Top of the big era

Chapter 1114 Arrears of money owed to suppliers

Zhou Buqi originally thought that he would take Ning Yameng back in the afternoon.

We've known each other for such a long time.

The relationship is also warming up little by little, the fire is almost ready, and it's time to start.

Ning Yameng disagreed with everything.

With Wu Yu by his side, Zhou Buqi couldn't be too reluctant. Next time, he had to find a chance to ask her out alone and try to win in one fell swoop. Walk the two of them back to the company.

Walking to the gate of the factory area, I saw a very eye-catching sports car, an orange Lamborghini, which can be seen from a long distance.

Zhou Buqi frowned and asked Wu Yu, "Is this your car?"

"It's not mine. I just drive a BMW x6. I'm very low-key now." Wu Yu snorted lightly, with a half-smile on his face, "This belongs to Sister Yameng."

Zhou Buqi was stunned for a moment, then looked at the embarrassed Ning Yameng, "Your car? Did your sister buy it for you?"

Ning Yameng blushed and said, "No way, I don't even have a certificate."

"Then what's going on?"

"There are bad guys."


Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows.

Wu Yu took his arm with a smile, and said gloatingly: "Someone is chasing him, it seems to be some kind of rich second generation, quite rich."

Ning Yameng said helplessly: "One time I went to see an art exhibition, and I was stalked. Then I followed all the way, and found the company. I told him not to come to me, and he still stalked me. Smash."

At this time, I saw the Lamborghini Ghost in front, the door opened like scissors, it was extremely cool, a man wearing sunglasses came down very smartly, held the door with one hand, and made a pose that he thought was very cool. Cool styling.

Zhou Buqi almost died of anger.

This person is in his thirties at least, and he looks like a young man who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth. He looks like a good-for-nothing guy.

"Is he the rich second generation?"

"It seems that the family seems to be engaged in real estate."

Ning Yameng's voice was weak, like a child making mistakes.

"As long as it's for business, it's easy to handle." Zhou Buqi snorted coldly, turned around and waved to a few bodyguards who were a dozen steps behind him, and said in a deep voice, "Go get that kid for me." come over!"

On the other side, the man in the sunglasses was also alert, frightened, and wanted to hide in the car and slip away quickly.

But how can he be the opponent of the vigorous bodyguard?

"Hey, what are you doing? Who are you..."

Then, like a chicken pecking at rice, it was lifted out and screamed.

The head of the bodyguard, Lao Luo, slapped his face when he went up, let out a "slap", and shouted in a deep voice, "Shut up!"

Wu Yu hugged Zhou Buqi's arm tightly, a little scared and a little excited. Ning Yameng was stunned, became timid, and said in a trembling voice: "Brother-in-law, don't...don't hit people."

"Don't be afraid, get in the car."

Zhou Buqi was also afraid of a fight, so he came to his car today and told them to hide in the car.

"Big...Brother, if you have something to say, speak up."

This person was in his thirties, his bones were as soft as noodles, his neck was grabbed by someone, he was trembling, and he didn't dare to breathe.

Zhou Buqi didn't bother to play tricks with this kind of small character, but this kind of rich second generation, if they don't show some color, they will easily push their noses in the face, and they will keep harassing Ning Yameng in the future.

"What's your name?"

"Li Liang."

"Do you know why I called you here?"

"I know... I know, brother, I was wrong, I didn't know Miss Ning was your woman... I will never dare again..."

The attitude is extremely humble, and he keeps begging for mercy.

The slap just now seemed heavy, and half of his face was swollen.

Zhou Buqi was relatively indifferent, "Is your family in business?"

"Yes, the real estate business is the chairman of Jianqiang Group. Big brother, if you let me go this time, I will give you 1 million as an apology later, okay? Or, or 2 million!"

This kid looked like an idiot.

Zhou Buqi frowned, it was hard to deal with it. The more stupid you are, the more you don't know the severity. It would be easy for a smart person to tell the difference between gains and losses.

"Your family is rich?"

"Rich! Rich! Just ask how much money you want!"

Zhou Buqi pondered for a while, then continued to let the bodyguards hold him down, and made a phone call in front of him, "Old Feng, there is a Jianqiang Group that deals in real estate, do you know that? ... Oh, wait a minute .”

Zhou Buqi looked at the rich second generation in front of him, "Your father's name is Li Jianwei?"

Li Liang was stunned for a moment, a little distracted, "How do you know? It hurts! Yes, my father is Li Jianwei, and my uncle is Li Jianqiang!"

At this time, Zhou Buqi said to the phone again: "Well, do me a favor and tell Boss Li to discipline his son and put his mind to the right place. If it doesn't work, he will send him abroad to harm foreigners. Every day Harass my girlfriend, if you find out next time, I will send him directly to the bureau."

After making a phone call, Zhou Buqi waved his hand, motioned the bodyguard to let go of him, and said coldly: "Okay, get out. Don't know how much money the family has. Let me find out again, call Break your leg! Go away!"

The matter was handled very simply, and Li Liang was sent away. Zhou Buqi got into the car and said helplessly: "The real estate industry is too hot. Anyone with five or six people can make a fortune in this industry." Pen."

