Top of the big era

Chapter 1373 How does a good reputation come about?

From a family perspective, Zhou Buqi's rebirth is extremely valuable.

Grandpa's health is relatively good.

The nursing home conducts a monthly physical examination, and the report shows that there are indeed some problems with grandpa's health, but they are not major and are under control.

Without the internal strife of the mentally and physically exhausted family, the old man's health is reassuring.

The only drawback is that the old man is too serious.

It's okay for Zhou Buqi, he's used to it.

But the women around him, whether Wen Zhixia, Shi Jinglin, Wu Yu, or Xue Baoshan, were all uncomfortable and a little afraid of him. He is so senior, so old, and not in good health. Who dares to mess with him?

Zhou Buqi took Shi Jinglin to sit down, held her little hand, and found that her palms were sweaty. He smiled and said, "Grandpa, just tell me if you have anything to do. I will definitely do it if I can!" That’s right!”

The old man snorted heavily, "Now that your wings are hardened, will you listen to me?"

Zhou Buqi pointed out his mistake with a serious face, "Old man, you are my grandfather, not my father. Don't get the wrong seniority."

Shi Jinglin was almost furious, so she pinched his hand.

The old man stared at him, "Stop smiling so playfully!"

Zhou Buqi laughed, then sighed and said calmly: "Grandpa, that's it. I think... I think that although you are older now, the physical examination report shows that everything is quite normal, which means that you are not confused. Then I’ll tell you the truth. Your grandson is different now. You can’t ask me to use your vision and understanding of the world. Well... Grandpa, can you understand what I say? "

The old man's face was gloomy.

Dad Xiongbao quickly cooperated with him and said sincerely: "I heard that you are now the richest man in the country? Well, then the people around you must be different. I can't understand it. People at different levels do different things. It’s a human thing. You can require the players on the field to implement the coach’s tactical intentions, but you can’t require all fans to understand the game.”

The father and son were armed with guns and clubs.

In fact, what I’m saying is, old man, you are older now and your level is lower, so don’t use your ideas to educate people. Isn’t it better to just relax and take care of yourself in old age?

"It's not your turn to teach me a lesson!"

The old man threw a pack of cigarettes at his father's head.

Dad Xiongbao has long been used to it and laughs.

However, the old man's attitude towards his grandson was much warmer and more relaxed, and he asked slowly: "I went back to the village to distribute money a few days ago, and something happened, do you know?"

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Well, my dad said, someone is making trouble? Too few?"

The old man said: "It's not just that there is too little, it's that every household wants money."

Zhou Buqi firmly refused, "You can't do it like this. There are already a lot of lazy people in the countryside. If we pay money every year, young people don't have to work and children don't have to go to school. They just sit around at home every day and wait for us to come over every year." Just give them money. This is not helping, it is harming people."

Shi Jinglin said softly: "Actually, this is the trap of welfare. High welfare has advantages and disadvantages. If it is not run well, it can easily become a pig farm. Some European countries can operate with high welfare because there is a group of social elites who don't care. Regarding the level of welfare, they understand the existence of welfare traps. If the low-level and simple comfort and enjoyment cannot satisfy their life pursuits, they can jump out. Once the elite jumps out, they can lead more people to jump out. But it cannot be done in rural areas, and the elite cannot We will stay in the countryside without a leader.”

Zhou Buqi said: "In the Ming Dynasty, the Zhu family had the best welfare, but the final tragedy cannot be described."

The old man waved his hand, "No need to persuade, I have no intention of raising them."

"What do you mean?"

"Why don't you get scolded?"


Zhou Buqi smiled, this request is really simple. In other words, grandpa is getting older and starts to think about his life and death.

The old man glanced at him and said, "What can you do?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Refuse to interact with each other and stay away from them."

The old man frowned, this was obviously not the answer he wanted. What he pursues is not to avoid being scolded, but to be praised by the villagers and spread his reputation. The ancestral graves of the Zhou family are still there, and he hopes the villagers can protect them.

Shi Jinglin hesitated for a moment, and with the encouragement from Zhou Buqi's eyes, she whispered: "I have an aunt who used to go to remote areas to teach. At that time, she and a few friends went to the countryside to be teachers, but the parents I don’t agree to send my children to school.”

