Top of the big era

Chapter 1119 Integrating the industrial chain

At this time, Zhou Buqi already understood what Shi Yuzhu meant.

He hoped that he could give some strategic advice to his younger brothers back then, so as to prevent them from making detours.

It's no problem to do technology research and development and technology upgrades. In the early 1990s, he led a technology team and invested hundreds of millions in research and development.

The key is, what is the direction of research and development?

It would be a pity to go the wrong way.

For an enterprise, surviving is the most important thing, and the reliance on surviving is the choice of enterprise strategy.

In the end is to study resistive screen or capacitive screen? Is it to study fingerprint unlocking or voiceprint unlocking? Are you researching 3g chips or 4g chips?

This strategic choice is a matter of life and death, and it is the most difficult.

Many scientific research institutions have been criticized for spending large sums of money from the state, but as a result, research and development have not been carried out. There are a lot of research results, but few of them are really useful.

Because the selection of scientific research topics is often dominated by scientists, they see more technological trends. The judgment of the market and the understanding and analysis of user behavior still have to be led by discerning entrepreneurs.

For some low-end mobile phone components, the technical level of those companies is sufficient. For example, fingerprint unlocking has been popular for 20 years. It is nothing more than simplifying and improving the technology and using it on mobile terminals.

The difficulty is who will tell them that there will be a market for fingerprint unlocking in the future, and who will guide them to do research in this direction.

If it's Silicon Valley, fine.

Technology companies are everywhere, and angel investors are everywhere. If there is a good project, it is easy to get money and start working. If you choose the wrong direction, your business will fail. However, if dozens or hundreds of projects of the same type are thrown at the same time, they can always vote for one, and then jump up and become a giant company.

Ten years later, the country will also have such economic strength and talent pool, so we can do the same. A complete set of mid-to-low-end industrial chain systems can be quickly created, including mobile phones, tablet computers, photovoltaics, the Internet of Things, robots, smart cars, and so on.

But not yet.

Especially under the economic crisis, every company walks cautiously, for fear of making mistakes and dying.

It can be seen from this that Boss Shi has a sense of loyalty in the world. When his former subordinates are in trouble, he can pull down his face and plead for mercy, begging Zhou Buqi for help.

Shi Yuzhu jokingly said: "You can't be so stingy, can you? You have such a sensitive business sense, but you just want to hide it and don't want to share it with them?"

"What's that called?" Zhou Buqi shook his head, "Do you think I'm that kind of person? Helping others is helping yourself. The common progress of the entire industrial chain can make the domestic mobile phone manufacturing industry flourish."

Shi Yuzhu praised: "I knew it, this is what I admire most about you, the big picture!"

Zhou Buqi laughed and said: "However, do you just trust me? I am in the Internet industry. If you ask me about the future prospects of the Internet, we can still talk about it. You ask me to give advice on the upstream supply chain of mobile phones. What should I do if I lead the wrong way?"

Shi Yuzhu said: "How can there be a 100% chance of this kind of thing? It's nothing more than assigning tasks to them according to the design requirements of your mobile phones. If they successfully develop and complete the tasks, they can get orders and make the company bigger. You also There is no need to go abroad to purchase, and directly use domestic related components, which can also save costs. It is a good thing that both parties benefit from cooperation.”

Zhou Buqi nodded and asked, "How many companies do you have?"

Shi Yuzhu said: "More than a dozen."

"Damn it!" Zhou Buqi was stunned, "How much? More than a dozen? All of them provide spare parts for mobile phones?"

Shi Yuzhu glanced at him, speaking quite arrogantly, "Are there many? Now all mobile phones in the world are produced domestically. Except for some high-end phones, aren't all the parts and accessories for mid- and low-end mobile phones provided domestically? Aren't they all produced in China when we grow up?" Procurement in the Triangle area? My giant technology back then produced Chinese cards, typewriters, computers, cash registers, and fax machines, all of which are in a large industrial chain.”

Zhou Buqi shook his head again and again, "This won't work. The country needs to raise a group of powerful mobile phone component suppliers as soon as possible. If there are too many and scattered, the risks can be shared equally, but the hard power will be weak. We must concentrate our efforts on big things."

Shi Yuzhu raised his eyebrows, "Want to integrate?"

Zhou Buqi said in a deep voice: "It must be integrated! Integrate the technology and talents of the same type of enterprises to create 8-10 component suppliers that are internationally competitive!"

Ten years later, a large number of fragmented suppliers in the era of functional phones and counterfeit phones in China have undergone market-oriented integration, and the survival of the fittest has left a group of suppliers that provide mid-to-low-end components that are very advanced in the world. Suppliers, such as Goodix Technology, Luxshare Precision, OFILM, Tongxingda, etc.

