Tokyo Literary Godfather

Chapter 303 Romance Novel

When Nanako Togata and Shinyo Ogata arrived home, it was not yet nine o'clock, and they randomly picked up TV series from other channels and started watching them.

"It's so boring." The two of them held their chins and watched for a while, and Ogata Shinyo said, "Comparing it, it feels a lot different from the Fukuyamadai drama."

This season Kei Fujiwara participated in four dramas of Fukuyama Station. Since his TV dramas have never failed, with the popularity of each drama, Kei Fujiwara's name has become almost universally known. Even some viewers who don’t pay much attention to the cultural world have heard of this name. And it left the impression that Kei Fujiwara’s works must be good-looking.

Therefore, when the fame of [Fukuyama Tsukiku] has risen, Fujiwara Kei's fame has also increased. Now, whenever a trailer for a new drama is broadcast, the words [Screenwriter: Fujiwara Kei] must be displayed in large characters to achieve a perfect advertising effect. .

The filmmakers of "White Night Walk" also discovered this, so they also deliberately mentioned the name of Kei Fujiwara, the original author, in the movie's promotional poster. His name was printed larger than the director's name on the poster.

Since Kei Fujiwara used a pseudonym when he published the novel, but used his real name when creating the TV series, the film producers changed the names of "Keita Shima" and "Keita Fujiwara" in order to attract both novel readers and TV series viewers to watch the movie. It's all written down. So much so that some people thought they were two people, and "White Night Walk" was a work co-authored by these two people.

Seeing that the hour hand was about to reach nine o'clock, Ogata Shinyo was worried that he would miss the plot, so he changed the channel in advance and sat in front of the TV to watch the five-minute commercial. Then, the familiar opening song sounded, and then the familiar The heroine is walking on the road holding a red umbrella.

Ogata Mayo suddenly became excited, casually placed a sofa pillow in his arms, and looked at it attentively.

Nanako Togata also watched it with her. She had actually watched this Yuejiu drama, but to be honest, she was not particularly interested in this trending drama type. He watched a few episodes of "Tokyo Cinderella" for Kei Fujiwara and found it quite interesting, so he followed it one episode a week.

Fanxing Channel and NBC have both produced trending dramas before, but I have to say that they are not as good as this one. Kei Fujiwara is still as always... so understanding of women. Could it be that he has a very rich emotional history?

Nanako Togata watched for a while, then ran to the kitchen to get some snacks, intending to eat and watch at the same time. She found Ogata Shinyo holding her face in her hands, staring at the TV screen with bright eyes, and her face was slightly flushed.

Nanako Togada was a little surprised that this guy Shinyo reacted like this... Is this show really so good?

Togata sat back on the sofa, eating fish fillets, and started reading again. Although she also thinks this drama is pretty good, she can't be as involved as Ogata Shinyo. Compared with this drama, she feels that Saturday's "Victory is Justice" is better. Whether it's the concept or the plot, the funny legal drama is the better one.

But Nanako Togada also knows that she cannot substitute her own preferences for everyone, especially when she became an author herself.

When Shinyo Ogata saw Togata Nanako bringing snacks, she stretched out her hand and threw pieces of plum cakes and dried squid into her mouth. When the TV series ended, she also burped and said, "It's so beautiful. , Mr. Fujiwara is really amazing.”

With that said, she put the pillow aside and continued: "Ito Makoto is really handsome, and the character Takagi Masashi he plays really fits my destiny... It would be great if I could meet my own Takagi Masashi sometime... …”

Togata Nanako nodded and did not answer.

This drama is indeed very popular, especially among female viewers. Many girls in the class discussed the plot collectively on Tuesday morning. "Victory is Justice" because it involves the collision of different legal concepts and has profound ideas, is often praised. Media and professional film critics discuss. However, the degree of discussion among the public, especially among female audiences, is that "Tokyo Cinderella" is higher.

The mission of trending dramas is to provide girls with love fantasies. If there are male viewers who also like this drama, that is great, but it doesn’t matter if there are not. Men are not the target group.

Therefore, the male characters in trend dramas are usually very charming, and they need to make the female audience fall in love with the male protagonist. Obviously, this drama successfully made Ogata Mayo feel in love, and even became a fan of the drama's male protagonist, Makoto Ito.

But Nanako Togada didn't have any troubles in her heart, and she even wanted to eat another grilled eel.

"I like Masashi Takagi, but some people also like the second male lead... Although the second male lead is also very handsome, Takagi-kun is my destiny..." Ogata Shinyo was still chattering, and suddenly turned to Ri Kada Nanako said: "By the way, Nanako, why don't you write a love novel? I think you can also write a story like "Tokyo Cinderella"."

"Hmm... But I haven't read many romance novels before." Nanako Togada said. She had always been a fan of mystery novels before. She read a lot of mystery novels, romance novels and shoujo comics, but instead read Not much.

"But the relationship between the hero and heroine in your novel is very well created. I think it's better than the reasoning part. Maybe Nanako has the talent to write romance novels."

Ogata Shinyo said, pointing to the TV: "This "Tokyo Cinderella" seems to have a new screenwriter involved. This drama seems to be the only drama written by Fujiwara Kei independently. Nanako, you are so talented, I think you can do it too. Then you can be like Mr. Fujiwara, writing novels and scripts at the same time... maybe you can become the female version of Kei Fujiwara?"

Togada Nanako didn't say anything, but her heart did become lively. Indeed, Ogata Shinyo was not the only one to say that her emotional drama was well written, presumably depicting and shaping the emotions between young men and women, but her reasoning was average.

Itagaki Kazuhiko once rated her work. Out of ten points, Togada Nanako's emotional description can be rated eight points, but the shaping of the conspiracy and the detailed description of the reasoning process can only be rated six points.

This also makes Togada Nanako quite helpless. In fact, her interest is obviously in reasoning, but her talent is in love plots...

Then why don't I try writing romance novels? Togata Nanako thought to herself.

Maybe... maybe there will be an opportunity to collaborate with Fujiwara-sensei in the future?

In the next two days, Togada Nanako bought a lot of romance novels and shojo comics and took them home, reading them one by one. At first I thought it was a bit routine and boring, but gradually I got into it and got some fun out of it.

However, compared to you and me, Togada Nanako still prefers the kind of self-destructive love in "White Night Walk" and "The Devotion of Suspect X".

At this moment, Togada Nanako suddenly thought of something, opened the drawer, and looked at the ticket for the premiere inside.

By the way, Fujiwara-sensei will also come on the day of the premiere, right?

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