Top of the big era

Chapter 1108 No need to add oil and vinegar

Teacher Han Yan and Teacher Chen Yan have come to the capital, and Zhou Buqi always wants to do some landlord friendship, such as going to Wangfujing, visiting the Bird's Nest, and going to the famous Diaoyutai State Guesthouse for dinner.

In fact, it's not that expensive. A set meal for one person costs only a few hundred dollars, which is affordable by ordinary people. The key is that the state banquet is so famous that ordinary people are afraid to eat it.

"You two will live here at night. I just finished the laser surgery. It doesn't make sense for me to stay, so I won't accompany you."

"Well, I've been out for a few days, and spend more time with my family. The family is the most important thing. It's understandable to play occasionally, don't put the cart before the horse."

Han Yan advised him softly, it was really a bit of the teacher's earnest teaching to the students, I hope he can learn well with a positive attitude. She didn't realize at all that a playful Boss Zhou was more in her interest.

Zhou Buqi smiled and waved his hands, "By the way, how about laser surgery? Does it really hurt?"

Han Yan pursed her lips and said, "Fortunately, it's just a little itchy."

Chen Yan nodded slightly, and analyzed: "Well, it should be a very slight pain on the hair follicles. When they are connected together, they become itchy."

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "I think you can teach not only history and Chinese, but also biology."

At this time, a text message came.

This is his personal mobile phone, most people don't send text messages casually, Zhou Buqi looked down, it was Aunt Xue's message: "I'm home from get off work, where are you?"

Zhou Buqi called her back, "Auntie, I'm having dinner with Teacher Han and Teacher Chen outside, what's the matter?"

Aunt Xue said: "There is no one at home now."

"Huh?" Zhou Buqi was a little surprised, "What's wrong with no one? Did you lose something?"

There was a slight silence on the other end of the phone, and then Aunt Xue said slowly: "Would you like to come back for a swim while none of them come back?"

Zhou Buqi couldn't help but laugh, "Aunt Xue, you are exaggerating too much. It's just swimming, and it's not something shameful. Come back when you come back?"

Aunt Xue said angrily, "You're sorry, but I'm sorry!"

Zhou Buqi said: "Why are you embarrassed? It's fine, we both agreed, don't worry, let's swim together when I go back."

Hanging up the phone here, Zhou Buqi asked again: "Mr. Han, when are you going back?"

Han Yan said softly: "As soon as possible, I think... the day after tomorrow."

"So fast?"

Zhou Buqi frowned.

Han Yan bit her lip, "Well, the child is still young, so I can't leave for too long."

There is a mop bottle, it is very helpless.

Zhou Buqi sighed and said: "If you want me to say, you should leave. I will find a relationship for you and start a lawsuit for you. I guarantee that the child will be with you."

"Really?" Han Yan's eyes lit up, she looked very excited, "Master, is this really possible?"

Zhou Buqi felt deeply that "mother is just like son".

Han Yan is different from Chen Yan.

It doesn't matter to Chen Yan, no matter what time or occasion it is, it doesn't even matter if there are outsiders present, he can freely call Zhou Buqi his master. Han Yan is different. Except for flirting when making out, she seldom calls it that way at ordinary times, which is embarrassing.

This time, she heard that Boss Zhou could help her with the things she cared about the most, so she just ignored her.

Zhou Buqi asked strangely: "Didn't you say that your guy is living with other women outside and has a new family? Also, wasn't he arrested and relegated to other places before?"


"Isn't that enough? He cheated in marriage. He's the one at fault. Isn't it natural that the child be awarded to you?"

"But his family has something to do with it."


Zhou Buqi sneered.

Chen Yan smiled lightly and said, "Sister Han Yan, what is the status of our master? The relationship with your mother-in-law's family is useless at all. This is not a problem at all. It depends on whether you want to divorce or not."

Han Yan is a relatively traditional woman who cares most about her children.

Moreover, she is still married. Although her husband is messing around outside and has been separated for two years, she has self-discipline and feels that she has a relationship with other men in her marriage, so she will feel guilty.

She also sort of figured it out now.

As long as the child can follow him, divorce is the best choice, a double relief both physically and mentally, and he can feel at ease like Chen Yan in the future.

Han Yan took a deep breath, gritted her teeth and said, "Master, as long as you can help me snatch the child back, I... I will divorce."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "Okay, let's do this. I'll call the city bureau later, it's a trivial matter. Mmm...Mr. Chen, you can go back to the Northeast with Mr. Han."

"Ah?" Chen Yan said reluctantly, "I want to stay with you in the capital for a few more days."

Zhou Buqi said: "I'm on a business trip for several days, and there are a lot of things in the company. In this way, you go back to the northeast and look at the house. Choose the most upscale residential area, even the flat floor."

Chen Yan's beautiful eyes flickered slightly, she was extremely pleasantly surprised, "Master, do you want to buy me a house?"

