Tokyo Literary Godfather

Chapter 302 Everywhere

Ogata Mayo brought several small plates to the table and asked Togata Nanako to taste them one by one.

The beef and potato stew just now did taste a bit strange, so Togada Nanako stopped eating it. She didn't want to eat a stomach full of strange-tasting things. Instead, he took a small spoon and scooped a little of the soup from each dish into his mouth.

But there was something strange about every bite.

"This fried pork cutlet is so sweet."

"Yes, I put maple syrup."

"This potato ball seems to be a bit smelly..."

“Because I mixed durian and banana in it.”

"This rice ball..."

"I made it with fried rice. Fried rice with sausage and green beans. And it had cheese in it."

Nanako Togata couldn't help it anymore, put the spoon next to the plate, looked at Ogata Mayo and said seriously: "Shenyo, do your parents know about your research on new dishes?"

"Humph, they went to the countryside and usually don't let me enter the kitchen alone. While they are away, I plan to launch my new dishes among some regular customers."

"...Your parents will scold you to death when they come back from the countryside..."

"These are all necessary costs for innovation. Nanako, you are also one of the costs."

Ogata Shinyo suddenly said with a straight face. It seemed that he was deliberately imitating the appearance of the dark and disabled male protagonist in the cartoon, and he almost said "The principle of alchemy is equivalent exchange".

"Oh, okay..." Togata Nanako sighed. She was really not optimistic about Ogata Mayo's new dishes. She can now imagine that after Ogata Mayo's parents came back from the countryside, Ogata Mayo called her in tears and asked to stay overnight at her home.

"By the way, is your novel about to be serialized? Are you going to publish a single volume?" Ogata Shinyo sat opposite Togada Nanako and asked rapidly: "Can you make a big fortune?" The writing fee for the pen?"

For the author, the income from the single volume is the bulk of the income. The manuscript fee given by the magazine during the serialization is not much. The money received from each issue is the income level of ordinary employees. The reason why writers can become a well-known high-income group in Japanese society cannot rely solely on this income.

"After the single volume is released, there will indeed be a royalties, but it may not necessarily be a large amount..." Nanako Togada said, "Mr. Itagaki said that my novel is expected to sell only 80,000 copies..."

"Wow, that's amazing. This is already a bestseller!"

"Hmm... I guess. But usually, the actual sales of books are less than the estimated sales... except for Fujiwara-sensei's works."

Itagaki Kazuhiko mentioned to her before that the initial sales volume of "White Night Journey" was only expected to be 150,000 copies. However, everyone knows the actual sales volume later, which is even a fraction of this number.

However, this is an extreme example and has no particular reference value.

However, if a new author's Virgo can sell 80,000 copies, it is already considered good. At the very least, it can ensure that the publishing house makes steady money and does not lose money.

The writer himself can also receive a considerable amount of royalties, which is almost 10 million yuan in pre-tax income. Even after paying high taxes (taxes on Japanese writers are very high, which is why some writers live abroad for a long time to collect stories), the remaining money is only one or two years' salary of ordinary workers.

As a college student who has not yet graduated, Togada Nanako can have her own best-selling works published and earn a lot of money. There is no problem in calling her a "talented woman".

This also makes many peers, including Ogata Mayo, envious, but Togata Nanako doesn't have any special feelings. Of course, it mainly has something to do with the fact that she is from a wealthy family. After all, the watch on her wrist is almost two years' salary for an ordinary person.

Writing a book is not about money, it’s about fun.

Stimulated by Togata Nanako, Ogata Mayo also had his own career ideal, which was to develop his own store and strive to become a national chain. It was for this reason that she began researching new dishes.

"Wait for me here for a while, and I'll make two new dishes for you to try..."

"What dishes..."

"The eel is fried in orange juice, it tastes very..."

Nanako Togata showed a rare sign of panic. She quickly stood up, grabbed Ogata Shinyo's wrist and pulled her back to her seat.

