Top of the big era

Chapter 1169 Ziwei Star Scholarship

The issue of domestic software should still be resolved.

If companies at the level of BAT, Mobile, Telecom, Huawei, and Datang want to do this kind of thing, then there is often no problem. They all have high-level people in charge, and they are all elites among the elites. They think about defeat before they win. Even if they compete with Microsoft, they can control the spread to a limited extent.

Even if the confrontation fails, there will be no serious consequences.

But the current group of people engaged in domestic office software, to put it bluntly, is a group of liars who attract scientific research funding from the country and society under the guise of patriotism. It's okay to shout slogans every day, they are good at this. It really made them stand up against Microsoft and get down before they stood up.

It's not easy to end things with such a big fuss.

The road has to be walked step by step, and the meal has to be eaten bite by bite. The domestic software industry has no right to provoke Microsoft at all. First, it has surpassed Japan, India, and Israel to become the number one software powerhouse in Asia.

Last time, Zhou Buqi wrote a letter to the Ministry of Science and Technology about this matter, but it didn't help. This time, he wrote a letter to a higher-level department, explaining the cause and effect.

Under the financial tsunami, the profits of global companies will inevitably decline, and the stock prices will plummet collectively. At this time, don't give Microsoft the chance to jump over the wall.

Ning Yaxian handed over the printed letter and asked him to sign it, a little hesitant, "Is this okay?"

Zhou Buqi accomplished it overnight, and wrote down his name, "Since we bumped into each other, we can't turn a blind eye and watch a few stinky fish make a pot of soup, ruining the great situation of the domestic technology industry."

"Is it related to us?"


"Didn't Ballmer say that this matter cannot be resolved and that it will limit the development of Ziwei Star in the United States?"

Zhou Buqi laughed and said: "You don't know that Ballmer is a master of deception? Look at the earliest TV commercials of Microsoft, he personally participated in the battle, just like a pyramid scheme. It's just a few shrimp soldiers. It's worth Microsoft's shot at us? It's not right at all. wait."

Ning Yaxian didn't go abroad with Boss Zhou on business trips these few times, so she doesn't know much about the situation, "Since you are a general, why does Microsoft attach so much importance to it?"

"What people value is public opinion and word of mouth, and..." Zhou Buqi looked more serious, "The financial tsunami is so serious, Ballmer will definitely take heavy measures to deal with the crisis of sharply falling profits."

Ning Yaxian said thoughtfully: "If Microsoft makes a move, it's nothing more than copyright. Anti-piracy, push genuine."

Zhou Buqi sighed, "That's right, curb piracy and promote more genuine ones to increase income."

Ning Yaxian smiled and said: "If that's the case, even if Microsoft makes a move, it won't have much impact on us. All we purchase are genuine systems and software. It won't affect us."

"It doesn't affect big companies like us, but it will have a huge impact on small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as hundreds of millions of ordinary people." Zhou Buqi waved his hand, a little irritated, "The principle is the same. If it succeeds, it will eventually The people on the top of the tower will benefit first, and it is not certain whether the people at the bottom of the tower will benefit; if it fails, the interests of the people at the bottom will be damaged first, and the people on the top of the tower will still stand high and unscathed."

Ning Yaxian said: "Those who please the superior will be honored, those who please the inferior will suffer."


"Pleasant people can be rich and prosperous, but it will be very difficult to think of ordinary people everywhere. If you want to ask for life for the people, it will be very difficult."

"What am I pleading for the people? I can do what I can, and I have a clear conscience." Zhou Buqi was a little self-deprecating and helpless, "The difficulty of pleading for the people is that they are not recognized by the public. The thinking of the people is dominated by the superiors. The interests of the superiors. They mistakenly think that the interests of the superiors are their interests. For example, the public opinion effect of this fight against Microsoft, the happiest and most rejoicing is the group of people who are about to become victims."

Ning Yaxian remained silent, "Then what should I do?"

Zhou Buqi raised his legs and snorted, "They chose their own path, and they can't blame others. Whether it's life or death has nothing to do with me. For this matter, those colleagues from big companies and institutions, who has spoken up? ? Aren’t they all silent? I’m not an early bird, just to remind you, I’m not Tan Sitong.”

Ning Yaxian was amused by him, "Return Tan Sitong, don't go online."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, then laughed, "How good is Kang Youwei? There are many wives and concubines, and he even married a bunch of foreign concubines. I remember which foreign athlete is Kang Youwei's great-great-granddaughter or great-granddaughter?"

Ning Yaxian rolled her eyes.

Turning around and walking away, without looking back, she said, "Ji Zian wants to see you."

After a while, Ji Zian came over and mainly said three things.

One, the school version of Helo.

Second, the plan to buy glasses was cancelled.

Three, scholarships.

Zhou Buqi was slightly taken aback, "Helo on campus?"

Ji Zi'an said: "Yes, Xiaonei has a lot of rich and interesting content, such as school news, school beauty and grass selection list, school music, etc. We can launch a Helo exclusively for college students on Xiaonei."

Zhou Buqi couldn't make up his mind, "Is the step too big? What does Yiming say?"

Ji Zian said helplessly: "He said to hold off."