Wu Yu patted Bai Nen's little hand, "Honey, you're so handsome!"

Zhou Buqi said: "If I didn't provoke you, I wouldn't bother to talk to him."

Wu Yu smiled and said, "You didn't provoke me, you provoked her."

Ning Yameng next to her blushed, she was a little bit shy, and said softly and delicately, "Brother-in-law, I have caused you trouble."

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "What's this called? You are mine. That's all, let's go to work."

After the two of them got out of the car, Zhou Buqi rolled down the window and shouted to his back: "Ya Meng, come here!"

Ning Yameng turned around and leaned over to the car window, "Brother-in-law, what's the matter?"

Zhou Buqi whispered: "Why don't you ask for leave in the afternoon, and we will go to your house."

Ning Yameng shook her head again and again, "No way."

"Why? Don't you want to be nice to me?"

"No, no...don't let my sister find out."

"Your sister has to go to work in the afternoon, and she can only go back at night."

"That can be found."

"Huh?" Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows, vaguely understood something, and lowered his voice, "Ya Meng, tell me the truth, are you really a big girl?"

Ning Yameng's face turned red, but this time she didn't avoid the topic, she bit her lower lip tightly with her white teeth, and said "um".

"real or fake?"


Zhou Buqi took a deep look at her, feeling that what she was telling was telling the truth, coupled with some abnormal behaviors of the two sisters in the past, it might really be true, "Then another day? Find a time in the morning?"

Ning Yameng pursed her lips and let out a "hmm".

"Then see if you are free someday, please take a leave in the morning, I will send your sister away, and then sneak over to find you."


"That's all right?"



Ziwei Star CTO Shen Xiangyang officially succeeded Xu Liangjie and became the new chairman of the technical committee. Li Yinan joined Ziweixing's technical committee as one of the four vice-chairmen.

Then, Zhou Buqi personally came forward to extend a warm welcome to him, and participated in the first technical discussion of the new technical committee. The main direction of discussion is artificial intelligence and chip design, and the combination of the two.

This is a very long-term general direction.

It is also a world-class cutting-edge technical topic. Even in the United States, AI chips are still a small avant-garde direction. The big company that publicly stated that it will follow up AI chips is Nvidia.

Among domestic colleges and universities, only Tsinghua University and Peking University can keep up with this level of technical subjects. All the materials are in English, and just one language barrier can wipe out 99.9% of colleges and university students. This kind of material in English is incomprehensible even to eighth-level English majors, and even high-level translators are not good. Professionals who are proficient in English are required.

The plan is finalized.

Next, the technical committee will take the lead in docking with Tsinghua University to carry out further and deeper cooperation.

Regarding the technical direction of AI chips, there may be dozens or hundreds of kinds.

It would be almost impossible for Ziweixing to do projects and research in these directions. First of all, the salaries of Ziweixing's employees are too high. Secondly, Ziwei Star does not have so many professionals and talents in so many directions.

Many topics are not only computer knowledge and integrated circuit knowledge, but also mathematics, physics and communication engineering, involving all aspects, and it is a complete scientific and technological system.

The coverage of Ziweixing is not so comprehensive, only colleges and universities can do it.

Only by allowing colleges and universities to do research on similar topics can they combine talents in all fields. Moreover, the main researchers in universities are master's and doctoral students, with lower wages and less expenses.

With part of the money from the state and part of the money from Ziweixing, these cutting-edge topics can be established.

The professor team owns part of the copyright of the research results, the country owns part, and Ziwei Star owns part, which is the best distribution method.

At the meeting, Shen Xiangyang also suggested to give money to American Ivy League universities to fund American scientific research teams to do research. After the results are produced, Ziweixing can get part of the patent copyright.

For example, the multi-touch technology patent in Apple's hands was made by a team of professors in the university at the beginning, and was later bought by Apple at a high price after several twists and turns.

Zhou Buqi was more cautious and temporarily shelved the proposal.

Focus on investing in Tsinghua University first.

Do it first!

If Tsinghua can't do it, then look for foreign aid.

Ziweixing currently has limited funds, and it is not yet able to go abroad to spend too much money.

Of course, some money has to be paid.

Zhou Buqi accepted Zhou Shaoning's invitation and went to Asda Electronics to attend a strategic meeting. The situation was rather severe.

Too short of money!

Now, Astar has more than 7.5 million orders in its hands, and six operators around the world have joined in.

7 million orders, gratifying!

However, among the 7.5 million orders, only Japan's 1.8 million mobile phone orders can get a part of the advance payment in advance. Other orders are to get the goods first and pay later.

This is a common industry practice. Whether it is selling mobile phones, computers, air conditioners, or refrigerators, this model applies to both major and small appliances.

Not only operators are in arrears with mobile phone manufacturers, but mobile phone manufacturers will also be in arrears with suppliers, usually after 3-6 months.

However, the supplier can no longer afford it now.

The Aster Aster phone is a high-end phone.

Raw materials cost a whopping $240.

7.5 million mobile phones, the cost of each mobile phone is 240 US dollars, a total of 1.8 billion US dollars, more than 13.5 billion Huaxia coins!

However, there is only 1 billion yuan in the account of his own company.

what to do?

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