Top of the big era

Chapter 1374: Capture the old man

According to Maslow's needs theory, when a person has no worries about food and clothing and financial freedom, his pursuit of realm will also improve, and he will begin to seek praise and respect from others, and leave a good reputation.

The old man is like this, he wants to leave a good name in the village.

It was okay in the past few years. The Zhou family's property was not big, and the help to the village was relatively moderate. Even if they gave money, it was a red envelope of several hundred yuan during the holidays, mainly to support needy households.

Even if you give me a small amount of money, everyone is grateful.

But as Zhou Buqi gained momentum, things changed. One time payment of 10,000 yuan was really too much, far beyond the awareness of the villagers. A family of three in the village may only earn two to three thousand yuan after working hard for a year.

If you give too much money, something will happen easily.

Zhou Buqi would often say this at home and in the company: more money is not better, but more money is better within a person's cognitive scope and ability. Once it is exceeded, it may harm others and yourself. So he was very restrained when giving money to little celebrities and little secretaries.

At the beginning, it was said that 10,000 yuan would be given to the villagers, which was a one-time payment. Later, it would not be so much. A few hundred yuan in red envelopes for the elderly and children during holidays would be enough.

The old man obviously didn't realize this. He didn't realize that 10,000 yuan was a dimensionality-reducing wealth blow to ordinary villagers. Who would farm when you get so much money for no work? Who is still working? If you don’t cultivate the land or work, you will become blind and your people’s hearts will wander.

Zhou Buqi said: "You have to think divergently, and you can't just focus on giving money to the villagers in your hometown."

Shi Jinglin cooperated with him and said softly, "Yeah".

Zhou Buqi said calmly: "As you just said, Europe has high welfare and provides a lot of benefits, but those who receive the money are not grateful and scold the people who give them money every day."

Shi Jinglin felt the same and extended: "Yes, there are many charitable organizations among the people now, helping local disaster victims and poor people solve their difficulties. This must be well-intentioned, but it just makes things simple. In doing anything, there is Motivation is not enough, you also have to have a brand. A good reputation is a brand.”

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "That's right."

Dad Xiongbao is very self-aware and doesn't say a word.

The old man was silent for a long time and said slowly: "Boy, tell me, what should your grandfather do? The ancestral graves of our Zhou family are over there."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "It depends on what grandpa is pursuing."

"How to say?"

"If grandpa is pursuing a good reputation, then as I said just now, it is enough to focus on fattening a few big households in the village. Control the atmosphere of the whole village through them. The life and death of the people has nothing to do with your good reputation. relation."

"If you want to do good deeds, you must also have a good reputation." The old man frowned, feeling that his grandson was terrifyingly calm. "Our family came from that village. Your grandfather was able to survive because of the help from the villagers."

Zhou Buqi said: "Then there are two steps. For the big households, we have to give money, tens of thousands of yuan every year, and let them help our family take care of the ancestral tombs or repair the ancestral houses. For the ordinary villagers, just Don’t give so much money. Give them a red envelope of a few hundred yuan at the end of the year. During holidays, give them some rice dumplings and moon cakes, or send pork, chicken, duck, and fish from door to door. Keep them in a state of poverty all the time, and then keep Give small favors, always help in times of need, and they will burst into tears of gratitude. For example, if you don’t have enough food to eat at home for a few days, and suddenly you give a bag of rice and a bag of vegetables, they have to kneel down and kowtow.”

The old man said "hmm" and nodded.

He remembered that this kid had mentioned similar words before, but he didn't pay much attention to it at the time. He thought that his grandson had no feelings for the villagers and was too stingy.

Now that the truth is explained clearly, we can better understand what is going on.

Seeing the old man's state, Zhou Buqi knew that he was trying to persuade him.

Family matters were settled, as well as official matters.

Next, take the initiative.

Zhou Buqi said: "The principles are the same, and the reform of pharmaceutical companies is the same. Why should pharmaceutical companies reform? It's just that the company can no longer operate and cannot pay wages. We came here to stabilize employment and provide Tens of thousands of employees are paid to allow the company to operate normally. But if the company wants to develop normally, it must debureaucratize and fire all the senior managers. This is in conflict with a good reputation."

Shi Jinglin said quickly: "Well, you can't gain a good reputation by paying wages to ordinary employees. Only by giving stable jobs and stable wages to those with connections, empty connections, and management can you gain a good reputation."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "The reform of an enterprise is very complicated and involves all aspects. Once it is not handled well, the successful reform will not have a good reputation, and if it has a good reputation, the reform will fail. It is very contradictory. To solve this contradiction, either the relationship must be strong enough Don’t be afraid of offending people, or be willing to give up your personal reputation to bear the infamy. Grandpa, I am not a saint, and I will not work hard to lead a group of people who will definitely scold me to death in the future to make a fortune."

"Where's Ziweixing?"

"That's different!"

"What's the difference?"

"There are no poor people in Ziweixing."


The old man frowned, his words were obviously nonsense.

