Top of the big era

Chapter 1546 Lao Zhang, I care about you very much

The main reason why the online disk business cannot be done is that the threshold for this thing is too low.

Network cloud disk is low-end cloud computing, with only "cloud" and no "computing". Moreover, because it is a personal storage business, the security and stability requirements are not that high, and the technical difficulty is even lower.

If the threshold is low, it will easily lead to vicious competition.

The main reason why the foreign network disk business has been successful is that the Silicon Valley giants have a bottom line in competition. They all understand that killing one thousand enemies will cost you eight hundred, and they don't play too much.

Apple Cloud Drive, Google Cloud Drive, and Microsoft Cloud Drive basically only have 5g-10g of free storage space. If you want better services and more space, users have to spend money.

But it is different in China. Internet companies discovered that this track is very hot, so they rushed into it crazily.

Whether they are giants or new startups, they all have a mentality of fighting hard and fighting hard.

If you give 5g, I will give 10g; if you give 100g, I will give 500g; if you give 1T, I will give 2T; if you give 3T, I will give 5T!

Basically, the mentality is that one would rather die than have the other person have a better life.

Then, they all died together.

Only Baidu Netdisk, which has deep pockets and only gives away 2T of free space, is left. It loses more than one billion on this business every year and is struggling to survive amid controversy and criticism.

After Zhou Buqi started doing business in Silicon Valley, his biggest feeling was that doing business in Silicon Valley was so harmonious that the competition was so harmonious. There was never a desperate attitude, and both sides maintained a certain bottom line.

Whoever has a good product and whose product users like more will be able to stand out, and no one should play tricks.

Take the promotion of Helo on Android, for example. If Google were a domestic company, Helo would have been banned by Android long ago. Because Google also has its own mobile social product, Google Talk, which competes with Helo.

Google did not curb the development of Helo because of this level of competition. Instead, it worked hard to promote Helo because Helo was so popular among users. Our own Google Talk is not recognized by the market, so there is no recommendation.

The rules of the domestic Internet industry are really bad. There is vicious competition everywhere, technical blocking, malicious blocking, induced uninstallation, black public relations and rumors. The most exaggerated thing is the later Internet education and training industry.

Because the education and training industry targets primary and secondary school students, information health is very important. In order to crack down on competitors, they deliberately posted pornographic information on their platforms to contaminate primary and secondary school students, and then reported them to the authorities, causing a sensational social incident. When the reputation of the other party became bad, parents and students all came to their own platform.

The results of it?

Just like the network disk industry... no, worse than the network disk industry. There is only one Baidu Netdisk left to survive in the network disk industry. The education and training industry is completely dead and no one can survive.

The vicious competition in the Internet industry has hurt our opponents, ourselves, and the entire industry.

A few years ago, Zhou Buqi would fight with other competitors and play tricks behind the scenes. It won’t happen now. It’s better to develop peacefully and compete fairly. If we can avoid fighting, don’t fight. Whether you are competing with Penguin's cloud computing or Baidu's security industry, you must be friendly.

Zhou Buqi, like Ziweixing, is slowly growing up and has a higher perspective and specifications.

Zhang Chaoyang was silent for a long time after hearing this analysis, and then asked: "What about you? Can you make a network disk?"

Zhou Buqi said: "No."

"You really don't want to do it?" Zhang Chaoyang was a little surprised, "This direction is very good, especially mobile phones. Aren't you very optimistic about the mobile terminal? The storage space of mobile phones is too small, and network disks are a necessity for smartphones."

Zhou Buqi said: "The threshold for this thing is too low, and you can't even touch the edge of cloud computing. If too many people come in, a stampede will easily happen. Let's wait ten or eight years, wait until the tide recedes." Now, let’s consider whether to enter the market.”

Zhang Chaoyang asked: "Aren't you afraid of being robbed of the track?"

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "It's just like in a martial arts conference, a group of minions fight in the melee first. The big boss only appears last."

Zhang Chaoyang shook his head, "The cost of data migration is very high! If a user locks a network disk product and stores all the data in it, it will be difficult to replace it."

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "Lao Zhang, how much does this kind of storage service cost? You do Sohu Video, don't you understand? If this thing doesn't have enough sources of income, it won't work at all. Let alone the Internet The business is closed. In my opinion, your online video business should be shut down as soon as possible. If you cannot receive enough service fees from users, this asset-heavy industry will not survive at all!"

After a pause, Zhou Buqi continued: "Why is Ziweiyun's model okay? Because Ziweiyun targets enterprise-level users and provides storage services to enterprises. Enterprises have the financial resources to pay. Individual users, let alone online When purchasing services, e-commerce companies are not even willing to pay express delivery fees. The monthly income of 900 million farmers is less than 1,000 yuan, so don’t think too far ahead.”

