Top of the big era

Chapter 1371 Impulse Consumption

Given the strength of the Shi family, during the Spring Festival, there is no such thing as a daughter marrying off to her husband's house to celebrate the New Year, only a son-in-law who comes to visit. However, things went wrong when it came to Shi Jinglin.

During the Spring Festival last year, Shi Jinglin went back to her parents' home to celebrate the Spring Festival. After a year of development, the situation has changed and I will no longer go back to my parents’ home for the holidays.

Everyone in the Shi family also acquiesced to this.

There is no way, the environment has changed.

Now the entire Shi family has to rely on Zhou Buqi's breath.

Fortunately, Zhou Buqi is not an arrogant or arrogant person. After all, he is an elder. He always has to show respect and bring some valuable gifts to visit.

The Shi family gathered together for a meal, which was considered a pre-holiday banquet.

To be honest, Zhou Buqi didn't like this feeling very much.

The eldest brother-in-law seems to be a transparent person, and sometimes he works like a nanny. His third brother-in-law was like a star holding the moon. Everyone was smiling, supporting him and flattering him.

This low-level inequality cannot bring him pleasure, it will only make him uncomfortable, increase the level gap between him and his eldest brother-in-law, and even cause marital conflicts between the eldest sister and his eldest brother-in-law, causing the eldest brother-in-law to further Being scolded by the eldest sister.

It stands to reason that Shi Guotai should come forward to ease this kind of thing, to adjust the family atmosphere and let relatives get along harmoniously. But this old man Taishan has no such awareness at all.

At this point, Zhou Buqi understood.

My father-in-law is worse than my biological father!

Shi Guotai was so powerful in the past few years. He ranked among the top 20 in the country for many years in a row. He was a real giant. With such an identity, how many women can't he deal with?

How about setting up several families outside?

Even if we usually spend time alone, during the New Year and the holidays, we always have to get together to eat, right? What does this jealousy between women mean? Isn’t it easy to solve?

Now it seems that it is entirely a matter of level.

This father-in-law of the Shi family is really not good at coordinating the family atmosphere. As the head of the family, he is the first person responsible for such a tense family atmosphere.

There was no way, Zhou Buqi didn't want to be a gunman and a tool for them to attack the eldest brother-in-law as their "brother-in-law", so he frequently expressed his goodwill to the eldest brother-in-law, and his words were full of respect, trying to elevate the other person and put himself down, not wanting to cause any harm. strife.

Alas, I feel tired!

"No wonder my little sister follows you willingly." Zhou Buqi went to the study room upstairs to make a phone call. At some point, Shi Jingmei stood at the door of the study room.

Zhou Buqi smiled, "What's wrong?"

Shi Jingmei leaned against the door, wearing a dark blue cheongsam. Her figure had twists and turns, and she had the aura of a mature lady from the Republic of China. "You are very good. I have seen it. My eldest brother-in-law will be grateful to you."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "The eldest brother-in-law is also very good. He is under a lot of pressure, and ordinary people can't do it at all."

Shi Jingmei chuckled and said, "No matter how good I am, I can't compare to you."

Zhou Buqi stood up and planned to go downstairs with her. He asked curiously: "Where is the one from your family? Why didn't you bring her here?"

"He's not qualified."


"He is not even as good as the eldest brother-in-law."

Shi Jingmei's face was indifferent and looked down upon.

Zhou Buqi was silent for a moment, but couldn't help but say: "I don't think you should compare yourself with this kind of thing...Second sister, I'm not proud of you. Whether you are the eldest brother-in-law or the second brother-in-law, it's best not to use me as a reference."

Shi Jingmei pursed her lips, "I know, there is no young talent in the whole country who can compare with you. Linlin has a very good taste."

Zhou Buqi was used to being praised all night, "By the way, how is the toy factory going?"

"The acquisition intention of one company has been negotiated, and two others will continue to investigate after the Spring Festival." Shi Jingmei pulled her hair around her ears, "Actually, the best option is to start from scratch, buy land, and build factories. , importing production lines from Europe, recruiting employees, training, and establishing a management system. But time is too tight, so we can only acquire two factories first and set expansion plans based on market feedback."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Well, after the Spring Festival, I will go to South Korea first, and then go to the UK to resolve this matter. You have to hurry up. It is easy to reach an agreement with Manchester United, but the design model of the doll needs to be refined. Polished.”

"When will it be online?"

"By mid-August at the latest, when the new Premier League season starts, the blind box figures for the new season must be fully sold. It is best to do it earlier and combine it with supporting new players."

Shi Jingmei understood what he meant instantly, "Well, impulsive consumption."

Zhou Buqi was very happy, "Yes, that's the idea!"

In the consumer market, impulse consumption is the most important link, and all businesses must develop marketing plans around consumers' "impulses."

Just like selling mobile phones.

Hold a press conference, show off all the advantages, and publicize it well, and then you can trigger consumers' impulse and they will spend money to buy it.

But after a while, the public opinion effect of the press conference is gone, the "impulse" is gone, and sales will shrink significantly.

In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to create waves of continuous impulse stimulation and trigger waves of public opinion effects, so that consumers will be impulsive one after another and will continue to buy.

If you can't find more exciting points, you can only continue to launch new models and use this most primitive and crude aircraft sea tactic to stimulate the market.

In short, it cannot calm down consumers.

For football, the biggest impulse period is of course the summer transfer. Every time a big-name new player joins, it will trigger months of excitement and expectations among fans, and derivative products surrounding the player will explode. A big hit.

Shi Jingmei asked: "Whether the blind box business can become an instant success depends on whether Manchester United can attract enough attention in this summer's transfer market."


Zhou Buqi frowned slightly.

This is a bit difficult.

This is 2009. During this transfer period, Florentino became the chairman of Real Madrid again, built the second generation of Galacticos, and bought the best players from the Premier League, Serie A, and Ligue 1.

It is almost impossible for Manchester United to compete.

It's not about money.

Manchester United's brand appeal is not as attractive as Real Madrid's, which means that even if they pay more than Real Madrid, it will be difficult to compete with them.

Fortunately, he already has a target - David Beckham.

This handsome guy who has left the mainstream leagues to play football in the United States is still the most popular and famous football star. As a Manchester United legend, his return will at least cause a certain sensation.

By the way, Shi Jingmei suddenly thought of something, "I haven't congratulated you yet."

Zhou Buqi was surprised, "What?"

Shi Jingmei smiled and said: "Ning Yameng is pregnant, and you are going to be a father again."


"Her sister is pregnant too?"


"Both sisters are pregnant, it's amazing."


Zhou Buqi laughed, feeling that the other party's tone was not quite right.

Shi Jingmei turned her head and asked, "Where's Linlin? How did you decide?"

Zhou Buqi said: "I respect her intention."

The next day, Zhou Buqi brought gifts and gave them to all his business friends in Shanghai.

In the afternoon, I took my family back to Northeast China.

Get ready for the New Year.

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