Top of the big era

Chapter 1370 The most shining report card

It's the end of the year, let's go back to Northeast China to celebrate the New Year.

Zhou Buqi took Shi Jinglin, Sun Wanran, Feng Muer, and Ning Lu to the Magic City to pick up Wen Zhixia, Ning Yaxian, Ning Yameng, and their two children Niannian and Xinxin, and returned to the Northeast together.

Then send a plane to the capital to bring Aunt Xue, Xue Baoshan and Wu Yu back, and that's almost it.

During the Chinese New Year, everyone should get together and be lively.

When the firecrackers go off, the flavor of the new year will come out.

Shi Jinglin couldn't help but complain again, "I could just buy a plane, it's so inconvenient."

"Just wait a few more years."

Others have asked this question several times, but Zhou Buqi doesn't agree.

Shi Jinglin said softly: "Even Uncle Benshan wants to buy a plane."

"So you are on the cusp of the storm? Well... you don't really think that Uncle Benshan is just a sketch actor, do you?" Zhou Buqi glanced at her, "That means now I am the richest man and famous. In the past, his He has more face than me. With just one word, everything can be settled. There was a player who was disobedient and uncooperative and was almost buried alive, and it was he who stepped in."

At present, the domestic private jet industry has not yet developed. If Zhou Buqi's level is high enough, all parties will have to give way to him. At Uncle Benshan's level, he almost couldn't withstand it. If a not-so-well-known person buys an airplane and is envied by others, expect to be punished.

After five or six years, the general environment will improve, and anyone with money can buy a private jet. Many big entrepreneurs even own two or three planes, one for domestic short-distance travel, one for international long-distance travel, and one for family use.

Shi Jinglin added: "I have come up with an idea for company management. You can help me with my suggestions."


“How about a campaign system?”


"The president of the department business is an electoral system. For example, for the president of the mineral water business, everyone can run for election. All veteran employees of the department with more than 3 years of experience can vote. Veteran employees know the business better and know the advantages and disadvantages. Candidates He has to go on stage to give a speech. He promises what kind of performance he can achieve and what kind of shortcomings he can solve. In order to succeed, the candidate will conduct detailed research on the business and work hard to fulfill the promise to avoid being elected. In this way, internal and external motivations It’s all there, and the effect of criticizing the current ills has been achieved.”

Zhou Buqi twitched the corner of his mouth, "Who taught you this?"

Shi Jinglin snorted, "Do you still need to teach? You can apply what you learn now. Don't you think the design of this management system is very lively? Employees can decide who will be the president of the direct department, and they will have a sense of participation and belonging." feelings and loyalty will be higher.”

"I think you couldn't control the mineral water business department and came up with this trick, right?"

"Just say yes!"

There is no need for Shi Jinglin to hide it. She indeed has no control over the mineral water business and it is difficult to transfer her position. This business was started by General Manager Fang Qiwen. It is very successful and is considered the fifth largest mineral water brand in China. This year’s goal is to enter the top three.

Zhou Buqi glanced at the three little secretaries sitting opposite, "What do you think?"

Feng Muer said submissively, "I don't know."

Ning Lu hesitated and said: "I think... it sounds good. I heard that there are many management shortcomings in traditional enterprises. Small managers and team leaders are domineering and very harsh on grassroots employees. If this is the case, The electoral system and handing over the right to vote may improve things."

Sun Wanran said firmly: "I think it can be improved. If the business president is not appointed by the board of directors or general manager, but is elected by the employees, they don't have to flatter anyone, but they have to work hard to do a good job and take care of the grassroots employees." , strive to improve performance so that everyone can get bonuses."

Feng Muer suddenly thought of something, "Yes, the boss has said it before."

Zhou Buqi asked: "What did I say?"

Feng Mu'er said: "When you talk about the level of performance, ordinary employees can only bear 20% of the responsibility at most, and 80% of the responsibility must be borne by senior executives. Whether ordinary employees are lazy and lazy, or whether they are diligent and diligent, all depends on the management level of the leader. It’s up to you to decide.”

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "You remember it clearly."

Shi Jinglin was very proud, "Power only serves the source of power. Whoever can create a fairer working environment for ordinary employees, work less overtime, work less, and get more performance bonuses can become a salesperson." President. It just so happens that if the working environment is better and performance bonuses are higher, the company's efficiency will be better. This is a positive correlation."

"What a beautiful thought!"

Zhou Buqi snorted.

Shi Jinglin was slightly startled, "Isn't it possible?"

Zhou Buqi said calmly: "Big companies and small companies are not the same concept. Small companies only need to do business. As long as it does not break the law, no one will care about you no matter what you do. But Yuanwei Group is a big company and has too much influence."

Shi Jinglin frowned slightly, "Is there a problem?"

