Top of the big era

Chapter 1392 I have a son

Zhou Buqi was a little disappointed with Fanke.

Originally, he wanted to take a look at Fanke's warehouse, examine the details, and give some suggestions on inventory turnover. But now there is no need. The two sides are even going in opposite directions, so there are no details to talk about.

However, Zhou Buqi did not refuse the proposal of cooperation between Fanke and on-campus group buying.

In fact, Lei Jun wanted to attract Ziweixing to invest in Fanke because he was interested in on-campus group buying and hoped to use this channel to ship Fanke's slow-moving inventory.

This is the particularity of Zhou Buqi’s positioning of the on-campus group purchase product in his early years.

The campus network can be used by all current college students as well as graduated college students.

However, on-campus group buying is only open to current students.

After graduation, you can no longer use on-campus group buying.

Such product positioning means that on-campus group buying is not a truly public platform. If it is not a public platform, it is not a public price standard.

For example, a mobile phone is sold for 2,000 yuan in mall A and 1,800 yuan in mall B. If both parties compete equally, mall A will not be competitive and can only lower the price to 1,800 yuan.

This is the regulatory nature of the market.

Group purchasing on campus is different.

Mobile phones in shopping mall A sell for 2,000 yuan, and group buying on campus sells for 1,800 yuan... Because on-campus group buying is not a real public platform, and it is not the same market-oriented competition as shopping mall A.

Therefore, shopping mall A does not need to reduce prices. At most, it will lose some college student users.

When products are shipped on campus group purchases, the price can be lower than the market price without causing excessive harm to the overall price of brand products.

That night, Zhou Buqi made two phone calls.

Give it to Shi Jinglin first.

"What's the reason why group buying and selling clothes on campus can't continue?"

"a lot of."

"Tell me the key points."

Shi Jinglin thought for a moment and said softly: "The consumption power of college students is a bit poor. It costs one or two hundred yuan to sell a piece of clothing, and it is difficult to achieve large-scale sales. It is better to go to Taobao and sell it for dozens of yuan." clothing."

"Why can't make low-priced products?"

"Profit, Taobao is just a platform, and the stores are all personal. Whether the clothes sold are good or bad is borne by the individual store. is different. cannot sell low-quality products and damage its own brand. There is also tax. Personal stores on Taobao don’t have to pay tax, and does e-commerce...even if there is no income tax, you must pay value-added tax.”

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Well, the tax increase will push up the cost."

Shi Jinglin said: "You can sell fake and shoddy products on Taobao, so the prices of their clothes are very low. A 100 yuan T-shirt costs only 5 yuan. We can't sell this kind of product. On-campus group buying is B2B, In B2C business, quality control must be passed, and the purchase price of high-quality goods will be very high. Add in shipping costs and taxes, and our products will not be competitive."

"Well, is there anything else?"

"Yes, clothing should show individuality, which is different from selling mobile phones, computers, and cosmetics. For mobile phones, cosmetics, etc., everyone uses the same products, which is okay. But if it is clothes, you will find that everyone is wearing them when you walk on campus It’s the same, and it’s very embarrassing. Taobao has so many brands, but on-campus group buying is of a band nature. A band sells several or more than a dozen specific products, and it’s easy to get the same thing.”


Zhou Buqi has not paid much attention to the details of operations in the past two years. He did not expect that there are so many details in group buying of clothing.

Shi Jinglin continued: "In order to solve this problem, I thought about selling underwear series, pajamas, bras, socks and so on. But there is a new problem, this kind of close-fitting clothes...especially girls' underwear, Girls’ skin is so delicate, and many low-price products do not meet the standards and may cause skin allergies after wearing them. Anyway, there were a lot of problems, so I stopped doing it later.”

"Well, I understand."

"However, group buying of clothing will definitely be a big trend in the future, so we must seize the opportunity. There must be high-quality and low-priced clothes that do not require personalization to be recommended to college students. If they have unsalable inventory and cannot sell it, they may sell it at a low price. Sell ​​to Xiaonei Network. But there must be quality assurance."

"I know, I'll look into it with Fanke."

Zhou Buqi smiled, thinking that Shi Jinglin had a very unique vision.

This is indeed a big trend.

There was no on-campus group buying in the previous life, and there were many other e-commerce platforms focusing on discounts and live streaming. Before the Internet, manufacturers would engage in “clearance sales,” “the boss ran away with his sister-in-law,” and “jumping off the building sales” in order to sell off goods. With live streaming, it directly becomes a benefit to family members. is a welfare platform created by Zhou Buqi for college students across the country.

However, there must be guarantees in product selection and quality control. It cannot be like the later live broadcast sales, where as long as you give money, you can sell any junk.

Then, he called Ji Zian again and told him about the group buying on campus.

Because it involves Lei Jun and Internet senior Chen Nian, Ji Zian said that he would come to Magic City tomorrow to meet with them in person and discuss cooperation.

Zhou Buqi agreed.

In the past few years, Lei Jun has helped a lot in various aspects, including Ziweixing's holding of YY. Lei Jun never set up obstacles and quit after receiving a sum of money.