"Is there tuition?"

"There are no tuition fees. Even the stationery is donated. The school is also a Hope Primary School donated by the public. But there are no students. Later, my aunt visited and found that the parents... How should I put it, are completely ignorant and their children are left behind. What’s the point of going to school when you can work as a labor force at home?”

"and after?"

"My aunt and the others spent 200,000 yuan out of their own pockets in order to allow the children to go to school. They said that the children would make money if they came to school. If they have money, they can take it."

"bad idea."

Zhou Buqi shook his head. This method was the same as the old man giving money to the villagers. It’s okay to send money, but there must be a way. Just like in later generations, Liu Qiangdong went back to his hometown to distribute money to the villagers... In fact, he only distributed it once. Then I realized something was wrong, so I stopped sending it. More money was donated to the city and county to build cultural squares, libraries and the like.

Shi Jinglin sighed softly, "My aunt had just graduated from college at that time and didn't know much about it. Every day after school, money had to be given to students. The children took the money home and could continue to attend class the next day."

Zhou Buqi frowned, "And then something happened?"


"What's wrong?"

"The money is lost."

"Alas." Zhou Buqi also felt helpless, "There is no bank in the village? Bring cash with you?"

"Well, I can only bring cash, and then I lose it." Shi Jinglin sighed, "If I don't have the money, I can't send it out, so I check everywhere to see who stole it. But somehow my tone changed. , saying that the supporting teachers had pocketed the money donated by the state and would no longer pay the children. The parents became angry and rushed into the school to ask for money. They had no money, so they were beaten and injured. ."

Zhou Buqi couldn't help but be stunned.

It's really chilling to imagine that kind of image in my mind.

Shi Jinglin's aunt and her friends should all be from rich families, so they can spend 200,000 from their own pockets. They have ideals and want to do something meaningful after graduating from college. This can be regarded as a life memory.

As a result, I encountered this kind of blow.

Several girls in their twenties who had come from big cities were surrounded and beaten by a group of angry villagers. You can imagine the horrifying scene.

Shi Jinglin continued: "Fortunately, the principal and several local village teachers blocked them and locked them in a classroom, so they were not beaten badly. Later, I called the county and many people came. I picked them up. At that time, I had just finished the college entrance examination and went to see my aunt. She had bruises on her shoulders and waist in several places. One of her classmates had a dislocated spine and was almost paralyzed by luck. ."

Dad was speechless.

The old man was silent.

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Two things are actually the same thing. Grandpa, what Linlin said about her aunt is actually no different from you giving money to the people in the village. The difference is that you have such a great reputation. There is a giant Buddha, and every time I go to the village to distribute money, there are people from the police station following me, so my safety is guaranteed.”

Shi Jinglin gritted her teeth and said, "Since then, my aunt has never donated money and has never been to the countryside again."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "The situation is too small."

"She was beaten!"

"Think about it from someone else's perspective. Everyone lives in their own world, and they are right."

"That's right? Is it right to hit someone?"

"I said, put yourself in someone else's shoes. There is an information gap. If you look at it from the perspective of the villagers, this is how they understand the world. They think that money belongs to them, and the rich are there to bully. It belongs to the poor. Their life is already so difficult, and they hear that someone has embezzled their money. How can you not be angry? If you are wrong, it is the person who instigates, spreads rumors and slanders with ulterior motives. This is the person. Auntie and the others went to support education to solve the problem that should be solved but could not be solved."

Zhou Buqi was actually explaining the truth to his grandfather.

But there is no way.

Grandpa is older, and he has always wanted to be honorable and respectable throughout his life. It’s hard for a grandson to educate his grandpa, right? Even if grandpa obeys, he will feel uncomfortable.

This emotional intelligence is too low.

Take Shi Jinglin as an example. It would be no problem to educate and give guidance to his wife.

Shi Jinglin is a very smart girl, and she cooperates obediently. She blinks her eyes and asks curiously: "What's the problem? Please explain clearly."

