Top of the big era

Chapter 1113 The Same Routine

Wu Yu is also doing business now. The first batch of blind box hand-made manuscripts have come out. They are a group of heroes during the Chibi War, Zhou Yu, Zhuge Liang, Guan Yu, Lu Meng, Zhang Fei, Liu Bei, Cao Cao, Cao Ren, Zhang Liao, Huang Gai, Pang Tong and others, including hidden figures, Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao and Sun Shangxiang.

Zhou Buqi felt that she should be educated.

Cognition is the core competitiveness of a person or a company, and profound cognition comes from reading, thinking and keen insight into society.

Wu Yu's current thinking is still a bit popular.

Zhou Buqi said: "When we do business, we must have self-knowledge. Know what you know and what you don't know. You haven't studied at Tsinghua University, done research, and haven't done detailed investigations. How dare you draw conclusions so arbitrarily after you’ve been there several times?”

Wu Yu pouted, blushing a little, "Isn't it right? Many people say that."

Zhou Buqi said: "There is a Duck effect in psychology. If you can't correctly recognize your own shortcomings, you will have cognitive biases, which will make you immersed in the illusory advantages created by yourself, and often overestimate your own shortcomings. I can't make an accurate judgment on one thing or one person because of my own ability level."


Wu Yu was a little depressed.

Ning Yameng was very curious, "Brother-in-law, do you think we made a wrong judgment?"

Zhou Buqi said: "It doesn't matter whether you are right or wrong. The important thing is to be self-aware and know how much you have. You know nothing about Tsinghua, how can you be so sure that you are Is your understanding of Tsinghua correct? How can you be sure that the media reports are true? Are you not skeptical at all?"

Wu Yu said angrily, "Honey, I know everything I want, what do I need from you? Why don't you tell me."

Zhou Buqi put down his chopsticks and explained: "This is a common phenomenon. Many people know very little about a field, but they don't know that they don't know, so they think they know everything, creating a false Confidence. With the growth of knowledge, some people realize that they don’t know a lot of things, they will lose their self-confidence and be full of doubts about everything. With the further growth of knowledge and more and more things they know, they can become a professional in this industry I am now an expert, and my confidence is back. Many times, experts are in the same state as novices, and they think they know everything about this field.”

Ning Yameng's eyes were sparkling, and she admired this brother-in-law very much, "Then what's going on with the Tsinghua phenomenon?"

"For example, there are two projects, under the premise that the external environment is the same, one has a return on investment of 200%, and the other has a return on investment of 100%, which one should I invest in?"

"It's high."

"That's the reason. The country's university is actually an investment, an investment in talents and an investment in the future. The university that contributes more will get more funds. Then let me ask you, which university in the country is from the country? Get the most money?"

"Tsinghua University and Peking University."

"So, the country's funds are so much in total, and good steel should be used wisely." Zhou Buqi paused, and said angrily: "Wu Yu, be serious, I will teach you how to do business!"

"Oh, I'm listening!"

Wu Yu put down his chopsticks and sat upright.

Zhou Buqi said: "It is impossible for us to know everything when we are a business boss. Let professional people do professional things. You don't have to pay attention to the process, only the results are enough. It doesn't matter if you don't understand Tsinghua, you can reflect on the results. Push. For example, if you make a blind box, you don’t understand how the production process is. It’s useless for you to follow the whole process. As long as you get an excellent product and the result in the end, that’s enough. Leading the team through the results is convincing , your work is also easy."

Wu Yu crisply said: "Well, I understand that the team is managed through results. But... Tsinghua's brain drain rate is indeed the highest?"

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "Wrong, Tsinghua's brain drain rate is the lowest."


Ning Yameng was stunned and couldn't believe it.

Wu Yu was also dumbfounded, and said kindly: "Honey, I know you like to brainwash me and make me listen to you obediently, but you...but you can't just talk nonsense, right?"

Zhou Buqi almost died of anger, "Who told you nonsense?"

Wu Yu curled her lips and said, "You said it yourself, 60% of Tsinghua graduates have gone abroad."

Zhou Buqi said: "I'm talking about the Department of Computer Science, which has a close cooperation with Ziweixing. I know it very well, but I don't know much about other colleges and majors."

"That's very representative, 60%!" Wu Yujiao snorted, "If we are in Beike, can 10 of them go abroad a year? Isn't this a brain drain?"

Zhou Buqi glanced at her indifferently, "Let me say one more thing, don't make self-righteous judgments about industries you don't understand."

Wu Yu said coquettishly, "I'm not discussing this with you."

Zhou Buqi said: "You may have no idea about Tsinghua University. I do the Internet, and I know it best. As far as the Department of Computer Science is concerned, the undergraduate level of Tsinghua University is at the same level as the doctoral students of Beike University."


Wu Yumei's eyes widened in surprise.

Zhou Buqi said: "I haven't checked the specific data, but I still know the general direction. Suppose there are 100 people in the computer department of the two schools. After graduation, 60 graduates of Tsinghua University will go abroad. Brain drain The rate is 60%. 10 graduates of Beike have gone abroad, and the brain drain rate is 10%?"

"Isn't it?"

