers to greet them.

For those who didn’t know, I thought the leader of that country was visiting.

Zhou Buqi now has a very high status and has been to many countries, but he has never enjoyed such lofty courtesy in any country. It was only later that I discovered that the person they welcomed was George Lucas.

Gal Gadot came over to explain, saying that Mr. Lucas is a Jew. During the economic crisis last year, he personally donated a large amount of money to the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Jerusalem, which was said to be nearly 200 million US dollars.

This is not surprising either.

Jews are inherently united.

George Lucas is the richest tycoon in Hollywood. His wealth is roughly equal to the combined wealth of Spielberg, Coppola, Scorsese and other older film masters.

However, after welcoming George Lucas, the locals also showed great welcome to Zhou Buqi and warmly invited him to visit the memorial hall. Everything was arranged.

Zhou Buqi was reluctant.

What does it have to do with the Jews being commemorated? The things inside are so terrifying, and the eerie and solemn atmosphere simply destroys the beautiful atmosphere with the beauty nearby.

But everyone has made arrangements, so I really can’t refuse.

Apparently George Lucas was happy too.

The memorial hall wants to show him the results of his donation.

I am going to Tel Aviv tomorrow and will only stay in Jerusalem for one day, so the trip is very busy. I didn't even have time to rest. I got into work mode as soon as I left the airport.

As he galloped all the way, Zhou Buqi could feel the difference in this country. Soldiers could be seen everywhere on the streets. Some are girls with very delicate figures, but they are carrying a rifle that seems to be taller than her.

When I arrived at the memorial hall, I suddenly realized that the locals were thoughtful.

A new temporary themed exhibition has been added here called "Wings of the Phoenix: Dr. Ho Feng Shan and the Rescue of Austrian Jews". Moreover, the locals even placed a sculpture outside to permanently commemorate Mr. He Fengshan.

There is a clear mark on the sculpture: The Chinese must never be forgotten.

Zhou Buqi saw the sculpture and the exhibition, and was deeply touched. He turned to look at Zhen Yu and Ning Lu who were accompanying him, "Have you heard about this?"

Ning Lu shook her head.

Zhen Yu said softly: "I know some, and I only heard about it when I went to the United States. The Jewish Committees in Hollywood and San Francisco organized some commemorative activities, which are quite influential."

Zhou Buqi asked: "What's going on?"

It's embarrassing at times like this.

This great deed has not been widely publicized in the country. Israel has put up the grandest commemorative exhibition, but Boss Zhou has never heard of it.

Zhen Yu quickly explained: "He used to be a diplomat of the Republic of China. After the outbreak of World War II, Germany arrested and massacred Jews in various countries. If the Jews wanted to survive, they could only get visas from other countries to leave. At that time, Austria's 32 All consulates could not bear the pressure from Germany and refused to issue visas. Mr. He Fengshan was the consul general of the Republic of China in Austria at the time. He issued thousands of visas while resisting the life and death pressure of Na Cui and the power pressure of his superiors. He He should be the person who saved the most Jewish lives at that time, far more than Schindler. But he was from the other side of the country, and his heroic deeds are more spread in the traditional Chinese circle."

Zhou Buqi's mood became more complicated.

Just visiting, not much to say.

The introduction in the exhibition said that no one knew about Mr. Ho Fengshan's deeds in the early years. It was only after his death in the United States in 1997 that his daughter compiled his life files and made them public.

It caused a sensation after it was announced, and many people didn't believe it.

There are Jewish historians in the United States who have done research, conducted repeated investigations, and found the Jews who were rescued at that time, and then disclosed this dusty history to the world.

Then, there are all kinds of halos of honor.

In 2000, Israel awarded him the title of "Righteous Among the Nations", which is Israel's highest honor for foreigners; in 2001, the Israeli government established the Ho Fung Shan Memorial in Jerusalem; in 2005, the United Nations officially praised him as "China's Schindler" "; In 2006, Israel awarded him the title of "Honorary Citizen"...

But even so, its influence and popularity in the world are very limited.

This made Zhou Buqi feel very uncomfortable.

He doesn't care whether Mr. Ho Fengshan is from the previous government or from the other side of the Taiwan Strait. He is a righteous representative of the Chinese nation. Especially in the era when Nazi terror swept Europe, dozens of people around the world claimed to be "justice", "democracy" and "peace". Countries all over the world have refused to issue visas to Jews to save them, but a diplomat from a weak Chinese country that has lost half of its country can issue visas to save people despite the life and death pressure of his whole family. What kind of humanitarian spirit is this?

At that time, Shanghai had the largest number of temporary Jewish settlements. At that time, it was not Schindler who saved the most Jews, but He Fengshan!

