Top of the big era

Chapter 1014 Consultant

With the exploration, research, revision and improvement in the early stage, the development path of YikYak has been determined.

Three major marketing directions: fan circle, two-dimensional and sports.

Three major traffic portals: Yahoo Japan, Ameba and UC Browser.

Ai Hui has already replied, as long as he pays 10 million yen, all 147 local artists under Ai Hui will come to YikYak to open accounts.

The average artist is less than 100,000 yen, which is really cheap.

The income of Japanese artists is much less than that of domestic stars.

The main reason is that Japan's entertainment industry is too developed and there are too many celebrities. According to statistics, one out of every 50 Japanese has received training as an entertainer and had the opportunity to become a star.

The streets are full of scouts.

Well, probably scouts for small movie actresses too.

With the help of Aihui, the next operation will be easy. Just go to other entertainment companies and contact them one by one, and invite their artists to join, Ai Hui is confident.

Li Yanhong has heard his general description and agrees with this idea, "However, I feel that you are in a hurry? The development idea you designed for YikYak is very good. Haste makes waste. I feel that you are in a hurry."


Zhou Buqi shook his head.

Of course he was in a hurry.

In June, the second-generation iPhone3g will be released.

In August, Softbank introduced it to the Japanese market.

Japan's network infrastructure is very good, and it can be one step ahead of the country to welcome the wave of mobile Internet.

This is what Zhou Buqi values ​​most. Hurry up to build the volume of YikYak and UC browser, which is equivalent to owning a traffic reservoir. For future App products, just open the gate and release water through YikYak to provide traffic.

Li Yanhong smiled and said, "How about we cooperate?"

Zhou Buqi glanced at him, "How to cooperate?"

Li Yanhong said: "You don't have a search business here, do you? Why don't you let Baidu provide search services to YikYak? And UC Browser."

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "It's late! I have already signed a series of strategic cooperation with Softbank and Yahoo Japan, and I want to use Yahoo to search. There is no way, this is a local snake, and it is not easy for a newcomer. You have to find a backer."

Li Yanhong nodded, expressing her understanding, and said half-jokingly: "Now I can use Yahoo. After a few years, Ziweixing Japan will gain a firm foothold and its business will develop. Shouldn't it be time for a decisive battle with Yahoo Japan?"

Zhou Buqi laughed, "No way! No way!"

Li Yanhong snorted, and said that when Ziweixing first started, Baidu also helped. As a result, the bastard boy turned around and bought Sogou, reorganized and upgraded it into Weidian Search.

"Where's Jingtao?"

Li Yanhong continued to ask, with a kind of inquisitive meaning.

Learning from experience, it is not easy to do business in overseas markets, you have to learn from each other and support your growth.

Zhou Buqi said: "This is more troublesome, it is difficult to achieve results in the short term, let's develop slowly. You can use YikYak to attract traffic, albums, photo albums, records in the fan circle, DVDs, game discs, and comic books in the two-dimensional circle."

Li Yanhong doesn't know much about the e-commerce situation in Japan, "Is it easy to do?"

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "It's easy to make money, but it's hard to make it big."

Li Yanhong suggested: "Don't be greedy. From the perspective of technology, service and innovation, we are better than Japan. Baidu has only been online for a few months, and it has defeated all local search engines. Among those local websites Therefore, the wider audience is due to preconceived ideas, resulting in user habits.”

Zhou Buqi smiled, "That's right."

Li Yanhong said: "But as the new generation of young people grow up, this is different. They don't have any user habits, and they will definitely choose better and more considerate products."


Zhou Buqi agrees.

Li Yanhong said: "The Internet in Japan has been completely kidnapped by operators. For example, Yahoo Japan and Rakuten Market, the two local giants, what are they doing after they start? They are all involved in broadband operations, and they want to provide users with broadband services. Bundle your own website. Domestic operators are very critical, and Japan is not much better.”

Zhou Buqi took it seriously, "That's right, their way of thinking is still too traditional. It is necessary to build an ecosystem. The ecosystem we build is all soft services, and they directly come to hard, forcing operators to communicate with the Internet. Product bundling. Isn’t the phone the same.”

Li Yanhong smiled and said: "The main reason is that private companies are not allowed to provide operator services in China, or we will do it too. This bundled model makes it easier to make money, and it is not easy to lose users, and it is more stable."

Zhou Buqi said: "There are advantages and disadvantages. It is precisely because of various domestic policy restrictions that Internet companies have burst into various weird business models. This is our advantage."

Li Yanhong nodded and said: "It can be regarded as turning disadvantages into advantages, technology, services and more advanced business models. In the short term, we may not be the opponent of local forces. If the timeline is extended, after five or ten years, then Not necessarily."

These words are still very reasonable.

In the current market, Google is not an opponent of Yahoo Japan; Amazon is not an opponent of Rakuten; nor is Facebook an opponent of Mixi.

In another ten years, Google will be the number one search platform in Japan; Amazon will rival Rakuten; and Facebook will become Japan's largest social networking site.

