Top of the big era

Chapter 1481 Google’s Maze Array

Google's monetization method is a bit lossy, but Zhou Buqi can understand it.

All actions of commercial companies must ultimately lead to making money. Google has spent so much money developing the Android system, and it has to find a way to monetize it.

Google's GMS service actually consists of two parts, one is a "patch" for the original Android system, and the other is a "component" for launching its own Google products.

The purpose of the patch is to require mobile phone manufacturers to use GMS services. Otherwise, the system will have limited functions, become unstable, and even the App may not be able to be downloaded and installed.

The role of components is to help Google’s many products attract traffic and help Google make money.

This business model is really quite strong.

But Google is banned in China, which is really troublesome.

Zhou Shaoning was very worried and asked: "Is Google really going to be banned in China?"

"Go out and talk."

This kind of topic is quite sensitive, so Zhou Buqi stopped discussing it in the museum. The group admired a few more paintings and sculptures, and then left the Getty Center.

Picked a fancy looking coffee shop in downtown Los Angeles.

After ordering two cups of coffee, Zhou Buqi said solemnly: "Google has violated domestic laws and regulations, and its market share has been severely squeezed. They can't make money in the mainland market, so they are bound to leave."

Zhou Shaoning looked very regretful, "Is there really no chance? The so-called laws and regulations...well, this will destroy the commercial market."

Zhou Buqi was amused by him, "Old Zhou, who are you asking? You used to be the president of Google China, okay! You don't understand what's going on here? Is this a business issue? This is stepping on a red line. "

Zhou Shaoning sighed, "I don't care about Google's life or death. I'm just worried about ourselves. I'm afraid that Asda or Ziweixing will receive similar treatment in the United States in the future."

Zhou Buqi said in a relaxed tone: "You don't have to worry about Ziweixing. Why do you think I want to push for the split? Just manage your Asda well, abide by laws and regulations, and don't supply goods to countries like North Korea, Iran, and Cuba." Don’t be like Google and challenge a country’s biggest political red line.”

Zhou Shaoning's level is high enough and he understands many important principles.

However, knowing is one thing and decision-making is another.

The decision-making of an enterprise is a matter of life and death, and one must have strong self-confidence to dare to make many major decisions.

Zhou Shaoning came to Zhou Buqi because he actually wanted to listen to his opinions and confirm his judgment with his own, so as to make strategic decisions.

Zhou Shaoning said: "I don't know exactly what Google will do with Android, but I have a general judgment. It is nothing more than maintaining 99.99% of the functions of the Android system, but integrating the minuscule but important 0.01% into its own Within the service framework, it is bundled with its own business products.”

Zhou Buqi nodded, "That's for sure. Although Android is free, this new model of service framework can help them save huge amounts of traffic fees every year."

Google's core profit method is advertising, and the logic of advertising is traffic.

Even though it is as powerful as Google, it also needs to spend money to buy traffic from outside.

This is an unimaginable number!

In a previous life, Google had to pay Apple US$20 billion every year in order to set its own Google search as the default search engine for Apple's Safari browser!

The total profit of Google Group in a year is 80 billion US dollars.

The iOS system only accounts for one-third of the smartphone market. If Google wants to cover all smartphones with its search business and spend money to buy traffic, how much will it cost?

The GMS service helped Google solve this problem.

Because the Android system is defective, mobile phone manufacturers have to choose Google's GMS framework to patch it. After applying the patch, a number of Google products were bundled.

Not only Google Search, but also Google Mail, Google Maps, Google Store, YouTube, Google Calendar, Google Talk and other products.

This is all free traffic!

The traffic fee for the search business in the iPhone alone is US$20 billion per year. If the traffic of so many products on so many Android phones has to be paid, how much will it cost?

It’s not enough for Google to invest all its profits every year.

Therefore, Google's GMS service is clearly a monopoly, and the European Court of Justice frequently fines it hundreds of millions or billions of euros. Google would rather pay the fine than make changes.

How much is the fine?

Just a few billion euros!

There is only one market that Google cannot conquer, and that is China.

Zhou Buqi asked: "Is it technically difficult?"

Zhou Shaoning looked at him with a hint of resentment, "Do you think it's difficult? That's Google!"

"Isn't it just a patch?"

Zhou Buqi laughed. In fact, he understood everything, but he had to pretend to be a technical novice to promote the other party.

Zhou Shaoning shook his head, "If it is a normal patch, such as patching the Windows system, it is actually not difficult, because both parties want to work hard to make the system good. But Google is different. They deliberately create defects for Android. This determines They have a hostile relationship with third-party patches. Otherwise, who among the mobile phone manufacturers around the world would be willing to divert traffic to Google’s products for free?”


"What a huge traffic fee this is. If patching was so easy, mobile phone manufacturers would make their own service framework. They would make their own service framework, and then cooperate with other Internet companies to bundle their products and introduce traffic. , which will definitely have huge profit potential in the future.”

Zhou Buqi finally figured it out, "No wonder Nokia insists on pushing the Symbian system!"