Why is Schindler so famous?

Because Spielberg is Jewish, he made a movie "Schindler's List", and then the whole world regarded Schindler as a world-class hero.

However, people greater than Schindler can only appear in this very small memorial.

Zhou Buqi, who said nothing during the visit, looked at the photocopies of visas signed by Mr. Ho Fengshan hanging on the wall, and suddenly said, "I want to make this into a movie!"

Looking at Gal Gadot next to her, she was already in tears.

Everyone was puzzled and quickly stepped forward to comfort him.

Zhou Buqi is also confused. I want to make a movie to promote the heroic deeds of the Chinese people. Why are you crying? After much persuasion, Gal Gadot announced the answer, saying that her grandfather was murdered in Auschwitz. He wanted to escape back then, but he couldn't get a visa to leave. If he could have met Mr. Ho Fengshan back then, maybe his grandfather would still be alive today.

Everyone was silent and sighed.

George Lucas was also deeply moved.

Whose family didn’t have several relatives killed that year?

That night in the hotel, George Lucas talked with Zhou Buqi for more than two hours. He also wanted to participate in the production of this movie. He said he was willing to use his connections in Hollywood and influence in Jewish circles to get the project off the ground. Moreover, he was willing not to take any money, and he was also willing to recruit Spielberg and other Jews to help.

Taking this friendly cooperation as the starting point, the two had a sincere communication about the acquisition of Lucasfilm for the first time.

George Lucas also intends to sell Lucasfilm.

Because he can no longer make the "Star Wars" movies according to his wishes. This is not a matter of money, this is a matter of responsibility.

The market has changed.

His microscopic Star Wars world and plot ideas for exploring the Force are completely inconsistent with the current environment. Once it offends Star Wars fans, the brand will be ruined.

This will cause all upstream and downstream practitioners surrounding the "Star Wars" brand to suffer huge losses.

It's better to sell it and be out of sight and out of mind.

If Lucasfilm were to be sold, to whom would it be best sold? 20th Century Fox? Time Warner? Paramount? Disney? Sony Entertainment?

If you have to choose, the best choice is Sony Entertainment.

Because Lucasfilm is a "technology + movie" company, Sony Entertainment has Sony behind it, and it has the strongest sense of technology. But the quality of Sony Entertainment’s movies is too poor.

Now, a new giant has emerged in Hollywood - Ziweixing Global.

This is simply the perfect destination for Lucasfilm to join, for three big reasons.

First, George Lucas was cultivated by Universal Pictures in his early years, which was a blessing to him;

Second, Universal Pictures’ production level is very strong, ranking second only to Warner Bros. in today’s Hollywood;

Third, MSI Global has extremely strong technological attributes. This time it even came to Israel to acquire a 3D sensor technology company. This is a further bet in the field of 3D technology, which is completely consistent with Lucasfilm’s technological philosophy.

However, based on his negotiation skills, George Lucas did not blurt out the price for a long time. He only said that he "hasn't thought about it yet", "still needs to evaluate", and "will think about it again".

Before the talks ended, Zhou Buqi submitted an offer: US$3.2 billion.

George Lucas was very excited.

This is a presidential suit. After George Lucas left, Zhen Yu and Ning Lu walked out of the lady's room. They had to complain, "We are still not satisfied after 3.2 billion US dollars. How greedy."

"It's normal to do business." Zhou Buqi smiled and waved, "Come here and let me hug you. If there are outsiders on the plane, I can't love you."

Ning Lu smiled sweetly, walked over playfully, and sat astride his lap face to face.

Zhen Yu was not very embarrassed. She sat on the sofa next to her and asked jokingly: "Hey, what's going on with you and that Hollywood female star?"


"Gal Gadot!"

"Nothing happened."

"Are you attracted to her?"

"Just a little bit."

Zhou Buqi hugged Ning Lu and did not shy away from discussing this issue in front of Senior Sister Zhen Yu.

Zhen Yu didn't seem to understand, "What's so good about it? No matter it's looks or figure, any maid in our family is better than her, and she's younger and more youthful, and she's still a girl. This female star, at first glance, is I don’t know how many men I have dealt with.”

"I go!"

Zhou Buqi was speechless. This senior sister Zhen Yu was really sharp. The last sentence directly blew away all his interest.

Zhen Yu said: "I suggest you don't touch it. There are so many stunning maids in the house. They are all beauty pageant girls. If you want to hunt for novelties, just look for them. It is safe and reliable. Is it no better than some female stars with shady backgrounds?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Okay, I listen to you! Don't touch it! I didn't want to touch it in the first place. Foreign women are not interesting. If I have the energy, I might as well hurt you two more. Let's go, let's take a shower, hurry up Take a break after doing your work."

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