Japan's local website, the biggest advantage is the first-mover advantage and localized design. When foreign companies understand the local culture and a new generation of young people grow up, the local Internet pyramid will collapse.

The reason is the combination of operators and the Internet.

It is too easy to make money in this mode.

So much so that they don't want to innovate at all, and are constantly resisting the invasion of external forces to protect their own inherent interests.

However, once there is a gap, a breakthrough, the whole model will collapse.

This breakthrough is the iPhone.

As soon as the iPhone came out, it directly defeated the ten-year-old i-Mode Internet access mode created by Japan's largest operator NTT_Docomo.

iPhone is too suitable for Japanese people.

Jobs was originally a fan of Japanese aesthetics and a loyal fan of Akio Morita, the founder of Sony. The design concept of the iPhone is all Japanese aesthetics. This is a product tailored for Japanese users.

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "So, Baidu's business in Japan is also going to grow steadily and slowly?"

Li Yanhong said: "That's right, don't pursue profits within three years, and use the long term to catch big fish."


Zhou Buqi nodded.

It's a good plan, but it's better to change quickly. Baidu is outdated in the era of the mobile Internet and is struggling. Even if it can’t do well locally, how can it have the energy to do overseas business?

At noon, Zhou Buqi had lunch with Li Yanhong.

Li Yanhong also did him a big favor, "You are short of people here, I will introduce you to two, it will definitely work!"


Zhou Buqi's eyes lit up.

Li Yanhong smiled and said, "Actually, Mr. Nobuyuki Idei introduced me. You know Nobuyuki Idei, right? The former chairman of Sony."

"Well, you say."

"Baidu Japan was short of a person in charge, so I asked Nobuyuki Idei to introduce me. He mentioned three names. One was Shunichi Inoue, the vice president of Yahoo, and I had already recruited him. The other two were market-oriented, with Baidu The recent positioning does not match. But I have seen them all, and they are all excellent managers. YikYak has come up with a whole set of marketing plans, but there is a shortage of people who operate the market.”

Zhou Buqi was very happy, "Okay! I'm looking for a headhunter here, but I can't find anyone!"

Li Yanhong smiled and said, "It's okay. If you're interested, I'll contact Nobuyuki Idei and ask him to form a bureau. Just meet up. I don't need to talk about Nobuyuki Idei's status. Those juniors will seriously consider his suggestions."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Well, class."

"One is Shota Ikuta, the vice president of Rakuten Market, and the other is Katsuhei Kalai, the president of the Japanese branch of the Korean company NHH. Both of them are students of Nobuyuki Idei, and they both went out from Sony. He said a word, very Useful."

"Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome." Li Yanhong waved his hand, and suggested by the way, "If you want me to say, you can also invite Idei Nobuyuki to be the independent director of Ziwei Star Japan."


Zhou Buqi was slightly taken aback.

Li Yanhong said with a smile: "Don't be intimidated by the person's name. After he left Sony, he established a technology consulting company to provide some strategic advice for technology companies, as well as some help in terms of contacts and resources."

"How much is the consultation fee?"

"It's $3 million a year, he's worth it."

"Well, it's not too high." Zhou Buqi pondered for a while, and smiled, "Especially the introduction of two executives who are in the market, which is very important. It is better to hit the sun than to choose a date. Please contact me now. See if the old man is free, and visit him today."

In the blink of an eye, he made up his mind.

The two marketing executives happened to be Ziweixing Japan and Jingtao, one for each company. As for independent directors... There is no need for Ziweixing Japan. Let him go to Jingtao to make suggestions, and use his connections, status and social reputation in Japan to serve as a platform for Jingtao.

In the afternoon, Zhou Buqi took Tang Binchen, Chen Dong, and Li Yanhong to meet Idei Nobuzhi.

The old man is in his seventies this year, he looks particularly hale and hearty, and he responds quickly. His status in the Japanese business world, if he does not rank in the top five, the top ten is more than enough.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said that he wanted to buy a piece of land to build a headquarters building, a cloud computing data center, and a logistics warehouse.

Nobuyuki Idei readily agreed, and he was not polite, "The introduction fee is 100,000 US dollars."

Zhou Buqi laughed, "Deal!"

Then he said that he would invite Nobuyuki Idei to serve as the independent director of Jingtao, and he was very happy. Dili Dulu talked about Yi Da Tong, and talked about his relationship with China. There are many stories, and he has taken photos with many leaders. . He also said that he is not old yet, and can still shine in the technology industry, and can provide some experience in international operations.

It seems that after Sony took the blame and resigned, he was unwilling and wanted to prove himself all the time.


Good thing!

Underdogs will win!

Give you a chance to prove yourself, let’s do both Jingtao and Ziweixing Japan, this is your turnaround!

Zhou Buqi changed his mind and invited him to be a consultant to Ziweixing Japan.

"Two jobs, $5 million a year."

"no problem!"

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