This time Lei Jun wanted to ask Ziweixing to provide financing to Fanke. Zhou Buqi didn't agree, which was quite embarrassing. Deepening the cooperation between and Fanke would be a way to make up for it.

Fanke's products are what Shi Jinglin said are of high quality and low price.

This is not a small and medium-sized enterprise, this is a large company.

The "Fanke" brand is very important and can be trusted in terms of product quality.

On the phone, Zhou Buqi reminded me again, "You should pay attention to one thing. Fanke is a new brand. It is different from the past when we sold Lenovo computers, Nokia mobile phones, L'Oreal facial cleanser and so on."

Ji Zian said with a smile: "I know that there are advertising and promotion fees. targets college students across the country, and every on-campus group purchase is equivalent to a wave of advertising for the brand."

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, don't be polite when we meet tomorrow. Fanke is not short of money and is spending money to build the market. Ziweixing is going to cancel page advertising now. As a new profit point for's advertising revenue, it might as well rely on The brand promotion fee for on-campus group buying, well... can be called a pit fee."

Ji Zian said happily: "If it is an early promotion, I think Fanke may not bring out the inventory in the first few waves of on-campus group buying, but may bring out new products to attract users."

Zhou Buqi said: "This is not important. For college students, the most important thing is high quality and low price. The campus network must serve the majority of college students. The price must be low, well, the lowest on the entire network."

Ji Zian hesitated for a moment and then said something more commercial: "The profit margin in the clothing industry is quite high, far exceeding that of electronic products. There is a lot of room for cultivation in this field."

"Well, the net profit margin can generally reach 30%, and Fanke is even higher, maybe 50%."

Zhou Buqi heard Gao Jianli talk about it today, so he knew about it.

A 10 yuan T-shirt has a market price of 100 yuan.

Of the 100 yuan spent by consumers, 30 yuan is taxed, 40 yuan goes into the pockets of various channel vendors, another 10 yuan is transportation fees, warehousing fees and loss reduction fees, and the remaining 20 yuan goes into the pockets of garment factories.

In other words, the ex-factory price of a T-shirt with a cost price of 10 yuan is 20 yuan. From this 20 yuan, after deducting labor, water and electricity, loan interest, taxes, etc., about 16 yuan can be left, which means that the net profit is 6 yuan and the net profit margin is 30%.

Fanke is different. A T-shirt worth 10 yuan is only sold by Fanke for 59 yuan.

But Fanke does not have the taxes and profits of middlemen, but only increases the expenses of the e-commerce platform, warehouse fees and express delivery fees. The final net profit may reach 30 yuan, the net profit margin is 50%, and the cost profit margin is as high as 300%.

It can be seen that Vanke's business model is indeed better than traditional clothing companies.

The selling price is greatly reduced, and the profit can also be greatly increased.

If Fanke only makes clothes and builds it into an Internet brand of clothing, it will not do e-commerce itself, but sell it through many third-party e-commerce platforms. In this way, Fanke will definitely achieve great success.

Die on e-commerce.

In order to operate self-operated e-commerce, it is necessary to produce many products in all categories, resulting in serious inventory stagnation, supplier reminders, and cash flow collapse.

However, Zhou Buqi had already made his point clear. If the other party didn't listen to him, there would be nothing he could do. Vanke's clothing profit margin is so high, it can have more room for profit when clearing inventory, which is more in line with's philosophy of serving college students.

At this time, the study door was pushed open.

The little girl Ning Xinxin staggered in and said in a milky voice: "Mom is vomiting, vomiting."

Zhou Buqi ended the call with Ji Zian, laughed and went over to hold her in his arms and lift her up, "Mom, vomiting again?"


Xinxin is three years older than Niannian and can already communicate more normally.

Zhou Buqi took her to find Ning Yaxian. Her pregnant belly had a strong reaction. As she walked, she asked, "Why does mommy vomit?"

"Because I have a sister."


"Who said that?"

"Auntie said it."


Zhou Buqi has bad intentions.

No matter which aunt she is, she would never say such nonsense. Who doesn't know that the Zhou family is short of a boy now? For good luck, it would be better to say that you are carrying a younger brother.

The only possibility is to go to the hospital for examination.

Zhou Buqi carried Xinxin to Ning Yaxian's room and saw her face turning pale and lying on the bed, looking very uncomfortable, "What's wrong? It's so serious?"

Ning Yameng sat on the edge of the bed with an innocent look on her face, "I just ate some durian, maybe the taste was a bit strong, and she felt a little nauseous."

"What about you? Are you okay?"

"I do not have it."

"Hmm..." Zhou Buqi thought for a moment and asked directly, "Yaxian, have you gone to the hospital for a checkup?"

Ning Yaxian looked a little disappointed, "Yes, it's a girl."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "What a good girl. No wonder she is so delicate. She is a rich lady. Look at Yameng, he can even eat durian. He is a solid boy at first glance."

Ning Yameng pursed her lips and raised her fair chin slightly, "I've checked it too."


"Boy or girl?"

"you guess."

Zhou Buqi could tell through her expression that couldn't hide her joy, "Needless to say, he must be a boy!"


I’m finally going to have a son!

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