Wu Yu and Ning Yameng looked at each other, both a little strange.

10 divided by 100 is 10%.

Zhou Buqi said lightly: "When comparing, it must be placed under the same standard and under the same system. According to the same talent standard, Tsinghua University can train 100 talents, and Beike can train up to 5 talents among the 100 people. .If 10 people go abroad, the brain drain rate will be as high as 200%.”


"Not every college student is a talent. Many people who have studied in key universities are destined to be ordinary people. They are white-collar or blue-collar, apply for civil servants, or do a very ordinary job. In terms of the turnover rate of graduates, Tsinghua University must be the highest. Yes. But when it comes to the rate of brain drain, that’s not a concept.”

Wu Yu nodded lightly, "Oh, that's right."

Zhou Buqi went on to say: "70% of Tsinghua's courses are taught in English, which is to cultivate international talents with an international perspective. Ziweixing needs such people if it wants to become a large international company. In contrast, other College students are more likely to do some basic work, and they are not far behind on international cutting-edge topics.”

Wu Yu said with a smile, "Honey, I understand everything."

Ning Yameng hesitated for a while, and said tentatively: "Brother-in-law, you are so confident, how can you be sure that this is not a cognitive bias caused by the environment you are in that is closely related to Tsinghua University?"

"Good question!" Zhou Buqi's eyes lit up, and he gave a thumbs up, "You are right, there will definitely be cognitive biases. The complexity of reality is so complicated that it is impossible to describe it in any theory or in any language." Inaccurate. It doesn’t matter if you are right or wrong, the key is to stay out of the flock and reject groupthink.”

Wu Yu was confused, "What do you mean?"

Zhou Buqi said: "You have to have different thinking and opinions from most people, so that you can rule them, instead of being coerced by them to follow the trend. You are the boss of the company, and you are in charge of 100 employees. If your thinking The cognition is the same as theirs, so why should you be the boss? They can’t do it? The blind box is not complicated. After they learn it, why don’t they jump out and do it alone? The most important thing is that you, the boss, have to be a little different from others. People are different attributes.”

"Then what if it's wrong?"

"If you make a mistake, correct it, and do it again with a different idea. Right or wrong is secondary. Your personality charm is reflected in the fact that you are different from most people. When your personal style and personality charm are established, even if you are wrong. Even if you go bankrupt, many people will follow you desperately and help you make a comeback. Great entrepreneurs must not rely on capital, money and social connections to buy people's hearts, but rely on their own unique shining points. You Look at Shi Jinglin's personality, let alone whether she is good or not, the key is to be different from others."

Wu Yu nodded again and again, "Well, I read in the book that great people are lonely and not understood by the world, it seems that I also want to be a lonely... ouch!"

Zhou Buqi reached out and knocked on her forehead, and said angrily: "It's still great, it would be great if you can figure out the blind box!"

Wu Yu curled her lips, "I'll ask Sister Lin to help me."

She had a little temper, and walked away angrily with her mouth puffed out, "I'm going to the bathroom!"

Ning Yameng's starry eyes flickered, and the eyes were full of brilliance, with a look of admiration on her face, "Brother-in-law, I understand why my sister followed you wholeheartedly."

Zhou Buqi smiled and asked, "Why?"

"You're different from everyone else."

"How much money?"


"A lot of women?"

"Hate it."

Ning Yameng rolled his eyes at him, a little coquettish and charming.

Zhou Buqi's heart moved slightly, and he felt that this sister-in-law was really beautiful, especially because she was wearing a white lady's shirt at work, with two buttons on the neckline, revealing a large expanse of fair and delicate skin, which was very attractive.

Ning Yameng blushed slightly, but she didn't hide it, she gritted her teeth and said, "It's because of this 'different' way of thinking that you have managed to catch up with so many girls."

Zhou Buqi thought she was talking about business affairs, but he didn't expect it to be about private life, so he hurriedly said, "Don't label me indiscriminately!"

Ning Yameng glanced back, lay down on the table, and whispered, "Brother-in-law, Miss Wu Yu told me that when you two fell in love, she was deceived and followed you."


Zhou Buqi almost got into trouble.


This senior sister Wu, dare to spout blood? Go home and beat her up!

Looking down again, um... the anger became even stronger.

However, this is not the anger of anger, but the anger of evil thoughts.

Ning Yameng quickly straightened up, rolled her eyes at him, and jokingly said, "Miss Wu Yu said that she was the school girl back then, and there were twenty or thirty boys chasing her. Those men kept writing love letters and sending flowers to her." Sending chocolates and fruits, and talking all kinds of sweet words. You are different. You scolded her when you came up, and you forced her to open a room on the first day you met. She was so scared that she almost called the police and always threatened She's going to beat her up. Then, she's taken by your charm."


"It turns out that you have the same routine for doing business and chasing girls, which is quite powerful."

"What a fart!" Zhou Buqi was exposed, and he was a little bit embarrassed, "You will follow me in a while!"

"Why go?"

"Let you experience your sister's happy life."

"Sure enough, the same routine."

Some time ago, Ning Yameng might have been annoyed, but not this time, she pursed her lips and smiled, a little playful.

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