"Wait,, are you free the day after tomorrow in the afternoon?"

Ogata Shinyo blinked, "Yes, what's wrong?"

Nanako Togada quickly took out the two tickets to the premiere of "White Night Journey" that Itagaki Kazuhiko had given her before. "For the premiere of the movie "White Night Journey," the editor at the agency gave me two tickets. Let's go together then. Let's see."

"Wow, premiere! Can we see Arima Keika then?"

"It should be possible. The main creators will appear at the scene to interact with the audience and the media."

"Nanako, you are so great. Thank you for always thinking of me when you have good things!" Ogata Shinyo hugged Togata Nanako tightly, and then stuffed one of the tickets into his pocket.

"Wait for me here for fifteen minutes. I will repay Miss Togada's friendship with my carefully prepared dishes!"

After saying that, he ran towards the kitchen.

At night, Ogata Mayo came to Togata Nanako's house and slept with her. Today is Monday, and it's the day when the Tsukiji drama is broadcast.

Fortunately, there were not enough ingredients in the kitchen in the afternoon, and Ogata Mayo was unable to complete her innovative cooking. Togata Nanako escaped, and then she was forcefully dragged back to her home. Lest she continue to produce biochemical products in the kitchen.

When the two of them passed by a grilled eel shop, business was booming. There was a vertical poster at the door of the shop with a still from "The Lonely Gourmet".

This store was featured in "Lonely Gourmet" not long ago. As a result, the store's customer flow increased nearly five times the next day, with customers both inside and outside the store.

Nanako Togata also watched that program and was so greedy that her mouth watered naturally after seeing this store. So she and Ogata Shinyo queued for nearly two hours to buy two grilled items. eel.

"Excuse me, can you sell me your grilled eel? I'm willing to pay four times the price."

The two of them were carrying the grilled eel they had just bought, and when they were about to leave, a car on the roadside suddenly rolled down its window, and the man sitting in the driver's seat raised his head and said.

Togata Nanako was startled, and after she realized what she was doing, she declined the other party's request, and then left quickly with Ogata Shinyo.

Walking on the street, the streets are full of [Kono hair]. For every four girls I meet, there is one with the same hairstyle as Kono Aoi. This is one of the influences caused by the previous "Beautiful Life". Girls have adopted the same hairstyle as Aoi Kono. Even in the survey report "What kind of career do girls most want to fall in love with a boy?", haircuts were For the first time, teachers have become the top three most popular professions...

The two were walking on the street, chatting and looking around. They found that in addition to the ubiquitous [Kono Head] and the restaurant made famous by "The Lonely Gourmet", the society was full of various things related to Fujiwara Kei. popular elements.

For example, in any bookstore window, Kei Fujiwara's novels must be placed in one of the most conspicuous places, and the novel's promotional posters are also posted in the most conspicuous places outside the bookstore;

There is a poster of "Naoki Hansawa" posted outside a kendo gym not far away. Although the show was last season, its influence still exists. Many boys imitate Naoki Hansawa and learn kendo. There are 30% more young students;

Advertising posters for Kei Fujiwara's new dramas are posted on the billboards standing on the street. The four dramas created by him this year are all popular works. Topics about these four dramas accounted for almost 80% of the audience's discussions, and Fukuyama Station also There is a faint trend of reaching the top of the major TV stations. There is nothing the other five major citizens can do if they are in a hurry;

Outside the cinema, the theatrical version of "White Night Walk" has officially entered the advance promotion stage. The cold face of Arima Katsura and the character of Karasawa Yukio seem to be very compatible, which has satisfied many readers. Although it has not yet been officially released, the market's expectations for this movie seem to be high.

If you are not paying attention, you may not be able to observe it. Today, Kei Fujiwara’s influence seems to have become ubiquitous in society... and has even become an important part of contemporary Japanese pop culture.

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