Zhou Buqi heaved a sigh of relief and nodded, "Well, my opinion is also to hold off, don't take too big a step. Now it is in the experimental stage. Whether the magic reform Helo can be achieved and whether it can be accepted by the market still needs time. Verification. It’s better to let Baidu Helo, Rainbow Helo and YY version of Helo do it. If it’s done, it’s not too late to push the school version of Helo.”

Ji Zian was silent for a while, "Okay."

Zhou Buqi asked: "What about the glasses group purchase? Why was it cancelled?"

Ji Zian sighed, "After market research, I found that this business is not easy to do."

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "Isn't the sales volume too low? Glasses are not fast-moving consumer goods. If you want to make a profit, you can only rely on high prices for single items."

Ji Zian shook his head, "It's not for this reason, the university is the place with the highest sales rate of glasses. Xiaonei has the entire university market, which is our advantage, and the sales will not be too bad. The difficulty is metering."

"Well, the machines are expensive."

"Yes, every school must have a supporting optometrist, which requires a high investment. This is not the most critical thing. The test of the degree of glasses requires a professional optometrist. Moreover, the machine vision is not accurate enough, and a professional optometrist is needed. The ophthalmologist goes to test the prescription. Most of the optical shops in China are not in compliance, and you have to go to the hospital to get glasses.”

"Then don't do it."

Zhou Buqi can understand such a decision. If it is a small optical shop, it will be fine. If it becomes a big industry, it must strictly follow the standards. It is too complicated to have a professional optometrist or even an ophthalmologist, and the Xiaonei network cannot work.

At the same time, it was funny in my heart.

From the looks of it, after Ji Zian became the president of, his life was not very comfortable. The people under him are all used to the glory days of Shi Jinglin's period, and they have high requirements and expectations for the newly appointed President Ji.

Ji Zian is short-sighted, so he wanted to buy glasses at the first fire, but he couldn't do it. He used to be the president of the software business, and he wanted to burn the fire on the software as the second time. He wanted to make the school version of Helo, but he was also rejected internally.

is a bit difficult.

Is the scholarship program the third fire?

Ji Zi'an said: "The current on-campus group buying has a big problem, the logistics distribution link. What we implement is a B2B-style overall packaging logistics transportation, which can avoid package adjustments and leaks in the delivery link. You can unpack and distribute at the school. When express delivery, accidents will happen. In the past, the amount of group buying on campus was relatively small, which was easy to handle. But now group buying on campus has become popular on campus. Universities like Jilin University and Zhejiang University often have thousands of packages, and the distribution process will be chaotic. This There have been more than 60 incidents of packet loss due to confusion during the group buying at the beginning of the semester. We paid the compensation immediately, but the brand reputation will be damaged.”

Zhou Buqi glanced at him, "Scholarship program, is it related to this?"

Ji Zi'an said: "Yes, send money to the school, ask the school to help solve it, free up a special classroom for group buying on campus, and put all the items in the classroom. To avoid social idlers, the college students will unpack it by themselves. Distribute. Organize the student union to help distribute, and do it as a social activity."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "This idea is very good. It not only solves the problem, but also can distribute scholarships, aid students in public welfare, and enhance brand influence."

Ji Zi'an nodded, "Some schools with a relatively small number of students will not be in chaos, so there is no need to cooperate. It is good to pick some schools with a large number of students to cooperate with. Well, generally speaking, schools with a large number of students are also They are all key schools.”

"How much?"

"Invest 100 million yuan each year, select 100 universities, and divide them in proportion."


Zhou Buqi frowned slightly.

Donating 100 million yuan in scholarships to universities every year is already a lot, but the problem is that if it is evenly distributed among 100 universities, it is very little. Especially in many key universities, there are a lot of scholarships donated by various companies, such as Founder Scholarship, Arowana Scholarship, Samsung Scholarship, Canon Scholarship, Mercedes-Benz Scholarship, Huawei Scholarship, Bell \u0026 Ross Scholarship, Mitsubishi Scholarship, PetroChina Scholarship and so on.

In universities like Tsinghua University and Peking University, there are as many as 70 or 80 types of scholarships.

A few thousand yuan less, and twenty to thirty thousand yuan more.

The small amount of money paid by Ziweixing is really not worth mentioning. On average, it is not as much as that paid by foreign companies. Unless the 100 million yuan scholarship is focused on 3-5 schools.

Zhou Buqi said slowly: "Ziweixing should take on more social responsibilities to achieve its current scale. As a company that started from a university campus, it must give back to the university and cultivate more outstanding talents. Open tomorrow morning A small meeting, call a few people over, let's discuss."

Ji Zian was stunned for a moment, "Is my case rejected?"

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "No, you do it yourself! You are a Xiaonei scholarship, and it's a small business. If Ziweixing wants to do it, it must do its best!"

The capital significance of the donation is the brand effect.

However, there are often dozens of corporate-sponsored scholarships in key universities. How can there be any branding effect? It really becomes a donation.

It is best to be able to give consideration to both the meaning of donation and the meaning of brand.

If you want to do Ziweixing Scholarship, you must do your best, and you must be outstanding!

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