There are actually two ways to make money from Internet products, one is to sell services, and the other is to make money for free through advertising.

Over the past few years, Zhou Buqi has gradually concluded that due to consumption power, the domestic Internet profit model must be more streamlined than that of foreign countries.

If you are selling services and products, you have to target enterprise users, and only enterprises can afford to pay;

Products for individuals should still be based on the “free + advertising” model. However, income from advertising fees alone is very limited, which means that it is difficult for asset-heavy projects such as network disks and streaming videos to generate profits. With that little income from advertising fees, we can only engage in platform-type asset-light projects.

Netflix's model can take off abroad, but it has no way out in China. There are too few paying users, and advertising fees cannot meet the heavy asset operation consumption.

Zhang Chaoyang was sitting on a rest chair with a white towel covering his thighs. Seeing Yang Mi and the other girls happily playing bowling in tight sportswear, he felt a little uncomfortable and sighed, "That game What? Are games considered asset-light or asset-heavy?"

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Asset-light, it is divided into so many areas. The mainstream game model now is to attract players for free, and then use the desire for comparison and a sense of superiority to stimulate some players to pay."


"I recently worked on a new project."



Zhou Buqi has been working hard on blockchain for half a month, how can he just give up? If you can't convince everyone within Ziweixing, then just go and fool Lao Zhang.

It's best if you succeed. If you fail...if you fail, you will fail. Anyway, Lao Zhang has failed in everything he has done over the years, and he is used to it.

Zhang Chaoyang was stunned for a moment, "What is blockchain?"

Zhou Buqi wasted no time and spent 5 minutes simply explaining to him, "You don't need to know the specific future applications. You just need to know that virtual cryptocurrency has a market. As long as Bitcoin is speculated, I believe there will be more blockchain-based cryptocurrencies in the market.”

"So what?"

Zhang Chaoyang didn't understand what he meant.

Zhou Buqi said: "It depends on how ambitious you, Lao Zhang, are!"

"What's the meaning?"

"Now you don't have to worry about food, clothing, women, or social status. You can have whatever you want. Do you still have the fighting spirit to conquer the world? Do you want to live comfortably and enjoy yourself now, or do you want to achieve a greater cause? "

"Stop irritating me."

Zhang Chaoyang doesn't want to do this.

Zhou Buqi hummed: "I can tell you that Jieyu Media's business has reached Hollywood. My blind box business will soon reach the whole world. Sohu has no hope, but Changyou has a chance. Changyou Do you want to live and work in peace and enjoy a good life in the domestic market, or do you want to compete with world-class game giants such as EA and Blizzard in the world?"

Zhang Chaoyang was amused, "You can fool me even more than a qigong master!"

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "Who deceived you? I'm doing this for your own good!"

Zhang Chaoyang curled his lips and said, "For my own good?"

Zhou Buqi sighed, "Lao Zhang, you are the veteran of our domestic Internet, you are the first person. When you were successful, I was still in junior high school, and Alibaba, Penguin, and Baidu were not worthy of carrying your shoes. I don’t believe you don’t have anything in mind. Times have changed now, and I care about you.”

This is genuine care.

Although Lao Zhang seems to be calm and calm every day, he seems not to care about anything, but is this really the case? Just when Sohu was in decline and was surpassed by more and more Internet companies, he fell ill and suffered from severe depression. Obviously he has everything, but he is just unhappy.

People who have climbed to the top of the mountain fall at the bottom of the mountain. This sense of loss is something that people who have always been at the bottom of the mountain cannot understand.

Zhou Buqi is at the top of the mountain, so he can feel the same.

Zhang Chaoyang was silent for a long time, sighing, feeling a little lonely in his brows, and asked self-deprecatingly: "Who can be convinced?"

"That's what I'm talking about!" Zhou Buqi clenched his fists, "If you're not convinced, then do it! What's the use of sighing and sighing, just take a step forward and break out! I have already figured out a little bit about overseas markets, Europe, America, Korea and Japan The layout is basically completed. I'll take the front position for you, and you follow me and rush out!"

Zhang Chaoyang was surprised, "Doing overseas markets? Doing games?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, a game! DOTA2 has been developed and is about to be released globally. Isn't Changyou a multinational company? There is also "League of Legends", which may also be successful. In the short term We need to find other companies to act as agents. Once Changyou's business develops in Europe and the United States, we won't need other agents. However, whether it is "DOTA2" or "League of Legends", these are just small efforts and nothing to worry about. , what I want to tell you is a new online game model based on the concept of blockchain! It is much better than "World of Warcraft", "FIFAonline" and "Tower of Aion"!"

Zhang Chaoyang was inspired and very interested, "Tell me more about it!"

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