Zhou Buqi said: "The poor and the rich... The rich can refer to wealth, power, ability, prestige, and social connections, but more often it refers to the spiritual level. Some people are very poor, but spiritual We are very rich. Ziweixing only recruits graduates from 985 and 211 universities, and is constantly optimizing and using corporate values ​​to eliminate those who are mentally poor and absorb more rich people. People who are spiritually poor suffer from poverty. No one else is to blame. If someone is spiritually rich but poor in life, this is a big problem with the society’s talent selection mechanism.”

At this moment, even Shi Jinglin suddenly realized, "No wonder Ziweixing lays off many employees every year. Many old employees have lower salaries and higher skills than fresh graduates, but Ziweixing would rather recruit fresh graduates than employ old employees." ."

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, an enterprise is like an army, and combat effectiveness must be reflected through military morale. Those soldiers who have the potential to desert or are cowardly and unable to fight a tough battle must be eliminated, even if their marksmanship is better than that of the new recruits. "

Shi Jinglin asked again: "What about Yuanwei Group? According to your standards, the bottom employees of Yuanwei Group are all poor."

Zhou Buqi glanced at her and said, "Do you think the grassroots employees will scold you less when they chat with each other?"

"Ah?" Shi Jinglin was very disappointed. Human nature is the same. No one wants to be scolded. "I provided them with jobs and paid them wages, but they scolded me every day. What should I do?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "As I said just now, giving money and a good reputation are not the same thing. In some companies, the outside world is full of cynicism, even humiliation and abuse, but internal employees are full of gratitude... Well, it's like Sohu is upstairs, the most typical example! Lao Zhang is a good man, he doesn’t donate much, but the company has better employee treatment than foreign companies.”

Shi Jinglin nodded lightly, "Well, Mr. Zhang is very admirable."

"Some companies have such a bad reputation from the outside world that they wish they could be praised in the clouds. But if you go to their factories and ask their workers, there will be no one who doesn't criticize them."

"How to say?"

"Give workers low wages and low benefits, and use the saved money to donate money to the right people. Then a good reputation will be built. How can people outside know the inside story? They don't just believe what public opinion says. "

"I'm crazy." Shi Jinglin was a little crazy and said speechlessly, "I can't do anything unconscionable."

Zhou Buqi said: "Then let's do it in two steps, just like going back to the village to donate money. First, give employees adequate wages and give some small favors from time to time; second, for donations outside, you have to choose the right target. This money should be donated to big companies that can control the minds of ordinary people, not to ordinary people. Donate to ordinary people. If you donate billions a year, you will be scolded as you deserve. Last year, Yuanwei Group donated 100 million to the earthquake donation, and it had many effects. Good? The mineral water business is an instant hit."

Shi Jinglin rubbed her forehead, "Oh, I have a headache."

The two of them were talking to each other, mostly to the other two people in the study.

Dad was dizzy.

The old man's heart was like a mirror, and he waved his hand, "Okay, you two, stop giving me lessons. Grandpa is old and not as good as young people. If you don't want to participate in the affairs of the pharmaceutical factory, don't participate. Let's go back and rest."

Relaxed and freehand, the old man was solved.

Zhou Buqi was very happy, as this once again confirmed his status and voice in the Zhou family.

"Oh, I'm tired, you carry me." Shi Jinglin was acting like a baby in a rare way, which showed that she was in a very good mood.

"Come up!"

Zhou Buqi bent down and picked her up, walking towards the villa in the middle.

Shi Jinglin smiled like a flower, lay on his shoulder, kissed his earlobe, and said with a smile: "Husband, why are you so smart? You are a genius."

"Have it?"

Zhou Buqi had seen too many geniuses and didn't think he could reach that level.

Shi Jinglin said seriously: "Yes, I feel... I feel that no matter what it is, you can directly see through the essence."

Zhou Buqi felt her soft hair sliding on his face, feeling a little itchy, and said with a smile: "You must have read too many "Zi Zhi Tong Jian"."

"Ah?" Shi Jinglin was stunned for a moment and didn't understand, "What can this thing tell?"

Zhou Buqi said: "History is constantly repeated, repeated, and repeated again. Reading history means reading the present and the future."

Shi Jinglin said sadly: "I have also looked through your books, they are all in classical Chinese, I can't stand them."

Zhou Buqi said: "A wise person can see through the essence through pure rational logical reasoning and certain phenomena, such as reading history. It doesn't matter if you can't read it. Smart people see what happened to others. You can also empathize with things, which is what I told you about empathy. Through post-mortem analysis, you can also see the essence."


"Many people are like leeks, because they cannot see through the essence, so they are cut off again and again. Just like some people are speculating in the stock market, many capitalists have clearly said, 'Others are greedy and I am afraid', 'I will not make the last copper penny', but it is Don’t listen, don’t understand. The more greedy you are, the more you have nothing.”

Shi Jinglin curled her lips and snorted, "Don't look down on people, you understand? Greed is human nature, everyone is the same."

Zhou Buqi said: "I'm different, I want to donate. The more greedy you are, the more you have nothing."

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