Zhou Shaoning said: "Yes, that's pretty much the truth, it's a matter of control. Rule makers can seek greater benefits than those who obey the specifications. Android is an open source system and can be used by the whole world for free without any restrictions. But Google has seized the most critical system patches. It shows its control through patches. From this level, all Android machines are working for Google."

Zhou Buqi said: "It's like all computers are working for Microsoft."

Zhou Shaoning said: "Yes, it means the same thing, so Nokia wants to push the Symbian system, and Microsoft wants to launch a new smartphone system. Canada, the United Kingdom, Japan, South Korea, and Germany all have policies to encourage the development of mobile operating systems, and the same is true in China. "

Zhou Buqi sighed, "Yeah, I feel more and more like Zhang Wuji."

"Huh?" Zhou Shaoning didn't know that he often used this joke to explain his level of cognition, so he didn't quite understand. He asked tentatively: "Are they Zhou Zhiruo, Zhao Min, Yang Buhui, Xiao Zhao, and the Purple Shirt Dragon King?"

"What the hell?!" Zhou Buqi was a little angry, "I see you don't study either! I'm talking about the progression of martial arts! When Zhang Wuji was a child, his understanding of martial arts was very superficial. He thought he could be very good at it. Easily surpassing Zhang Sanfeng. As his martial arts became stronger and stronger, he felt Zhang Sanfeng's power more and more. When he learned the "Nine Yang Divine Art", "The Great Shift of the Universe", "Tai Chi" and other top martial arts, he found that he would never It is impossible to surpass Zhang Sanfeng. This is a progression of cognitive levels."

A few years ago, Zhou Buqi was confident that he would make an operating system to compete with Google and Apple.

But as Ziweixing grows bigger and bigger, developing from China to Japan, and then to Europe and the United States, its technical strength is getting stronger day by day. The stronger Ziweixing becomes, the more he feels that it is impossible to build a mobile operating system to compete with Google.

Microsoft can't do it, Motorola can't do it, and Nokia can't do it either.

In order to encourage technology companies to develop mobile operating systems, the governments of countries such as Britain, France, Germany, and Japan have allocated a large amount of policy support funds. This is nothing more than giving relevant institutions the opportunity to follow the policy trends and cheat some of the state funds.

Zhou Shaoning understood his feelings very well and said: "In the final analysis, it is the attraction of talents. The most attractive institution in the world to talents is NASA, which can explore the universe. The second is Google. This is the fundamental reason. Ziweixing is interested in talents. The attractiveness is not comparable to that of Google, not even Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Oracle, and Amazon.”

Zhou Buqi could not destroy his prestige, and said with a smile: "Technically speaking, it is definitely incomparable, but not necessarily commercially. Enterprises, in the final analysis, still want to make money. In terms of strategic planning and business philosophy, Google, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, etc. Together they can’t compare to me!”

Zhou Shaoning laughed, "I agree! In terms of understanding of the business market, Google CEO Schmidt is far behind you!"

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and asked, "Can you elaborate more, can't we patch Android ourselves?"

Zhou Shaoning said helplessly: "The operating system is a technical job, who can take advantage of Google?"

Then, he briefly explained the principle behind it.

Complete Android is "Android system + patch", and the effect is no worse than Apple's iOS system.

It is difficult for third-party mobile phone manufacturers to make their own patches to match the open source and free Android system to achieve the effect of a full version of Android.

The first is insufficient technology.

This is Google's carefully planned business logic. How can it be easily broken? It is equivalent to Google deliberately setting up a set of mazes in the open source Android system, and the GMS patch is the maze map.

Even if a third-party company is lucky and has high standards, and it has really found a way out of the maze through independent research and development, so what?

Android is from Google.

As long as Google wants to target it, it can directly adjust the maze formation. Changing the maze map is easy to do internally. Just upgrade Android and then upgrade the Google GMS service.

But the third-party company was dumbfounded and had to start the research again from scratch.

It's not a duel on the same level at all.

Google doesn't even need to intentionally target third-party companies.

Google is the designer of the maze, so the map route given by Google is the optimal solution. Even if a third-party company develops a road map to get out of the maze, it may still be a roundabout way of doing things, a lot of trouble, and the efficiency is far less than the original version.

One is a copycat version and the other is the original version. When applied to mobile phones, there is a huge performance gap. For the same effect, the copycat version requires 8g of memory, while the original version may only require 4g of memory.

Such a large configuration gap will be converted into the cost of the mobile phone.

For various reasons, third-party companies can only choose to use Google's GMS framework service instead of developing similar frameworks to sell traffic and bundle other products.

Except domestically.

There is no competition in the country, and no company can use Google's original GMS, which is a copycat version. Whoever has a high technical level and cracks well will have a stable system.

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Isn't this a good thing! The state has helped mobile phone manufacturers block Google, so mobile phones are no longer forced to use their framework services, and they can not promote Google's products, but bundle their own products!"

Zhou Shaoning said: "Yes, this is an important direction for me to find you and ask you to make decisions."

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