With the guarantee of the most powerful and rich supply chain system, domestic mobile phones have a great market position in the world. Among the global mobile phone companies, apart from Apple and Samsung, only domestic mobile phone companies are qualified to survive in this red sea. The curtain is over for Huawei, and Xiaomi and OV are on the way to overseas markets.

Including photovoltaics, electric vehicles and other fields, similar to mobile phones, with a strong, supporting and complete supply chain system, you can have sufficient market dominance.

However, that was ten years later.

At present, the domestic mobile phone supply chain system is still chaotic and complicated. Anyway, it is supplying low-end feature phones and counterfeit phones. The technical difficulty is very low, and it is a fortune to make a fortune.

From this level, the economic crisis is also a good thing.

If there was no economic crisis, they would still be content with orders for feature phones and counterfeit phones, without any sense of crisis. With the financial crisis, the orders in hand have dropped sharply, and with the pressure of survival, we will find alternative ways.

Shi Yuzhu heard the meaning of Zhou Buqi's words, and was a little surprised, "Create 8-10 companies? Do you want to spread across the country?"

Zhou Buqi glanced at him, and said angrily: "Since I have helped, of course I will help to the end. You can't just help your friends and ignore others, right?"

Shi Yuzhu twitched the corner of his mouth.

Sure enough, this kid is different from normal people.

"how do you want to do it?"

"Provide suggestions, and see if they accept it. If I accept it, I can provide a sum of money to help them carry out industrial upgrading and industrial integration, and propose some exact technical directions."

"Will you place an order?"


Shi Yuzhu was very surprised, "Aren't you making high-end phones?"

Zhou Buqi said: "The price of high-end phones is too high. The price of parallel imports of iPhones in China is more than 6,000, which is still a castrated version. How can ordinary consumers afford it? Smart phones are a new thing, young people and college students It is the main consumer group, and it is necessary to create relatively cheap smart phones for them."

Shi Yuzhu nodded approvingly, "So the focus is on cultivating suppliers for low-end machines?"

Zhou Buqi said: "It's not for low-end machines, but their technical level can only provide components for low-end machines in the short term. But it's too soon. I don't think it will take six or seven years to have a new look. 70%-80% of the components can also be localized."

Shi Yuzhu was very impressed.

He had never even thought about such a thing. This kid not only wants to build an international mobile phone manufacturing company, but also builds a complete supply chain system for the mobile phone industry with international competitiveness.

What the giant is doing now is Internet technology, and it no longer does hardware technology.

However, Giant Network is only a subsidiary of Giant Group, which also has a real estate business, and it will go to Changbai Mountain with Wanda to build a resort.

Participating in the construction of the mobile phone supply chain system is also within the scope of giant's investment.

Ten years ago, Giant was the leader in this industry.

Now, Shi Yuzhu looks at the energetic young man Zhou Buqi, and suddenly sees himself when he was young, full of ambition.

"You want to pick some good supplier companies to invest in?"


Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows, and vaguely heard something, "What? You want to participate too?"

Shi Yuzhu nodded, "I think this is a big deal."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Okay, let's do it together when the time comes! Aren't many of your subordinates working in this industry back then, it just so happened that you came forward to sort this matter out."

Shi Yuzhu took a deep breath, a little impatiently asked, "When will we do it?"

Zhou Buqi said: "I waited for the money to come back from the United States."

Mentioning this, Shi Yuzhu was very happy, stretched out 4 fingers, and lowered his voice, "That's the number! An increase of 40%!"

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "It's not normal for the investment project I selected to make money? Look at it, this is just the beginning. When the money is recovered, we will start working on it."

Then, he joked: "I'm not very familiar with the field of hardware. You are not a great scientist. You are a Chinese card maker and a Chinese software maker. You can check both software and hardware."

Shi Yuzhu waved his hand and said seriously: "I think you can organize a chamber of commerce."

"What chamber of commerce?"

"Isn't this popular now, what about Jiangnan Club and Jiangbei Club."

Zhou Buqi immediately refused, "Bring it down, I can't set up a Northeast Association, can I? There are no entrepreneurs in the Northeast."

Wanda and Ziweixing are from the Northeast, but they are no longer entrepreneurs in the Northeast, but based on the national market in the capital.

Shi Yuzhu said with a smile: "You can not divide by region, but by industry. Your mobile phone orders come from all over the world, and you want to plan and integrate the domestic mobile phone supply chain system. You can gather people in this industry to make A mobile phone industry chamber of commerce..."

"Don't give me bad ideas!"


"You still think my influence is small? I don't want to be guilty."

Shi Yuzhu was slightly taken aback.

Zhou Buqi looked indifferent, "Do you think I'm young and don't understand history? I understand not only modern history, but also ancient history. I read "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" every day, and I understand it more deeply than you."

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