Top of the big era

Chapter 1192 Play too big

Wu Jinghua has aroused strong attention, especially in the Chinese circle in Silicon Valley, which is very sensational.

Many people are sympathetic.

But there was nothing he could do.

I want to help, but I can't.

What happened to Wu Jinghua, except for the shooting incident, happened to almost every Chinese family.

The average poverty rate in the United States is 13%, and Asians are only 10%, which is related to IQ, education level and hard work. Even more so in Silicon Valley. There are almost no poor households among the Chinese in Silicon Valley, and more than 95% of them are middle-class families with an annual income of 200,000 US dollars to 1 million US dollars. There is a common phenomenon in such families, that is, real estate speculation.

The Chinese have a soft spot for houses, and it is the same everywhere in the world.

Then, the subprime mortgage crisis was collectively looted.

For example, Zhou Buqi saw such a report in the "Qiaobao" which is specially provided for the Chinese, saying that there is a lady named Wang Jun. Both she and her husband are senior engineers in large companies in Silicon Valley.

The accumulation of salaries and stock speculation in the past few years allowed them to buy a million-dollar house in Silicon Valley, and added another 200,000 dollars in fine decoration. The interior decoration is as luxurious as a five-star hotel.

When she had some spare money, she bought three or four houses in other states where housing prices were relatively cheap, and paid the down payment for her son who graduated from college to buy a town house in Silicon Valley. The "American Dream" in her heart is being planned Gradually implemented.

As a result, the subprime mortgage crisis erupted.

Both Wang Jun and her husband were fired.

I called my friends to see if I could help with new jobs, and it turned out that all my friends were "friends in distress". Many were also laid off, and those who were not laid off were also severely laid off in the department, and they were lucky to stay.

Bad news ensued. The house she bought for her son has lost more than $50,000 in value due to the impact of the subprime mortgage crisis. Several houses in other states are even worse, the rent has been falling again and again, the money from selling the house, and even the down payment from the bank cannot be recovered.

At this time, a big news came out.

Ziweixing Group, an emerging Internet company from Asia, came to the United States to expand its new business. It has already made a move to help solve the family plight of Wu Jinghua's family members who are currently attracting attention.

Even Zhou Buqi, the boss of Ziwei Star, teamed up with the founder of Yahoo, Mr. Yang Zhiyuan, to establish the Asian American Charity Fund. The main direction of donation is Asian education, human rights, technological development, cultural protection, and community safety.

The result can be imagined.

The threshold of Ziwei Star has been overwhelmed!

At critical moments, we have to rely on our fellow countrymen! When the fellow villagers saw the fellow villagers, they were teary-eyed!

All of a sudden, Ziweixing, a little-known new company, became a technology giant at the same level as Microsoft, Google, and IBM in the image of the Asian community!

Lu Qi had seen Boss Zhou's tricks.

It's really wonderful to play vertically and horizontally.

With such enthusiasm for candidates and attention, it is difficult to achieve such an effect even if millions of dollars are invested through traditional media advertising.

There is another more important role.

That is brand recognition.

This is something that cannot be achieved by spending hundreds of millions of dollars.

People in Silicon Valley are very proud.

Even if he is laid off, he is unwilling to give in. Employees of large companies still want to work in large companies. If they go to small companies, they must become managers.

Ziweixing's US branch is also a "small company".

Many employees from large companies, if they submit their resumes to Ziweixing, they must describe their personal resumes so colorfully and strive for a management position.

Now, through the Wu Jinghua incident and the initiative of the Asian American Charity Fund, Ziweixing has established a corporate brand in the Asian community at once.

It became a "big company" in one fell swoop.

Since it is a big company, there is no condescension. Employees who left IT giants such as Microsoft, Google, and Oracle to join Ziwei Star only need to provide the same position and similar salary. Those employees who leave from small companies are willing to take the initiative to lower their salary requirements so that they can fight for entry into Ziweixing.

Lu Qi is a master of technology and a master of business management.

But he has never started a business before. He was only a senior vice president when he was at Yahoo, and he did not have the ability to stand on a higher level and make decisions for the company from a strategic perspective.

In other words, this is something beyond his authority, even if he has the ability, he never thought about it.

Boss Zhou stepped forward and saw immediate results!

Lu Qi is a mixture of sorrow and joy.

The good news is that the number of applicants has increased, the requirements for finding a job have been lowered, and the difficulty of recruiting has been reduced.

Sadly, he can't get everyone in.

This morning, Zhou Buqi went to see a car service provider that specializes in serving the rich. In fact, he helped the rich buy luxury cars that fit their status all over the world.

I have bought a mansion, and I have to have a car.

There is no need to be low-key abroad.

He didn't have a meal at noon, so he was called back by Lu Qi.

"What's wrong?"


"Is it easy now?"

Lu Qi smiled wryly, "It's easy, it's too easy."

Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows, "What's the problem?"

