Top of the big era

Chapter 1390 Fanke Mode

Vancl's headquarters is in the capital.

However, the capital is the administrative center, operation center, and Internet center. Zhou Buqi's main focus is the warehouse, so he went directly to the Magic City.

The domestic clothing industry production circle is mainly the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta.

Vanke's expansion is very fast and its style of play is fierce and brutal. In just two years, it has established 8 warehouse centers across the country. This efficiency is much faster than, Dangdang and so on.


If you take a long step, it will easily pull your crotch.

At noon on the second day after arriving in Shanghai, Zhou Buqi and Ning Lu met Lei Jun and his entourage at the Portman Hotel, including Chen Nian, the founder and CEO of Vanke.

In addition, there is Chen Nian's executive named Gao Jianli, who is responsible for the operation, design, and management of clothing products. He was previously the president of Nike China and was poached by Vancl with a high salary.

First sit down and have a cup of tea and chat.

Zhou Buqi and Chen Nian met for the first time, so he had to introduce himself first.

He said that he used to be an editor of a book magazine. Later, after meeting Lei Jun, he obtained financing from Kingsoft and Lenovo and founded together. It did very well and was later acquired by Amazon at a high price.

Chen Nian naturally became the senior vice president of Amazon China.

However, there are huge differences between him and the Americans in terms of business philosophy.

Then he resigned with a few younger brothers.

First, he founded a virtual item trading website "Woyouwang". After two years of operation, there was no performance and it failed. Then he started his own business and became a prosperous Fanke.

Zhou Buqi didn't need to be polite to him, "Is it related to PPG?"

"Well, I was inspired by PPG and started making men's clothing."

"The end of PPG is not good."

"Just in time, Fanke can avoid the detours they took."

Chen Nian is very confident, very optimistic about his entrepreneurial project, and even a little conceited. Looking at the assistant Gao Jianli next to him, his expression seemed to be somewhat disapproving.

It seems that he is the big boss in the clothing industry, while Zhou Buqi is just a layman who knows everything.

Well, this phenomenon is not surprising.

For general entrepreneurial projects, the entrepreneurial team requires grandpa and grandma to attract investment, and they are obedient to investors without daring to offend them in the slightest.

Excellent entrepreneurial projects are different. The entrepreneurial team has the initiative, and investors are vying to get ahead. At this time, the entrepreneurial team will be proud, arrogant, and picky. This was how Ziweixing was originally.

For Fanke, Zhou Buqi is an investor.

Lei Jun said with a smile: "Fanke is actually Fanke Technology, an Internet e-commerce company."

Zhou Buqi frowned, "This is what I'm most afraid of!"

Chen Nian didn't understand why he, an Internet entrepreneur, was so unfavorable about the Internet, so he explained: "At the beginning, Fanke imitated PPG's model, mainly selling over the phone. But in March last year, we gave up completely. Telephone sales started and Internet sales started. Only the Internet can represent the next era. Clothing is a traditional industry. Starting a business in a traditional industry is like climbing a mountain. The process is long and difficult. But the Internet is different. Starting a business on the Internet is like surfing. As long as you step on a wave, you can keep going. Live, the height of the wave determines the height of the company."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "It's a very vivid metaphor, but... I also heard from your tone that Fanke is positioned as an e-commerce company and is an Internet company. Fanke's products are for e-commerce services. "


Chen Nian admitted it openly.

It must be the Internet!

How can it be so easy to get financing for making clothing?

You must follow the footsteps of the Internet in order to catch up with the tide of the times and do great things.

Then, Chen Nian explained the difference between Fanke and PPG. PPG spent hundreds of millions on advertising, but most of it was invested in traditional industries, such as TV stations, advertisements, magazines, etc. The main sales method is the telephone, which is essentially a traditional industry. Fanke is different, Fanke is an Internet company.

Zhou Buqi is not an outsider, so he is not easily deceived. "The Internet is a pocket, and you can put it in it under any name."

Seeing that he had a strong sense of rejection, Lei Jun frowned slightly and explained: "This unique new e-commerce model is different from platform e-commerce companies such as, Amazon, and Dangdang, and it is also different from the collective goods market like Taobao. This is a new e-commerce model with its own products.”

Chen Niandao: "Yes, Vanke now mainly sells men's clothing, and the next step is women's clothing. We have already made an offline marketing plan and will launch a Vanke underwear series."

Zhou Buqi sighed secretly.

Of course he can understand.

The model of and Dangdang is to purchase goods from manufacturers and then sell them at a high price to earn the price difference. Taobao is a market where merchants set up stores to sell goods, and they charge stall fees.

Fanke is going to take a brand new e-commerce path.

Fanke's e-commerce platform only sells one kind of product, and that is "Fanke" brand products. This means that Vancl will produce many types of clothing to meet the needs of consumers. Men's and women's clothing are just the initial stage. In the future, there may be professional clothing, children's clothing, and even table lamps, mops, socks, and shoes. , nail clippers, cotton clothes, hair dye, etc.

They want to make a full category.

The general business logic is to ensure the brand and traffic of "Fanke" so that users can log in to Fanke and obtain high traffic when shopping online.

