Top of the big era

Chapter 118 Bracelet

Coming out of the shopping mall, Wu Yu had a translucent emerald green jadeite bracelet with ice seeds on his wrist. His little hand was shaking all the time, looking left and right, not to mention liking it so much.



On the street, Wu Yu stood on tiptoe and kissed him on the face, cheering, "Thank you husband!"

Zhou Buqi said: "I really don't have a lot of spare money now. The milk tea shop has entered the off-season and the sales are not good. Wait until next semester, I will buy you more small things, buy what you like, don't take other people's things indiscriminately .”

Wu Yu let out an "oh", feeling a little guilty.

She did want to return the precious jewellery. However, Sister Lin didn't accept it at all. She said that there was no reason to return the things she gave away.

This is a little secret, Wu Yu dare not let Zhou Buqi know, why not scold him to death? Might have to be beaten!

"It's a bit late, I'll take you back to the dormitory."

"Ah? Back to bed?"

Wu Yu's cherry lips parted, surprise was written all over her pretty face.

Today is Christmas Eve!

Shouldn't this be a night of gunfire, right?

Could it be that he was infected by Wu Hanqing?

Are you also playing the simple and innocent thing?

Zhou Buqi coughed lightly, and said seriously: "If you want to open a room, what day can't you? Today is special, so let's go back to bed. Aren't your roommates unsuitable? You came out and left them all in the dormitory. It's not good. "

Wu Yu gave him a strange look, "Oh, that's fine."

Then, she shook her bracelet again, she was very happy, it seemed that she would never tire of watching it, and she liked it very much.

This bracelet is worth 100,000 yuan!

After sending Wu Yu back to bed, Zhou Buqi hurried home.

no way!

There is one more!

Those who can work hard, it is very hard.

After returning home, the light in the living room was turned off.

Only the light from the second bedroom came out from the crack in the door.

Zhou Buqi walked over lightly and knocked on the door lightly: "Baby, are you asleep?"

Wen Zhixia opened the door, very surprised, "Why are you back?"

"Christmas Eve tonight, let's spend the holiday with you."

Zhou Buqi's eyes tightened, and his eyes were suddenly attracted to him.

She was wearing a white nightgown. She thought she was alone at home, so she didn't care about wearing it. She didn't wear a bra in the nightgown, which made her look particularly spectacular.

Wen Zhixia blushed, and quickly pushed him, "You go out first, I'll change clothes!"

"It's okay, I don't look blindly." Zhou Buqi pushed and shoved, went in and sat down by the bed.

Wen Zhixia was very angry, "Why are you acting like a rascal?"

Zhou Buqi hooked his hands at her, "Come here, I'll give you a gift."

"What gift?" Wen Zhixia didn't go over, but turned around to prevent him from looking around.

Zhou Buqi walked over, hugged her waist from behind, and another bracelet appeared in his hand like a magic trick. The color is different from Wu Yu's, and the price is in the same range.

"For me?"

Wen Zhixia was hugged from behind by him, and he didn't resist too much, mainly because he was used to it.

"Like it?"

"Isn't it expensive?"

"Not expensive."

"How much?"

"How vulgar is it to talk about money? This represents the heart."

As he said that, Zhou Buqi took her hand involuntarily, put the bracelet on her wrist gently, shook it a few times, and said with a satisfied smile: "Very good, this bracelet represents me. Hold it tight!"

Wen Zhixia frowned slightly, feeling uneasy.

Tonight is Christmas Eve!

If this kid doesn't go out to have a room with Wu Yu, what is he doing flirting with himself when he comes back?

She struggled to get out of his embrace, and looked at him warily, "Don't you have some extravagant thoughts?"

Zhou Buqi was taken aback for a moment, "What outrageous thoughts?"

"I'm telling you, it's impossible! Don't even think about it!" Wen Zhixia's tone was firm, his eyes were iron, "It's the maximum for you to hug me a few times, don't go too far."