Lu Qi said: "I have read some materials, and it is said that in the past three months, Silicon Valley has laid off more than 70,000 people. In addition, many large companies have also released news about layoffs. Sun will lay off 5,000-6,000 people. Yahoo and Ebay will lay off more employees, reaching 8,000. HP will lay off 24,000 employees. Even Google will lay off 3,000 employees. In addition, companies such as Nvidia, Symantec, Palm, Cymer, and AMD will also lay off They're all laying off workers."

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "Isn't this a good thing?"

Lu Qi sighed, "It's a good thing, but it's also a troublesome thing. We have received too many resumes. This morning alone, we have received more than 20,000 resumes, which is more than the accumulation of the past few months."

Zhou Buqi misunderstood, and said with a smile: "I told you a long time ago, I want you to find a few assistants to help you recruit together. Ziweixing America is not a start-up company, but a large company that develops business. Start-up companies cannot be regarded as standard requirements."

"That's not what I mean," Lu Qi shook his head. "We have to screen so many resumes, and most of them won't be able to get the job. Other ethnicities are okay, but what if they are Asians? They are full of enthusiasm. came here to submit their resumes, and wanted to start a new business with us. But we refused."

To put it simply, even if the memorial archway is set up, the guests can't be pushed out when they come?

If only the young, clean, and handsome ones are selected to pick up the guests, and the old, dirty, and ugly ones are all sent away, this is not self-defeating!

Zhou Buqi was silent for a while, and asked, "How many Asians are there?"

Lu Qi extended a slap and five fingers.

Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows, "5%?"

Lu Qi twitched the corners of his mouth and gritted his teeth: "In Silicon Valley, Asians account for 50% of the high-tech workforce!"

"Fuck! So much?"

Zhou Buqi was stunned. He knew that Asians were smart and hardworking, and they were the favorites of the technology industry. Unexpectedly, the proportion was so high. Silicon Valley has laid off 70,000 employees in the past three months, and on average, there are 35,000 Asians? Aren't all the 20,000 resumes received by Ziweixing all Asian?

The answer is yes.

Lu Qi told him that out of the 20,000 resumes received from various channels today, only 600 were not of Asian origin.

Zhou Buqi is a little bit broken.

Depend on!

It's over!

This wave of event marketing seems to be playing big!

All Asians regarded Ziweixing as a life-saving straw under the economic crisis, and they all ran over! They came here full of enthusiasm, but they were sent away with a basin of cold water. The signboard set up by Ziweixing fell down and hit his foot.

"How about expanding enrollment?" Zhou Buqi made a suggestion.

Lu Qi wondered: "If you recruit too many people at one time, the organizational system cannot be established, and there may be problems."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "What do you think we should do?"

"Two aspects, first, delay. Send an email to every job seeker and explain to them clearly that Ziweixing was founded in the United States, and the human resources capabilities are limited. There are too many resumes for applicants, and it is difficult to complete all resumes in a short time Screening and scheduling interviews."

"Well, yes!"

Zhou Buqi nodded repeatedly.

Ziweixing has never encountered such a situation in China. Only those who are not enough talents have never flocked to paralyze the recruitment department.

Lu Qi's suggestion is actually quite ruthless.

It was obviously brushed off, but it couldn't be clearly informed. Give them hope. Let’s just say that Ziweixing’s human resources department is limited in capacity and there are too many applicants, so it is impossible to provide a completed interview process for each applicant. Suggest that they apply for jobs at other companies, or wait in line with peace of mind.

For job seekers, it is impossible to wait with peace of mind, and they will definitely continue to submit resumes to other companies.

This kind of euphemism will not destroy Ziwei Xing's goodwill towards Asians.

Lu Qi said: "In the first phase, directly through the resumes, some of the most intuitive old, small companies, and high-demand ones were screened out. About 2,000 excellent resumes were selected and interviewed. It took 3-4 months , recruit 300-400 people from these 2,000 resumes."

Zhou Buqi said: "Well, the layoffs in Silicon Valley will continue for at least another year. In the future, people will be laid off continuously. The most important thing now is talents, and we still have to choose the best."

Lu Qi said: "However, this is not enough, we need a second strategy, subsidies."


"Yes, Ziwei Star is doing so well now, we have to show enough enthusiasm. During the economic crisis, they were laid off, and their mood fell into a trough. Even if we don't recruit them, we still have to provide them with living Hope and confidence. A little help in a timely manner is a huge help."

"Yes, money can be given."

Zhou Buqi understood the other party's thinking and felt that this plan was quite good.

Lu Qi smiled and said, "Aren't you running a charitable fund? Originally, people of Asian descent are supported. The first batch of support objects can be the batch of Asians who have submitted their resumes to us. Send an email to everyone, Tell them that if they really encounter difficulties in life, they can contact the Asian American Charity Fund and receive certain unemployment benefits. Even $1,000 is enough comfort.”

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