Top of the big era

Chapter 1547 The virtual world also has capital operations

Like a salesman, Zhou Buqi said carefully: "Bitcoin can be traded, just like stocks. I am planning to build an online Bitcoin exchange. As long as Bitcoin is done, there will be Other virtual cryptocurrencies will follow suit. According to my judgment of the Internet market and the trend of decentralization, this trend will definitely rise."

"Virtual currency...cryptocurrency..." Zhang Chaoyang tried to taste his words, "You mean...this kind of cryptocurrency is just like a game. Can Changyou launch its own cryptocurrency?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Changyou's business is all in China, and several of its main games are also domestic. Even if DOTA2 is released in Europe and the United States, it is represented by Blizzard. For many players, they only think of this It’s a Blizzard game. If Changyou wants to become a gaming giant as famous as EA and Blizzard, it needs to find another way! Well, take a shortcut! Take the hype route of new concepts!”

The risk of cryptocurrency is too great, and Ziweixing is not suitable for entry.

The main reason is that Ziweixing already has a relatively stable business overseas and has established a basic market. This part of the basic market cannot be allowed to bear the huge risks of cryptocurrency.

But Changyou is different.

Changyou is a new company abroad with no foundation.

The competition in the gaming industry is very fierce, far more fierce than in the social networking, e-commerce, and cloud computing industries. The Internet industry is a winner-take-all, but there is no winner-take-all mechanism in the gaming industry. Even start-ups and small companies have the possibility of competing with giant companies.

So much so that in order to ensure its position, EA often acquires small companies. After the acquisition, the purpose is not to develop the small company, but to close down the small company's business and let them die.

Changyou wants to develop in the overseas game industry. It is too difficult to stand out by taking the conventional route. Giants are like tigers.

If it is tied to the super concepts of blockchain and cryptocurrency, it is really possible to stand out!

If one day the Ponzi scheme nature of cryptocurrency is exposed, the cryptocurrency industry will be completely finished, and Changyou will not die. Because Changyou also has a domestic market. If the foreign market cannot continue, just focus on the domestic market. Anyway, domestic policies are very strict on cryptocurrency supervision and do not allow this thing to be played.

Zhou Buqi further explained to him, "Cryptocurrencies need to be mined, just like Bitcoin... The logic of mining Bitcoin is actually the process of creating blocks through calculation. After creating a block, getting the reward of Bitcoin is Mining is successful. Connect these blocks to form a blockchain..."

Zhang Chaoyang was confused, "What does this have to do with the game?"

Zhou Buqi said: "The traditional mining method is to create blocks by cracking software. Can we change the idea and change the model of cracking through software to creating blocks by completing tasks and downloading copies in the game? ?Games are software too.”

"I go!"

Zhang Chaoyang was stunned. He was lying lazily on the armchair, but now he sat up.

Zhou Buqi said: "From an economic point of view, all social labor should create value. Playing games can also be regarded as a kind of labor, but games in the public mind are more about spending money than make money."

Zhang Chaoyang said: "There are still some players who can make money by playing games. In "Tian Long Ba Bu", there are many players who keep doing tasks to accumulate gold coins and ingots, and then sell them for money."

"Those are a minority." Zhou Buqi knows that a small number of high-level players can make money through games. "I don't believe that any game allows transactions outside the game."

Zhang Chaoyang nodded, "Indeed, OTC transactions will affect the revenue of the game."

Zhou Buqi said: "But any paid game is inseparable from over-the-counter trading. This is a hard demand of players. In this case, it is better to launch a unified over-the-counter trading platform."

"Unified platform?" Zhang Chaoyang looked surprised, finally understanding what he meant, "Design a cryptocurrency to replace game coins such as gold coins, silver coins, and ingots in the game. This cryptocurrency can be used in You can spend money in the game and trade on trading platforms outside the game.”

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Yes, that's what it means. You can design a unified wallet in the game, just like Ziweixing's gold coin wallet. It is mid-level and can be connected to many games. Players can Cryptocurrencies earned in the game can be transferred to other games for consumption or sold on trading platforms.”

"Wait a minute, there are too many problems here, let's sort them out." Zhang Chaoyang was very interested in this, but also felt that this idea was a bit big, "You mean the cryptocurrency earned in "Dragon Babu" , which can be withdrawn to the wallet. Then when players play "The Deer and the Cauldron", they can withdraw the cryptocurrency from the wallet to purchase game props."


"What about the balance? The design of the game cannot be absolutely balanced. If the copy of "Dragon Babu" is simple, it is easier to earn cryptocurrency, but "The Deer and the Cauldron" is difficult. Then players will not choose to start from "Dragon Babu" Do you complete tasks in "The Deer and the Cauldron" and then transfer the cryptocurrency to "The Deer and the Cauldron" for consumption?"