Zhou Buqi said: "Based on your story, we can see that after my aunt lost the money, the villagers quickly reacted and started making trouble. Someone must be instigating the trouble behind this. Who is instigating? It should be the person who stole the money. They are afraid of being found out. But who has the ability to steal money and still incite the villagers? "

Shi Jinglin suddenly realized, "An influential person in the village."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "That's the most important thing. In fact, my aunt and the others go to remote villages to support teaching. They don't have to do anything extra. What do they, a few college students who have no experience in the world, know? It's enough to teach and take classes."

"What about the students? If they don't pay, they won't come to class."

"Even if you give money, you can't give it to students."


"Give the money directly to the village chief, or the village boss, or an influential person. In this way, you can be safe in an unfamiliar place. With the help of these important people in the village, parents can only The students have to be sent to school to study. Finally, when the volunteer teaching is over, the village can issue a certificate and hold a grand farewell party. The whole village will send steamed buns and eggs, and they will be reluctant to leave with tears."

"Depend on!"

Shi Jinglin couldn't help but want to curse, regardless of her image.

Such complicated twists and turns!

Not to mention when she just graduated from college, even she couldn't think of it now.

Zhou Buqi said: "Human nature is all the same, it's the same as when we do business. Talk about money with the rich, and talk about feelings with the poor. Your aunt and others will give money to the poor, and then go to the village with capable people. Talking about feelings, talking about education, talking about development, isn’t this completely opposite? How can it not cause trouble? Giving money and love should also be done in a certain way.”

Shi Jinglin frowned slightly, "How do you talk about relationships with villagers?"

Zhou Buqi said: "The so-called romantic relationship does not mean having a close relationship with them. It refers to... the mind. They do not have the ability to think for themselves, so what can affect their minds? Of course it is influential. People. Just like there are rumors that the donated money has been misappropriated by your aunt and others, the villagers will cause trouble. This is emotional control and mental control."

Shi Jinglin understood a little bit. In fact, she was telling the old man to listen and she wanted to speak more clearly. "So I gave the money to the rich people in the village, and used these people to control the minds and feelings of the people at the bottom."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Yes, that's pretty much it. If you don't have feelings, no matter how much money you give them, you can even help them bring them back from the brink of starvation, help them buy a building in the city, and drive a small car." If you buy a car, they will also call you a black-hearted capitalist. If you have feelings, even if you don't give them a penny and they are starving to death, they will still have the beauty of being happy even if they are ghosts. The rich and the poor are not the same species. They must be treated differently. The former gives money and gives tangible benefits; the latter gives feelings and creates the most beautiful illusion."

"Benefits...illusion..." Shi Jinglin was very smart and immediately connected with the business of Yuanwei Group, "Can we understand that high-end milk tea is very expensive and is aimed at rich people. When marketing, it must be The focus is on 'benefits', such as fresh juice, pure milk, vitamins, protein supplements, etc. If it is low-priced milk tea for the public, it is necessary to create a sense of illusion. For example, drinking milk tea will bring you luck and good luck. You will find love.”

Zhou Buqi praised her repeatedly, "Amazing! Amazing! She is indeed a strong woman!"

Dad Xiongbao was dumbfounded.


Depend on!

Is there any such theory?

This is simply a God's perspective that can control all mankind, and has a thorough understanding of human nature.

No wonder this bastard boy can do such a big business. This way of thinking and depth of understanding of human nature, as well as the combination of human nature and commercialization, have really reached an unimaginable height.

Even the old man felt full of appreciation and relief from the bottom of his heart, feeling like the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead.

This grandson...well, and his grandson-in-law, they are all excellent!

Sure enough, each generation is getting stronger than the previous generation.

After such a conversation, the old man also had a new understanding of returning to the village to distribute money.

Yes, good reputation cannot be bought with money. If you don't do it right, it will be counterproductive. The more money you give, the more you will get scolded. It seems that the matter of distributing money back to the village has to be adjusted. If you want to gain the good reputation of the villagers, you still have to distribute money to the big households in the village.

For the big households in the village, profit is life. For ordinary villagers, mind is life. The minds of ordinary villagers are guided by the big households in the village, and the interests of the big households represent the minds of ordinary villagers.

That would be easy, just send money to the big investors.

When money is given to big households, their interests are satisfied; when their interests are satisfied, they can use various means to influence the minds of ordinary villagers and make them emotionally satisfied.

All classes are happy.

A good reputation will come.

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