Zhou Buqi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Where do you want to go? I came here specially to accompany you for the holidays, so you think so?"

Wen Zhixia didn't believe it, and snorted, "Anyway, I won't agree, I'm not a mistress."

"It's not that serious." Zhou Buqi waved his hand, feeling that this topic was meaningless. He had unreasonable thoughts, but he wouldn't be too anxious to go against her will, "Okay, you get dressed. There is a new revolving restaurant in Zhongguancun, let's go to eat Western food, and it will be romantic for a while."

"Going out to eat so late?"

"What's late? Tonight is Christmas Eve, and the nightlife has just begun!"

Wen Zhixia's vigilance was raised to the highest point again, and he looked at him cautiously, "You really don't have any bad ideas?"

Zhou Buqi said: "I said you are bored, are you bored? Let me tell you, if I really want to attack you, with my brother's methods and routines, you won't last three days, so you have to obediently climb into my bed , do you believe it or not?"

"Get out!"

Wen Zhixia pushed him away, blushing, "My mouth is full of nonsense, you go out, I want to change clothes."

Zhou Buqi went out and went back to change his clothes.

But I found an octagonal glass bottle on the bedside table, which was full of origami cranes.

There is a Ping An fruit next to it, and a sticky note is stuck on it——

"A thousand paper cranes with a thousand hearts fly in the wind.

Christmas Eve



Zhou Buqi picked up the bottle full of paper cranes and shook it, feeling warm in his heart.

After a while, Wen Zhixia put on her down jacket and came out.

Zhou Buqi walked over and hugged her involuntarily: "Thank you for your gift, I like it very much."

"I'm out of money, and I can't afford too expensive ones."

"It's okay, I understand."

"Well, let's go, let's go to supper."

Wen Zhixia was a little embarrassed, his eyes dodged, and his voice was very soft.


On this night of Christmas Eve, many ignorant girls are destined to complete the gorgeous life transformation.

Wen Zhixia is not one of them.

The next day, Zhou Buqi received a notice from the counselor, telling him to buy a copy of "Beijing Evening News".

Zhou Buqi was overjoyed.

The interview news a few days ago, it really appeared in the newspaper?

The interview this time was not easy. The "Beijing Evening News" sent a total of 4 reporters to conduct interviews in many places and schools. Zhou Buqi did not show up, and Guo Pengfei was interviewed as the top decision-maker of Xiaonei.

Zhou Buqi bought a copy of "Beijing Evening News" at the school's newsstand, heh! It turned out to be the second article on the front page!

There is no way, the headlines have to be left to the big leaders.

But the headline is also attractive enough - "This Christmas Eve, have you received the free Christmas fruit yet?" "

The content of the article is very substantial, about 2,000 words before and after——

"Yesterday at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, Guan Ting, a student of Grade 04 of Beike, carried her schoolbag and came to the west gate of the school. There was a group of enthusiastic and sunny college students distributing Christmas fruits for free. Guan Ting is a poor student, and her usual living expenses depend on the school. As a part-time job, she has no spare money to buy Ping An fruit, but she really wants to give a Ping An fruit to all her roommates to express her heart."

"For this reason, she participated in the 'Christmas Ping An Fruit Show' activity launched by, and successfully applied for 4 Ping An fruits. 'I eat one for myself, and give the other three to my roommates. I hope they are all safe and sound. Guan Ting said this. After comparing the information, Guan Ting successfully received 4 beautifully packaged Ping An fruits."

"What is Why do you want to distribute Ping An fruit to college students for free? For this reason, the reporter interviewed the person in charge of, who is also a student of Beike's 03 grade, Guo Pengfei, a sophomore who is gentle and elegant, Explained in detail the founding purpose of to reporters...'"

Zhou Buqi did not read the entire article.

I already have a rough idea in my heart, and I secretly look forward to it.

Is Xiaonei a hot topic?

I don't know how the influence of "Beijing Evening News" is.

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