Top of the big era

Chapter 1191 The Angel Who Turned

America has a culture of giving.

It is not only a matter of the wealthy class, but also many middle-class and bottom-level residents. White people donate because of religious views, which is the largest donor group in the United States. The second is Asian, which stems from the caring, compassionate, family-oriented, and reciprocal values ​​inherent in Asian culture.

However, the grouping of Asians is not strong, and generous Asians have donated money to some other foundations, mainly in the fields of education, pensions and human rights.

That's a little too generous.

Donate money to white people and let them handle the charity... Human nature is irresistible. People may not intentionally discriminate, but when using money, they will subconsciously tend to the free group and the group with the loudest voice.

The top power of Asians is excellent and powerful, second only to Jews. But the little people at the bottom are not doing very well, and in many cases they are not as well treated as blacks and Mexicans.

In the previous life, until 2021, many incredible things happened due to the epidemic, which lifted the fig leaf of the American system.

At that time, Asians really realized the helplessness and weakness of their own group. When encountering beatings, smashing and looting by the black group, they could not beat or scold them.

Asian leaders Cai Congxin and Yang Zhiyuan stepped forward and took the lead in setting up an Asian American foundation. They donated 125 million US dollars, and they also brought in from companies such as Wal-Mart, Amazon, Coca-Cola, Bank of America, and several Asian elites. With US$125 million, the first large-scale charitable fund caring for Asians was established.

A foundation that was set up in a hurry has had some effect and played a role in the safety and stability of the Asian community, but it is also very limited.

Now, take this opportunity to do it.

In one fell swoop, Ziweixing's leadership position was established.

Zhou Buqi is not an American, and Yang Zhiyuan is responsible for promoting the charity fund. Together with Lu Qi, Zhen Yu and others, he first visited Wu Jinghua's family.

"Being charitable is not only about helping others, but also about yourself." Lu Qi has lived in the United States for many years, and every year 5% of his income is given to charitable funds, just like a fixed tax deduction, so he has a good understanding of this industry, " The most important thing is to achieve yourself. In fact... it is actually spending money to buy a satisfying and spiritually comforting product."

Zhou Buqi smiled, "This metaphor is very interesting."

Lu Qi said: "My donation is mainly in the field of education, and I am an important partner of the charity fund. Every quarter they will have a receipt, telling me where my donation was used, who helped them complete their studies, and so on. It’s like buying a product, but it’s a virtual spiritual product that can treat mental illness, resist depression, and gain happiness.”

Zhou Buqi nodded, "It's not only selfish, but also altruistic. This is human nature."

Zhen Yu said deeply: "It is not long-term to do things that are only beneficial to oneself and not to others. Similarly, it is not long-term to do things that are only beneficial to others and not to oneself. The domestic donation culture still has a long way to go. The hearts of the people across the country are cold. There are charitable materials sold in the market for profit, and there are mountains of moldy materials piled up in warehouses."

Zhou Buqi said: "Domestic charity is only altruistic, not self-interested. The money must be donated to the official charitable fund, and then allocated by the charitable fund. The gratitude of the disaster-stricken areas is the country and the government, and the donor is a dime. It has nothing to do with it. It cut off the donor’s sense of accomplishment. But with the accident of this wave of earthquake donations, it will change in the future.”

"how to change?"

"More private charitable funds and private charitable organizations should be allowed to emerge, so that donors can truly enjoy the... merit of this donation. With self-interest, charities can gradually develop."

Having said that, domestic philanthropy still has a long way to go. Private charitable foundations are just like private enterprises. They are too bright and dazzling, which is easy to make people jealous and prone to accidents.

Everyone gave the money to Han Hong, and other foundations could not get the money.

The little love offered by the common people, which may be only a pack of instant noodles, is like gold. If it is thrown away like rubbish, let alone psychological comfort, it is simply psychological trauma.

However, this kind of thing cannot be killed with a stick.

Everything has advantages and disadvantages.

There are too many charitable funds in the United States that are fake. Charity is fake, but tax avoidance is real. Even tax avoidance is light, defrauding money through charitable funds.

The most typical is the Hollywood celebrities.

A big star invested 100 million US dollars to set up a charity fund, and everyone went to support it one after another. Many fans also contributed money, and another 100 million US dollars was raised, which is the same as gift money. If the big star likes diving, the charity fund's annual charitable expenses will mainly be the "protection of marine ecology" project. Then other big stars also set up a charity fund, and everyone gathered together to give gifts. The stars don't lose money, and the fans who don't know the truth are harvested.

If the supervision is loose, it can develop easily, or it may develop abnormally; if the supervision is strict, the development speed will be limited, but it will develop in the right direction.


Wu Jinghua's wife is also Chinese, ten years younger than him, only 35 years old this year, her Chinese name is Liu Le, and her English name is Jane.

Mental state is very bad.

The three children obviously didn't know what was going on, and were playing carefree.

Hearing the introduction from the community volunteers, saying that these people are the bosses of big companies in Silicon Valley, who came to help him, Liu Le's gloomy eyes finally showed some hope.