Zhou Buqi said coldly: "If you fail in this matter, it's best. If you go long, the mineral water business will shrink and you will lose some money. If it's more serious, the big deal is that Yuanwei Group will go bankrupt, and it doesn't matter. If If it succeeds and allows you to implement this model, that will be the real trouble.”


Shi Jinglin was stunned and stopped talking.

Zhou Buqi put his arm around her shoulders and said with a smile: "Have you listened to someone's slander? I'll teach you a trick for this kind of thing, so that there are people outside the world."

"What's the meaning?"

"The domestic business market has only been developed for 20 to 30 years and is far behind developed countries. Even if you are a genius, there are no geniuses abroad? HP, Dell, Gates, Jobs, Bezos, who are not business geniuses? In their company, the middle and high-level managers are all appointed from top to bottom."


Shi Jinglin nodded.

Zhou Buqi continued: "People must be self-aware. Of course, we are not belittling ourselves. I believe you are no worse than Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, but a person's talent is limited. You can burst out at a certain point Creativity and inspiration surpass them. However, the company system is a grand systemic proposition that requires several generations of practice and exploration. The existing one is the most reasonable, and it is the choice of survival of the fittest. Microsoft's system is the best in the world, even if Other systems can surpass Microsoft in some aspects, but overall, Microsoft's system must be the best. That's what it means. Enterprises want to safeguard the interests of shareholders, and the existing model is the best choice. What you said That kind of thing will eventually turn into transferring the interests originally belonging to shareholders to employees, causing shareholders to suffer losses.”

Shi Jinglin was silent for a long time, then waved her little hand, "Forget it, I understand."

This girl works vigorously and decisively.

Then he took out his mobile phone, dialed a number, and said coldly: "Sister Ying, this is Shi Jinglin. You have to do one thing. Fire Duan Xuewen before the Spring Festival... Yes, immediately! Immediately!"

Ning Yameng has been in the Magic City recently.

She has already contacted Shi Jinglin's second sister Shi Jingmei.

The first thing to do is to conduct research in the Yangtze River Delta region and then acquire one or two powerful toy-producing factories. When making overseas products, quality control is the first priority.

Toys are made of chemical materials, which can easily exceed the standard and lead to serious accidents.

Shi Jingmei said that the toys of Chaowan Commune must be produced by its own toy factory.

Apple mobile phones and HP computers are manufactured by third-party factories because the threshold for these products is relatively high. They are all large companies at the Foxconn level. If something goes wrong, they will face huge fines and the quality control is very strict.

But toys are different, the threshold is too low.

Any small factory can produce a set of production lines. If something happens to a small factory, it will face huge fines without having to pay a penny, and it will go bankrupt. Register a new company and brand, continue production, and continue selling goods.

Therefore, the quality control of toys is more difficult than the production of computers, mobile phones, and televisions.

Factories outside are not trustworthy.

There is nothing wrong with Chaowan Commune’s blind boxes now. It’s because of strict supervision, strict review, and good luck. But we can’t place our hopes on a third party for this kind of thing, just like the dairy industry. Purchasing milk from dairy farmers seems to be quite good and supports the survival of dairy farmers. Once something goes wrong, everything will fall apart.

This kind of low-threshold traditional industry still needs to be grouped. It cannot rely on third parties and needs to control the entire industry chain.

Often, parents are greedy for cheap and buy toys from unknown brands or fake famous brands for their babies to play with. Even if no symptoms are shown, the physical development of the baby will be affected.

The blind boxes of Chaowan Commune may be a little more expensive, but the quality must be guaranteed.

Zhou Buqi recognized this idea very much.

I plan to have a good talk with Shi Jing when I visit Shi’s house at the end of the year. Next, I will produce blind boxes for Manchester United. As long as he succeeds, he will receive orders from major clubs such as Liverpool, Arsenal, Bayern, and Inter Milan.

Unexpectedly, I encountered a surprise first.


Zhou Buqi opened his eyes wide and looked at Ning Yameng.


Ning Yameng's face was slightly red, embarrassed.

"When did it happen? Why didn't you tell me?" Zhou Buqi ran over happily, lifted up her nightgown and reached in to touch her belly. It was smooth and flat, no different from before.

Wen Zhixia next to her said: "Don't touch it. It's only been a little over a month. It should have been there in early December last year."

Zhou Buqi hugged Ning Yameng and sat down on the sofa, kissing her a few times, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I thought we'd talk about it during the Spring Festival and give you a surprise."

"Well, it's a surprise. I also wanted to have seven days of fun during the New Year, so I would like to implement this with you."

Ning Yameng was embarrassed and pushed him, "Brother-in-law, please stop making trouble and go see my sister. She has been feeling very uncomfortable with her pregnancy these days and is lying in the bedroom."

Zhou Buqi sighed with emotion: "My greatest achievement in the past year was to make you and your sister pregnant with my child. Oh my, this is my most shining report card in 2008. You can give it to me when I get home." Grandpa and my dad showed off.”

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