Then, the chemical effects show up.

Even if some products of Vancl are not very good, with Vancl’s e-commerce platform and brand protection, users will choose Vancl first. You can complete the platform economy and use the platform to drive product sales. It is not a product-driven platform like other e-commerce platforms.

It is only 2009, and the development of the Internet is still in a stage of rapid change.

All kinds of novel ideas appear from time to time.

In the field of e-commerce, the traditional model is to charge commissions to make profits. Taobao has achieved success through model innovation. Why can't Fanke further innovate and become as successful as Taobao?

After Lei Jun left Jinshan, what bothered him the most was that Boss Ma, whom he rejected, had achieved great success in the field of e-commerce. If he had not sold, it is not certain who would be stronger and who would be weaker!

Fanke is an opportunity to take back what belongs to you.

Including the later Xiaomi, it was almost the same.

It is also a continuation of Fanke’s thinking.

The difference is that Xiaomi has learned from Vanke’s experience. It has fewer product categories, higher inventory turnover efficiency, and is more open. It will sell Xiaomi products on more different platforms, and even open offline stores in order to sink the market. The store follows the most traditional model.

But from the perspective of the Internet, neither Fanke nor Xiaomi is Internet-enabled. They are mainly manufacturing and supplemented by the Internet.

Looking at it now, Fanke is obviously going the wrong way.

Chen Nianhui is personally responsible for the Internet, and the clothing manufacturing business is left to Gao Jianli. This means that the Internet is the mainstay, and the manufacturing industry is supplemented.

This is the biggest hidden danger of Fanke’s new e-commerce model.

After thinking about it, Zhou Buqi had a general judgment on Fanke's model and said bluntly: "It should still be based on products and supplemented by models. The business model must serve the products. If the product quality is not good, the model will be difficult." Get through.”

Gao Jianli disagreed and said calmly: "Mr. Zhou, the clothing industry is different from other industries. Maybe selling mobile phones and computers is a product service model. You are right. But clothing is different. As long as the model is advanced, low-quality clothing is the same Can be sold in a big way. Chanel's skirts are disposable, will break after one wash, and are of extremely poor quality, but that doesn't stop them from being considered luxury goods. A skirt costs tens of thousands. Including Spanish fashion fast-moving clothing ZARA, ZARA's clothes are of very high quality. Is it good? No, it's very bad, much worse than Smith Barney. But their model is advanced and their brand is better, so they can still take the market by storm."

Zhou Buqi nodded.

This makes some sense. In the field of clothing, the most important thing is the brand. Behind the brand is the business model.

Gao Jianli continued: "Clothing is different from other industries. If it is milk or drinks, if the quality is not good, no one will buy it. If it is mobile phones or computers, they are used very frequently, and if the quality is poor, problems can easily occur. But clothing is different. The frequency of use of clothing is very low. The average time a piece of clothing is worn on the body in a year is 300 hours. If it is fashionable fast-moving consumer goods, the time is even shorter. The price is cheap and it can be worn for a year. The second I’ll buy a new model this year.”

Zhou Buqi said: "But does Fanke only make clothes?"

Chen Nian smiled and said, "That's too far away."

Gao Jianli said: "In recent years, we have started with clothing, and then we will roll it out comprehensively. We are a lightweight model, with only a marketing department, design department, call center and warehouse. There are no factories, equipment or stores. All manufacturing, All production operations are outsourced. As long as Vancl's brand is established, in order for merchants to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with us, the quotation cannot be too high and the quality must be guaranteed."

I go!

It’s really similar to Xiaomi’s model, a bit impeccable.

Also, this group of entrepreneurs from Fanke are also the best people, with big bosses from the Internet and clothing industries sitting in charge, and Lei Jun is the central coordinator behind them.

There will be no obvious loopholes in the basic business model.

Zhou Buqi thought for a long time before finally finding an angle and said slowly: "There are many brands under Volkswagen, such as BMW, Audi, Lamborghini, Bentley, Bugatti, etc. If one of the brands collapses, it will not affect the others. Brands. The same goes for big companies such as Procter \u0026 Gamble and Louis Vuitton. But Fanke’s model is too dangerous. All products are called Fancl, and even the e-commerce platform is also called Fancl. Once something goes wrong with a small product, The whole brand collapsed. There was not enough stress resistance.”

this is correct.

The ups and downs of Fanke's subsequent crisis came from this point. Chen Nian was born in the book industry and is a cultural person. After Fanke started doing it, he wanted to do more, like launching a batch of Mu Dan's cultural shirts and printing Mu Dan's poems on the clothes.

This one is nothing.

Design whatever you love.

But during the promotion, Chen Nian's big mouth said the wrong thing, saying that Jay Chou was nothing compared to Mu Dan. This offended all the young people. Originally, this batch of cultural shirts was only a small and negligible part of Vancl's products, so there was no problem if they were all unsaleable.

However, all products are called Fanke. Because of a few cultural shirts, the entire Fanke was destroyed.

The brand collapsed.

20 billion in unsalable goods, suppliers came to collect debts, and the company collapsed.

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