Top of the big era

Chapter 1120 The Bundle of Sincerity and Interest

In this matter, Zhou Buqi was quite ashamed.

No one is perfect, everyone has a selfish side.

He understood the meaning behind Lao Shi's suggestion, and he hoped that Boss Zhou could use his influence and social status to protect those in the mobile phone industry alliance so that they could receive fair treatment.

Some people start businesses with a good background and the care of their father-in-law or elder brother, so they can work with confidence and boldly without messing around.

But more people have worked hard from the bottom, without power or power, and their own interests cannot be guaranteed. This requires someone to stand up and protect their legal rights.

It's like there are a group of pigs in a pig farm, and pig manure can be used as fertilizer to grow crops every day. But some people don't want to eat crops, but want to eat meat and meat, so a gate needs to be built to keep them out.

Zhou Buqi felt that his awareness was too low, and he would never be able to be a business godfather. The door means barrier, it means confrontation. It is used as a talisman for others. If outsiders want to break in, the first thing to do is to kick the door open.

When there is a door, no one can get in, nor can pigs get out, so there will be plenty of fertilizer.

There is no door, and others can break in. Similarly, pigs can run out all over the world, pulling pig manure outside.

Without pig manure, there will be no fertilizer for the crops in the field, and the harvest will not be good.

But the farmer's vision can't be so far, they will clap their hands for joy, thinking that they finally don't have to do the hard work of digging out dung, and they are eligible to participate in it and get a few pieces of pork to taste.

"I'm not a hero, I'm a bear, don't flatter me."

Zhou Buqi firmly rejected Lao Shi's suggestion, and returned to Beijing the next night.

This is not the first time he has turned down such proposals.

As Ziweixing grew bigger and bigger, and he also graduated, the Entrepreneurs Club invited him to be the vice chairman. Maybe he could succeed Mr. Liu and become the new leader of private entrepreneurs in the future.

Zhou Buqi didn't agree, he just wanted to be an ordinary member.

Whoever wants to go up who goes up.

That seat is too hot.

"When are you going to buy a club?"

In the evening, my parents brought my younger sister over for dinner, and Aunt Xue cooked for me and made a very sumptuous dinner.

Zhou Buqi was slightly taken aback, "What are you in a hurry for?"

Dad said angrily: "The transfer period is almost over, can you not be in a hurry? Hurry up and buy Arsenal, hurry up and invest in players! Kroenke is too stingy, no matter how high Wenger's level is, it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice ah."

Zhou Buqi was a little funny, this dad is really a die-hard gun fan, so he coughed lightly, "Dad, we have to be mentally prepared, Arsenal may not be able to buy it, it's not a matter of money or not, they may not Willing to sell. Even if you are willing to sell, you have to go through the formalities and approvals, and you have to go through the fans, and it will be good if you can solve it in a year."


Dad had a black line on his forehead and was very annoyed.

Zhou Buqi suggested: "Why don't you go abroad when you have time, hire an assistant to help you translate, and go over there to investigate. Isn't Liverpool overwhelmed by debts and can't breathe?"

"Liverpool? How far is that? How about Tottenham?"

Dad frowned.

He is not British, and he doesn't have that much affection for British teams. It's the same if he can't buy Arsenal or Tottenham. Liverpool is a bit out of the way, not as prosperous as London.

Zhou Buqi said embarrassingly: "I also thought that Tottenham were good at first, but their reputation is not good enough. It can't be compared with Arsenal and Liverpool..."

The club has a poor reputation, and players who are motivated and motivated are not willing to go.

There is still a good chance for Zhou Buqi to buy a team. Under the leadership of his father, he also loves football and knows the big-name players in the future, such as Bale, Neyerma, Suarez, Modric and so on.

If the team is poor, his foresight will be of little significance, and many players will not be able to compete if they are interested.

Dad is a little imaginary.

Let him go out alone to approach the giant clubs in the Premier League. He is worried that he will be cheated by the British.

Zhou Buqi was a little amused, and waved his hand, "It's okay, let's watch the Olympics first. After the Olympics are over, let's go to Europe for vacation together and talk about the club."

Then, he looked at his sister, "Nan Nan, are you an artificial beauty now?"

Zhou Nan pouted, and said vaguely, "No way, I didn't use the knife."

Dad glared at her, and stared at her sternly, "You should be what you look like, if you dare to use a knife on your face, your legs will be broken!"

Zhou Nan rolled his eyes.

She is going to study at Nortel soon, and she has her teeth done during this summer vacation. In fact, her teeth were very white and neat before. However, it is still a bit worse than all-ceramic teeth.

In one summer, 12 all-ceramic teeth were made, which cost more than 2 million.

More expensive than gold teeth.

Now that Zhou Nan has grown up, he has followed the example of his sisters-in-law and started to control his appetite. Putting down his chopsticks, he asked softly, "Brother, I want to ask you something."


"I have a friend. The dress she wears is ugly every time. Should I tell her? I did, because I'm afraid she will feel uncomfortable. If I don't, I won't be able to pass it."