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Well, buy two sets, next to each other, you and Mr. Han have one set. Hurry up and finish this matter. Then it's not summer vacation, you hurry to sign up for a class and learn to drive. Teacher Han, you go to learn too. Later, I will buy cars for both of you, so it will be convenient for you to go to work. "

"Master, it's so kind of you. I finally know what it's like to be a sugar daddy." Chen Yan was not reserved at all, she got up and walked over, leaned over and kissed Zhou Buqi's left cheek, and said tenderly, "Thank you, master." .”

Zhou Buqi looked at Han Yan and pointed to the face on the right.

Han Yan glanced at the door of the box, also like Chen Yan, came over and leaned over, kissed him on the right cheek, and said softly, "Thank you, master."

After the big meal, Zhou Buqi took them upstairs, looked at the room, and checked the situation of their laser surgery. The effect was very good and he was very satisfied. He also told them not to take a bath, and to be careful when taking a bath, so as not to get infected.

Then, go home.

Put on swimming trunks and swim in the indoor swimming pool at home with Aunt Xue.

Just swimming.

Exercising, like running, is the best way to exercise. That is to say, Aunt Xue thought too much and worried too much.

After swimming a few times, Zhou Buqi sat by the pool with Aunt Xue and had a brief chat about the operation of the beauty salon.

And then it's time to leave.

"By the way, Auntie, your figure is so well maintained, your skin is so delicate and white, teach Baoshan and the others more when you have time."


Aunt Xue rolled her eyes with a look of anger.

Zhou Buqi looked strange, "Why are you staring at me?"

Aunt Xue snorted softly, "Satisfied now?"

Zhou Buqi was even more surprised, "What am I satisfied with?"

Aunt Xue gave him another hard look, got up, wrapped herself in a bath towel, put on slippers, and went downstairs to change.

The next day, Zhou Buqi went to the company.

Meet He Yang first.

No way, now Zhou Buqi is no longer a college student, but a member of society. Invitations to various science and technology forums came, as well as invitations to speeches from many ministries and commissions, as well as interviews with the media.

What should be done?

Zhou Buqi didn't want to make too much noise.

But it's too low-key.

Ziweixing's business has grown so big, and its Internet business has already expanded to the Japanese market, and it has done well, much better than Baidu. There are millions of orders for mobile phones, which are exported to Europe and the United States.

During the period of the Olympic Games, an atmosphere of the advent of a prosperous age, the rise of great powers, and the celebration of all nations should be created in the country.

There are quite a few entrepreneurs in China, but there are not many entrepreneurs with international reputation, except for Boss Ma, who is Zhou Buqi.

At this juncture, Zhou Buqi has the responsibility to appear in the public eye on behalf of the spokesperson of the domestic technology industry, and to boost the national sentiment of the people across the country.

After some discussion, I decided to choose three newspapers to accept their interviews, namely "Entrepreneur Magazine", "Business Weekly Chinese Edition" and "Southern People".

The so-called interviews should not only focus on Zhou Buqi, but also include some senior executives and grassroots employees of Ziwei Star. There are both horizontal and vertical reports, so that the content of the report is three-dimensional.

Zhou Buqi will set aside an hour to meet with reporters from three media outlets and accept a 20-minute exclusive interview with each reporter.

After the plan was finalized, Zhou Buqi's mood became turbulent.

It will be open to the public in the future, and risks and opportunities coexist.

If given a choice, Zhou Buqi would rather not have this opportunity than take the risk. With his foresight, he didn't need the extra assistance of this kind of social influence at all.

"Boss, Professor Han is here."

"Oh? Let him come over."

At this time, Professor Han Leshui walked into Zhou Buqi's office with a thick stack of materials, and said with a smile: "The writing is finished, take time to read it."

"From "Flow to Flow Pool"?"


"Well, this is a very advanced Internet thinking. It is necessary to publish the book to help more entrepreneurs open up their entrepreneurial ideas, and use domestic...huh?"

Zhou Buqi took the typewritten manuscript and couldn't help being taken aback.

The title of the book is "From Flow to Flow Pool".

There is also a subtitle below, "The Road to Success of Ziwei Star's Rise".

This is all normal.

But the author column is different.

Author: Zhou Buqi!

At this moment, Zhou Buqi frowned, "Professor Han, what do you mean? This is the book you wrote?"

Han Leshui said with a smile: "I was a ghostwriter. The business cases here, as well as a lot of Internet thinking, all come from you. I just extracted the essence of your many speeches on different occasions, and summed up this set. New Internet business thinking."

Zhou Buqi didn't care about such a false name, "Professor Han, we are a private enterprise, and we don't play with the system. The book you write is written by you. Your point of view is your point of view. I don't need to rush people People’s research results put gold on their faces. I have put forward many ideas, but I have systematically summarized them from flow thinking to flow pool thinking. This is your research result.”

Han Leshui smiled and said, "That's it, there are two in the author column..."

"No need." Zhou Buqi waved his hand and resolutely refused, "Professor Han, let's not do this, I didn't write a single word in this book. The objective facts are good enough, we don't need to add embellishments."

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