"You can set the tax rate. The easier the business to make money, the higher the tax rate. In the environmental protection industry, the tax rate may be only 5%, and in the tobacco industry, the tax rate may reach 80%. Adjust it through the tax rate. To withdraw cryptocurrency to the wallet, you need to pay Tax."

Zhang Chaoyang nodded and continued: "What about the profits? If it is designed like this, there must be a lot of free players, and most of the players are mining for tasks, and then selling them on the exchange to make money."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "How can it be so absolute? "Tian Long Ba Bu" can also do tasks and make money through OTC transactions. How many people will work hard to do the tasks? As for games, the vast majority of players still focus on entertainment. Lord. Things that cannot be done in the real society can be realized in the virtual world one by one to achieve great personal careers. The more free players there are, the better the game experience will be for those paying players who are willing to spend money. The sense of superiority and achievement will be stronger.”

Zhang Chaoyang shook his head, "This reason is not convincing."

Zhou Buqi reacted quickly and immediately said: "It's easy, just level it up in the game. Ordinary accounts can't download dungeons to mine, they have to upgrade to a certain level. And mining is also difficult, every time you mine There is also a difference in the amount of minerals. The better the equipment, the stronger the combat effectiveness, the more minerals are mined. This can encourage players to spend money to buy equipment. Mining areas of different levels can also be designed, and each mining area can also set the maximum number of mines per day. The quantity that comes out... is designed, and the interpretation lies with the game side. Isn’t it easy to control the players tightly?"

Zhang Chaoyang was silent for a long time, "So, this cryptocurrency is unlimited."


"How can the value be guaranteed? As the number of cryptocurrencies increases, the price on the trading platform will go down. When the price is low, the attractiveness will decrease, which may lead to a decrease in players' interest in the game."

"Oh, Lao Zhang!"

Zhou Buqi was a little speechless.

Zhang Chaoyang did not understand the true meaning of this business model and asked: "What's wrong?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Lao Zhang, all your questions are based on your narrow understanding of this business model. Don't think of this business as a game business. This is based on the game industry... a bank business!"


Zhang Chaoyang took a breath of surprise, and goosebumps appeared on his back.

Zhou Buqi said calmly: "You can think of the currency issuance system controlled by Changyou as the central bank in the virtual world. These games in Changyou are all companies and organizations in the virtual society. The society is short of money. The central bank just distributes money. There is too much money in society and there is a danger of inflation, so they try to get the money back to solve the problem of inflation. This is a bank in the virtual world, and the social structure is also very simple. Solving these virtual problems The economic dilemmas that come and go in the world are too simple according to the economic principles of solving super complex social and economic problems in real society."

Then he explained it in detail again.

For example, Changyou launched a "Changyou Coin". If players mine too many Changyou Coins in various games, the number of Changyou Coins in the Changyou trading platform will increase from 10 million to 20 million, causing the price to continue to fall. what to do?

very simple!

Changyou, as the central bank of virtual currencies, must play a regulatory role.

There were too many Changyou coins on the platform and the price was low, so I spent 100 million yuan to buy 2 million coins at a low price. To maintain the attractiveness and competitiveness of ChangyouCoin to players. Continuous buying can drastically increase the price of Changyoucoin, attracting retail investors to follow suit and chase the price higher.

Changyou was able to sell 1 million coins at a high point, earning a total of 100 million yuan.

In other words, Changyou's virtual central bank broke even during this wave of bankrolling, but it got the benefit of 1 million Changyou coins in vain.

By repeating this process several times, the virtual central bank can effectively regulate the quantity and value of Changyou coins in the market. This is much crueler than in the real world. It is purely about harvesting retail investors without any value creation at all. It is a pure capital game.

As for Zhang Chaoyang's concern about the decline in revenue of games with this model...please! Under this model, Changyou has become a virtual central bank, so what games do you still rely on to make money?

Relying on tax collection, relying on capital regulation, and relying on printing money, is there any business in the world that is more profitable than this?

Half of Zhang Chaoyang's body was numb, and he was shocked by the nonsense of this gangster, "You are not playing a game at all, you are... you are playing a virtual capital operation!"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "That's right. Games are virtual worlds, and currencies are also needed in virtual worlds. Virtual currencies are also currencies. If there is currency, capital operation is indispensable."

"Is this legal?"

"The financial markets in Europe and the United States are very developed, so there will definitely be no problem. Do not do it in China. China is Changyou's basic base, so we should just make games honestly."

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