"Eh?" Zhou Buqi's eyes lit up and he smiled, "Nan Nan has grown up."

Zhou Nan rolled him a blank look.

Zhou Buqi looked to the side, "Linlin, if it were you, what would you do?"

Shi Jinglin said softly, "I won't say."


"What do you say about this kind of thing? What do you say? Whether the clothes look good or not is a subjective judgment. There is an implicit distinction here. When you say she is ugly, the meaning behind it is that you are worse than her in aesthetics, and she is not as good as her." You. How do you determine this? Why do you think her aesthetics is not as good as yours? Could it be that your own aesthetics is too poor to appreciate the beauty of her skirts? You are not a master in the clothing industry, and your cognition cannot represent it This industry can only represent yourself.”

Zhou Nan blinked a few times, said "Oh", and said weakly, "But... But my family is rich, and I have worn world-famous brands since I was a child, so I should have more aesthetic ability than her, right?"

Shi Jinglin shook her head lightly, "Even so, I won't say anything. If it's the two of us, you can say whatever you want, I'm your sister..."

Zhou Nan smiled and said, "It's my sister-in-law!"

"Well, this relationship can't be broken, and it doesn't matter if you speak freely. But the most important thing in getting along with friends is equality, and no one is superior to the other. If you express your superiority everywhere in words, then They are not friends anymore. Especially when our family is in such a good condition, when we get along with friends outside, we must pay special attention, be humble and low-key, and restrained. Maybe if you say something casually, others will mistakenly think that you are showing off."

"No, I never talk about family affairs outside, and no one knows that my brother is Zhou Buqi."

Zhou Nan was laughing and joking.

Zhou Buqi attaches great importance to this question, because on a larger scale, this question is the same multiple-choice question as whether he should be a gatekeeper for a pig farm.

"I think it's okay to say it or not."


Zhou Nan was slightly taken aback.

Zhou Buqi said: "The Analects of Confucius said that Confucius asked about everything when he entered the Taimiao. It probably means that Confucius was an expert in sacrifice, and he knew everything. But every time he went to a sacrifice place, he had to be careful about everything. Seriously ask, what is this rule and what is that rule. Every circle has many etiquettes and rules, and these etiquettes and rules are changing with the times. What is the origin of etiquette? In my opinion, it is honesty. .”

Zhou Nan almost fainted.

What is inexplicable?

Zhou Buqi went on to say: "Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism extended this and put forward 'respect for everything'. You should have respect for everything. For example, when you travel to a certain country, do you have respect in your heart? Do you respect others? You think your friend’s dress is ugly, you can ask first to understand the other party’s aesthetic standards, what if she is really negligent? Ask everything with respect.”

Zhou Nan was confused and said "oh".

Zhou Buqi glanced at her and said calmly: "The same principle applies to any aspect. We all know that there are many scandals in the entertainment industry. If you want to be an actor, you must first have a good understanding of this industry and this job." Respect. Respect a job, whether it is unspoken rules or explicit rules, you must have this sincerity in it. Otherwise, even if your sister-in-law can protect you and prevent you from being bullied in this circle, it will be difficult for you to work in this circle. stand out from the crowd in the industry.”

Zhou Nan tentatively said, "That is to say, as long as I can maintain my sincerity, my respect for others, and a clear conscience, no matter what I choose?"

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Theoretically, if you are so sincere, and the other party gets angry and alienates you, it means that this person is not worthy to be friends with you at all."

Shi Jinglin snorted, "Nan Nan, don't listen to your brother. If sincerity is useful, how can there be so many mercenaries? If your brother is so sincere, can you really..."

Halfway through the conversation, it stopped abruptly.

In the evening, Zhou Buqi briefly processed the documents in the study, and then was called by Shi Jinglin to take a bath.

"Huh? Just you?"

"Baoshan just left."

"How did she leave? Was she scared away by you?"

Shi Jinglin gave him a white look, "She went to tell Aunt Xue about the beauty salon."

Zhou Buqi got into the bathtub, soaked with her for a while, and asked: "During the meal, you hesitated to speak, what do you want to say?"

Shi Jinglin pinched his hands that were flailing on her body, and said angrily: "Sincereness and interests are bound together. In this environment, how can there be absolute sincerity? Especially in the entertainment industry, don't put Nannan Education is stupid and sweet."

After a pause, she said frankly: "I will follow you willingly, not because of your sincerity, but because of your strength. I believe Teacher Wen and Baoshan are similar. In this age , Self-interest is much more important than sincerity.”

Zhou Buqi was unhappy.

Shi Jinglin smiled sweetly, "You should be happy."


"Sincerity can be changed, but interests won't. As long as your strength is strong enough and your interests are big enough, no one will betray you. It doesn't matter if there are ten or twenty of you, everyone will turn a blind eye. The more the better."

"The more the better?"


"I worked hard in the front, and you picked up the ready-made bargains behind me? Well done Shi Jinglin, it turns out that you are the one who hides the deepest!"

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