Especially when the other party speaks Chinese.

Let her tears come down.

There is a sense of finding organization.

In the past two days, too many people have come to the door. Except for some friends and neighbors, most of them are foreigners, and many are journalists and investigators.

Moving is certain.

But now the family still owes so much money, and the house payment has not been paid off, where can they move? She even wanted to take the children back to China to join her natal family.

Zhou Buqi asked: "Mrs. Wu, how much is the family's current debt?"

Liu Le said sadly, "The $800,000 is all a loss from real estate speculation."

"Is someone coming to help you?"



Zhou Buqi's eyes lit up.

Liu Le said blankly: "My friends raised 20,000 U.S. dollars and lent it to me, saying they wanted to hire a lawyer for my husband. It's a financial crisis, and they all owe mortgages. It's not easy. And the neighbors, A lot of food and children's toys were sent over."

Zhou Buqi, Lu Qi, Zhen Yu, Feng Muer and others looked at each other, but they didn't feel very good.

"Are there no charities?"

"The community helped me get in touch."

Zhou Buqi asked: "No result?"

"No." Liu Le shook his head lightly and sighed slightly, "The economic situation is too bad now, and there are too many people in need of help. I read in the newspaper that millions of people are homeless. It will be winter soon. Now, they need more help."

Zhou Buqi took a deep look at her.

It doesn't feel like a lie.

Looking at Lu Qi and Zhen Yu again, they also nodded slightly.

It didn't run away.

The three of them have been recruiting for so many years and have met too many people. If the three of them can agree, it means that Liu Le's words are sincere and not staged.

It seems that the investigators' previous feedback to Zhou Buqi was correct.

This family is good people.

Also somewhat sad.

Oh shit!

The Chinese are just too kind.

Asians donated the most donations except for whites, and they got into trouble and needed help, and they were still thinking about the social hazards of blacks and Mexicans at the bottom.

The rights and interests that should be fought for will not be fought for.

This Asian charitable fund must be established, and the rights and interests of Asians must be protected by Asians. It is really difficult to count on the conscience of other ethnic groups to take the initiative to pay attention.

Zhou Buqi took a deep breath and asked, "Mrs. Wu, can you briefly introduce yourself?"

Liu Le nodded.

It is said that she studied her undergraduate degree in China, the computer department of Beike University, and won a scholarship from Santa Clara University in her senior year. Coincidentally, her husband, Wu Jinghua, is also from this school.

Later, they met at a party and fell in love.

After graduating with a master's degree, she successfully entered the work of Sun, a large Silicon Valley company, as a test engineer. Later they got married and had twins. The husband started to speculate in real estate again, and made a lot of money in the early days. There is no need for Liu Le to continue working, she will leave her job and stay at home, becoming a full-time wife. She became pregnant a second time and gave birth to a boy.

Lu Qi whispered in Zhou Buqi's ear: "A typical Chinese family finds compatriots to marry, likes to speculate in real estate, and they all encounter quite a bit of difficulty."

Zhou Buqi kept his composure and smiled at Liu Le, "In that case, I still have to call you Senior Sister."


"I also graduated from Beijing University, um, I just graduated this year."

"Well, I've heard about Mr. Zhou's legend."

Liu Le is a first-generation immigrant, which is different from second- and third-generation immigrants. She still speaks Chinese and will always keep an eye on the domestic situation.

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and said succinctly: "Since we are alumni, sister Liu, then I will not be polite. I will help you arrange this matter. First, I will personally donate 1 million US dollars for you. Take it With this money, you can hire an excellent team of lawyers to pay off the family loan. Then go to another place to buy a house and change to a new environment that will not be disturbed by others. Send the children to a better kindergarten, Get a better education."

"Mr. Zhou..."

Liu Le covered half of his face with his hands, and tears rolled down his face.

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Senior sister, don't get excited, I also have a small favor, and I need your help."

Liu Le wiped away his tears, choked up and said, "Say it! Mr. Zhou, say it!"

Zhou Buqi said: "I will lead the establishment of an Asian charitable fund and launch an initiative with Mr. Yang Zhiyuan from Yahoo. At that time, I hope you can become the executive director of the fund."

Liu Le couldn't control the tears again.

Where is this asking for help?

It is clear that she has arranged a job for herself as a full-time wife, so that her future life can be guaranteed, and she can raise her three children with peace of mind. The computer industry is changing with each passing day. She has been a full-time wife for several years, and it is impossible to return to this industry.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Actually, I have a little favor for myself."

"Say it! Say it!"

"I bought a house in Atherton, but I usually don't live here and no one takes care of it. I have a professional butler living here, and I don't trust Americans. If you are free, I hope you can Come forward and coordinate. From time to time, some hourly workers will come to clean and mow the lawn."

"Yes! Yes!"

Liu Le heard that her husband murdered three bosses, and the whole world collapsed. She even thought about the absurd idea of ​​bringing her three children to die together, and felt that there was no hope in life anymore.

Unexpectedly, things turned around.

She met an angel.

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